My First Lover (Edited)

He decided he may just be able to trust the young woman, so he introduced himself, "My name is Chris Wiley, thank you for helping me with the fresh sheets and new clothes. What should I call you?" and with a large and sweet smile on her face she introduced herself "It is my pleasure; my name is Kristen Wilson". Now that he had her name, he decided that he would like to get to know her some more before he asked for more favors of her.

"So, Kristen, what is it you do here at this Hotel?" he asked. "I am the owner of this hotel. It may not seem like much, but it is important for me as it is a way for me to prove my abilities to my father." Chris could instantly recognize she had strength and determination; she may not have much here, but she was trying to make the best of her situation and improve herself. He realized that she was on the same journey that he was going on.

So, he decided to ask "What is the value of this Hotel? I need to start investing and building a business portfolio to try and prove to myself that I am a capable, I don't want to keep being weak and not having faith in myself." This statement surprised Kristen greatly, when he arrived yesterday on a motorcycle and was dressed like a bum. She didn't think much of him, but she remembered her fathers' lessons and that you should respect everyone. You never know someone's true background.

She inquired "Are you sure you are interested, I'm only willing to share my business with those who are serious? After all my hard work I would hate to see everything go crashing down." he gave his affirmation to her question. She agreed to escort him down to her private office for a private business discussion. On their way to the office, he was looking around the hotel and noticed it was quite nice but needed some fixing up; it did have a good location thou, it just needed a facelift to make it more appealing to their target Customers.

The only other downside is that they didn't have much for entertainment or shops available but enough undeveloped property available to add it when they were ready, it was a large property with a bunch or empty and unused green space as it was in an area downtown that wasn't the nicest. When they entered the office, he saw that it was quite a simple room with a large desk with an ergonomic chair behind and two comfort chairs in front, he waited until Kristen invited him to take a seat and finally took a seat in one of the two seats in front of her desk. As soon as that was done, she jumped right into business, she made sure to reconfirm his interest in either buying or investing, thou she was only hoping he would invest. She really didn't want to part with her business and home. She was getting more and more comfortable with him but wasn't sure yet.

So, she made sure to think long and hard about how much she wanted to sell shares for, if he was interested after hearing her price, she would seriously consider it. So, she said "if you are interested in buying, the price we are comfortable with is 2 million for half the shares, or if you would prefer to invest, we can arrange the paperwork for that as well. The only condition I have otherwise is I wish to stay on as a manager so I can keep trying to learn more and better my skills." She didn't expect to hear what he says next "Deal, 2 million it is then; this is just the first step for me as it is for you; and so, I have no problem with you staying. If we can get this process complete as soon as possible, we can have even more opportunities and options open up to us."

"It will take about a week to complete the process, but as I see it, as soon as the money is transferred and the contract is signed, half of The Jade Lotus is yours." So, they took the next half hour to arrange the contract and the financial transfer, they completed what they could with haste; both excited to see what the future would bring. He told her that he would like to occupy the largest room in the hotel as his home for the time being, he also started to explain to her some of his plans to better this hotel. He also took steps to try to get to know her further.

Throughout their meeting he could see her peeking at him from the side and she would instantly blush a shade of pink. He could tell she didn't have much experience with men. He of course at least had experienced living with a woman who wasn't already family. He spent the rest of the afternoon flirting with her and trying to get to know her further, and he knew soon he may just have a new Lover.

He decided to ask her to have dinner with him, and since he now had a lot of money, he wasn't so worried about not being able to afford even The Golden Panda. So, he called and made a reservation for six in the evening. She made sure the Hotel was fully staffed for the evening then they were off, they decided to take his motorcycle, so he had to find his second helmet from under the seat. On their way there he was more aware of all the luxurious cars driving around him and all the luxurious buildings and shops with well-dressed and groomed staff and customers.

He decided there and then that tomorrow he would not only go to the salon and parlor but also get a proper outfit befitting who he was meant to become, he also wouldn't forget to spoil Kristen, he now hoped to make her one of his lovers, not just any lover though, but one that played an important part in his business and personal life. He didn't know why, he just felt drawn to her, like his soul couldn't thrive without her.

He decided that tonight she would become his and after that he would share his life with her. He needed her, he needed to discover who he is and what he wants to become; and she is a major part of that. As they arrive and enter the restaurant all eyes turn to Kristen, she is dressed in a simple but chic dress that brings her ample bosom and shapely bottom into the for front. She is petite but curvy in all the right places as they are taken to their private table one pair of eyes that are glued to Kristen is incredibly worrisome. If only Jocy were here she would be upset, knowing her exfiancé had lustful eyes for another.

Has they were being seated Chris pulled out Kristens chair for her, after she was sitting comfortably he took his seat beside her as he wanted to be close to her and further his relationship. As they were looking over the menu Chris told Kristen "Order whatever you want, this is a date and I want you to enjoy yourself whenever you are with me." She had a smile that could light up a whole room and set their hearts ablaze. They definitely were hitting it off, you could say she fell in love at first sight with the new him.

At this time, he could no longer control himself and he intertwined his fingers with hers and looked into her eyes with an expression that would scream 'I Love You'. They ordered themselves two nice meals and a bottle of champagne to celebrate their business deal and the development in their personal affairs. As they were eating Chris became more daring in his hand placement, he wrapped his arm around her lower waist and holding her right lower cheek scooted her closer to himself. He waited till he knew they would have more privacy and when the time came, he called out to her and placed his left hand on the lower right side of her face and slowly leaned in. When Kristen realized what was about to happen, she nearly panicked, but then she remembered how respectful and attentive he was to her throughout the day and all his sweet words flowed through her memories again helping her calm down. When she finally felt his lips on hers, she fully relaxed and leaned into it herself. When Chris felt her change, he was so euphoric, he made the daring choice and slowly started to lick her lower lips, when he was ready for the tongue war, he slightly nibbled her lower lip eliciting a soft sensual moan from her.

When she realized she had just moaned she was more embarrassed than she had ever been in her life. Her blush went from slight pink to a deep red, but despite that they had already started playing with each other's mouths. She had to admit that I was more pleasant for her than it was embarrassing, and she didn't want it to stop. While she was thinking about this, Chris had an even happier expression on his face as Lilith announced "Looks like you are going to be a little player, Boohoo am I not enough for you. Kristen has officially been marked as a lover, her attraction to you was obvious from the start. It seems all you needed to cement her feelings was a kiss." 'Now that I have her, I can't let anyone take her from me' he thought after hearing Lilith's words. What he heard from Lilith next had him ecstatic "Once one has been marked has a lover, they are forever loyal and drawn to you unless you intentionally break their heart."