Suguru Geto

On the plane back to Japan, Hiro sat by the window, his gaze lost in the clouds outside. His mind drifted to a moment at the Shaolin Temple, a significant conversation with his meditation master.

In the flashback, Hiro sat cross-legged, the serene environment of the temple around him. His master's wise eyes observed him closely. "You have a habit of taking on more responsibility than you should," the master noted, his voice calm and soothing.

Hiro opened his eyes, a flicker of pain crossing his face. "I've always believed that being the best was my only way out of the orphanage. I had to be strong because... my father... he used to hit my mother. And I couldn't do anything. I was just a kid, weak, powerless..."

His voice trailed off, the memories painful even now. The master regarded him with empathy. "You were only a child, Hiro. No child should bear the weight of such things. It's important to acknowledge and accept the limits of what you could do then. And now, as you grow stronger, remember that strength is not just for yourself. It's also for protecting and helping those who can't fight for themselves."

Hiro listened, the words resonating within him. "I've always wanted to be strong enough to protect everyone I care about. I don't want to feel helpless again."

The master nodded. "And you are on that path. But remember, true strength comes from understanding and compassion, not just physical power. Be kind to yourself, Hiro. You have already come farther than most."

Hiro absorbed his master's advice, a sense of clarity dawning on him. It was a lesson not just in strength but also in forgiveness and understanding—forgiveness for his younger self and understanding of his limitations and potential.

Back on the plane, Hiro's gaze remained fixed on the clouds, but his thoughts were clearer now.

Yamada arrived in the bustling center of Kyoto, where numerous sorcerers were already gathered, preparing for the impending chaos of Suguru Geto's threat. The air was tense with anticipation and concern.

He quickly spotted Utahime among the sorcerers and approached her. "Utahime, Master Gojo sent me here to Kyoto to provide support," he announced, scanning the area to gauge the situation.

Utahime, who was coordinating with other sorcerers, turned to him with a mixture of relief and urgency in her eyes. "I'm grateful for the help, especially from a special-grade sorcerer like you."

Yamada rubbed the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. "Well, about that... Gojo sent me because he said Kyoto is too weak to handle this on its own." His words were apologetic, aware of how Gojo's blunt assessment might sound.

Utahime rolled her eyes, a hint of frustration in her voice. "That sounds just like Gojo, always so straightforward and tactless." She let out a soft curse under her breath, directed at Gojo's typical bluntness.

In the midst of the chaotic battle against the curses in Kyoto, Yamada stood as a formidable force. His ability to manipulate dark matter was about to be tested to its fullest extent.

A massive curse lunged at him, its claws bared menacingly. In an instant, Yamada rendered himself invisible, cloaking his form with dark matter that bent the light around him. The curse swiped through the space he had occupied, confused and disoriented by his sudden disappearance.

Moving unseen among the curses, Yamada then focused his energy to form a protective barrier. As a group of curses launched a coordinated attack, they were met with an impenetrable wall of dark energy that shielded Yamada from their onslaught.

Spotting a fellow sorcerer in distress across the battlefield, Yamada used his mastery over dark matter to bend the fabric of space, teleporting himself instantly to their side. He arrived just in time to deflect a deadly blow aimed at his comrade.

In a duel with a particularly strong curse, Yamada altered the gravitational forces surrounding it. The curse was suddenly crushed under the weight of its own body, unable to withstand the intense gravity that Yamada had conjured.

Finding himself surrounded and outnumbered, Yamada transformed the dark matter into a physical weapon. With a thought, a sleek, dark blade materialized in his hand. He wielded it with precision and grace, each strike cutting down a curse.

As the battle intensified, Yamada drew upon the energy of the dark matter, releasing it in a controlled explosion. The blast sent curses flying, their forms dissipating under the overwhelming force.

In a critical moment, with curses converging from all sides, Yamada focused his power to create a small black hole. The gravitational pull was fierce, dragging the curses into a vortex of dark energy from which there was no escape.

Throughout the chaos, Yamada communicated with other sorcerers, coordinating their efforts seamlessly. He used the quantum properties of dark matter to send messages across the battlefield, ensuring a unified front against the cursed spirits.

Yamada's presence on the battlefield was a testament to his skill and power. Each application of his dark matter manipulation showcased his adaptability and strategic thinking. His abilities not only turned the tide in the battle but also inspired awe among his fellow sorcerers. As the last of the curses fell, Yamada stood amidst the debris of the fight, a solitary figure of strength and mastery in the world of Jujutsu sorcery.

Utahime watched in awe as Yamada dispatched the last of the curses with his extraordinary abilities. She approached him, her expression a mix of admiration and surprise.

"That was incredible, Yamada," she said, her tone conveying her respect. "I knew you were strong, but seeing you in action like this... it's something else."

Yamada, catching his breath, gave a modest smile. "Thanks, Utahime. But it's not just about strength. It's about using what you have effectively. We all have our roles to play."

Utahime nodded, glancing around at the aftermath of the battle. "You certainly played yours. This was a tough fight, but with you here, it felt a bit more manageable."

Yamada looked around, his eyes thoughtful. "We all did what we had to do. It's not over yet, though. Geto's threat is still looming, and we need to be prepared for whatever comes next."

Utahime agreed, her expression turning serious. "You're right. We can't let our guard down."

A brief moment of silence fell between them as they both considered the situation. Then, Yamada's gaze drifted upward to the sky, a thoughtful look crossing his face. He murmured to himself, almost inaudibly, "Tell me, Hiro, did you make it back in time?"


Suguru Geto stood over Maki Zenin, who lay defeated on the ground, her form sprawled in a pool of her own blood. The battle had been fierce, and in the end, Maki had fallen under the overwhelming might of Geto's cursed energy.

Geto looked down at her with a cold, dismissive gaze. "There's no place for monkeys in the grand scheme of things," he sneered. His voice was laced with contempt as he referenced her inability to use cursed energy, a trait he considered inferior.

Maki, struggling to maintain consciousness, could barely move. Her breathing was labored, and pain wracked her body. Yet, in her eyes, there was still a flicker of defiance, a testament to her unyielding spirit as a sorcerer of Jujutsu High.

Geto continued, almost musing to himself, "And now, with you out of the way, there's nothing stopping me from capturing Rika Orimoto. Her immense cursed energy is key to fulfilling my goals." His plan was clear – to harness Rika's power for his own dark purposes.

Maki's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Rika, understanding the grave implications. The thought of Rika, a powerful cursed spirit bound to Yuta Okkotsu, being used by someone like Geto was a chilling prospect.

Despite her injuries, Maki tried to speak, her voice barely a whisper. "You won't... get away with this..."

Geto chuckled, a sound devoid of warmth. "Oh, but I already have. You see, there's no one here to stop me now." He turned away from her, confident in his victory and the path it paved for his ambitions.

The tense atmosphere was suddenly pierced by a confident, almost nonchalant voice. "Who the heck are you?" Hiro called out, his tone laced with curiosity and a hint of challenge.

Suguru Geto turned to face the new arrival and was met with the sight of Hiro, standing there in an elegant suit, a bouquet of roses cradled in one arm, his hands casually tucked in his pockets. The juxtaposition of his attire and the situation was almost surreal.

Geto's eyes narrowed as he assessed Hiro. "I could ask you the same question," he retorted, his voice cool and measured.

Hiro flashed a confident smile. "It's pretty weird that someone doesn't recognize me." His demeanor was relaxed, but there was a clear undercurrent of strength and readiness in his stance.

Geto paused for a moment, his mind working to place the face before him. Recognition dawned, and he said, "Ah, now I remember. You're that guy from those fancy perfume ads. Mimiko and Nanako are quite fond of you." His tone was mocking, a smirk playing on his lips.

Hiro shrugged, unfazed by the recognition. "I have no idea who they are, but I'm more than just a pretty face. I'm a sorcerer. And you," he said, pointing a finger at Geto, "just ruined my Christmas plans, you terrorist monk."

Geto sized up Hiro, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Ah, so you must be Hiro Takashi, the grade 3 sorcerer. I didn't recognize you at first because you're not that important," he said dismissively.

Hiro quipped back, unfazed, "You've got some pretty big ears to not have heard of me." His tone was light, but there was an edge to it.

Geto let out a small, amused smile at Hiro's retort. The atmosphere, however, remained charged with tension.

Hiro's expression turned curious. "And who are you exactly?" he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Geto straightened up, a sense of pride in his stance. "I am Suguru Geto. And I'm here to change the world of Jujutsu sorcerers," he declared, his voice echoing with a chilling conviction.

As Hiro was about to respond, his gaze fell on Maki, lying motionless on the ground in a pool of blood. The sight wiped the smile off his face, replacing it with a look of deep anger and concern. His relaxed demeanor vanished, giving way to a fierce, protective instinct.

"Suguru Geto," Hiro said, his voice now cold and hard. "You're going to pay for what you've done here today."

The moment of levity was gone, replaced by the seriousness of the situation. Hiro's arrival had shifted the dynamic, and a new battle was about to unfold—one where the stakes were personal and the outcome uncertain.

Geto's disdainful words hung in the air, "A sorcerer shouldn't risk themselves for a mere monkey, but..." Before he could finish his sentence, Hiro, fueled by a mix of concern for Maki and rage against Geto, tapped into his newly honed skills.

In a flash of astounding speed—a testament to his training at the Shaolin Temple—Hiro closed the distance between him and Geto. His fist connected squarely with Geto's stomach, the force of the blow sending Geto reeling and tumbling several meters back.

The suddenness of Hiro's attack caught Geto off guard, disrupting his poise and arrogance. Hiro didn't pause to relish his advantage; instead, he quickly turned his attention to Maki.

He knelt beside her, his expression a mix of worry and urgency. "Maki, are you alive? Can you hear me?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Maki's voice was faint and strained as she spoke, barely able to form the words. "Don't talk to me," she managed to say, her voice a whisper.

Hiro, kneeling beside her, looked concerned but also slightly amused. "Are you still mad at me?" he asked, trying to lighten the mood despite the grim situation.

Maki, even in her weakened state, managed a slight nod, affirming her annoyance with him. Hiro feigned hurt, putting on a dramatic display. "Ouch, that hurts more than any curse could," he said theatrically, trying to elicit even a small smile from her.

Before they could continue their exchange, Suguru Geto, having recovered from Hiro's attack, called out, "Focus on the fight, not your little drama."

Hiro turned his attention back to the immediate concern – Maki's injury. He quickly removed his jacket, using it to bandage her wound with careful hands. Then, he gently placed the bouquet of roses beside her, a silent promise of a conversation to be had later.

Standing up, Hiro flashed a reassuring smile at Maki. "We'll talk after I deal with him," he said confidently, ready to face Geto. His expression was one of determination, his stance ready for combat. The moment had come for Hiro to put his training and abilities to the test against one of the most formidable foes he had ever encountered.

The showdown between Hiro Takashi and Suguru Geto was a breathtaking display of power and cunning. Hiro, harnessing his unique ability to combine cursed energy with fire and electricity, faced off against Geto's formidable cursed spirit manipulation.

Hiro initiated the battle with a surge of electricity, aiming a powerful electrocution attack at Geto. The air crackled and hissed as the electrical current zapped towards its target. Geto, quick on his feet, summoned a barrier of cursed spirits to absorb the brunt of the attack. The spirits dissipated under the assault, but Geto was left unharmed.

Not wasting a moment, Hiro tapped into his electrified cursed energy, boosting his speed to extraordinary levels. He dashed around Geto in a blur, resembling a streak of lightning, searching for an opening in Geto's defense.

Switching tactics, Hiro conjured a ball of flames in his hands, hurling it towards Geto. The fireballs lit up the area, their intense heat threatening to engulf Geto. In response, Geto summoned more cursed spirits, using them as a shield against the fiery onslaught.

Merging his powers, Hiro created a unique and terrifying flame that crackled with electricity. He launched this electrifying fire at Geto, the flames capable of both burning and paralyzing with their electrical charge. Geto dodged and weaved, narrowly escaping the dual-threat of the flames.

As Hiro moved, he left behind a trail of fire and electric energy, creating a hazardous zone that Geto had to carefully navigate. This clever tactic served as both an offensive and defensive strategy, keeping Geto on his toes.

Concentrating his power, Hiro prepared for a more devastating attack. He unleashed a massive surge of combined fire and electricity, aiming directly at Geto in a torrential display of his "Carga Maldita."

In close-quarters combat, Hiro surrounded himself with an aura of fire and electricity. This dangerous proximity weapon burned and electrocuted anything that came too close, providing Hiro with a formidable shield during hand-to-hand encounters.

The fight was intense, with Hiro's combination of fire and electricity providing a spectacular yet deadly display. Geto, with his cursed spirit manipulation, continuously conjured various defenses and counterattacks, making for a battle that was as strategic as it was powerful.

The combat between Hiro and Suguru Geto escalated into a fierce melee. Hiro, drawing upon the Wushu Shaolin training he had received, moved with a fluidity and grace that belied the power behind each strike.

Hiro closed the distance between himself and Geto, his movements a blend of the northern style of Wushu Shaolin he had mastered - characterized by long-range, powerful movements and swift, agile footwork. He unleashed a series of rapid strikes, his fists and feet moving in harmony, each blow charged with a mix of fire and electricity.

Geto, countering with his own cursed spirit manipulation, summoned spirits to his aid, attempting to create a barrier between himself and Hiro. But Hiro's training had honed his reflexes and speed, allowing him to weave through the spirits with a dancer's grace. His arms and legs moved in sweeping, fluid motions, breaking through Geto's defenses with the precision of a master martial artist.

Each strike Hiro delivered was imbued with the potent energy of his cursed techniques. He sent arcs of electrifying fire towards Geto, who narrowly avoided them, the air crackling with energy as they passed. Hiro's Aura of Fire and Electricity proved particularly effective, creating a deadly zone around him that Geto struggled to penetrate without getting burned or electrocuted.

As the fight continued, Hiro's Wushu Shaolin techniques became more apparent. He used his environment to his advantage, channeling his energy to leap and spin, his movements a blur of speed and power. Geto found himself on the defensive, forced to contend with Hiro's relentless assault.

Hiro's combat style was a spectacle of martial prowess and cursed energy manipulation. His attacks were not just physically powerful but also strategically executed, forcing Geto to constantly adapt to the unpredictable combination of Wushu Shaolin and Hiro's unique cursed abilities.

As the battle intensified, Hiro and Suguru Geto traded blows in a high-speed dance of destruction. Hiro, utilizing his Wushu Shaolin training, launched a series of precise and powerful strikes. His fist, charged with electrifying cursed energy, connected with Geto's jaw in a swift uppercut, sending a jolt of electricity through Geto's body and causing him to stagger back.

Geto, undeterred and fueled by his own cursed energy, retaliated with a vicious backhand. His hand, enveloped in a dark, swirling mass of cursed spirits, struck Hiro across the face. The impact left a gash on Hiro's cheek, from which blood began to trickle down, mingling with the sweat on his skin.

The two combatants circled each other, each waiting for an opening. Hiro lunged forward, unleashing a flurry of electrified punches. Geto blocked some, but others broke through his defense, each hit leaving burns and cuts on his skin. The smell of singed fabric and flesh filled the air as Hiro's electrical attacks found their mark.

Geto, his face contorted in rage, summoned a surge of cursed spirits that coalesced into a spectral blade. He swung it at Hiro, who narrowly dodged, the blade slicing through the air inches from his body. Hiro's suit was torn in several places, revealing burns and bruises on his skin.

In a display of his newly acquired martial arts prowess, Hiro executed a series of spinning kicks, each enhanced with fire and electricity. Geto was hit squarely in the chest, the force of the kick sending him flying back. As he landed, he wiped blood from his mouth, his eyes glaring with hatred and determination.

Hiro, too, was showing signs of fatigue. His breathing was heavy, and blood dripped from various cuts on his body. Despite this, his stance remained strong and his eyes focused, ready for the next round of combat.

As the battle raged on, Hiro glanced up at the sky, noticing the sun nearing the horizon, about to set. He then looked at his watch and realized that time was running out. "I want to spend Christmas with Maki, so I'm going to end this now," he muttered determinedly.

With a deep focus, Hiro brought his palms together and called forth his most powerful cursed technique. "Cursed Technique: Manipulation of Cursed Energy – Come forth, Lightning Dragon and Fire Dragon!" he proclaimed.

From the sky above, two majestic and awe-inspiring dragons descended – one composed of crackling electricity and the other of roaring flames. The Lightning Dragon, a creature of pure electric energy, illuminated the sky with its brilliant blue and white hues, sending out thunderous roars that echoed across the battlefield. Beside it, the Fire Dragon blazed with intense reds and oranges, its flames dancing violently around its body, emanating intense heat and a fearsome presence.

Together, the dragons swooped down towards Geto in a coordinated assault. The sight of the two colossal dragons bearing down upon him was both majestic and terrifying.

Geto, realizing the magnitude of the attack, quickly summoned a wall of high-grade cursed spirits, forming a protective barrier in front of him. The spirits, dark and ominous, braced themselves against the impending impact.

As the dragons collided with the barrier, a massive explosion ensued, sending shockwaves throughout the area. The force was so immense that it threatened to engulf everything in its vicinity.

Hiro, mindful of Maki's safety, swiftly conjured an electric barrier around her. The barrier crackled with energy, shielding her from the blast and ensuring that she was protected from the explosion's aftermath.

The explosion illuminated the sky, a brilliant display of fire and electricity. When the light and noise finally subsided, a cloud of dust and smoke hung over the battlefield, obscuring the outcome of Hiro's powerful attack.

Emerging from the cloud of dust and debris, Suguru Geto stepped out, his clothes torn and his face smeared with soot. A smirk played on his lips as he assessed the aftermath of Hiro's formidable attack. "If I hadn't shielded myself, that might have been the end," he admitted, his voice tinged with both respect and arrogance. "Impressive attack, but as a grade 3 sorcerer, your cursed energy reserves aren't that deep. You've played your hand, Hiro Takashi, and now you've got nothing left."

Hiro, standing tall despite the exhaustion that was starting to set in, fixed his gaze on Geto. "You know, the monks at the temple gave me a piece of advice," Hiro said calmly. "They said one should never make assumptions. It's dangerous to underestimate what someone is capable of."

A flicker of uncertainty crossed Geto's face, but he quickly masked it with a scoff. Hiro's confident demeanor suggested he might still have a trick up his sleeve, something Geto hadn't anticipated.

Hiro's body became a living embodiment of power as he wrapped himself in a vibrant fusion of flames and electricity. The energy crackled and danced around him, painting him as a figure of formidable strength and resilience.

Suguru Geto, taken aback by this display, couldn't hide his surprise. "How is this possible?" he demanded, his eyes narrowing in disbelief.

Hiro, with a confident and steady voice, explained the unique nature of his cursed technique. "My cursed technique allows me to manipulate cursed energy in various ways. One of its primary functions is to transform it into different forms of energy, like fire and electricity. Moreover, I can convert it into physical energy—the kind our bodies use."

He paused for a moment, ensuring Geto understood the full extent of his abilities. "But there's more. My technique also allows me to transform any type of energy into cursed energy. So, I can use my body's energy and convert it into cursed energy. In essence, as long as I have physical energy, I can keep generating cursed energy."

Geto's expression shifted to one of annoyance, mixed with a grudging respect. A wry smile crossed his face as he realized the implications. "So, you're saying you have an almost inexhaustible supply of cursed energy, as long as you're physically capable?" he asked, his tone tinged with irritation.

Hiro nodded affirmatively. "Exactly. As long as I have the physical stamina, I can keep converting it into cursed energy. It's a continuous cycle – my physical energy fuels my cursed energy, which in turn powers my abilities."

As Geto watched, Hiro's body underwent a remarkable transformation. The cuts and bruises he had sustained began to heal rapidly, his wounds closing before Geto's eyes. It was a display of self-healing that clearly astonished Geto, who recognized that it wasn't the result of a Reverse Cursed Technique.

"How are you doing that?" Geto demanded, his voice a mix of curiosity and frustration.

Hiro, still enveloped in his aura of flames and electricity, explained calmly, "This is another aspect of my cursed technique. Remember how I said I can transform my body's physical energy into cursed energy? Well, it works the other way around too. I can channel my cursed energy to accelerate my body's natural healing processes."

He continued, "By boosting my metabolism using my cursed energy, my body repairs itself much faster than normal. It's not as immediate or comprehensive as a Reverse Cursed Technique, but it's effective for recovering from the kind of injuries I sustain in battle."

Geto's expression turned thoughtful as he absorbed this information. This ability to self-heal by manipulating cursed energy was a significant advantage, especially in a prolonged and intense battle like the one they were engaged in. Hiro's cursed technique was not only versatile in offense but also provided him with remarkable resilience.

Suguru Geto, recognizing the need to escalate the battle, reached into his small purple cursed spirit – the storage for various items. From within, he pulled out a sansetsukon, a three-section staff, a traditional Chinese martial arts weapon. Its segments whirled through the air as he expertly maneuvered it, ready to demonstrate the true power of a special grade sorcerer.

The battle between Hiro and Geto intensified with Geto wielding the sansetsukon. Hiro, surrounded by his electrifying and fiery aura, met Geto's attacks head-on. The clash of their weapons created sparks and flames, illuminating the battleground with each strike.

Hiro used his enhanced speed to dodge the sweeping attacks of the sansetsukon, the staff whistling through the air, narrowly missing him each time. In turn, Hiro countered with bursts of electrically charged fire, aiming to catch Geto off guard. However, Geto's reflexes were sharp, and he skillfully parried the attacks with his staff, the segments spinning rapidly to deflect Hiro's fiery assaults.

At one point, Geto managed to land a solid hit, the sansetsukon striking Hiro across the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Hiro staggered back, pain flaring across his torso, but he quickly regained his composure, his wounds healing as he accelerated his metabolism.

Hiro then closed in for a direct assault, his movements a blur of speed and agility. He delivered a series of rapid strikes, but Geto deftly maneuvered the sansetsukon, blocking and countering each attack. The sound of their battle echoed, a symphony of clashing metal and crackling energy.

"Let me show you the power of a special grade sorcerer," Geto declared, his voice echoing with confidence. He intensified his attacks, the sansetsukon moving in a blur, each strike more forceful than the last. Hiro was pushed to his limits, forced to rely on his enhanced reflexes and healing ability to keep up with Geto's relentless onslaught.

In a display of his Wushu Shaolin training, Hiro launched into a sequence of acrobatic moves and strikes. He unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, each one imbued with his electrifying and fiery energy. His body twisted and turned with the fluidity of a seasoned martial artist, executing flips and spins that added momentum to his powerful blows.

Geto, though skilled in combat, found himself struggling to keep up with Hiro's agility and speed. Hiro's kicks landed with precision, one particularly forceful roundhouse connecting squarely with Geto's jaw, snapping his head back. A follow-up punch sent Geto reeling, blood spattering from his split lip.

As Geto stumbled, Hiro took the opportunity to land a series of rapid strikes. A spinning heel kick caught Geto in the ribs, eliciting a grunt of pain as he staggered sideways. Hiro's relentless assault continued, each hit marking Geto with new bruises and cuts.

Exhausted, Hiro paused for a moment, panting heavily. He looked down at Geto, who lay on the ground trying to recover. "I trained before leaving the temple, didn't eat, didn't sleep on the plane... I'm really pushing it," Hiro thought to himself, aware of his physical limits. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up."

He glanced over at Maki, still lying injured. The sight of her fueled his resolve. Despite his fatigue and hunger, Hiro knew he couldn't afford to let up. He had to end this fight quickly, not just for his sake, but for Maki's as well.

As the battle reached its climax, Suguru Geto summoned a swirling vortex of cursed spirits around him. The spirits whirled in a menacing spiral, each one absorbing and accumulating cursed energy, forming a massive, ominous structure. "Let's end this," Geto declared, his voice echoing with determination and power.

Hiro, sensing the impending danger, clicked his tongue in frustration. He knew he needed to counter with something equally powerful. Bringing his palms together, he called upon his mightiest ally. "Come forth, Lightning Dragon!" he shouted.

Responding to Hiro's command, the majestic Lightning Dragon materialized behind him, its presence dominating the battlefield. The dragon reared its head back, opening its massive jaws to gather a colossal amount of cursed energy, forming a massive cannon of lightning.

Geto unleashed his spiraling cursed energy towards Hiro, a destructive force aimed to obliterate everything in its path. Simultaneously, the Lightning Dragon released its charged energy cannon, a blinding bolt of electric power hurtling towards Geto's attack.

The two colossal energies collided mid-air, creating an earth-shattering explosion. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the area, the ground trembling under the immense force.

Reacting quickly, Hiro extended a protective electric barrier around Maki, shielding her from the blast. Debris and dust filled the air, obscuring the battlefield in a cloud of chaos and destruction.

As the dust began to settle, the aftermath of their clash became apparent. The area around them was ravaged, a testament to the sheer power of their duel. Hiro and Geto, both pushed to their limits, prepared for what could be the final moments of their epic confrontation.

Exhausted to his core, Hiro doubled over and vomited. His body had reached its limit; he felt drained, as if he had been running for hours without rest. Every muscle ached, and his breaths came in ragged gasps. The intense exertion of the battle, combined with his lack of food and sleep, had taken a severe toll on him.

Geto, observing Hiro's weakened state, couldn't help but smile triumphantly. "This is the difference between a common sorcerer and a special grade," he proclaimed confidently. He began to gather another mass of cursed energy, readying himself to launch another devastating attack. Looking at Hiro, he added, "It's a shame to have to kill a sorcerer as formidable as you."

Hiro, struggling to stand, realized the direness of his situation. Desperation set in as he tried to think of a way out. Then, it hit him – the technique he had practiced with his master Li Wen. It was a risky move, requiring the use of all his remaining energy in a single, precise, and condensed attack. It was a technique that could potentially turn the tide of the battle, but it was all or nothing.

Gathering the last vestiges of his strength, Hiro focused. He remembered Li Wen's teachings, the way to channel and condense his energy into a singular point. The air around Hiro started to crackle with electricity as he summoned every ounce of his willpower and remaining physical energy.

Geto, sensing the change in Hiro's energy, paused. He watched cautiously, recognizing the potential threat in Hiro's final effort. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as Hiro prepared his last stand, a gambit that could either save him or spell his end.

In a moment of sheer determination and focus, Hiro took a decisive step forward. His body, pushed to its absolute limits, summoned the last remnants of his strength. With a swift and precise movement, he extended his fingers forward, releasing a potent and razor-thin beam of energy.

The beam, a concentrated burst of his cursed energy, crackled with the intensity of lightning and the heat of fire. It was the culmination of Hiro's training and his mastery over his cursed technique - a final, desperate attack aimed directly at Suguru Geto.

Geto, who had been preparing for another assault, didn't have time to react. The speed of Hiro's attack was unprecedented, traveling at the speed of light. Before he could even register what was happening, the beam pierced his heart. The impact was immediate and lethal, the precision and speed of the attack giving Geto no chance to defend or evade.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. The battlefield was silent, save for the crackling of residual cursed energy in the air. Suguru Geto, the formidable special grade sorcerer, stood motionless, a look of surprise etched on his face. The realization of what had just transpired dawned on him as he looked down at the wound in his chest.

Hiro, exhausted and barely able to stand, watched as Geto began to falter. The energy required for the attack had drained Hiro completely, leaving him on the brink of collapse. Yet, in this critical moment, he had managed to turn the tide, his desperate gamble paying off.

As Suguru Geto collapsed to his knees, a wave of realization washed over him. His gaze drifted upwards, towards the sky, where the fading light of the setting sun cast a serene glow. In this final moment, his thoughts turned unexpectedly tender, reminiscing about Satoru Gojo.

A faint, nostalgic smile touched Geto's lips. "Satoru," he whispered softly, a mixture of fondness and regret in his voice, "you have some extraordinary students." It was a moment of acknowledgment, a testament to the strength and potential of the new generation of sorcerers that Gojo had nurtured.

With those final words, a sense of peace seemed to settle over Geto. He bid a silent farewell to his old friend and rival, closing his eyes for the last time. The once powerful and menacing figure of Geto now lay still, his journey reaching its end under the vast expanse of the evening sky.

Nearby, Hiro, utterly spent from the battle and the colossal output of energy, vomited again from sheer exhaustion. His body, pushed far beyond its limits, could no longer support him. He collapsed to the ground, breathing rapidly, each breath a struggle. The victory had been won, but it had demanded everything he had - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

As Hiro lay on the ground, his gaze fixed on the twilight sky, the serene colors of the sunset offering a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded. In his exhausted state, the appearance of Yuta Okkotsu brought a flicker of surprise to his weary eyes.

"You're late," Hiro managed to say, his voice weak but tinged with a wry humor.

Yuta, looking down at Hiro with concern, quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, but Maki told me to stay in the classroom. They were Gojo sensei's orders," he explained, his voice filled with regret for not being able to assist sooner.

Hiro, struggling to catch his breath, dismissed Yuta's explanation with a weak wave of his hand. "Just... shut up and heal Maki," he said, his concern for her outweighing his own dire state.

Yuta nodded, understanding the urgency. He knelt beside Maki, placing his hands over her injuries. His cursed energy began to flow, the soft glow indicative of his healing technique enveloping her. The priority was to stabilize her condition and ensure she was out of danger.

As Yuta turned his healing abilities towards Hiro, a gentle, warm energy enveloped him. Hiro could feel his injuries mending, the pain ebbing away as Yuta's cursed energy worked its magic. Tapping into his unique ability, Hiro began converting the influx of cursed energy into physical energy, rejuvenating his exhausted body.

Feeling strength returning to his limbs, Hiro slowly pushed himself up to a standing position. He noticed Maki also getting to her feet, looking considerably better thanks to Yuta's healing. A small smile crept onto Hiro's face as he stepped towards her.

"Hey, Maki," Hiro began, his voice steady but carrying a hint of uncertainty. "Are you still mad at me?" He watched her cautiously, hoping for a positive response.

Maki, meeting his gaze, paused for a moment before replying. Her expression softened slightly, a mix of relief and lingering frustration evident on her face. "I... I don't know, Hiro. You just took off to China without saying much, and then you come back and nearly get yourself killed," she said, her voice tinged with concern and a touch of annoyance.

Hiro scratched the back of his head, a sheepish look on his face. "Yeah, I know I messed up. I should have told you more about it. I just... I wanted to become stronger, for myself and for everyone," he explained, his eyes sincere.

Maki sighed, her stance relaxing as she looked at Hiro. "Just don't do something like that again without at least talking to us first. We were worried, you know," she said, her tone softening further.

Hiro nodded, understanding the weight of her words. "I promise, no more lone wolf acts. From now on, I'll keep you in the loop," he said with a genuine smile, extending a hand towards her in a peace offering.

Maki looked at his hand and then back at his face, a small smile finally breaking through her stern facade. She took his hand, her grip firm yet warm. "Good. And don't forget, you owe me a proper explanation about your trip," she added, a playful glint in her eyes.

Relieved, Hiro laughed lightly, the tension between them easing. "Deal. I've got plenty of stories to tell," he replied, grateful for the chance to mend their relationship and share his experiences.

As they stood there, Hiro suddenly remembered his hunger. Turning to Yuta, he asked hopefully, "Hey, Yuta, you wouldn't happen to have something to eat, would you? I've been eating nothing but rice for months, and I'm starving."

Yuta, caught off guard by the sudden shift in conversation, chuckled. "I don't have anything on me right now, but we can definitely find you something back at the school," he replied, understanding Hiro's plight.

Maki, overhearing the conversation, couldn't help but roll her eyes. With a mix of exasperation and amusement, she commented, "Even after spending time in a temple with monks, you're still the same idiot, Hiro."

Hiro grinned at Maki's remark, not at all offended. "Well, some things never change, I guess. But I did learn a lot at the temple. Just not how to deal with my constant hunger," he joked, his stomach rumbling audibly to emphasize his point.

Yuta laughed along with them, the tension of the battle dissipating in this lighter moment. "Let's head back then. I'm sure we can scrounge up something more than rice for you to eat," he said, leading the way.

As they began to walk back, Hiro fell into step beside Maki, a comfortable silence settling between them. The shared experience of the battle and the relief of its aftermath seemed to have brought them closer, their bond strengthened by the ordeal they had faced together.

In the dining hall of the Jujutsu High School, Hiro, Maki, and Yuta found themselves seated around a table overflowing with an assortment of dishes. Hiro, with an appetite sharpened by months of monastic dining, was devouring the food at an astonishing pace.

Maki watched him, a look of bemusement on her face. "I've never seen anyone eat like that," she remarked, her tone laced with a mix of surprise and amusement.

Hiro, pausing briefly between mouthfuls, replied, "You have no idea how much I've missed this. My cursed technique burns through calories like crazy. I need a lot of energy to maintain it." He then quickly returned to his meal, clearly savoring every bite.

Yuta, enjoying his meal at a more leisurely pace, chimed in, "That makes sense. I've heard that high-level cursed techniques can be quite demanding on the body."

Maki nodded in understanding, "Well, I guess that explains why you were always snacking back in the day. But don't overdo it, or you'll make yourself sick."

Hiro chuckled, "Don't worry, Maki. My body can handle it. Plus, I've been dreaming about a decent meal for too long." He then looked at Yuta, "Thanks for healing us back there, by the way. You really saved us."

Yuta smiled modestly, "No problem. We're a team, after all. We look out for each other."

As they continued their meal, the door to the dining hall swung open, and Satoru Gojo walked in, his usual smile playing on his lips. "So this is where you all were," he said, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Hiro, Maki, and Yuta.

Hiro, with a mouthful of food, managed to respond, "You're late, Gojo sensei."

Gojo shrugged nonchalantly, "Ran into a sorcerer with an interesting weapon. Gave me a bit of a challenge, but I'm here now." He walked over to the table, his gaze settling on Hiro. "So, who took down Suguru Geto?"

Hiro swallowed his food and replied, "That would be me. It was close, though."

Gojo raised an eyebrow, visibly impressed. "You, huh? I knew you were strong, but that's quite an achievement. How did you manage it?"

Hiro briefly explained his final move, downplaying the danger he had put himself in. "Just had to use everything I had learned. It was a now or never kind of moment."

Maki interjected, "He was reckless, as usual. Nearly drained himself completely."

Gojo chuckled, "Sounds like Hiro. But hey, you did what you had to do. And I'm glad you're back in one piece." He glanced at Yuta and Maki, "Good work on keeping everything under control here."

Yuta nodded, "We did our best. It's good to have Hiro back."

Gojo leaned against a nearby table, his casual demeanor undiminished. "You know, I was originally planning to send Panda and Inumaki to back up Maki, but I had a hunch you'd complete your temple training and make it back in time, Hiro."

Maki frowned slightly, her concern evident. "That's a dangerous gamble, Gojo sensei. What if Hiro hadn't made it?"

Gojo waved his hand dismissively, "It's not a gamble, it's trust. I trust in my students' abilities and their determination."

Yuta, who had been listening quietly, chimed in, "That sounds more like recklessness than trust."

At Yuta's comment, Gojo put on a mock expression of hurt, placing a hand over his heart. "Recklessness? You wound me, Yuta. After all these years, you think so little of my judgment?"

Despite the seriousness of the topic, the mood remained light. Gojo's flair for the dramatic and his ability to turn a tense conversation into a humorous one were part of his charm.

Hiro chuckled, "Well, I guess it worked out this time, but maybe a heads-up next time, Gojo sensei?"

Gojo grinned, "Where's the fun in that? Surprises keep life interesting."

Hiro, taking a moment from his meal, looked up thoughtfully. "Speaking of which, where's Yamada? He could've easily handled Geto too."

Gojo nodded, acknowledging Hiro's point. "True, Yamada would have been more than capable. But I sent him to Kyoto as a precaution. In case Suguru decided to show up there, or if things got out of hand. With his abilities, especially after being recognized as the boy from the prophecy, he's a significant asset in any battle."

Hiro seemed satisfied with the explanation, understanding the strategic importance of having a strong presence like Yamada in Kyoto. "Makes sense," he said. "Guess we had all our bases covered then."

Maki added, "It's good to know we can rely on each other, no matter where we are. It makes a difference knowing someone's got your back."

Yuta nodded in agreement. "Especially with the kind of threats we're facing these days. It's reassuring to have strong allies like Yamada."

Gojo smiled, clearly proud of his students and their growing sense of teamwork and mutual support. "Exactly. It's all about working together and playing to our strengths. Each of you brings something unique to the table, and that's what makes you such a formidable team."

Hiro, with a hint of pride in his voice, leaned back in his chair, "Well, I can say I'm stronger and wiser than ever now."

Maki, with a playful smirk, shot back, "From where I'm standing, you seem more idiotic and reckless than ever."

Gojo, always quick to lighten the mood, chimed in with a teasing grin, "Ah, love is in the air, isn't it?"

Hiro looked at Gojo, feigning annoyance, "Come on, sensei, don't start that again."

Maki rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a smile. "There's no love, just sheer frustration at his antics."

Yuta, enjoying the banter, added, "Seems like some things never change, no matter how much training you do."

Hiro laughed, accepting the good-natured ribbing. "Maybe, but at least I'm trying to improve. You can't deny that."

Gojo nodded, "True, true. Hiro's always been one to push his limits. And Maki, well, your patience is commendable."

Maki let out a small laugh, "Someone has to keep him in line."

The conversation continued in this lighthearted manner, the group enjoying the camaraderie and the shared relief after the day's intense events. It was moments like these that reminded them of their deep connections, not just as sorcerers fighting together, but as friends supporting one another.