
In Hiro's dorm room, the atmosphere was relaxed and quiet. Hiro lay sprawled on his bed, his head hanging off the edge, while Yamada sat beside him, engrossed in his phone.

"You know, Maki's 16th birthday is in a few days," Hiro mentioned casually, staring up at the ceiling.

Yamada glanced up from his phone. "Really? When's that?"

"The 20th," Hiro replied. "And I have no idea what to get her."

Yamada, showing more interest, put his phone down. "Are you two officially dating now?"

Hiro sighed, his expression a mix of frustration and affection. "No, not yet. Maki said she wants to think about it a bit more. But things have been going better, I guess." He paused, noticing Yamada's attention drifting back to his phone. "Hey, are you even listening?"

Yamada looked back at Hiro, a slight smile on his face. "Yeah, I'm listening. You're wondering what to get for Maki, right? Why not something personal? Like, something that shows you really know her."

Hiro considered this, his expression thoughtful. "That's not a bad idea. But what could that be?"

Yamada shrugged. "You know her better than any of us. Think about what she likes, what she's interested in. It doesn't have to be something big or expensive. Sometimes, it's the small things that count the most."

Hiro nodded slowly, mulling over Yamada's advice. "Yeah, you're right. I'll have to give it some thought."

Yamada, leaning back against the wall, looked thoughtful for a moment before asking, "Do you think Yuta will be back for Maki's birthday? He's been in Africa for a while now, hasn't he?"

Hiro shook his head, "I doubt it. He hasn't been gone that long, and from what I heard, he's got his hands full over there. It's unlikely he'll make it back so soon."

Yamada nodded, understanding the situation. "Yeah, makes sense. He's been really committed to his missions lately. Africa's a long way off, after all."

Hiro added, "Plus, with the way things are going, I think he feels like he needs to be there. But I'm sure he'd want to be here for Maki's birthday if he could."

Yamada agreed, "Definitely. It's tough being away from friends, especially on special occasions. But Yuta's doing important work."

"Yeah," Hiro said, flipping onto his back and staring at the ceiling. "I just hope he's taking care of himself too. We've all been pushing pretty hard lately."

Maki entered Hiro's room without much ado, her presence immediately changing the atmosphere. Hiro sat up to greet her, but before he could say anything, Maki leaned in and gave him a tender kiss on the lips.

Yamada, observing the exchange with a raised eyebrow, couldn't help but comment, "If you guys aren't officially dating, why are you kissing?"

Maki, releasing Hiro, turned to Yamada with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She took Hiro's cheeks in her hands, emphasizing her point. "I can do what I want, Yamada. Besides, Hiro is too handsome to just ignore." Her tone was playful yet sincere.

Yamada chuckled, "Seems like you've become more honest with your feelings lately, Maki."

Hiro, smiling softly at Maki, shared a piece of wisdom from his time at the temple. "My master Li Wen once told me, 'Embrace the present and the people who make it worthwhile. Don't let conventions dictate your happiness.' I guess that's what we're doing."

Maki nodded in agreement, her hand still resting on Hiro's cheek. "Exactly. Life's too short to not go after what you want."

Maki, after her playful exchange, made herself comfortable on Hiro's bed, crossing her legs as she sat. "And speaking of which, I expect a good birthday present," she said, looking at Hiro with a mix of jest and expectation.

Hiro, reclining back on his bed, put his hands behind his head. "A good present, huh? I've been thinking about that. Got any hints for me?"

Yamada, watching their interaction, laughed. "You're really putting the pressure on him, Maki."

Maki turned to Yamada, her expression playful yet earnest. "Well, after everything, I think I deserve a nice birthday surprise, don't you think?"

Hiro nodded, "You absolutely do. And I've got something in mind. I just hope you'll like it." His tone was confident, yet there was a hint of nervousness in his voice, showing his desire to genuinely please her.

Maki leaned back on her hands, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'm sure whatever you choose will be great, Hiro. You always have a way of surprising people."

Yamada, observing the easy chemistry between Hiro and Maki, couldn't help but add, "Just don't overthink it, Hiro. Maki's not the type to fuss over grand gestures."

Hiro chuckled, "Got it. No pressure at all." He gave Maki a playful wink, which elicited a light laugh from her.

The conversation flowed naturally, with the trio discussing various ideas for Maki's birthday, each suggestion more creative or absurd than the last. The mood was light and cheerful, a pleasant contrast to the usual intensity of their sorcerer lives. For a moment, they were just friends, enjoying each other's company and the simple joy of shared laughter and conversation.


Hiro's search through the shopping mall was turning out to be more challenging than he had anticipated. Store after store, he found himself unable to decide on the perfect gift for Maki. He roamed the halls, his footsteps echoing his growing frustration.

In a humorous attempt to gain some clarity, Hiro mimicked his master Li Wen's mannerisms. "Focus, Hiro, find harmony in your choice," he muttered to himself, adopting a wise tone and stroking his chin as if he had a long beard. He even closed his eyes, hoping for a sudden burst of inspiration, but to no avail.

People passing by gave him odd looks, clearly amused or confused by his antics. Hiro opened his eyes, realizing he must have looked quite strange. He chuckled at himself and shook his head. "Come on, think! What would Maki really appreciate?" he said aloud, more to himself than anyone else.

He wandered into a bookstore, thinking maybe a book on traditional Japanese culture or sorcery could be a good idea. But nothing seemed quite right. "Too impersonal," he thought, moving on.

Next, he tried a sports store, considering some new training gear or a special weapon accessory. Yet, he hesitated. "No, it should be something more meaningful," he mused, leaving the store.

Hiro, feeling a bit defeated, slumped onto a bench in the middle of the mall. His striking appearance - the blond hair, blue eyes, and athletic build - naturally drew the attention of passersby. But today, the looks seemed more intense than usual, making him feel slightly uncomfortable.

Just as he was about to get up and continue his search, a group of giggling girls approached him. One of them, mustering up the courage, asked, "Excuse me, are you Hiro Takashi?"

Assuming they recognized him from his boxing career, Hiro nodded with a polite smile. "Yes, I am. Were you fans of my boxing matches?"

To his surprise, the girls exchanged excited looks before another one spoke up, "Oh, we love your boxing, but we're huge fans of your music video with JMR! You were amazing in it!"

Hiro's eyebrow shot up in surprise, and then he remembered. A few months back, before he fully immersed himself in the Jujutsu world, he had been approached for a collaboration with the popular idol group JMR. They had recorded a song and shot a music video together, something he had almost forgotten amidst his sorcerer training.

"Oh, that!" Hiro laughed, slightly embarrassed. "That was just a one-time thing. They needed someone, and I happened to be available. Glad you liked it, though."

One of the girls, brimming with enthusiasm, said, "You were so cool in it! Do you have plans to do more music?"

Hiro shook his head, "No plans as of now. My focus has shifted a bit since then." He didn't mention his life as a Jujutsu sorcerer, keeping that part of his life private as always.

The girls seemed a bit disappointed but quickly perked up. "Could we get a photo with you, then? It's not every day we meet a celebrity!"

Hiro agreed, and they gathered around him, taking turns snapping selfies. After the brief photo session, the girls thanked him and left, still chatting excitedly among themselves.

Hiro scratched his head, musing over the unexpected turn of events. "That music video must have just been released," he murmured to himself. The thought hadn't occurred to him earlier that participating in such a project could bring him this kind of attention.

As he started walking again, a slight concern crept into his mind. "I hope this doesn't cause any issues with Maki," he thought. The last thing he wanted was for Maki to think he was getting too caught up in the celebrity lifestyle, especially given the serious nature of their lives as Jujutsu sorcerers.


In the quiet of her room, Maki sat engrossed in a book, the pages turning in a rhythmic pattern. The tranquility was interrupted by the vibration of her phone on the bedside table. She placed a bookmark between the pages and reached for the device.

Unlocking her phone, Maki's eyes lingered on the wallpaper. It was a photo of her and Hiro, taken under a Christmas tree. The image captured a candid moment - both of them were laughing, with Hiro's arm casually draped around her shoulders and Maki leaning slightly into him. The tree's twinkling lights cast a warm glow on their faces, highlighting their genuine smiles and the comfortable ease between them.

Shifting her focus, Maki opened the new message. It was from Hiro. The text was accompanied by a selfie of him at the mall, sporting a confident grin. The message read: "Guess who's looking extra sharp today 😎."

Maki couldn't help but smile at Hiro's typical blend of arrogance and charm. She typed a quick response: "Don't let it go to your head. Remember, you're still the same guy who got beaten up by a group of grade two curses."

As Maki continued to scroll through videos, her finger halted on a thumbnail that caught her eye. It was from the popular idol group JMR, but what really drew her attention was the familiar face in the cover image – Hiro. As Maki tapped on the video, she watched with growing curiosity as Hiro appeared on screen, portraying the 'bad boy' in the JMR music video titled "Yin Yang." The opening scenes showcased Hiro's surprising talent in a new light, and Maki couldn't help but be impressed initially.

"He can actually sing? Not bad, Hiro," Maki murmured to herself, a hint of surprise in her voice.

However, as the video progressed, her expression changed from one of amusement to shock and irritation. In a particularly intimate scene, Hiro was shown kissing one of the female models on the lips, an act that seemed far too personal for Maki's comfort.

"Seriously, Hiro?" Maki muttered, feeling a surge of annoyance. "Kissing someone in a music video?"

She paused the video, her mind racing with a mix of emotions. While she understood it was all part of the act, the sight of Hiro being so intimate with another woman was more unsettling than she expected.

Maki sat back, feeling a wave of irritation wash over her. "When he gets back to school, we're going to have a serious talk about this," she resolved, her thoughts clouded with annoyance. The fact that Hiro had never mentioned this part of his life added to her frustration, making her all the more eager to confront him about it.

The more she thought about it, the more her feelings of annoyance grew. She realized how much she cared about Hiro, and the thought of him being so close to someone else was unsettling. Maki knew she had to address this with Hiro, to clear the air and express how the video made her feel. She decided to wait for his return, preparing herself for what could be a challenging conversation.


Hiro trudged into the common room, visibly deflated from his unsuccessful shopping trip. He was deep in thought, pondering what could possibly be the perfect gift for Maki, when she suddenly burst into the room.

Before Hiro could react, Maki grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close, her eyes blazing with a mix of anger and jealousy. "Hiro, what's this about you being in a music video? And kissing another girl?" she demanded, her voice tinged with irritation.

Hiro's eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by her sudden confrontation. "Wait, Maki, it's not what you think!" he stammered, trying to calm her down. "That video was shot way before I became a Jujutsu sorcerer. It was just acting, nothing real."

Maki's grip on his shirt didn't loosen. "Acting or not, you could have mentioned it, Hiro. Seeing you like that with someone else... it's unsettling!"

Hiro could see the hurt behind her anger. He gently placed his hands on hers, attempting to ease her grip. "I'm sorry, Maki. I didn't think it was important, and it never crossed my mind after I joined Jujutsu High. But I get it, I should have told you."

Maki's expression softened slightly, but her eyes were still fixed on him with an intensity that made Hiro slightly nervous. "So, nothing happened between you and that girl? It was all just for the video?"

"Absolutely nothing," Hiro assured her, his voice earnest. "It was just a one-time thing for the video. There's no one else but you, Maki."

Maki, with a dominant air, fixed her eyes on Hiro, her voice firm and tinged with possessiveness. "Remember, Hiro, you're mine. And only mine. Accept that," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Hiro nodded quickly, a nervous gulp betraying his apprehension. He could feel the intensity in Maki's gaze, a mix of assertiveness and something deeper.

Before Hiro could formulate a response, Maki closed the distance between them. She reached up, pulling him down towards her, and pressed her lips to his. It wasn't just any kiss; it was filled with desire and a possessive longing. Hiro's initial shock gave way to a deep, burning response, his hands instinctively finding their way to her waist, pulling her closer.

The world around them faded as they lost themselves in the kiss. Maki's lips moved against Hiro's with an intensity that conveyed her feelings more than any words could. Hiro's heart raced, every nerve ending alight with the sensation of Maki's touch.

When they finally broke apart, Hiro was left breathless, his expression one of dazed adoration. Maki looked into his eyes, her own showing a softness that contrasted with her earlier dominance. "Don't you forget it," she whispered, her voice a blend of tenderness and warning.

Hiro, still reeling from the intensity of their kiss, could only nod, his usual confident demeanor replaced by a lovesick, awestruck look. He was utterly captivated, the reality of Maki's feelings for him sinking in. Maki gave him a small, satisfied smile before turning and leaving the room, leaving Hiro standing there, utterly bewitched and more in love than ever.

Yamada, who had been quietly observing the entire scene from his spot on the couch, couldn't hold back his laughter any longer. He looked up from his phone, amusement written all over his face.

Hiro, slightly embarrassed, turned to him. "How long have you been sitting there?"

"Long enough to see that little drama unfold," Yamada chuckled, putting his phone aside. "So, Hiro, you like being dominated, huh? That's new."

Hiro's face turned a shade redder. "It's not like that," he protested, trying to regain some composure. "It just... happened."

Yamada teased him further, "Oh, come on, it's okay to admit it. Seems like Maki's got a different side to her too. Who knew?"

Hiro sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's just Maki being Maki, I guess. I never know what to expect with her."

Yamada leaned back, still grinning. "Well, it's good to see you two getting along so well. Just don't let her boss you around too much, huh?"

Hiro shrugged, a small smile forming on his lips. "I don't mind, actually. She's important to me, and if that's how she expresses herself, I'm all for it."

"Looks like our Hiro is really growing up," Yamada said, his tone shifting to a more sincere one. "Just make sure to keep the balance, you know? Relationships are a two-way street."

Hiro nodded, acknowledging the advice. "I know, I know. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Yamada."

Yamada leaned in closer to Hiro, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Speaking of women, my sister Yina keeps asking about you. She seems really interested," he teased.

Hiro's expression shifted to one of mild panic. "Wait, you have to tell her I'm sort of with Maki now. I can't deal with that kind of drama."

Yamada laughed heartily. "Oh, I think you should tell her yourself. Why don't you visit her? She'd love to see you."

Hiro shook his head frantically. "No way, I'm not getting into that. I'm kind of scared of what she might do," he admitted, only half-joking.

Yamada's laughter subsided as he changed the subject. "By the way, I heard from Gojo that there'll be two new first-year students joining us soon. A boy and a girl. Are you planning on charming the new girl too?"

Hiro rolled his eyes, a smirk forming on his lips. "Come on, Yamada. You know I'm not like that. Besides, I've got my hands full with Maki."

"Sure, sure," Yamada replied, still grinning. "Just remember to be a good senior and help them out, alright? They'll need guidance in this crazy Jujutsu world."

Hiro nodded, "Of course. I'll be the model senior," he said, puffing out his chest in mock pride.


The early morning sun bathed the school's garden in a soft, warm light. Hiro, deeply immersed in meditation, was seated cross-legged on the grass. His eyes were closed, and his expression was one of complete serenity, a testament to the disciplined training he had undergone.

Maki, who had stepped into the garden for her morning routine, noticed Hiro and approached him with a slightly teasing tone. "What are you doing, Hiro? Trying to find your inner peace?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of humor.

Hiro opened his eyes and offered Maki a calm smile. "Good morning, Maki. Yes, something like that. My meditation master at the temple, Master Chen, taught me the importance of this practice. It helps with focus and control," he explained, maintaining his relaxed posture.

Maki sat down beside him, her curiosity piqued. "Master Chen, huh? I remember you mentioning him. Does it really help? You always seemed more like a 'jump right into action' kind of guy."

Hiro nodded thoughtfully. "It does help, more than I expected. It's a different kind of strength, you know? Balancing the mind and the body."

Maki looked at him, slightly impressed. "Well, I have to admit, it's a new side of you. Maybe I should try it too."

Hiro's eyes brightened at the idea. "You should! It might be a nice change from the usual physical training. Plus, it's good for managing stress."

Maki laughed softly. "Stress management, huh? Maybe you're right. I'll think about it."

Hiro gently uncurled his legs from the meditation pose, rising to his feet with a fluid motion that spoke of his recent training. He stretched his arms above his head, releasing the tension with a contented sigh.

"Time for breakfast, I think," Hiro said, turning towards Maki with a playful grin. "Care to join me? I promise I won't meditate at the table."

Maki stood up, brushing off her pants. "As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll pass on watching you achieve enlightenment over cereal. But sure, I'm starving," she replied with a smirk.

They began walking towards the dining hall, side by side. Hiro's steps were light and balanced, a subtle indication of his improved physical and mental state. Maki noticed this change and felt a surge of pride for him.

"You really have changed, Hiro," she commented, glancing at him. "I remember when you used to scoff at anything that wasn't physical training."

Hiro laughed, "Yeah, I guess I did. But there's a lot more to being a Jujutsu sorcerer than just fighting, as you well know. It's about balance, control, and understanding yourself."

As they entered the dining hall, the aroma of breakfast filled the air, and the familiar sounds of the morning rush greeted them. Hiro led the way to their usual spot, his demeanor relaxed yet alert.

Maki followed, feeling a sense of contentment in his company. "Well, as long as you don't start giving me lectures on inner peace, I think I can handle the new you," she teased.

Hiro chuckled, "No lectures, I promise. Just good old Hiro, but maybe a bit wiser."

They settled at the table, ready to enjoy their meal, the morning sun streaming in through the windows, adding a warm glow to the start of their day.

The tension in the room escalated as Yina's eyes narrowed, noticing the intimate way Hiro and Maki's legs were entwined under the table. Her irritation was palpable as she demanded, "And who is she?"

Hiro, trying to assert some control over the situation, straightened up and adopted a serious tone. "Listen, Yina, I'm not the same person I was before. I've been trained by the best martial artists in the world, I'm a world boxing champion, and I'm a student of the strongest sorcerer in the world. It wouldn't be wise to make me angry."

Yina's irritation only grew at his response, and she pressed further. "I don't care about that! Answer my question, who is she?"

In response to the escalating situation, Hiro's newfound confidence faltered. He glanced around desperately and then, in a moment of panic, blurted out, "Yamada! Help!"

Maki, who had been quietly observing the exchange, now stepped in, her posture and expression clearly signaling her claim over Hiro. She moved closer to Hiro, her eyes locking onto Yina with a protective and somewhat territorial gaze.

"You're talking to Hiro Takashi, my... well, let's just say he's important to me," Maki stated firmly, leaving no room for misunderstanding about their relationship.

Yina, taken aback by Maki's assertive stance, shifted her focus between Hiro and Maki, trying to process the new information. Her frustration was evident, but she seemed to be reassessing the situation in light of Maki's declaration.

As Yina processed Maki's assertive claim over Hiro, her frustration boiled over into a heated argument with Maki.

Yina, her voice rising, turned to Maki. "So, you're the one he's with now? You think you can just come in and take him?"

Maki stood her ground, her eyes unwavering. "It's not about 'taking' anyone. Hiro and I have something that goes beyond your little fling. It's about mutual respect and understanding," she retorted, her tone firm yet controlled.

Yina scoffed, "Mutual respect? Please. You're just the flavor of the month. Hiro always gets bored easily."

Maki's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and protectiveness. "I'm not just another notch on his belt, Yina. What Hiro and I have is real. And unlike you, I'm not here to play games or hold onto some fleeting moments."

Hiro, witnessing the escalating tension, attempted to interject, "Hey, let's just calm down a bit here—"

Yina interrupted him sharply, "Stay out of this, Hiro! This is between her and me." She turned back to Maki, her expression hardening. "You think you know him? Hiro doesn't do serious relationships. He's a charmer, and that's all."

Maki leaned in closer, her voice low but intense. "Maybe that was true once, but people change, Yina. Hiro is more than just a charmer. He's brave, he's loyal, and he's learning to be more than what his past defines him as. And I'm here to support him in that."

The argument between Yina and Maki took a decisive turn as Yina, seizing on a point of contention, challenged both Hiro and Maki. "If what you're saying is true, then why didn't Hiro introduce you as his girlfriend?" Yina demanded, her eyes piercing.

Caught off guard by the question, Maki turned to face Hiro, her expression a mix of curiosity and expectation. "Yeah, Hiro, she has a point. Why haven't you introduced me as your girlfriend?"

Hiro, now squarely in the hot seat, felt a wave of nervousness. He hesitated, searching for the right words. "Well, I... uh..." he stammered, feeling the weight of their expectant gazes.

Maki's expression softened slightly, sensing his discomfort. "Hiro, it's okay. Just tell us the truth. How do you see our relationship?"

Hiro took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Maki, I care about you a lot. You mean more to me than anyone else," he began, his voice steady but revealing his vulnerability. "But I guess I've been hesitant to label what we have. I didn't want to rush things or make assumptions about how you felt."

Maki listened intently, her eyes searching his face for sincerity. "I appreciate your honesty, Hiro. But know that I'm not here for a casual thing. I'm in this because I care about you too, and I thought we were on the same page."

Yina, observing the exchange, seemed to soften slightly, her earlier anger giving way to a grudging understanding.

Hiro reached for Maki's hand, a gesture of reassurance. "I'm sorry for any confusion I caused. I guess I'm still figuring things out, but I know I don't want to lose you. You're incredibly important to me, Maki."

Maki squeezed his hand in response, a small smile forming on her lips. "Then let's figure it out together. Just no more keeping me in the dark, okay?"

Hiro nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "Absolutely, no more secrets."

Yina, witnessing their exchange, seemed to accept the situation, although a hint of disappointment lingered. "Well, I guess that clears things up. Just... be good to her, Hiro."

Yamada entered the room just as the tension between Yina, Maki, and Hiro was reaching a resolution. Yina, still processing the revelation, quickly grabbed Yamada by the collar, her frustration evident.

"Why didn't you tell me Hiro had a girlfriend? And not just any girlfriend, someone as strong and beautiful as her!" Yina demanded, her grip on Yamada's collar tightening slightly.

Yamada, caught off-guard, raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Hey, Yina, calm down. I honestly didn't think it was my place to say anything about Hiro's personal life. Besides, you know how Hiro is with these things."

Yina released Yamada and turned her attention back to Maki, a curious look in her eyes. "And you are? What did you say your name was?" she asked, her tone slightly more composed now.

Maki straightened up, meeting Yina's gaze confidently. "I'm Maki Zenin," she replied, her voice steady.

Hiro, eager to lighten the mood, chimed in with a hint of his usual playfulness. "See, everything worked out in the end."

Yina shot Hiro a sharp look, her irritation briefly flaring up again. "Hiro, you'd better keep quiet," she snapped.

Yina took a deep breath, her demeanor softening as she turned to face Maki. She seemed to be grappling with her emotions, trying to find the right words. "I owe you an apology, Maki," Yina began, her voice more subdued. "I dated Hiro a while back. It's a bit complicated, really. We've known each other since we were kids. It was always an on-again, off-again kind of thing."

Maki listened intently, her expression neutral but attentive. "I see," she replied, giving a slight nod. "Relationships can be complicated, especially those that start young."

Yina gave a rueful smile. "Yeah, it was confusing. One minute we were together, the next we weren't. I guess I never really got over him completely, which is why I reacted the way I did today."

Hiro, who had been silently observing the exchange, added, "Yina and I have a lot of history. I should have been clearer about where things stood between us. I'm sorry for any confusion or hurt that caused."

Yina glanced at Hiro, a mix of old affection and newfound understanding in her eyes. "It's okay, Hiro. I think I needed to hear it straight from you. I'm happy you've found someone like Maki."

Maki offered Yina a small, empathetic smile. "Thank you, Yina. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry you were hurt."

Yina nodded, accepting Maki's words. "Thanks. I guess it's time for me to move on too. You two seem good for each other."

Yamada, seizing an opportunity to lighten the mood further, chimed in with a slightly teasing tone. "You know, Hiro's had some pretty wild exes. There was one who even burned his clothes once."

Maki turned to Hiro with a raised eyebrow, her expression a mix of surprise and annoyance. "Is that so? And just how many girls have you been with, Hiro?"

Hiro, caught off guard by the question, hesitated for a moment before replying, "Uh, not that many, really..."

Yamada burst into laughter, unable to contain himself. "Not many? Come on, Hiro, you're lying. I lost count after number 50."

Hiro's face turned a shade of red, a clear sign of embarrassment. "Yamada, that's not helping," he muttered, giving his friend a pointed look.

Maki crossed her arms, her gaze fixed on Hiro. "Fifty, huh? That's... quite a number."

Hiro, realizing he needed to clarify things, quickly added, "It's not like that, Maki. A lot of those were just... I don't know, not serious. You're different. What we have is different."

Maki's expression softened slightly, but she still looked unconvinced. "I sure hope so, Hiro. Because I'm not interested in being just another number."

Hiro nodded earnestly, meeting Maki's eyes. "I promise you're not. I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you."

Maki, still not entirely convinced and looking to assert some control over the situation, glanced at her nails and then back at Hiro with a playful yet firm expression. "Well, if you really want to make it up to me, you're going to have to take me shopping," she declared.

Hiro, relieved at the opportunity to make amends and eager to please, quickly agreed. "Absolutely, Maki. Shopping it is. Anything you want," he said with a nod, his tone conveying his sincerity.

Maki's lips curved into a satisfied smile. "Good answer, Hiro. And I expect no complaints, regardless of how many stores we end up visiting."

Yamada chuckled at the exchange, amused by the dynamic between Hiro and Maki. "Looks like you've got your work cut out for you, Hiro. Better get your wallet ready."

Hiro shot Yamada a playful glare but turned back to Maki with a smile. "It'll be worth it. I'm just happy to spend time with you."

As Yina and Yamada exited Hiro's room, Yina glanced back at Hiro and Maki, who were still engaged in a light-hearted conversation. "They do look good together, don't they?" Yina remarked, a hint of wistfulness in her voice.

Yamada, walking alongside her, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they really do," he said, his tone reflective.

However, as they continued down the hallway, Yamada's expression momentarily shifted to one of sadness, a fleeting glimpse into his deeper thoughts and feelings. Yina, perceptive and concerned, noticed the change.

"Hey, are you okay?" Yina asked, her tone softening as she looked at him with concern.

Yamada quickly masked his brief moment of vulnerability with a smile, reassuring her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff, that's all," he replied, his voice light but not entirely convincing.

Yina studied him for a moment, as if trying to read between the lines, but then decided not to press further. "Okay, if you say so. Just remember, I'm here if you need to talk," she said, offering him a supportive smile.

Yamada appreciated her offer, giving her a grateful nod. "Thanks, Yina. That means a lot."

The siblings continued their walk through the halls of the school, each lost in their own thoughts. Yina was pondering the complexities of relationships and the changes she had seen in Hiro, while Yamada was grappling with his own internal struggles, ones he wasn't quite ready to share. Despite the light-hearted moments they had just experienced, both were reminded of the deeper, more personal challenges they faced in their lives.


In the gymnasium of Jujutsu High, a lively birthday party was in full swing, celebrating Maki's special day. The gym was decorated with streamers and balloons, and laughter filled the air. Hiro was engaged in an animated discussion with Inumaki.

Hiro, with a puzzled expression, asked Inumaki, "But seriously, how can you even argue that communism works? History has shown its flaws."

Inumaki, munching on a snack, replied in his unique way, "Tuna."

Hiro, trying to make sense of Inumaki's cryptic language, said, "Tuna? What does that have to do with anything?"

Inumaki shrugged and repeated, "Salmon."

Before Hiro could respond, the gymnasium doors swung open and Gojo entered, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Beside him was a new face, a young boy with dark hair and a serious demeanor.

"Everyone, meet Megumi Fushiguro," Gojo announced with his usual flair. "He'll be joining us at Jujutsu High soon, so I thought I'd bring him along to get to know everyone."

The room's atmosphere shifted as everyone turned to greet the newcomer. Megumi looked slightly overwhelmed but managed a polite nod. "Hello, I'm Megumi Fushiguro," he introduced himself.

Maki, the birthday girl, walked over with a welcoming smile. "Nice to meet you, Megumi. I'm Maki Zenin. Thanks for coming to my birthday party."

Megumi returned her smile with a small one of his own. "It's nice to meet you too, Maki. Happy birthday."

Hiro, intrigued by the new arrival, approached Megumi with a friendly grin. "Hey, I'm Hiro Takashi. Welcome to the madhouse."

Megumi's eyes briefly widened at Hiro's energetic greeting, but he responded courteously, "Thank you, Hiro."

Maki, observing Megumi's lack of enthusiasm, frowned and approached him with a stern look. "I don't have much patience for arrogance, you know," she said, her tone firm.

Yamada, overhearing the conversation, couldn't help but laugh. "That's funny coming from you, Maki. Your boyfriend is the biggest egotist in all of Japan," he joked, nodding in Hiro's direction.

Both Maki and Yamada then turned their gaze towards Hiro, who was energetically shaking Inumaki while continuing their debate. "You've got to understand, Inumaki, communism just doesn't work!" Hiro exclaimed, completely absorbed in his discussion.

Inumaki, slightly jostled by Hiro's enthusiastic gestures, simply replied with his signature phrase, "Salmon."

Megumi, witnessing this exchange, cracked a small smile, seemingly amused by the lively and peculiar interactions of his future classmates.

Maki, slightly embarrassed but also amused, rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well, I guess everyone here has their quirks," she admitted, her gaze softening as she looked at Hiro.

Panda approached Hiro with a concerned look. "Hey Hiro, we're out of ice," he informed him.

Hiro nodded, "No problem, I'll go grab some more," but as he turned to leave, Maki stepped in front of him with a playful glint in her eyes.

"Actually, Hiro, I wanted to talk to you about something... in private," she said, her voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Quickly adapting to the change in plans, Hiro pulled out his wallet and tossed it to Yamada, who caught it with a surprised expression. "Hey, Yamada, can you do me a favor and get the ice instead? Thanks, man," Hiro said, his attention already shifting back to Maki.

Yamada, holding Hiro's wallet, chuckled. "Sure thing, Hiro. You owe me one," he replied, giving Hiro a knowing look.

Hiro grinned and gave Yamada a thumbs-up. "You got it!"

As Hiro and Maki walked away from the group, Maki playfully bumped her shoulder against his. "So, Mr. Popular, what do you think I want to talk about?" she teased.

Hiro, with a mock-serious face, pretended to ponder. "Hmm, is it about how I'm the best boyfriend ever?"

Maki laughed, shaking her head. "Maybe, but you'll have to wait and see."

They continued to walk, leaving the bustling party behind. The atmosphere between them was light and flirtatious, a stark contrast to the noisy gymnasium they had just left.


Yamada stood outside the convenience store, holding a bag of ice, when he was greeted by the unexpected figure. The man's long hair, monk-like attire, and the distinct scar on his forehead immediately caught Yamada's attention.

Yamada's expression turned to one of confusion, then recognition. He hesitantly asked, "Kaori?" His voice was laced with doubt.

The monk chuckled lightly, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You can simply call me 'Mom,' as you can see, I'm in this new body now. 'Kaori' is no longer my name."

Yamada let out a sigh, his mind trying to process the information. "What do you want?" he asked, still grappling with the reality of the situation.

The monk, or 'Mom,' as he now referred to himself, had a calm and composed demeanor. "I just wanted to see how you're doing, Yamada. It's not every day I get to check in on my son."

Yamada's stance softened slightly, but he remained cautious. "I'm doing fine. But why show up like this? It's... a lot to take in."

The monk nodded understandingly. "I know it's a lot, but I thought it was time to reconnect. Besides, I've been keeping an eye on things. You're doing well at Jujutsu High, I hear."

Yamada shifted the bag of ice in his hand, his mind racing with thoughts and questions. "Yeah, things are going okay. But what's with the new look? And what are you really here for?"

The monk smiled, a mysterious glint in his eyes. "Let's just say I have my reasons. For now, I just wanted to see you. We'll have more time to talk later."

Yamada nodded, still unsure about the entire encounter. "Alright... 'Mom.' I'll see you around, then."

As Yamada walked away, he glanced back over his shoulder at the monk, his thoughts a whirlwind of curiosity and apprehension about what this unexpected reunion might mean for his future.

As Yamada walked away, the monk stood still, watching him leave. Once Yamada was out of earshot, the monk leaned closer to the wall of the convenience store, his gaze following Yamada until he disappeared from view.

Speaking in a low, hushed tone to himself, the monk murmured, "With this new body, the time is nearly right to set my plan in motion."

The monk's eyes gleamed with a mix of determination and something more enigmatic, hinting at a deep and complex scheme yet to unfold. The quiet confidence in his voice suggested that this plan had been long in the making, and he was now on the cusp of initiating something significant.

As he stood there, the monk's presence seemed to blend seamlessly with the ordinary surroundings, a stark contrast to the extraordinary nature of his intentions. With a final, contemplative look in the direction Yamada had gone, the monk turned and slowly walked away, disappearing into the bustling cityscape, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and a sense of foreboding about what was to come.


In a light-hearted moment at the party, Hiro decided to address the gathered friends and classmates, seizing the opportunity to deliver a public service announcement.

"Hey, everyone, just a quick reminder about the importance of brushing your teeth properly!" Hiro announced, his tone a mix of playful and serious. "Dental hygiene is no joke!"

Inumaki, who was standing nearby, casually responded with his characteristic phrase, "Salmon."

Hiro, feigning shock and indignation, turned to Inumaki with an exaggerated expression of disbelief. "Salmón? Inumaki, how can you say such a thing in front of everyone?" Hiro exclaimed, his tone teasing but also filled with mock outrage.

The crowd burst into laughter, enjoying the playful banter between the two. Inumaki simply shrugged and repeated, "Salmon," his expression unchanging but with a hint of amusement in his eyes.