Ryōmen Sukuna

The morning light streamed through Hiro's window, casting a gentle glow across his room. The soft breeze caused the curtains to flutter, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Hiro was deep in sleep, mumbling incoherently in his dream. "Maki... stop being so... all over me..." he muttered, lost in his vivid dream. Abruptly, the sound of his alarm clock pierced the quiet of the room, jolting him awake. He opened his eyes with a start and glanced at the clock, stretching while cursing under his breath. "Damn, the break is over already," he grumbled.

With a sigh of resignation, Hiro got out of bed and started getting dressed. He put on the school uniform: typical blue trousers, a black shirt, and a blue jacket. As he looked at himself in the mirror, Hiro frowned. "This uniform is horrible, but the school doesn't let me choose any other fabric or color," he complained to himself, clearly not pleased with the lack of style options.

Despite his dislike for the uniform, Hiro adjusted his jacket and prepared himself for another day at Jujutsu High. With one last look around his sunlit room, he left, ready to face whatever the day might bring.

In the tranquility of the garden, Hiro sat down and crossed his legs, preparing to meditate. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, recalling the teachings of his master, Cheng. "Master Cheng always said that meditation helps to connect with your soul... that the soul is the body, and the body is the soul. It's not just about peace, but about strength too," Hiro murmured to himself, seeking to internalize these profound insights.

As he delved deeper into his meditative state, trying to achieve a connection between his body and soul, his concentration was abruptly shattered. Without warning, a bucket of cold water cascaded over him, leaving him soaking wet and shocked.

Opening his eyes in disbelief, Hiro saw Panda and Inumaki standing a few feet away, laughing uproariously before they turned to run away.

"Hey! That's not funny!" Hiro yelled, jumping to his feet, water dripping from his clothes. His meditation completely disrupted, he started chasing after Panda and Inumaki, hurling playful curses at them. "I'm going to get you guys for this!"

Hiro was hot on their heels, his training at the Shaolin Temple evident in his swift pursuit. "Why the heck is he so fast?" Panda exclaimed, glancing back at Hiro, who was rapidly closing the gap.

Spotting Maki in the distance, Panda and Inumaki made a beeline towards her, seeking refuge. They quickly hid behind her, peeking out cautiously.

"Maki, help us!" Panda pleaded. "Hiro's gone crazy!"

Inumaki added his own unique plea, "Tuna! Salmon!"

Maki, surprised by their sudden appearance, raised an eyebrow. "What did you two do this time?" she asked, half-amused.

Before they could respond, Hiro caught up, panting slightly from the chase. "Maki, don't listen to them! They dumped a bucket of water on me while I was meditating," he complained, pointing accusingly at Panda and Inumaki.

Maki tried to suppress a laugh, looking at Hiro's drenched state. "Really? That's quite the wake-up call," she said, her lips twitching into a smile.

Panda and Inumaki peeked out from behind Maki, still hopeful for her protection. "We were just having a bit of fun," Panda said sheepishly.

Panda's gaze shifted towards Maki, and a plan to distract Hiro quickly formed in his mind. Maki had changed her hairstyle, pulling her hair back into a sleek ponytail that accentuated the sharp contours of her face. Her new glasses, with thin purple frames, complemented her sharp eyes, adding a layer of allure to her already commanding presence.

Seeing an opportunity, Panda called out to Hiro, "Hiro, you've gotta see this."

Hiro, still dripping wet and a bit out of sorts from the chase, turned to see what had caught Panda's attention. As his eyes landed on Maki, he was momentarily stunned. Maki's new look gave her an air of sophistication and confidence that Hiro hadn't seen before.

His surprise quickly turned into admiration. "Maki, you... you're looking different today," Hiro said, struggling to find the right words. "Those new glasses and your hair, it's like you've levelled up!"

Maki, adjusting her glasses with a hint of a smile, responded, "You think so? I thought it was time for a change."

Hiro, now fully composed and with his signature cocky grin, replied, "Well, I approve. Not that you need my approval, but you've got it anyway."

Panda watched the exchange with a mix of amusement and relief, glad to have successfully diverted Hiro's attention. He couldn't help but chuckle at the scene unfolding before him.

Yamada leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye, and nudged Hiro's shoulder. "You know, Hiro, it might be time for you to consider a new style too. That hair of yours is starting to look like a lion's mane."

Maki, who had been admiring her new glasses in a pocket mirror, glanced over and chimed in. "Yamada has a point. If it grows any longer, you'll need to start wearing hair clips." She smirked, clearly enjoying the friendly banter at Hiro's expense.

Feeling the heat of the moment, Hiro ran his fingers through his increasingly unruly hair and laughed it off. "Well, you know, the monks said that each hair represents a wisdom gained," he said, trying to sound profound.

Yamada raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Wisdom, huh? Looks more like you're just too lazy to get it cut."

Maki stood up, her presence commanding the space as she approached Hiro. "Don't hide behind those monks' sayings. You're just afraid of change. But seriously, a haircut would do you some good," she said, giving his hair a playful tug.

Yamada, seizing the opportunity, stood up as well, his shadow falling over Hiro's slouched figure. "Tell you what, I've been practicing a bit of hairdressing. How about I save you a trip to the salon?"

Hiro looked up at Yamada, his expression torn between amusement and dread. "Just promise me I won't end up bald, or worse, with a style like Panda's."

Yamada laughed heartily, clapping Hiro on the back. "Trust me, you're in safe hands. I'll even let Maki supervise to make sure you look presentable."

Maki nodded with a smile, "I'll hold you to that, Yamada. Hiro, get ready for a fresh new look."

With a resigned sigh and a smile, Hiro stood up, ready to trust his friends. "Alright, let's do this. But if I end up looking ridiculous, I'm haunting you two for the rest of your lives."

The trio made their way into Yamada's room, which was a modest space with just enough room for the task at hand. Hiro took a seat cautiously, his eyes surveying the room as if looking for an escape route. "I usually only trust my regular stylist," he confessed, fidgeting slightly in the chair.

Yamada pulled out a pair of scissors and a comb from his drawer, then turned to Hiro with a teasing grin. "And why haven't you visited this trusted stylist of yours lately?" he prodded.

Caught off guard, Hiro's gaze flickered away, unable to come up with an excuse. Yamada pointed at Maki, who was standing with her arms crossed, enjoying the scene. "It's her fault, isn't it? Ever since she became your girlfriend, you think you've got it all wrapped up," he accused jokingly.

Maki raised an eyebrow and stepped closer, placing a hand on her hip. "Are you implying he's become complacent because of me?" she retorted, her tone playful yet challenging.

Hiro, sensing the need to defend himself, turned to Maki with a mock-serious look. "Not at all. I'm just... strategically planning my visits. Plus, I've been busy with... monk stuff."

Yamada chuckled, snipping the air with the scissors to test them. "Strategic planning, huh? Sounds like laziness to me."

Maki leaned in, a sly smile on her face. "Maybe after this haircut, he'll realize what he's been missing out on by skipping his stylist visits."

Hiro, now resigned to his fate, let out a sigh. "Just make sure I leave here looking like a Jujutsu sorcerer and not a Jujutsu monk," he said, finally relaxing into the chair.

Yamada moved behind Hiro, ready to begin. "Relax, Hiro. You're in good hands," he reassured him, preparing to give Hiro a fresh new look.

The room was filled with the subtle snip-snip of scissors as Yamada worked meticulously on Hiro's hair. Natural light poured in, casting a warm glow on the strands that fell away with each careful cut. Hiro sat still, his gaze fixed on the mirror before him, anticipation building.

Yamada moved with confidence.The sides were cut short, accentuating the sharpness of his jawline, while the top was left longer, swept back in a carefree, yet calculated manner. Stray locks were styled to fall just over his forehead, giving him an air of effortless charm.

Maki watched from the doorway, a smile playing on her lips. "Looks like Yamada has hidden talents," she quipped, her gaze appreciating the transformation.

Hiro, seeing his new look, couldn't help but beam with pride. "I have to admit, you've outdone yourself," he told Yamada, running his fingers through the top, feeling the textured layers.

Yamada stepped back, scissors in hand, admiring his work. "You were due for a change," he said with a grin. "Now, you look even more like a protagonist straight out of a story."

Maki stepped closer, circling Hiro for a better look. "It suits you," she said approvingly, her hand reaching out to flick a stray lock into place. "It's trendy, yet it doesn't lose that 'Hiro' essence."

Hiro stood up, giving a few nods and watching his reflection follow suit. "This could take some getting used to, but I think it's a winner," he admitted, his confidence growing with each moment he saw his new self.

As he turned from side to side, checking out the angles, he caught Maki's reflection standing behind him, her presence as reassuring as ever. "I guess this means I'll have to up my game to match the new look," he said with a playful smirk, already plotting how to make the most of his fresh style.

The urgency in Yamada's voice cut through the air as he glanced at the clock. "We're going to be late for our second year's first day if we don't hustle," he warned, gathering his own things in a hurry.

Maki pointed out to Hiro, "You're still drenched," her brow raised in mild concern.

Without missing a beat, Hiro focused his energy inward, his skin beginning to emit a gentle warmth. "Let's fix that," he said, a smirk playing on his lips as steam began to rise from his clothing. Within moments, his clothes appeared dry, the dampness evaporated by the controlled heat of his ritual.

Maki watched the steam dissipate with a mix of amusement and admiration. "Show off," she teased, though she couldn't hide the impressed twinkle in her eye.

Hiro, feeling the dry fabric against his skin, stretched out comfortably. "All part of the service," he quipped back, grabbing his bag and heading towards the door with a newfound spring in his step.

Yamada chuckled, shaking his head at the pair. "If only your punctuality was as reliable as your tricks," he commented, ushering them out the door.


The vibrancy of Gojo Satoru's energy was undeniable as he burst into the classroom with his usual flair, greeting his students with enthusiasm that belied the early morning hour. "Welcome to another thrilling year at Jujutsu High!" he announced grandly, as if on stage.

His students, now seasoned to their teacher's flamboyance, carried on with their conversations, paying little heed to the spectacle. Inumaki quietly munched on his snack, Panda was engrossed in a strategy book, while Hiro and Maki exchanged notes about their summer training.

Yet, Gojo was not one to be easily discouraged. He started dancing around the room with over-the-top moves, even moonwalking back to the chalkboard. "This year, as second-year students, you have the responsibility to set an example and guide the new first-year recruits," he continued, juggling colorful chalks.

At last, he drew some amused glances and chuckles from his students. "I hope you're ready to be the senpais they deserve," Gojo concluded, finishing his act with a conspiratorial wink and a theatrical bow.

Hiro, unable to suppress a smile at the performance, leaned back in his seat and nodded. "Guess it's time to be the senpai those rookies need," he said, glancing at Maki and then at Yamada, sharing a moment of silent acknowledgment of the new role they were about to play.

In the classroom, the air was filled with the anticipation of a new academic year. Yamada broke the silence with a question, turning to Gojo, "You mentioned two new students, Sensei. We've met Fushiguro, but who's the other one?"

Gojo, leaning back against the desk with his typical nonchalant flair, replied, "Oh, the other one's a girl. She'll join us a little later."

Hiro, ever the provocateur, couldn't help but tease his friend, "Maybe you'll finally get a girlfriend, Yamada. Someone who can handle all your dark and brooding mystery."

Yamada rolled his eyes, retorting with a hint of jest, "Oh please, like any girl would look twice at me when you're around, snatching up all the attention as usual."

Before Hiro could respond, Maki shot him a look, one eyebrow raised in a silent but clear message that treaded the line between amusement and warning. Hiro caught the hint, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as he decided to change tack.

"Let's just make sure we're there for the first years," Hiro said, turning back to the front of the class. "Remember how lost we felt when we started?"

Gojo, watching the interaction, chuckled to himself. "Lost? You lot dived in headfirst without a second thought. But yes, guidance is key," he said, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Panda and Inumaki exchanged glances, sharing a silent comment on the group's dynamics—a mixture of friendly jibes and the subtle undercurrent of competition that Gojo seemed to so enjoy as their mentor.


The afternoon light filtered through the corridor windows as Hiro ambled along, a post-class weariness in his steps. Maki's door swung open just as he passed by, and she beckoned him with a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Got a minute?" she inquired, her tone light yet insistent.

"I'd love to, but I've got training," Hiro replied, his voice tinged with regret.

"Come on, I'm bored here all by myself," Maki protested, her stance relaxing as she watched him.

Hiro, ever the disciplined student, remembered the monks' teachings about commitment. "Well, the monks did say that persistence is key to—" he began.

Interrupting him, Maki said pointedly, "I'm really hot, you know?"

Hiro, ever oblivious, nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, spring can be a bit unpredictable, but you can come to my room—got a decent AC there."

Maki's patience snapped, her cheeks flushing with a mix of exasperation and amusement. "Forget it, Hiro," she huffed, closing her door sharply as Hiro stood in the hallway, scratching his head, still not quite catching her drift.

The corridor was quiet, the only sound being Hiro's footsteps echoing off the walls. As he turned a corner, he nearly bumped into Fushiguro, who stood with an expectant look.

"Fushiguro, what's up?" Hiro asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I was looking for you. Master Gojo wants us to go on a mission together," Fushiguro replied, adjusting the strap on his shoulder.

"A mission? Sounds interesting. What's the plan?" Hiro queried, intrigued.

"We need to retrieve a cursed object. It's pretty standard stuff," Fushiguro explained, his voice carrying the weight of duty.

Hiro hesitated, his mind racing to the promise he had made. "I'd usually jump at the chance, but I have a date with Maki tomorrow. If I stand her up, she'll have my head," he said, the concern evident in his tone.

Fushiguro's expression hardened slightly. "As a Grade 1 sorcerer, you should prioritize your responsibilities. Missions like these are crucial."

Hiro let out a reluctant sigh. He knew Fushiguro was right, despite his personal plans. "Okay, okay, I'll go. But we better be back by tomorrow," he conceded, knowing well the balance he had to maintain between his duties and his personal life.

Fushiguro nodded, satisfied. "We'll leave first thing in the morning. Prepare yourself," he said before turning to leave, leaving Hiro to mull over the unexpected turn his day had taken.

After Fushiguro walked away, Hiro couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "Geez, what a stuck-up guy." He shook his head slightly, already dreading the early morning ahead and the lecture he'd likely have to endure from Maki for changing plans. With a resigned sigh, he started to walk towards the training area to prepare for the unexpected mission.


The next morning dawned bright and sunny, casting a warm golden hue over the Jujutsu High grounds. Hiro finished his meditation, feeling the sun's gentle rays on his skin. He stood up, stretching his muscles and preparing himself mentally for the task ahead - not the mission with Fushiguro, but the daunting prospect of informing Maki about the canceled date.

He let out a deep sigh, half expecting to feel Maki's wrath even before he'd spoken a word. "Well, time to face the music," he mumbled to himself, his steps hesitant as he made his way to find Maki. The thought of her reaction made his stomach churn slightly. "She's definitely going to kill me," he thought, the beautiful morning suddenly seeming less bright.

Hiro hesitantly knocked on Maki's door, his heart pounding with apprehension. The door swung open, revealing Maki with a smile that momentarily melted away his worries. She leaned in, planting a soft, affectionate kiss on his lips. "I've been looking forward to our date all week," she said, her voice filled with excitement.

Gulping, Hiro knew he had to break the news. "Maki, about the date... I can't make it," he started, quickly explaining the urgent mission assigned by Master Gojo and his obligation to join Fushiguro.

Maki's smile vanished, replaced by a look of frustration. "Seriously, Hiro? First, you reject my invitation last night to have sex, and now you're canceling our date?"

Hiro opened his mouth, searching for the right words to soften the blow, but then realization dawned on him. "Wait, you wanted to have sex—" he blurted out, but before he could process the revelation, Maki's expression turned stormy.

Without another word, Maki slammed the door in his face, leaving Hiro alone in the hallway. The sound of the door closing echoed in his ears as he stood there, stunned and flustered.

"Great, just what I needed," Hiro sighed, running a hand through his hair. He stared at the closed door, his mind now racing with thoughts of the mission and the mess he'd inadvertently created with Maki.

Fushiguro approached Hiro, who was still standing outside Maki's door, lost in thought. "Takashi-senpai, are you ready to go?" he asked, noticing Hiro's distracted demeanor.

Hiro snapped out of his reverie and looked at Fushiguro, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's do this," he said, trying to sound upbeat.

As they walked towards the exit, Fushiguro glanced at Hiro curiously. "Is everything okay? You seem a bit off."

Hiro let out a half-hearted chuckle. "Ah, just had a bit of a rough start with Maki. You know, relationship stuff."

Fushiguro nodded, understandingly. "Relationships can be complicated. But remember, our duty as sorcerers comes first."

Hiro nodded, appreciating the reminder. "You're right, Fushiguro. It's just... sometimes balancing personal life and our duties gets tricky."

Fushiguro looked ahead, his expression resolute. "It does. But I believe that's part of what makes us stronger as Jujutsu sorcerers. We learn to handle both."

Hiro smiled, feeling a bit more reassured. "Thanks, Fushiguro. You might be the junior here, but you've got some wise words."

They continued walking, both focused on the mission ahead, their footsteps echoing in unison down the corridor.

As they walked, Hiro turned to Megumi with a curious expression. "So, what exactly are we looking for on this mission?" he inquired.

"We're after a Sukuna's finger," Megumi replied, his tone serious.

Hiro's interest piqued at the mention of Sukuna. "Sukuna, huh? Do you know the story behind him?" he asked, glancing at Megumi.

Megumi nodded slightly. "I know a bit. He's one of the most feared Cursed Spirits, a legendary figure in the Jujutsu world."

Hiro leaned in, ready to share what he had learned. "The monks at the temple told me an interesting tale about Sukuna. They said he was not just a powerful Cursed Spirit, but also a sorcerer in ancient times. He was so strong that no one could defeat him, and after his death, his body became Cursed Objects."

Megumi listened intently, absorbing the information. "That explains why his fingers are so dangerous and sought after."

"Yeah," Hiro continued, "the monks said that each finger holds immense cursed energy. It's like having a ticking time bomb. Whoever possesses a finger can wield great power, but it's a double-edged sword."

Megumi's expression grew more serious. "That makes our mission even more critical. We can't let a finger fall into the wrong hands."

Hiro nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed ahead. "Exactly. Let's make sure we get it first." They quickened their pace, both understanding the gravity of their task and the potential dangers that lay ahead.

As they walked through the bustling streets, Megumi relayed their mission details to Hiro. "We're heading to Miyagi Prefecture, Sugisawa High School in Sendai," he explained with a focused tone.

Hiro, however, was deep in thought about how to appease Maki, barely registering Megumi's words. His concerns about their relationship were at the forefront of his mind.

Noticing Hiro's preoccupation, Megumi's expression turned to one of slight annoyance. "Takashi-senpai, are you even listening?" he inquired, a touch of frustration in his voice.

Realizing he had been caught not paying attention, Hiro quickly tried to recover. "Oh, uh, Miyagi... right, Sugisawa High School. Sorry, Fushiguro, my mind was elsewhere."

As they continued their journey, Megumi couldn't help but express his concern. "You really need to concentrate, Takashi-senpai," he urged.

Hiro chuckled lightly and replied, "You'll understand when you have a girlfriend, which I doubt will happen anytime soon, given your egocentric attitude."

Megumi's forehead vein popped in annoyance. "And what will you do if we fail this mission, gather all of Sukuna's fingers and unleash him? You seem overly confident."

Hiro responded with a smirk, "I'll just defeat him. After all, I am the strongest."

Megumi shot back, slightly irritated, "That's a bold claim for a mere grade 1 sorcerer."

Hiro's expression hardened. "Even as a grade 1, I'm stronger than Okkotsu, who's a special grade. Mark my words."

Megumi, skeptical, replied, "I highly doubt that."

Their conversation, now tinged with competitive tension, continued as they made their way towards their destination, each determined to prove their own strength.

As they stepped off the train, Hiro's face lit up with a sudden realization. "Hey, I just remembered! There's a pastry shop here in Sendai that's absolutely fantastic. I should grab something for Maki," he declared, his eyes sparkling at the thought.

Megumi, already weary from the journey, frowned at Hiro's sudden detour. "Takashi-senpai, we can't afford distractions. We're here on a mission," he reminded sternly.

Hiro, however, seemed undeterred by Megumi's concern. "Relax, it's just a Sukuna finger we're after. You'll manage fine on your own," Hiro said, his tone casual. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a wad of bills and handed them to Megumi. "Here, grab some lunch or something. I won't be long."

With a spring in his step, Hiro turned on his heel and darted off into the bustling street. Megumi watched him go, the money in his hand feeling somewhat like a consolation prize. He shook his head in mild frustration, then redirected his focus to the mission at hand, now solo. Hiro's carefree attitude was both baffling and slightly amusing to him.


In a serene room with a traditional Japanese aesthetic, Gojo Satoru and Kento Nanami were enjoying a peaceful tea session. The room was adorned with tatami mats and sliding paper doors, allowing soft sunlight to filter through. A small, low table sat between them, adorned with a teapot and cups. The faint aroma of green tea filled the air, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

Gojo, with his usual nonchalant demeanor, leaned back and casually remarked, "Things are getting quite interesting, aren't they?" He sipped his tea, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Nanami, ever the pragmatist, raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" he asked, his tone even.

"The new generation of sorcerers, Nanami. They're remarkably strong," Gojo said, setting down his cup. "Take Yamada, the boy of the prophecy, and Yuta Okkotsu – already a Special Grade. And then there's Hiro Takashi. We didn't expect much initially, but after his victory over Suguru Geto, he's now rubbing shoulders with the best."

Gojo paused to glance around the room, his gaze landing on a plate of cookies. Without hesitation, he reached over and snagged one of Nanami's cookies, popping it into his mouth.

"And don't forget Megumi Fushiguro, the Ten Shadows Technique user. Plus, although expelled, there's Hakari. All these powerful sorcerers, and they're so young," Gojo mused, crumbs escaping his lips.

Nanami's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched his cookie disappear. "Indeed," he agreed, his voice calm yet tinged with annoyance at the stolen treat. "This could mean that the curses we face this year might be exceptionally formidable."

Gojo smirked, clearly pleased with the way things were shaping up, while Nanami reached for another cookie, this time guarding it a bit more closely. The dynamic between the two, one of casual mischief and stoic seriousness, played out subtly in their conversation and body language.

Nanami, methodically adjusting his glasses, broke the silence first, asking Gojo, "Who do you think will emerge as the strongest in this new generation of sorcerers?" He sipped his tea, his gaze fixed on Gojo, awaiting his response.

Gojo leaned back, a playful smirk on his face. "It's a tough call," he began, "Yamada or Okkotsu would be the obvious choices. Both have remarkable abilities." He paused, looking at Nanami curiously. "But what about you, Nanami? Who's your bet on?"

Nanami pondered for a moment before replying, "I believe Hiro Takashi has a lot of untapped potential. He's shown remarkable growth." He took another sip of his tea, maintaining his usual calm demeanor.

Gojo chuckled, "Ah, Hiro, your favorite, I see." He playfully dipped his finger into Nanami's tea, causing a small ripple. Nanami frowned slightly and pushed the cup aside, clearly unamused by Gojo's antics.

Undeterred by Nanami's reaction, Gojo continued, "I used to think Hiro might outshine them all. But after watching Yamada's performance in Kyoto, it's clear he's on another level. He could easily overpower any sorcerer. Given a few more months, he might even surpass me." Gojo's eyes twinkled with a mix of pride and excitement.

Nanami, taking in Gojo's words, nodded thoughtfully. "Yamada's abilities are indeed exceptional. But I still hold my opinion about Hiro. He has a certain unpredictability that could give him an edge."


In the quaint pastry shop in Sendai, Hiro Takashi stood alone, his gaze wandering over the array of cakes. As he looked at a particularly inviting chocolate cake, he muttered to himself, "I remember Master Li Wen saying, 'In simplicity often lies the wisest choice'... But, is this cake too plain for Maki?"

He paused in front of another, an ornate fruit cake, and smiled slightly. "Though, he also said, 'True art requires boldness'. Maybe this one is more fitting." The decision seemed as intricate as a jujutsu puzzle.

With a soft chuckle, Hiro recalled another lesson. "And don't forget, Hiro, balance is key in everything." Nodding as if the master were there, he headed to the counter. "I think I know which one to choose."

At that moment, a shop assistant approached. "Can I help you with something?"

Hiro, with his signature confident smile, replied, "Yes, thank you. I'll take that fruit cake. It's a perfect balance between art and simplicity, just what I need."

The shop assistant, a young woman with a curious glint in her eyes, couldn't help but overhear Hiro's mutterings. "Um, were you talking to yourself?" she asked, a playful yet slightly concerned tone in her voice. "Are you okay?"

Hiro laughed, not the least bit embarrassed. "Ah, no, just thinking out loud. I have a habit of doing that," he said with a sheepish grin.

The assistant raised an eyebrow, half-amused. "Thinking out loud in a pastry shop? That's a new one. Usually, people just drool over the cakes in silence."

Hiro chuckled. "Well, sometimes life's choices need a bit of... verbal deliberation, even if it's just choosing a cake."

She smiled, intrigued. "So, you're a philosopher or something?"

"In a way, I guess," Hiro replied with a twinkle in his eye. "I spent some time training in a Shaolin temple. The monks had a lot to say about life, choices, and balance."

The assistant leaned on the counter, clearly interested. "Shaolin temple, huh? That sounds intense. Did you learn kung fu or just cake-choosing wisdom?"

"A bit of both," Hiro said, his eyes lighting up with the memory. "The physical training was tough, but the lessons about balance and harmony were what really stuck with me."

"Well, it looks like it paid off, at least in cake choosing," she teased. "I hope your choice brings the balance you're looking for."

Hiro nodded, appreciating the moment of light-hearted connection. "I think it will. Thank you."

With his purchase in hand, Hiro stepped out of the pastry shop, the brief encounter leaving a small, warm smile on his face.

The shop assistant, while bagging the cake, glanced up at Hiro with a hint of boldness in her smile. "You know, you're quite charming," she said casually. "Would it be too forward if I asked for your number?"

Hiro was taken aback for a moment, his usual confidence momentarily faltering. "Oh, uh, thank you, that's very flattering," he stammered, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. "But I'm, well, sort of seeing someone. It's complicated."

The assistant's smile didn't waver. "No worries, I understand. Can't blame a girl for trying, right?" she replied with a wink.

"Definitely can't," Hiro agreed, returning the smile. "It's been nice chatting with you, though."

"Likewise," she said, handing him the bagged cake. "Good luck with your... philosophical cake endeavors and your complicated relationship."

"Thanks, I'll need it," Hiro chuckled, feeling a mix of relief and amusement as he left the shop, the encounter adding an unexpected twist to his day.

Hiro stepped out onto the bustling streets of Sendai, the weight of the cake in his hand a tangible reminder of his missed date with Maki. As he merged with the flow of pedestrians, his thoughts turned to Megumi and the mission.

"Megumi's more than capable of handling things for a while," Hiro mused aloud, his confidence in his fellow sorcerer unwavering. "He's probably better off without me hovering over his shoulder."

His gaze drifted to the array of shops lining the street, each offering a myriad of potential gifts. "Now, what else can I get for Maki? Something special, something that says 'I'm sorry and I'm thinking of you.'"

He paused in front of a small boutique, its window display catching his eye. Inside, an array of unique and elegant jewelry glimmered under the soft lighting. "Jewelry, maybe? No, too cliché," Hiro thought, his mind racing through possibilities.

Continuing his stroll, Hiro's eyes were drawn to a quaint antique shop. The items displayed had a timeless charm, and he found himself walking in, intrigued. "Antiques have stories, history... like us," he pondered, hoping to find something that resonated with the depth and complexity of his relationship with Maki.

As Hiro browsed through the shelves, he remained keenly aware of the ticking clock and the mission awaiting him. Yet, in that moment, finding the perfect token for Maki seemed equally important, a symbol of his commitment to balancing the demands of his life as a sorcerer with the needs of his heart.

Hiro wandered through the streets, his mind ticking through various gift ideas. As he passed by a clothing store showcasing stylish outerwear, a thought struck him. "A jacket... Maki loves practical things, and with winter coming, it would be perfect," he murmured to himself, a plan forming in his mind.

He entered the store, the warm air a pleasant contrast to the crispness outside. His eyes quickly scanned the racks, searching for something that would suit Maki's style – something strong, yet elegant.

He picked up a sleek leather jacket, its craftsmanship exquisite. "She'd look great in this," Hiro thought, imagining Maki wearing it. "It's stylish but also something she can wear on missions."

While examining the jacket, Hiro's mind drifted to Maki, to their moments together, their training sessions, the subtle ways she smiled. He smiled to himself, his heart feeling a mix of affection and regret.

"Sorry, Maki," he whispered to the empty air, "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Satisfied with his choice, Hiro made his way to the cashier. With the jacket and the cake, he felt a sense of accomplishment. It wasn't just about the gifts, but the message they carried – an apology, a promise, a connection that went beyond words.

As he stepped back onto the street, Hiro's thoughts returned to the mission and Megumi. "Time to get back to work," he said, the weight of his responsibilities as a sorcerer settling back onto his shoulders. With renewed determination, he headed towards the location of the mission, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


As Hiro navigated through the streets of Sendai, the setting sun cast a golden glow over the city. He had become so engrossed in selecting gifts for Maki that time had slipped away from him, and now he found himself disoriented, with no clear sense of direction.

Glancing around, Hiro realized he was lost. The once familiar streets now seemed like an unfamiliar maze. "Great, now I'm lost," he mumbled under his breath. "And I have no idea where to find the location for the mission. Megumi must be there already."

He reached for his phone, hoping to use it for navigation, but was met with the low battery warning. "Just perfect," he sighed, pocketing the device again. The urgency of reuniting with Megumi and completing their mission weighed heavily on him.

Hiro started to ask for directions from people passing by, but the instructions he received were unclear, only adding to his frustration. "I should have been more attentive to my surroundings," he reflected, remembering the monks' teachings on mindfulness.

With a sense of resolve, Hiro quickened his pace, his eyes searching for any landmark or sign that could guide him back to the mission's rendezvous point. As night began to fall, the lively streets of Sendai transformed, with shadows stretching longer and the air turning colder.

Clutching the jacket and cake more tightly, Hiro felt a renewed sense of determination. These gifts, meant as a token of apology and affection to Maki, now also symbolized his commitment to overcoming challenges and fulfilling his responsibilities.

Despite the growing darkness and uncertainty, Hiro's determination did not waver. He knew he had to find his way, not only for the sake of the mission but also to prove to himself and to others that he could balance his role as a sorcerer with his personal life. This unexpected challenge was yet another trial on his path, and he was ready to confront it head-on.

Finally, Hiro spotted the school in the distance. Relief washed over him as he recognized the familiar silhouette. However, his relief quickly turned to shock when he noticed the school's terrace in ruins. With a swift leap, powered by his cursed energy, Hiro landed on the rooftop, instantly taking in the scene before him.

Megumi stood there, panting heavily, next to a pink-haired boy with a torn red shirt. The scene was chaotic, and Hiro couldn't help but let out a confused comment, "Is this some kind of... romantic dispute gone wrong?"

Megumi, clearly annoyed, snapped back, "No, this idiot swallowed they finger!"

Hiro raised an eyebrow, "Your finger or Sukuna's?" There was a hint of jest in his voice, despite the gravity of the situation.

"Sukuna's, obviously!" Megumi retorted, frustration evident in his tone.

The pink-haired boy, now regaining some composure, introduced himself. "I'm Yuji Itadori."

Hiro eyed Itadori carefully, assessing the situation. "So, you're the one who ate Sukuna's finger," he concluded, his tone a mix of disbelief and a strange sense of respect for the boldness of such an act.

Itadori looked a bit embarrassed but nodded in affirmation. Hiro turned to Megumi, ready to understand the full scope of what had happened and what it meant for their mission. The situation had just taken an unexpected turn, and Hiro knew they had to act quickly to address the new reality they faced.

Hiro looked at Itadori with a blend of amazement and concern. "It's quite a feat, eating Sukuna's finger and not being completely overtaken by him," he remarked. "Are you feeling okay? Can you actually release Sukuna at will?"

Yuji Itadori nodded, a mix of pride and nervousness in his expression. "Yeah, I can control it," he replied, his voice steady but carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Turning to Megumi, Hiro handed over the items he had been carrying. Megumi, seeing the packages, asked with a raised eyebrow, "What are these?"

"They're gifts... for Maki," Hiro replied casually, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Megumi's expression shifted to one of frustration. "Gifts? While I've been here risking my life, you were out shopping?" His voice was tinged with irritation and disbelief.

Hiro, sensing the tension, tried to defuse the situation. "Look, I know it seems bad, but I got held up. These gifts... they're important. But right now, let's focus on the situation at hand. We can deal with my... shopping trip later."

Itadori watched the exchange, a bit perplexed but sensing the gravity of the situation.

Hiro turned back to Itadori with a decisive look. "I want you to release Sukuna, but only for 10 seconds," he instructed.

Itadori hesitated, a worried frown crossing his face. "Are you sure about this? It could be dangerous."

Hiro nodded confidently. "I'm sure. Don't worry, I can handle it. It's just the power of one finger, after all. And besides," he added with a slight smirk, "I'm pretty strong myself."

Megumi watched the scene unfold with intense focus. He had heard about Hiro from the higher-ups at the school; tales of an exceptional talent who defeated Suguru Geto, a sorcerer that had eluded the school for years. They spoke of Hiro's wisdom from the Shaolin temple and his exceptional power. However, Megumi's actual interactions with Hiro had painted a very different picture – until now. This moment could be his chance to witness Hiro's true capabilities, especially against someone as formidable as Sukuna.

Itadori, convinced by Hiro's assurance, nodded and braced himself. "Alright, here goes nothing," he said, focusing his energy to unleash Sukuna for a brief moment.

Megumi tensed, ready to intervene if things got out of hand. This was a critical moment, not just for their mission, but to understand the true extent of Hiro's abilities. The air was thick with anticipation as they all prepared for what was about to happen.

Sukuna took control of Itadori's body, his eyes flashing with malevolent intent. Almost instantly, he lunged at Hiro with a ferocious speed. Hiro, reacting with equal agility, dodged the attack, moving fluidly to avoid Sukuna's strikes.

As he maneuvered around Sukuna's assaults, Hiro casually began recounting his morning discovery to Megumi. "You know, this morning I realized something funny," he said, ducking under a vicious swipe. "Maki actually wanted to get intimate with me last night, and I was totally clueless."

Megumi, trying to keep track of the rapidly unfolding battle, could hardly believe what he was hearing. Hiro's casual chit-chat in the middle of a fight with Sukuna seemed utterly absurd.

Hiro continued to evade Sukuna's attacks with a dancer's grace, each movement precise and calculated. "Yeah, I completely missed the signals. She was dropping hints all evening," Hiro added, leaping over a low kick and countering with a swift jab that Sukuna narrowly avoided.

The contrast between the seriousness of their opponent and Hiro's light-hearted conversation was surreal. Megumi watched in disbelief, not only at Hiro's fighting prowess but also at his ability to maintain such a casual conversation under these circumstances.

Sukuna, growing increasingly frustrated at his inability to land a hit, intensified his attacks. Hiro, however, seemed almost to be dancing around the cursed spirit, his movements a blur of speed and efficiency. It was a bizarre yet impressive display of Hiro's unique skills and nonchalant demeanor.

Sukuna, with a twisted smile, remarked, "Sorcerers always causing trouble," as he prepared to unleash his cursed technique. The air crackled with dark energy, signaling the imminent danger.

Just as Sukuna released his attack, Hiro quickly conjured an electric barrier around himself. The barrier crackled with intense energy, effectively deflecting Sukuna's cursed technique.

In the aftermath of the clash, Itadori managed to regain control, his expression one of exhaustion and confusion. Hiro, still surrounded by his flickering electric barrier, lowered it and turned to Itadori.

"Nice work holding him back, Itadori," Hiro complimented, genuinely impressed.

Itadori, catching his breath, replied, "Thanks, but that was intense. I didn't expect Sukuna to be that strong."

Hiro nodded, a serious look on his face. "He's no ordinary cursed spirit. We need to be careful."

Megumi, who had been watching the exchange, finally spoke up, "We should report this back. This encounter was beyond our expectations."

Hiro agreed, "Yeah, you're right. But first, let's get out of here. This place isn't safe anymore."

As they prepared to leave, Hiro patted Itadori on the shoulder. "You did good, kid. We'll need to work on controlling Sukuna more, but for now, you held up well."

Itadori, still a bit shaken, managed a small smile. "Thanks, Hiro. I'll try to do better next time."

Hiro, assessing the situation quickly, delivered a precise, controlled strike to the back of Itadori's neck, gently knocking him unconscious. As Itadori slumped to the ground, Hiro caught him, ensuring he didn't fall too hard.

Turning to Megumi, Hiro said, "We need to report this to Professor Gojo. The higher-ups will probably want to execute Itadori for what he's done."

Megumi's face clouded with worry at the thought of Itadori being executed. "But, he's just a kid who made a mistake," Megumi protested, his concern evident.

Hiro nodded, understanding his unease. "I know. The monks at the Shaolin temple used to say, 'In the face of adversity, true friendship is the strongest shield.' We won't let anything happen to Itadori. I promise you that."

Megumi looked at Hiro, seeing the determination in his eyes. It was a reassurance that they were in this together and would do everything in their power to protect Itadori.

With Itadori in tow, Hiro and Megumi set off to meet with Professor Gojo, ready to face the consequences and fight for their new ally's life. Despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, Hiro's promise gave Megumi a sense of hope that together, they could overcome whatever challenges they would face.