The Kyoto exchange tournament (Part One)

As dawn broke, painting the sky with soft hues of morning light, Hiro was lost in the depths of a restless sleep. Murmurs escaped his lips, a jumble of words and names, "No, Maki... We shouldn't, not here... Mai, don't touch me there because..." His voice trailed off into incoherence, a tangled web of dreams and subconscious thoughts.

Suddenly, the harsh blare of his alarm jolted him awake. Startled, Hiro tumbled out of bed, landing with an unceremonious thud on the floor. He groaned, rubbing his head, and glanced down, noticing a familiar reaction between his legs. With a resigned sigh, he muttered, "Seems like... some things never go away."

Pushing himself off the floor, Hiro stood and stretched, his body stiff from the abrupt awakening. As he oriented himself to the new day, he grumbled, "Today's the exchange tournament. Really is a nuisance."

In the shower, Hiro stood under the steady stream of water, his mind preoccupied not so much with Maki or Mai, but with the nature of the dream he had just experienced. He leaned against the cool tiles, letting the water cascade over him, yet finding no solace in its warmth.

"Of all things," he spoke to himself, a note of confusion in his voice, "why did it have to be that kind of dream? After feeling so numb for so long..."

He closed his eyes, trying to make sense of it. "It's strange. I've been so detached from everything, my emotions practically non-existent. And yet, a dream like that... it stirs something I thought was gone."

Hiro ran his fingers through his hair, the water sluicing down his face. "Is this a sign that I'm still... human, after everything? Or just my mind playing tricks on me?"

With a deep, steadying breath, Hiro tried to push the thoughts away. "Focus, Hiro. You have the tournament today. You can't afford to be distracted by... base instincts."

Turning off the shower, Hiro stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist. As he wiped the fog from the mirror, he caught a glimpse of himself — a reflection of a man caught between the warrior he had become and the human he still was, struggling to reconcile the two.

Hiro dressed meticulously, sliding into a black shirt that hugged his form, accentuating the contours of his muscular build. He paired it with black pants that were snug but allowed for easy movement, and laced up his combat boots. Finally, he took the school button and fashioned it into a makeshift necklace, an unconventional touch to his ensemble.

After dressing, he stood in front of the mirror, giving his hair a casual swipe with his hand, arranging it in a way that seemed carelessly perfect. Satisfied with his appearance, Hiro stepped out into the hallway.

Megumi was waiting outside, and upon seeing Hiro, he raised an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Not only do you have your own shower, but now you're dressing however you please?" he commented, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Without missing a beat, Hiro ruffled Megumi's hair affectionately and said with a smirk, "Just keep quiet and don't say anything, alright?"

Hiro and Megumi walked side by side, exiting the building to join the rest of their group. Maki, Nobara, Inumaki, and Panda were already there, waiting. "Good morning," they greeted in unison.

Hiro simply nodded in response, his demeanor calm yet distant.

Maki, ever observant, noticed Hiro's aloofness but approached him with a warm smile. "Will you be cheering for me in the tournament?" she asked, a playful note in her voice as she stepped closer.

Feeling her nearness, Hiro was suddenly reminded of his dream, and involuntarily, his gaze shifted away. "Yeah, I will," he replied, his voice slightly terse.

Maki's smile faltered, picking up on the change in his tone. "Is everything okay, Hiro?" she asked, concern edging her words. "You seem... different."

Hiro glanced back at her, then quickly away, struggling to keep his composure. "I'm fine," he said, a bit too quickly. "Just focused on the tournament, that's all."

Maki studied him for a moment longer, sensing there was more to his reaction than he was letting on, but she chose not to press further. Instead, she gave him a reassuring nod. "Alright, just remember we're all here for you, on and off the field."

As the Jujutsu High students neared the tournament grounds, Maki suddenly halted, alerting the others. "Hey, look who's here."

The Kyoto School students had arrived. Each one had a distinct presence, and their interactions with the Tokyo team were immediate and charged with rivalry.

Mai walked up to Maki, a sly smirk on her face. "Well, if it isn't my dear sister. Still trying to prove something?"

Momo, standing a bit behind, whispered loud enough for others to hear, "She's always so intimidating..."

Mechamaru analyzed the Tokyo team with a critical eye. "Not only is Hiro Takashi not participating, but you're also using first-years? You're practically handing us the victory."

Kamo chimed in, his tone laced with pride and a hint of provocation. "Are they underestimating us, or are they just that confident?"

Aoi Todo spotted Hiro and called out, "Hiro, is it true you're not taking part? What a letdown!"

Miwa, seemingly uninterested in the brewing tension, sighed and muttered, "I'm hungry. When's lunch?"

Nobara's annoyance was palpable as she addressed the Kyoto students. "Don't underestimate us first-years," she snapped, her pride as a Jujutsu High student evident in her stance.

Mechamaru, unyielding, responded with a mechanical tone, "It's not underestimation if it's true. Without Hiro Takashi, you're significantly weaker."

The exchange was growing heated when Hiro suddenly spoke up, his voice commanding enough to silence everyone. "Nobody's underestimating anyone. But you need to recognize your place. You're weak. Apart from Toudo, none of you pique my interest."

Mai, seizing the moment, sidled up to Hiro and wrapped her arm around his. "That sounded so cool," she cooed, looking up at him with admiration.

Kamo, visibly irritated, turned to Mai. "Whose side are you on, anyway?" he demanded, his frustration clear.

Just as the tension between the Tokyo and Kyoto students seemed to reach a peak, Yazu Yoshida made his appearance. He walked up confidently, surveying the scene with a self-assured grin.

"Looks like I arrived just in time for the fun," Yazu announced, his eyes scanning the group. His arrival added a new layer to the already complex dynamic.

Maki raised an eyebrow at Yazu, while Nobara looked at him with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Hiro, who had been at the center of the tension, glanced at Yazu, his expression unreadable.

Yazu, noticing Hiro, gave him a nod. "Hiro, ready to show these Kyoto folks what we're made of?"

Hiro just shrugged in response, his focus remaining on the Kyoto team.

The Kyoto students, now sizing up Yazu, exchanged glances. Mechamaru, in particular, seemed to reassess the situation. "Another first-year," he commented, "This just got more interesting."

Yazu's bold declaration echoed among the group. "Hiro and I are going to wipe the floor with you guys," he proclaimed confidently.

Fushiguro, standing nearby with a composed expression, calmly corrected him. "Actually, Hiro won't be participating. We're trying to keep things balanced."

Yazu, caught off guard, turned to Fushiguro in surprise. "What? Why am I just finding out about this now?"

Fushiguro, himself a first-year, maintained his calm demeanor. "It was not a recent decision. We believe in the strength of our team, even without Hiro. His participation would have made the competition uneven."

Yazu's gaze shifted to Hiro, looking for confirmation. "Is that true? You're really not going to fight?"

Hiro nodded affirmatively. "Yes, it's true. It's an opportunity for the others to showcase their abilities."

Yazu let out a sigh, half in disappointment, half in amusement. "Well, that's a bummer. I was looking forward to teaming up with you. But, I guess it's up to us first-years to bring home the victory."

As the Tokyo and Kyoto students engaged in their heated discussion, the arrival of Utahime Iori and Principal Gakuganji brought a new seriousness to the atmosphere.

Utahime, looking over the Kyoto students with a stern gaze, said firmly, "Enough, Kyoto students. Let's save the confrontations for the tournament."

Her eyes then scanned the crowd, searching. "And where is he? Where's the idiot?" she asked, her tone indicating she expected to see a specific person.

Panda, quick to provide an answer, informed, "Professor Gojo had to step out for something important."

Maki, without a hint of humor, added, "As usual, he does whatever he pleases."

Megumi, noting the seriousness of the conversation, stated matter-of-factly, "We weren't specifically referring to Gojo-sensei as the 'idiot.'"

The atmosphere shifted abruptly as Gojo arrived, effortlessly pushing a cart with a large box on it. "Sorry for the delay," he announced cheerfully. "I've brought some souvenirs for our friends from Kyoto." He began distributing peculiar pink dolls to the Kyoto students, each one eliciting curious looks.

Turning to Utahime, he flashed a mischievous grin. "Sorry, Utahime, I didn't get anything for you."

Utahime, clearly annoyed, retorted, "I didn't want anything from you anyway!"

Then, with a dramatic flourish, Gojo declared, "And for the Tokyo students, I have this special treat!" He opened the box to reveal Yuji Itadori, who everyone believed to be dead. Itadori leaped out with his characteristic enthusiasm, exclaiming, "Hey, OPP!"

The Tokyo students' reactions ranged from shock to displeasure, their expressions a mix of disbelief and discomfort. Itadori, seemingly oblivious to the tension, looked around and asked, "Ahh, why aren't you guys happy to see me?"

Principal Gakuganji's reaction to Itadori's sudden reappearance was one of sheer astonishment. He stared at Itadori, his mind racing with questions. "How is the vessel of Sukuna still alive?" he murmured, more to himself than to anyone else.

Gojo, relishing the moment, turned to Gakuganji with a taunting smile. "Ah, Principal Gakuganji, I was worried that the shock might give you a heart attack," he said, his tone dripping with playful defiance.

Meanwhile, Maki turned to Hiro, her expression filled with concern and curiosity. "Do you think it's safe to trust the vessel of Sukuna?" she asked quietly.

Hiro nodded confidently. "Yes, I've met him. He's a good guy and seems to have a handle on controlling the King of Curses," he assured her.

Hiro's affirmation seemed to ease some of Maki's concerns, but the revelation of Itadori's survival and his role as the vessel of Sukuna continued to resonate among the students, stirring a complex mix of emotions and questions about what lay ahead.


In a strategy room at Jujutsu High, Hiro gathered with his fellow Tokyo students to discuss their plan for the upcoming tournament. The air was heavy with anticipation and the responsibility of crafting a strategy that could ensure their victory.

"So, what's the plan?" Hiro asked, looking around the room at his teammates.

Maki, taking the lead, began to outline their original strategy. "We initially planned for Fushiguro to engage Toudo and keep him occupied, while the rest of us handle the curses. But now, with Yazu and Itadori joining us..." She glanced towards the two newest members of their team.

Hiro nodded thoughtfully. "Megumi has been training hard; he's definitely capable of taking on Toudo. But his shikigami could be more useful supporting the rest of the team. So, how about Itadori and Yazu team up against Toudo?"

The suggestion sparked a murmur of agreement among the group. Megumi looked contemplative, likely weighing the tactical benefits of Hiro's suggestion.

Itadori, ever enthusiastic, chimed in, "I'm up for it! Yazu and I can handle Toudo together."

Yazu, with a confident smirk, added, "Sounds like a plan. Toudo won't know what hit him."

Hiro turned to face Megumi, offering him a half-smile filled with camaraderie and confidence. "Megumi, we've both been training hard. You'll do great. Just give it your best shot," he encouraged.

Megumi, usually reserved, allowed a small smile to break through, nodding in acknowledgment of Hiro's support.

Itadori, unable to resist, joked, "Ehh? Fushiguro smiled? Is it the end of the world or something?"

Megumi, slightly annoyed but amused, retorted without missing a beat, "Just shut up, will you?"

At that moment, Maki stepped towards Itadori, extending her hand with an assertive gesture. "Alright, where's my Demon-Slaying weapon? The blindfolded idiot gave it to you, and it's mine. Hand it over."

Itadori, visibly nervous and caught off guard, stammered, "Uh, Professor Gojo has it."

Maki rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "That idiot..."

As the time for the tournament drew near, Hiro stood up, signaling the end of the meeting. "It's time," he announced, his tone serious but encouraging. "Good luck to all of you. I'll be supporting you from the sidelines."

One by one, the team members responded. Nobara's confidence was palpable as she declared, "Just watch us take down those Kyoto snobs."

Panda added with determination, "We won't let you down."

Inumaki, ever concise, simply said, "Salmon," his unique way of expressing agreement.

Megumi nodded solemnly, acknowledging Hiro's support.

Yazu, brimming with confidence, boasted, "Just keep an eye out for me. I'm going to shine out there."

As each member walked past Hiro, they shared a fist bump or a high five with him, a small but meaningful gesture of unity and mutual respect. One by one, they left the room, filled with a sense of purpose and readiness for the challenge ahead.

All except for Maki, who lingered behind. She stood there with Hiro, the silence between them speaking volumes. It was a moment of quiet understanding, a brief pause before the storm of competition that awaited them.

Hiro noticed Maki's hesitation and asked gently, "Is something wrong?"

Maki moved closer, her usual bold demeanor giving way to a rare show of timidity. "Could you... kiss my forehead?" she asked softly.

Hiro felt his heart race, a sensation he hadn't experienced since his return from the temple. This vulnerability from Maki, so contrary to her usual strength and confidence, was unexpected and new. He nodded, understanding the significance of the request.

Carefully lifting Maki's bangs, Hiro leaned in and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "Good luck," he whispered.

Maki looked up at him, a mix of determination and vulnerability in her eyes. "Just watch me, okay? Don't take your eyes off me."

The moment was poignant, a blend of their shared past and the uncertainties of the present. Hiro watched her leave, a silent promise to keep his eyes on her, supporting her in the only way he now knew how.


Hiro stepped into a monitoring room, where numerous screens displayed live feeds of the tournament. The room was occupied by Principal Masamichi Yaga, Principal Yoshinobu Gakuganji, Mei Mei, Satoru Gojo, and Utahime Iori.

As he entered, Gojo greeted him with his usual flair. "Ah, Hiro! You've decided to join us in the VIP viewing suite," he exclaimed, a broad smile on his face.

Hiro gave a small nod, his gaze quickly scanning the room and settling on the screens. "Seems like the best place to keep an eye on things."

Yaga, observing from his chair, offered a nod of acknowledgment. "It's good to have you here. Your insights could be valuable."

Gakuganji, standing with his arms crossed, added gruffly, "Indeed. Watching from here gives a different perspective on the students' abilities."

Mei Mei, leaning against the wall, looked over at Hiro. "Looking forward to seeing how your teammates handle the pressure," she said, her voice hinting at both interest and appraisal.

Utahime, standing near one of the screens, chimed in with a slightly teasing tone, "Just relax, Hiro. Let the kids have their fun."

Hiro moved closer to one of the screens, his eyes tracking the movements of the Tokyo students. "I'm just here to support them," he replied, his attention focused.

Gojo, ever the provocateur, turned to the group with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "So, who do we think will be the MVP of this tournament?"

Hiro, still focused on the screens, didn't hesitate to share his thoughts. "Toudo is undoubtedly the strongest, but Megumi could be the dark horse. He's been training hard and has some tricks up his sleeve."

He paused, then added with a slight smirk, "But if you ask me, Yazu might just be the sleeper hit of this tournament. He's strong, has a lot of potentials, and, well, he's an idiot, but sometimes that works in your favor."

The room chuckled at Hiro's candid assessment. Gojo nodded in agreement, "An interesting mix of candidates. Let's see if your predictions hold up."

Mei Mei, watching the screen with keen interest, commented, "This tournament is full of surprises. It's anyone's game at this point."

Utahime smiled and added, "That's what makes these events so exciting. You never know who might rise to the occasion."

As the tournament began, the team from Tokyo swiftly made their way into the dense forest that served as the battleground. From the monitoring room, Hiro and the others watched intently as the students disappeared among the trees.

Suddenly, Hiro's attention sharpened as he noticed Yazu and Itadori unexpectedly left alone to face Toudo. "They're isolating Toudo," Hiro observed aloud, a hint of concern in his voice.

Gojo leaned forward with interest. "Looks like your prediction is coming into play. Yazu and Itadori against Toudo — that's going to be quite a showdown."

Yaga nodded in agreement. "It's a test of their abilities and their teamwork. Let's see how they handle the pressure."

Utahime watched the screen, her expression thoughtful. "Toudo won't go easy on them. This will be a true test of their strength and character."

Gakuganji, usually stoic, showed a flicker of interest. "This match could set the tone for the rest of the tournament."

Hiro remained silent, his gaze fixed on the screen, tracking every movement of Yazu and Itadori as they prepared to engage with Toudo. The tension in the room was palpable, each observer keenly aware of the significance of this encounter in the grand scheme of the tournament.

In the midst of the forest, Yazu turned to Itadori with a determined expression. "I'll handle this myself," he declared firmly.

Itadori, surprised, raised an eyebrow. "The plan was for us to take him on together," he reminded Yazu.

Yazu, his resolve clear, pleaded, "Please, just let me do this. I have something to prove." The earnestness in his voice was unmistakable.

Seeing the determination in Yazu's eyes, Itadori nodded reluctantly and leaned back against a nearby tree, ready to intervene if necessary.

Toudo, facing Yazu, smirked. "Got guts or just plain stupid?" he taunted, sizing up his solo opponent.

Both Yazu and Toudo assumed their fighting stances, ready for the confrontation. Back in the monitoring room, Hiro watched the scene unfold on the screens. He leaned in closer, almost as if he could reach through the screen, and whispered under his breath, "What are you doing, idiot..."

The tension in the room escalated as everyone's attention focused on the screen, waiting to see how Yazu's bold decision to face Toudo alone would play out.

As Yazu and Toudo squared off in the dense forest, their impending clash had everyone in the monitoring room on edge. In the arena of combat, Yazu was poised, his body tensed for the first move.

Toudo, a formidable opponent, initiated the fight with a swift charge, his fist aimed straight at Yazu. Yazu, reacting with surprising agility, narrowly dodged the blow, feeling the rush of air as the fist passed by his face. He countered with a quick jab towards Toudo's midsection, but Toudo deftly sidestepped, his experience in combat evident.

The exchange of blows became a dance of attack and evade. Yazu managed to land a solid punch to Toudo's shoulder, but it seemed to barely faze the larger fighter. Toudo grinned, undeterred, and launched a series of rapid strikes, each one forcing Yazu to retreat.

Yazu, breathing heavily, tried to maintain his distance, looking for an opening. Toudo, however, was relentless. He landed a heavy blow to Yazu's ribs, causing him to wince in pain. The impact was a clear indication of Toudo's strength.

Yazu, trying to regain his composure, attempted a high kick, but Toudo caught his leg, throwing him off balance. With a powerful twist, Toudo sent Yazu crashing to the ground.

The thud of Yazu's body hitting the earth resonated through the forest. In the monitoring room, Hiro's hand clenched into a fist, his concern for Yazu evident on his face.

Toudo loomed over Yazu, the advantage clearly in his favor. Yazu, struggling to get up, showed signs of weariness, but his spirit was unbroken. He pushed himself to his feet, ready to continue the fight despite the odds stacked against him.

As the intense battle continued, suddenly, the serene notes of classical music began to fill the air, seemingly out of nowhere. Toudo, momentarily distracted, looked around in confusion. "What's this?" he murmured.

Yazu, seizing the opportunity, spread his arms wide. "This is your downfall," he announced confidently. "Thanks to my cursed technique, I can predict the future with musical notes. Each note dictates a movement."

With the music playing, Yazu seemed to transform. He moved with a newfound grace, his actions flowing in harmony with the rhythm of the music. The notes seemed to guide him, allowing him to anticipate Toudo's movements with uncanny precision.

Toudo, thrown off by this sudden change in tactic, struggled to land a hit. Yazu danced around his attacks, each step perfectly timed to the music. He then launched a series of swift, precise strikes, each one landing with increased effectiveness.

Yazu's newfound advantage was clear. He delivered a powerful kick that caught Toudo off guard, sending him stumbling back. Riding the momentum, Yazu followed with a flurry of punches, each one striking in time with the crescendo of the music.

Toudo, now on the defensive, tried to regain his footing, but Yazu's technique had him outmaneuvered. The music reached its peak, and Yazu executed a spectacular spinning kick, catching Toudo squarely on the chest and knocking the wind out of him.

In the monitoring room, the observers watched in awe as Yazu turned the tide of the battle. Hiro's eyes were fixed on the screen, impressed by Yazu's ingenuity and skill, a rare smile crossing his face as he witnessed the unexpected turn of events in the fight.

As the intense battle continued, suddenly, the serene notes of classical music began to fill the air, seemingly out of nowhere. Toudo, momentarily distracted, looked around in confusion. "What's this?" he murmured.

Yazu, seizing the opportunity, spread his arms wide. "This is your downfall," he announced confidently. "Thanks to my cursed technique, I can predict the future with musical notes. Each note dictates a movement."

With the music playing, Yazu seemed to transform. He moved with a newfound grace, his actions flowing in harmony with the rhythm of the music. The notes seemed to guide him, allowing him to anticipate Toudo's movements with uncanny precision.

Toudo, thrown off by this sudden change in tactic, struggled to land a hit. Yazu danced around his attacks, each step perfectly timed to the music. He then launched a series of swift, precise strikes, each one landing with increased effectiveness.

Yazu's newfound advantage was clear. He delivered a powerful kick that caught Toudo off guard, sending him stumbling back. Riding the momentum, Yazu followed with a flurry of punches, each one striking in time with the crescendo of the music.

Toudo, now on the defensive, tried to regain his footing, but Yazu's technique had him outmaneuvered. The music reached its peak, and Yazu executed a spectacular spinning kick, catching Toudo squarely on the chest and knocking the wind out of him.

In the monitoring room, the observers watched in awe as Yazu turned the tide of the battle. Hiro's eyes were fixed on the screen, impressed by Yazu's ingenuity and skill, a rare smile crossing his face as he witnessed the unexpected turn of events in the fight.

Hiro's attention shifted to another screen where Maki was engaged in combat with Miwa. Maki, with her superior skills and determination, was clearly dominating the match. Hiro watched intently, a whisper escaping his lips, "She's incredible."

But as he observed Maki's prowess, a reflective thought crossed his mind. "I don't feel the excitement I used to, yet I can't take my eyes off her. There's a warmth when I'm near her. Could it be that...?"

Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Hiro's focus was drawn back to the screen showing Yazu and Toudo. Yazu was panting heavily, the exertion of the fight taking its toll. Across from him, Toudo wiped blood from his face, a sign of the intense battle they were engaged in.

The room was silent, save for the sounds of the battles emanating from the screens. Each observer was absorbed in the matches, analyzing and anticipating the outcomes. Hiro's gaze lingered on Yazu, his mind still partially with Maki, as he grappled with the complex emotions that the tournament and his connections to his fellow sorcerers had stirred within him.

Autor: Hi guys, I just wanted to wish you a happy new year, may all your goals and wishes come true. Thank you so much for all your support, I hope to continue counting on you this year too! 😁