The Kyoto exchange tournament (Part Two)

The battle between Yazu and Toudo had reached a critical point. Yazu, despite his agility and the advantage gained from his cursed technique, found his strikes losing their earlier effectiveness against Toudo.

Toudo, recovering from his initial surprise at Yazu's technique, had adapted to the rhythm of the fight. He launched a heavy punch, which Yazu narrowly dodged, feeling the rush of air as the fist passed by. Yazu countered with a swift uppercut, but Toudo's sturdy build absorbed the impact with little effect.

"Is that all you've got?" Toudo taunted, a smirk on his face.

Yazu, undeterred, attempted a side kick, aiming for Toudo's ribs. Toudo blocked the kick with his forearm, the force causing a slight wince but not enough to slow him down. He retaliated with a quick jab, catching Yazu off-guard and landing a solid hit on his cheek.

Staggering back, Yazu wiped blood from his lip. "Not bad," he grunted, trying to regain his footing.

Toudo advanced, throwing a series of heavy blows. Yazu managed to evade most, but each movement was becoming more labored. Toudo's strength was overwhelming, and with each exchange, Yazu's energy seemed to dwindle.

In a desperate attempt, Yazu launched a high roundhouse kick, but Toudo saw it coming. He grabbed Yazu's leg mid-air, twisting and throwing him to the ground. Yazu hit the forest floor hard, the impact sending a jolt of pain through his body.

Lying there, Yazu looked up at Toudo, his breathing heavy and uneven. "You're... tougher than I thought," he admitted, the fight draining from his voice.

In the monitoring room, Hiro watched with a frown, recognizing the turning tide of the battle. Yazu's initial advantage was slipping away, and now it was a matter of endurance and willpower. The outcome of this fight was becoming more uncertain with each passing second.

As Yazu lay on the ground, catching his breath, a realization dawned on him. This wasn't like the street fights he used to engage in; the stakes were higher, and his opponent far more formidable. Toudo's expertise as a sorcerer and his physical prowess were a combination Yazu had never encountered in his past brawls.

Toudo, sensing his advantage, pressed on. He delivered a series of powerful strikes, each one testing Yazu's limits. Yazu, despite the pain and exhaustion, evaded as best as he could, his mind racing for a strategy.

In the midst of the fight, a thought flashed through Yazu's mind – his sister. He remembered why he was fighting, the promise he made to become a strong sorcerer, someone his sister could be proud of. This thought reignited a fire within him.

Yazu pushed himself off the ground, his resolve hardened. "I have to do this, for her," he thought. With renewed vigor, he faced Toudo head-on.

Toudo, confident of victory, swung a heavy punch towards Yazu. This time, Yazu didn't just evade; he countered. Channeling all his energy, Yazu landed a powerful uppercut right as Toudo leaned in, infusing the strike with a Black Flash. The impact was colossal, sending Toudo reeling backward and crashing to the ground.

In the monitoring room, Hiro's eyes widened in surprise and respect. Yazu's perseverance and the sudden turn of the fight were unexpected. The room erupted in murmurs and exclamations at the stunning display of power and skill.

Yazu stood panting, looking down at Toudo, who lay momentarily dazed. The determination in Yazu's eyes was clear – he wasn't just fighting for victory in the tournament; he was fighting for something much more personal.

Toudo slowly picked himself up from the ground, a hand rubbing his chin where Yazu's uppercut had landed. He looked at Yazu with a newfound respect. "Not bad at all," he conceded with a grin.

Then, in a typical Toudo fashion, he asked, "So, what type of women are you into?"

Yazu, caught off guard by the question, paused for a moment before answering, "I guess I like girls with short hair."

Toudo shook his head in mock disappointment. "That's a shame. You're a boring man."

With that, Toudo's demeanor shifted, and the intensity of the fight escalated. He launched into Yazu with a renewed vigor, his strikes becoming more aggressive and precise. Yazu, already worn from the battle, found it increasingly difficult to keep up.

Toudo's punches were relentless, each one landing with crushing force. Yazu tried to defend himself, but Toudo's experience and strength were overwhelming. With every hit, Yazu staggered, his resilience being tested to its limits.

Back in the monitoring room, Hiro watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of awe and concern. "It's incredible," he remarked. "Toudo took a Black Flash head-on and he's still going like it's nothing."

The others in the room nodded in agreement, equally impressed by Toudo's endurance and fighting spirit. Yazu's situation was looking increasingly dire, and it was clear that the fight was taking a heavy toll on him. Despite this, his determination to stand his ground was a testament to his character and the reason he was fighting.

Yazu, fueled by a fierce determination, stood his ground despite the overwhelming odds. "I... I made a promise," he declared, his voice filled with resolve. "I promised to get her out of that life, to change... I am a sorcerer." With a dramatic gesture, he positioned his hands as if playing an invisible violin and bellowed, "DOMAIN EXPANSION: ORCHESTRA OF DESTINY!!!"

Toudo, caught off guard by Yazu's sudden declaration, braced himself to activate his own Simple Domain in response. However, before the clash of domains could occur, a startling development halted the fight. Blood started trickling from Yazu's nose, and his face contorted with dizziness. Overexerting himself, he collapsed to the ground, unable to sustain the activation of his domain.

Itadori, realizing the gravity of the situation, rushed to Yazu's aid, concern etched on his face.

Meanwhile, in the monitoring room, Hiro watched the screen, his expression a mix of frustration and admiration. "Idiot," he muttered, understanding the reason behind Yazu's collapse. "You used your domain expansion just yesterday. You need several days to recover from that strain. That's why your Black Flash wasn't as effective. But you did well, Yazu."

The others in the room shared a look of concern, recognizing the risks and sacrifices Yazu had made in the heat of battle. His bold attempt at a domain expansion so soon after its previous use was a testament to his commitment and bravery, even if it had pushed him beyond his limits.

Hiro, intrigued by Yazu's unusual abilities and background, turned to Gojo. "How did you find Yazu, anyway?" he asked.

Gojo, never missing a chance for theatricality, animatedly recounted his story with exaggerated gestures. "Oh, it was during one of my adventures around the city," he began, waving his hands as if reliving the moment.

Hiro, under his breath, muttered, "More like wasting time."

Gojo continued, unfazed, "I found this little flyer on the street about being freed from evil spirits. Thought it would be fun to check out."

Hiro couldn't help but interject, "Are you an idiot?"

Ignoring Hiro's comment, Gojo went on, "So, I went to this place, and that's where I met Yazu. It was a dingy little shop. The kid was making a living exorcising curses that possessed people. It wasn't a great life; he wasn't getting paid much. I followed him home."

Hiro raised an eyebrow, "You're a stalker?"

Gojo laughed, "And I realized he lived in this tiny, rundown apartment. It was filthy. I was afraid I'd step on a rat or something. Being the good Samaritan I am, I offered him a chance to join the school. Though, he freaked out and yelled, 'What are you doing in my house? Why are you here?'"

Hiro, reflecting on Yazu's capabilities, commented to Gojo, "The kid has potential."

Gojo nodded in agreement, "True, he's not on your level, or Yuta's or Yamada's, but he can achieve great things. He may be arrogant, but he's got guts."

Then, turning to Hiro with a teasing glimmer in his eye, Gojo said, "He reminds me a lot of you when you first joined the school."

Hiro, not in the mood for Gojo's banter, turned away to focus on the screens. "Shut up, blindfolded idiot," he retorted.

Gojo, ever the drama queen, feigned hurt. "You're so cruel, Hiro-chan."

Utahime, unable to bear Gojo's theatrics, interjected, "Why do you have to act like such an idiot?"

Gojo, without missing a beat, shot back, "Why do you have to be so weak?"

That was the last straw for Utahime. In a fit of irritation, she threw her tea at Gojo, but it disappeared into the void of his limitless technique. "Respect me more! I'm your senior!" she demanded, exasperation clear in her voice.

Hiro's attention was captured by the screen showing Maki's fight against Mai. With a series of deft moves and strategic strikes, Maki clearly had the upper hand. She maneuvered with a combination of strength and precision that was impressive to witness. As Mai faltered under Maki's relentless assault, Hiro couldn't help but comment, "She's strong. A remarkable woman."

His focus then shifted to another screen where Fushiguro was engaged in a fierce battle with Kamo. They were fighting in a narrow hallway, making the combat intense and claustrophobic. Fushiguro, armed with wooden tonfas, was pushing Kamo to his limits. Each strike from Fushiguro was calculated and precise, forcing Kamo to defend himself while looking for an opening.

Fushiguro's training in close combat was evident. He landed several solid hits on Kamo, who struggled to keep up with the relentless pace. Finally, with a swift and powerful move, Fushiguro struck Kamo with enough force to send him crashing through a window and tumbling into the courtyard below.

Watching this, Hiro nodded in approval. "He's trained hard to improve his hand-to-hand combat. He's really done well."

In the monitoring room, the other observers shared impressed looks, acknowledging Fushiguro's growth and skills. It was clear that the Tokyo students had not only honed their cursed techniques but also focused on enhancing their physical combat abilities, making them formidable opponents in the tournament.

Gojo, always looking for an opportunity to tease and provoke, turned his attention to Utahime and Gakuganji. With a sly grin, he said, "The Tokyo kids are really strong, aren't they? If Hiro had been in the mix, Kyoto wouldn't have stood a chance. It really speaks to what a great teacher I am."

Utahime, rolling her eyes, couldn't help but retort, "Or maybe it speaks to their own hard work and dedication, Gojo."

Gakuganji, trying to maintain his composure, added with a hint of irritation, "A teacher's role is to guide, not take credit for their students' achievements, Gojo."

Gojo just chuckled, clearly enjoying the reactions he elicited. "Ah, but guidance is an art, and I am an artist," he declared theatrically.

The screens in the monitoring room suddenly went dark, causing a moment of confusion among the observers. Then, the seals affixed to the walls began to burn with flames of cursed energy, casting a sinister red glow across the room.

Utahime, alarmed, asked, "What's happening? Is it over?"

Gojo, his usual playful demeanor replaced by seriousness, replied, "I'd love to say this is just another trick by the great Gojo's students, but this doesn't feel right."

Utahime, growing more concerned, questioned, "What about Tengen's barriers?"

Gojo pondered for a moment. "Could this be Yamada's doing?"

Hiro interjected, "That idiot likes to make a scene. If it were him, he wouldn't cut the transmission; he'd come straight for me."

Principal Yaga, sensing the gravity of the situation, stood up decisively. "Gakuganji, Gojo, protect the students. Hiro, go and support your teammates."

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement, understanding the urgency of the situation. They quickly left the room, ready to face whatever threat was disrupting the tournament and ensure the safety of the students. The air was tense with anticipation and the readiness to confront any danger that might have breached the school's defenses.

As Gakuganji, Utahime, Gojo, and Hiro raced towards the tournament area and into the forest, they quickly noticed something amiss. A strange, translucent veil began to form around the area, shimmering with an eerie energy.

Utahime, recognizing the urgency, turned to Gojo. "Go ahead and break through it, leave us behind if you have to," she urged.

Gojo, approaching the barrier, shook his head. "No use. The veil is already formed." He reached out to touch it, but his hand was repelled by a burst of energy.

Hiro, thinking quickly, suggested, " I will try manipulating the veil so we can all pass through." But when he reached out to touch the barrier, he found, to his surprise, that his hand passed through it with ease. Utahime tried next and found that she too could penetrate the barrier.

Gojo, with a mix of annoyance and realization, commented, "It seems like this is a veil specifically designed to keep out the great Satoru Gojo."

Gojo, assessing the situation, instructed the others, "Go ahead without me. It'll take some time to break through this veil."

Utahime and Gakuganji nodded in agreement and promptly stepped through the barrier, preparing to face whatever was inside.

Hiro, devising his own plan, said, "I'll enter from above."

Gojo, unable to resist a comment, smiled and said, "Still fond of dramatic entrances, I see."

Hiro, slightly annoyed but focused, retorted, "Just shut up."

With a determined look, Hiro extended his finger towards the sky. In response, his signature Dragon of Lightning materialized, its electric form crackling in the air. The dragon descended gracefully, and Hiro mounted its head. With a surge of power, the dragon began to ascend, soaring upwards into the sky.

In the midst of the tranquil forest, beside a gently flowing water canal, Maki faced off against Hanami with her weapon of choice, a sansetsukon - a three-section staff. The flexibility and range of the sansetsukon made it a formidable tool in Maki's skilled hands.

As Hanami lunged towards her with its vine-like arms, Maki expertly maneuvered her sansetsukon, using its sections to block and parry the strikes. She twirled the staff with precision, the segments whirling around her in a defensive dance.

Seizing an opening, Maki extended the sansetsukon to its full length, thrusting one end towards Hanami's core. The cursed spirit recoiled, but quickly countered with a sweeping arm. Maki ducked under the arm, the sansetsukon collapsing and then extending in a fluid motion to deliver a series of rapid strikes to Hanami's side.

Hanami, enraged, released a flurry of cursed seeds in all directions. Maki spun her sansetsukon, deflecting the seeds with remarkable agility. However, the sheer number of seeds made it impossible to block them all, and a few grazed her, leaving marks of cursed energy on her skin.

Undeterred, Maki continued her assault. She swung the sansetsukon with increasing ferocity, each segment of the staff hitting with the force of a sledgehammer. Hanami staggered under the onslaught, its movements becoming sluggish.

Megumi, injured from the seeds, summoned more shikigami to distract Hanami, allowing Maki to press her advantage. She executed a powerful spinning strike, the sansetsukon connecting squarely with Hanami's head, causing the cursed spirit to reel backward.

As the battle raged on, the tide began to turn in Hanami's favor. The cursed spirit, drawing upon its immense reserves of cursed energy, started to overpower Maki's fierce but human stamina.

Megumi, already weakened by the cursed seeds embedded in his skin, felt his energy draining rapidly. "These seeds... they must be sapping my strength and growing," he realized with growing alarm.

Hanami, seizing the opportunity, extended its vine-like arms towards Maki. Maki fought valiantly, swinging her sansetsukon with all her might, but the cursed spirit's resilience was daunting. Each blow she delivered seemed only to momentarily stagger Hanami, which quickly recovered and continued its assault.

In a swift and unexpected move, one of Hanami's tendrils wrapped around Maki's waist, lifting her off the ground. Maki struggled, trying to free herself, but the vine's grip was unyielding. With a terrifying force, Hanami began to constrict, the vine tightening around Maki, threatening to suffocate her.

Megumi, despite his weakened state, tried to intervene. He summoned his remaining shikigami, directing them to attack Hanami in an attempt to distract the cursed spirit and free Maki. But Hanami was relentless, its focus unwavering as it continued to tighten its grasp on Maki.

The situation was becoming dire. Maki gasped for air, her face contorted in pain and exertion, as she tried desperately to break free from Hanami's deadly embrace. Megumi's efforts to help seemed to barely affect Hanami, the cursed spirit's power too great for them to overcome in their current state.

In a moment of despair, as Maki struggled for breath in Hanami's constricting grip, she whispered, "You're late, idiot." Suddenly, the air crackled with electricity, and with the force and spectacle of a lightning strike, Hiro descended from the sky, landing with dramatic impact.

The ground shook as Hiro materialized, a cloud of dust billowing around him. In a swift, fluid motion, he rescued Maki from Hanami's grasp, cradling her in his arms. "Sorry for the delay," he quipped with a slight smirk, "but there was air traffic."

Maki, relieved yet amused by his entrance, managed a smile. "Don't be an idiot. Focus," she urged.

Hiro turned his gaze towards Hanami, sizing up the cursed spirit. "Hmm, looks like that special-grade curse Gojo described," he noted.

He then glanced at Megumi, who was visibly drained from the battle. Gently setting Maki beside Megumi, Hiro stepped forward confidently. "Just watch. Leave the rest to me. You both did well," he said, a reassuring firmness in his voice.

With Hiro's arrival, a new wave of hope surged through Maki and Megumi. His presence, combined with his formidable abilities, shifted the dynamics of the fight. Hiro stood ready to face Hanami, prepared to take on the challenge and protect his teammates.

Surrounded by an aura of crackling electricity and flames, Hiro prepared to engage Hanami in combat. The air around him sizzled with the intense energy he emanated, a testament to his mastery over his cursed techniques.

Hanami, recognizing the new threat, shifted its focus entirely on Hiro. The cursed spirit lashed out with its vine-like arms, attempting to ensnare him as it had done with Maki.

Hiro, however, was a whirlwind of movement. He dodged the tendrils with agility, his body moving with the grace and precision of a seasoned fighter. Each dodge was followed by a swift counter - a punch or a kick, each infused with his fiery and electric energy.

His fists crackled with lightning as he landed a solid punch on Hanami's torso, sending sparks flying. The spirit staggered but quickly recovered, countering with a powerful swipe of its arm.

Hiro leaped back, narrowly avoiding the strike, and responded with a spinning kick, flames trailing from his leg. The kick connected with a resounding impact, but Hanami absorbed the blow, its cursed energy acting as a buffer.

The battle was intense, a clash of raw power and skill. Hanami, though pressured by Hiro's relentless assaults, proved to be resilient, withstanding the barrage of electrified and fiery attacks.

Hiro continued his onslaught, his strikes a blur of motion. He was like a tempest, unstoppable and fierce, his every move calculated to weaken the cursed spirit. The fight had escalated to a critical juncture, with Hiro pushing Hanami to its limits, demonstrating his incredible strength and determination.

Hiro's speed escalated to a level that Hanami couldn't match. He darted around the cursed spirit with blinding velocity, a storm of movement that Hanami struggled to track. With each swift maneuver, Hiro launched bursts of fire, the intense flames incinerating Hanami's root attacks before they could reach him.

As the battle raged, Hanami recalled a warning from Yamada. In its thoughts, a memory surfaced: "Be careful of Hiro Takashi," Yamada had said. "You stand no chance against him." The realization of this truth dawned on Hanami as it faced the overwhelming might of Hiro.

Hiro, seizing control of the fight, intensified his assault. He unleashed a flurry of punches, each one enveloped in flames, causing Hanami to reel back with each hit. His movements were a combination of martial prowess and cursed energy mastery, a dance of destruction that left Hanami no room to counter.

He followed up with a series of electrifying kicks, the crackling energy adding extra force to his strikes. Hanami, despite its resilience, was visibly faltering under Hiro's relentless onslaught.

Hiro's attacks were not just physical; they were a symphony of fire and lightning, a display of his incredible power as a sorcerer. Each strike was precise, calculated to inflict maximum damage. Hanami, once a formidable adversary, was now on the defensive, struggling to withstand the barrage.

The fight had turned into a one-sided beatdown, with Hiro clearly dominating. His ability to seamlessly integrate his physical skills with his cursed techniques made him an unstoppable force, leaving Hanami little chance to fight back effectively. The spectators, watching in awe, were reminded of Hiro's reputation as one of the most powerful sorcerers of his generation.

The battle reached its climax as Hiro, with a steely determination in his eyes, firmly grasped the roots that sprouted from Hanami's eyes. His grin was one of confidence and control. "Time to drain your cursed energy," he announced, his voice laced with a threat.

Hanami, sensing the imminent danger, writhed and twisted in an attempt to break free. But Hiro's grasp was unshakable. With a powerful yank, he tore the root out, causing Hanami to howl in pain. Without missing a beat, Hiro then unleashed a devastating punch, channeling his full strength and cursed energy into the blow, which resulted in Hanami's arm being ripped clean off.

In a frantic effort to escape, Hanami rapidly encased Hiro in a tangle of thick, vine-like roots. The cursed spirit's desperation was palpable, but Hiro remained composed. Channeling his fiery energy, he set the roots ablaze, the flames quickly consuming them and freeing him from the ensnarement.

As the flames dissipated and Hiro scanned the area, he realized that Hanami had vanished, using the chaos as a cover to flee. The forest, once a battleground, was now eerily silent, the only evidence of the fierce fight being the scorched earth and the lingering smell of burnt wood.

Turning his attention from the battle site, Hiro noticed the veil that had isolated them was no longer present. Standing where the barrier had been was Gojo Satoru, his usual nonchalant expression indicating he had dismantled the veil.

After the intense battle and the lifting of the veil, Hiro made his way back to where Maki and Megumi were. Both of them had been watching his fight, their expressions a mix of relief and awe.

As Hiro approached, Maki was the first to speak. "That was some fight," she said, her tone carrying a hint of admiration. "You really awseome".

Megumi, still recovering from the effects of the cursed seeds, added, "You were incredible out there. Thanks for stepping in."

Hiro, with a slight nod, replied, "You guys held your own pretty well too. How are you holding up, Megumi?"

Megumi gave a weak but reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Those seeds took more out of me than I thought."

Maki, turning her attention back to Hiro, asked, "What's next? Hanami got away."

Hiro looked in the direction Hanami had fled. "For now, we regroup and make sure everyone is safe. We can't let our guard down; there might be more threats around."

Hiro, noticing Maki's fatigue and the injuries she had sustained, gently scooped her up into his arms. "You shouldn't push yourself right now," he advised softly.

Maki, not used to being carried, was initially taken aback but didn't protest. "Thanks," she murmured, a faint blush on her cheeks. "I can walk, you know."

Hiro started walking, holding her securely. "I know, but let me help this time," he replied. "You did a lot out there. It's okay to rely on someone once in a while."

Maki, relaxing in his arms, looked up at him. "You've changed, Hiro. You're... different from before."

Hiro met her gaze, a hint of introspection in his eyes. "A lot has happened. I guess I've had to change."

They continued walking in silence for a moment before Maki spoke again. "What you did today... it was amazing. You really saved us back there."

Hiro's expression softened. "We're a team. We look out for each other. That's what we do."

As they continued their journey, Maki, still in Hiro's arms, looked up at him with a curious expression. "Did you catch any of my fight earlier?" she inquired, a touch of eagerness in her tone.

Hiro nodded, a hint of admiration in his voice. "I did. You were really impressive out there. Your control over the sansetsukon was exceptional."

A sense of pride flickered across Maki's face. "I've been working hard with it. Glad it paid off."

"There's no doubt about that," Hiro responded with a soft chuckle. "You handled yourself remarkably well, especially against that powerful curse."

Maki's expression became contemplative. "I guess so, but I couldn't finish it off on my own."

Hiro met her gaze, his eyes conveying reassurance. "You're being too hard on yourself. That was no ordinary curse, it was something else. And remember, we're in this together. We back each other up."

Maki seemed comforted by his words. "Thanks, Hiro. Hearing that from you means a lot."

As they progressed, Maki looked up at Hiro with a light-hearted yet sincere glint in her eyes. "You know, I think I've earned myself a little reward after all that," she remarked playfully.

Hiro, maintaining his usual composed demeanor but with a hint of amusement in his voice, replied, "Oh? And what would you consider an appropriate reward?"

Maki mulled it over briefly before responding, "How about a nice dinner? Something a step up from our usual fare at the school."

Hiro gave a small nod, the corners of his mouth lifting into a subtle half-smile. "Dinner it is. You choose the place."

The corners of Maki's mouth curved into a smile. "Be ready, I plan on making the most of it."

"Sounds fair," Hiro responded, his expression still calm but with a trace of warmth. "You deserve it, after all."

As Hiro and Maki continued their conversation, Megumi, having been quietly observing them, interjected with a gentle reminder. "Hey, you two, remember we're still here," he said, a slight smile on his face.

Hiro looked over at Megumi, his expression reverting to its usual calmness. "Right, Megumi. Sorry, we got a bit carried away."

Maki added, "Yeah, sorry about that. We'll include you in the dinner plans. How's that sound?"

Megumi shook his head with a light laugh. "No need to include me. I was just reminding you that you're not on a date yet."

Hiro's half-smile returned, acknowledging Megumi's light-hearted jab. "We'll be sure to invite you next time," he quipped.

Maki laughed, the tension from the battle dissipating in the friendly banter. "Next time, we'll make it a team dinner. How's that?"

Megumi nodded, pleased with the suggestion. "Sounds like a plan. It's been a while since we all hung out like that."

Hanami, gravely wounded and clutching its injured arm, staggered through the dimly lit sewers. Each step was labored, a testament to the severity of the injuries sustained in the battle with Hiro. Finally, Hanami reached a designated rendezvous point where Mahito and Yamada were waiting.

Upon seeing Hanami's condition, Mahito commented, "Looks like you managed to find what we were looking for." His tone was casual, seemingly indifferent to Hanami's plight.

Yamada, with a mocking smirk, taunted Hanami. "Seems like that blonde idiot really did a number on you... He's gotten quite strong."

Ignoring the jibes, Hanami moved past them, its thoughts consumed by the recent encounter. "That Hiro Takashi will be a problem in Shibuya. Yamada better defeat him, or our plans might fall apart," Hanami thought, recognizing the threat Hiro posed to their objectives.

Yamada, annoyed by Hanami's apparent dismissal, lost his temper. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the sewer. He kicked a nearby object in frustration, sending it clattering against the walls. "When I speak, you listen!" His face contorted with anger as he continued his tirade, upset at being ignored by Hanami.

Mahito watched Yamada's outburst with a detached amusement, his interest more in the information Hanami brought than in the bickering between his companions. The dynamics among the cursed spirits and their human allies were complex, driven by individual ambitions and the larger goals they were working towards.


Under the luminescent glow of the moon, Hiro stood outside his room, lost in thought. The tranquility of the night was interrupted when Mai approached him. He turned to her, his expression one of mild concern.

"Are you okay?" Hiro asked, noticing her slightly pained demeanor.

Mai nodded, though her face showed signs of discomfort. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sore from the battle with Maki," she admitted, trying to downplay her condition.

Hiro's expression softened slightly. "Maki doesn't hold back. You held your own well against her."

Mai managed a small smile. "Thanks. But she's on another level. I still have a lot to learn."

Hiro leaned against the wall, looking at the moon. "We're all constantly learning and growing. That's what makes us better as sorcerers."

Mai looked up at Hiro, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "You've changed, Hiro. You're... different from before. Stronger, more focused."

Hiro gave a half-smile, his gaze still fixed on the moon. "A lot has happened. I guess changes were inevitable."

As they stood there in the quiet of the night, Mai hesitated for a moment before broaching a more personal subject. "Hiro, about us..." she started, her voice trailing off. She was referring to the moment they had shared before Hiro left for the temple training – the unexpected kiss that had lingered in her mind.

Hiro turned to face her, his expression calm but attentive. "What about it?" he asked, giving her the space to continue.

Mai took a deep breath. "I've been thinking about that... since you've been back, things seem different. I'm just trying to understand where we stand."

Hiro's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes reflected a depth of thought. "A lot changed for me at the temple. I'm still figuring things out, including... that," he admitted, his voice even.

Mai nodded slowly, absorbing his words. "I get it. Things can't just pick up where they left off, can they?"

Hiro's reply was thoughtful. "It's not that simple, Mai. I need to understand these changes in myself before I can think about 'us'."

Mai looked at him, a mix of understanding and disappointment in her eyes. "I see. Just... take your time, I guess."

Hiro, choosing his words carefully, addressed Mai with a sincerity that was difficult but necessary. "Mai, I don't think you should wait for me. Honestly, despite not feeling much these days, I feel a certain warmth with Maki."

Mai's expression shifted as she processed his words. A mix of frustration and hurt flickered in her eyes. "So, it's Maki," she said, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Always Maki. She's always been the talented one, the strong one. And now this."

Hiro looked at Mai, his expression sympathetic but firm. "I'm sorry, Mai. It's not about comparing the two of you. It's just how I feel, and I think it's only fair to be honest with you."

Mai, her emotions boiling over, let out a bitter laugh. "Fair, huh? Seems like I can never catch a break when it comes to her. Always in Maki's shadow, always the second choice."

Hiro reached out, but Mai stepped back, shaking her head. "No, don't. I need to figure this out on my own. Thanks for being honest, at least."

Mai paused, her frustration and hurt evident. "It's not fair, you know," she said, her voice cracking slightly. "First, you're nice to me, take me to the beach. And yes, I kissed you, but you kissed me back, even if it was just for a moment. You made me feel like I was on top of the world, your promise to protect me... and now, it all just falls apart."

Hiro's face showed a hint of regret. "Mai, I never meant to lead you on or hurt you. That day at the beach... I got carried away in the moment. But it wouldn't be right to hold onto something I'm uncertain about. I'm sorry."

Mai's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Do you know how much that meant to me? I thought... maybe you saw me, not just as Maki's sister, but as Mai. But I guess I was wrong."

Hiro looked at her, a mixture of sympathy and resolve in his eyes. "You're not just Maki's sister to me. You're a strong and capable sorcerer in your own right. But my feelings... they're complicated. I can't ignore them, and I can't lie to you about them."

Mai took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "I get it, Hiro. Just... leave me be for now. I need some time to sort this out."

With that, Mai turned and walked away, her steps heavy with the weight of disappointment and heartache. Hiro watched her leave, feeling the sting of their conversation, knowing that while honesty was necessary, it often came with painful consequences.

As Mai's footsteps faded into the distance, Hiro stood alone, immersed in the heavy silence of the night. Suddenly, the eerie, echoing laughter of Buda resonated within his mind, breaking the stillness. "You really have no tact with women," the voice chided him, its tone both mocking and amused.

Hiro closed his eyes, a sigh escaping his lips. "Not now, Buda," he muttered under his breath, feeling the weight of the conversation he had just had with Mai.

The voice of Buda continued, unperturbed by Hiro's reluctance. "Ah, Hiro, relationships are as complex as the strongest cursed techniques. You can't just brute force your way through them."

Hiro's expression remained stoic, but there was a hint of frustration in his voice. "I know that. But I have to be honest, even if it's difficult."

Buda's laughter faded into a more serious tone. "True, honesty is important. But remember, the hearts of others are delicate. You're strong in battle, Hiro, but sometimes strength alone isn't enough."

The conversation with Buda, though internal and unseen, was a moment of introspection for Hiro. It was a reminder that despite his prowess as a sorcerer, navigating the complexities of human emotions and relationships was a different kind of challenge—one that required understanding and empathy, not just honesty and strength.

Hiro, standing alone under the moonlit sky, acknowledged the wisdom in Buda's words. "What's done is done," he said to himself, his voice resolute. "Now, I need to figure out what to do about Maki."

The conversation with Mai had clarified his feelings, but it also brought forth new challenges. He knew that his relationship with Maki was evolving, yet the exact nature of his feelings and what they meant for the future were still unclear to him.

Hiro took a deep breath, letting the cool night air fill his lungs. He needed time to think, to understand the depth of his emotions and how they would affect his actions moving forward. The path ahead was uncertain, but Hiro was determined to navigate it with the same honesty and integrity he brought to every aspect of his life.

As he turned to head back to his room, Hiro's thoughts were a mix of contemplation and resolve. The issues of the heart were indeed complex, and he knew the journey to understanding them would require patience and introspection.