Reflection and birthday

In the quiet of the early morning, Hiro lay awake, his mind racing with thoughts. Glancing at his watch, he noted it was 3 AM. He turned his head to look at Maki, who was sleeping soundly next to him. The sight of her in such a peaceful state brought a sense of calm to the room. They were both without clothes, modestly covered by a sheet, the remnants of their closeness.

Hiro's gaze drifted around the room, taking in the scattered clothes on the floor - a mix of his and Maki's. Her belongings seemed to have gradually found their places in his space: her clothing neatly stored in his dresser, her perfumes and personal items occupying a portion of his desk, a small rack holding her shoes, and even her weapons and towel hung alongside his.

As he lay there, Hiro let out a soft sigh, contemplating the gradual transformation of his room. It dawned on him just how much Maki had become a part of his daily life. "When did it start to feel like she practically lives here?" he wondered silently.

His eyes returned to Maki, observing her in the dim light. Hiro found himself questioning the nature of their relationship. He enjoyed her company, the comfort and familiarity they shared, but he was uncertain whether what he felt was love or just a deep companionship.

"Do I love her?" he thought to himself. "Or is this just about not being alone?"

The room was silent, save for the soft sound of Maki breathing. In these quiet hours, Hiro grappled with his feelings, trying to discern the depth of his emotions. It was clear he cared for Maki deeply, but the line between love and companionship felt blurred.

As Hiro lay contemplating his feelings, Maki stirred beside him, slowly waking up. She blinked sleepily and noticed Hiro's thoughtful expression. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice soft with sleep.

Hiro, looking into her eyes, decided to voice the question that had been lingering in his mind. "Maki, what are we doing? What's happening between us?"

Maki, a bit taken aback by the sudden seriousness of the question, replied with a hint of playfulness in her tone, "You're asking that now, after all this time? If we're not a couple, then believe me, I'll kill you." She yawned, stretching her arms.

Hiro remained silent, still unsure of his feelings. Maki, noticing his hesitation, reached out and took his hand, gently pulling him closer. "Come on, sleep a little, my blond idiot," she said, her voice tinged with affection.

"I'm not really sleepy," Hiro confessed, his mind still active with thoughts.

Maki raised an eyebrow and half-jokingly warned, "If you don't sleep, I'll kill you."

Reacting quickly to her words, Hiro snuggled up closer to Maki and muttered, "Sorry, I'll sleep."

Maki smiled, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, pulling him into a warm embrace. In the comfort of Maki's hold, Hiro finally began to relax. Despite his unanswered questions and lingering doubts, the familiarity and warmth of Maki's presence offered him a sense of peace.

As they lay together in the quiet of the night, the complexities of their relationship remained, but for the moment, they found solace in each other's company, a comforting presence in the uncertainty of their lives.

As they lay together, Maki could sense Hiro's restlessness, his mind still active despite his efforts to sleep. She shifted her position, turning to face him, and gently placed a kiss on his lips. The kiss, tender at first, gradually deepened, reflecting the growing intensity of their connection.

Hiro, lost in the moment, began to reflect on their relationship. He remembered their first kiss after his return from the temple, a time when he felt almost nothing, an emptiness that had troubled him. But as time passed, each kiss, each shared moment, began to awaken something in him. It wasn't the flurry of butterflies he felt when they first met a year ago, but it was a feeling that was growing, evolving.

Initially, Hiro had thought it was merely lust, a physical attraction without depth. But now, as they continued to kiss, he realized it was more than that. He found himself cherishing even the quiet, uneventful moments they shared, the comfort in just being together without the need for words or actions.

As the intensity of their kiss grew, so did Hiro's awareness of his feelings for Maki. It was a complex mixture of affection, comfort, and a deepening emotional bond that he was only now beginning to fully understand and embrace.

In the silence of the night, their kiss became a silent conversation, a mutual expression of their evolving feelings. Hiro, once unsure of his emotions, now found himself drawn more deeply into the relationship, recognizing the genuine connection that had formed between them beyond physical attraction. It was a realization that brought both comfort and a new sense of clarity to his heart.

As their intimate moment continued, Maki's actions under the sheet became more suggestive, her hand moving rhythmically. Despite the increasing intensity, she yawned and half-jokingly urged Hiro, "Hurry up, because I really am getting sleepy."

Hiro, caught between the warmth of the moment and amusement at Maki's straightforward approach, gave a half-smile and responded, "No need to rush; I'm suddenly feeling quite sleepy myself."

Maki's smile broadened at his reply. "Well, that's good to hear. Honestly, you've whetted my appetite now."

Their banter, a mix of playful and affectionate, was characteristic of their evolving relationship – one where comfort and familiarity blended seamlessly with moments of passion and playfulness.

As they settled down, the night's earlier tension and introspection gave way to a more relaxed and content atmosphere. Maki snuggled closer to Hiro, her head resting against his chest. The two lay in comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts but content in the shared warmth and closeness.

The night enveloped them in a peaceful embrace, allowing them a respite from the complexities of their lives and roles. In these quiet hours, Hiro and Maki found a sense of peace and connection, a reminder of the deep bond they shared, which had only grown stronger with time.


The next morning, Fushiguro, Kugisaki, Itadori, and Yazu gathered at the training field, waiting for Hiro. The air was fresh and cool, a typical start to a morning at the school. They sat on the grass, stretching and chatting about the day ahead.

Itadori, glancing around, finally broke the silence. "Do you think Hiro-senpai will show up for training today?"

Megumi looked up from tying his shoes and replied, "Let him be. He wakes up early even on Sundays. He deserves some rest."

Kugisaki, who was lounging on the grass, suddenly sat up with an idea. "Hey, why don't we plan something for Hiro-senpai's birthday? It's tomorrow, right?"

Itadori's face lit up with excitement. "That's a great idea! We should do something special for him!"

Yazu, always keen to be involved, joined in. "Yeah, but what would Hiro-senpai like? He's not exactly the type who's into big celebrations."

Megumi, thoughtful, suggested, "Maybe something low-key. He might appreciate that more than a big party."

Kugisaki nodded in agreement. "True. How about we prepare a small surprise for him? Maybe get him some gifts or make him a special meal?"

Itadori, enthusiastic as ever, said, "I can bake a cake! Well, I'll try to bake a cake..."

Yazu chuckled. "And I can help with decorations or setting up the place."

Itadori, his eyes sparkling with mischief, looked at Megumi and joked, "Fushiguro can be the clown for the party!"

Fushiguro, caught off guard by the comment, frowned and retorted, "Why do I have to be the clown?"

Kugisaki, barely containing her laughter, chimed in, "Come on, Fushiguro, it'll be fun! You'd make a great clown."

Megumi, clearly not amused, shot back, "I don't think Hiro-senpai would appreciate a clown at his birthday, especially not me."

Yazu, trying to keep the peace, suggested, "Maybe we don't need a clown. How about we just focus on things Hiro-senpai actually likes?"

Itadori, realizing his suggestion might have been a bit much, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. Let's stick to things that Hiro-senpai would enjoy."

Megumi, relieved, added, "We should keep it simple. Maybe just some good food, a cake, and a few thoughtful gifts."

Kugisaki nodded thoughtfully. "I agree. Something heartfelt and genuine. That's more Hiro-senpai's style."

As the group was deep in discussion about the birthday plans, Hiro appeared, walking towards them with a noticeable yawn. He looked a bit tired, yet there was a relaxed ease about him that wasn't usually present in the early hours of training.

Seeing Hiro, Itadori called out, "Hiro-senpai! Good morning!"

Hiro, rubbing his eyes, greeted them back. "Morning, everyone. You all seem pretty lively today."

Kugisaki, trying to hide her excitement about the birthday plans, asked casually, "Did you sleep well, Hiro-senpai?"

"Yeah, I did," Hiro replied, stretching his arms above his head. "Looks like I'm a bit late. What are you guys up to?"

Megumi, keeping a straight face, said, "Just discussing some training stuff. Nothing major."

Yazu added quickly, "Yeah, we were just talking about different training techniques."

Itadori, struggling to keep the secret, chimed in with a slightly over-enthusiastic nod. "Yep, training stuff!"

Hiro, sensing the unusual energy but too sleepy to inquire further, just nodded. "Alright, let's get started then. What's on the agenda for today?"

The group exchanged quick glances, each hiding a smile, as they began to go through the motions of their usual training routine. Hiro, none the wiser about the birthday surprise being planned, led the session with his typical focus and skill, unaware of the special plans his friends and students were secretly making for him.

As the training session was in full swing, Maki made her way onto the field. She walked with her usual confident stride, carrying a sense of purpose and determination. Her arrival didn't go unnoticed by the group, especially Hiro, who paused mid-instruction.

"Looks like Maki's joining us today," Hiro commented, a subtle hint of warmth in his voice.

Maki approached the group, nodding in greeting. "Morning, everyone. Hope I'm not too late to join in."

Itadori, always enthusiastic, replied, "Not at all, Maki-san! We're just getting started."

Kugisaki, with a mischievous glint in her eye, teased, "Did you keep Hiro-senpai up late, Maki? He seems a bit out of it this morning."

Maki shot Kugisaki a playful glare before turning to Hiro. "Hope I'm not the cause of your tiredness," she said, half-jokingly.

Hiro, with a small smile, shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Let's focus on the training."

As Maki joined the session, the dynamic on the field shifted slightly. Her presence added a level of intensity and focus that spurred the others on. The group continued their training, each person pushing themselves a little harder, motivated by Maki's and Hiro's dedication and skill.


Yamada sat alone on the sandy beach, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sea. The rhythmic sound of the waves provided a soothing backdrop to his deep reflections. He seemed lost in thought, contemplating matters far beyond the serene landscape before him.

Kenjaku, ever observant, approached Yamada quietly, breaking the silence with a question. "Is everything alright?" he asked, his tone hinting at concern.

Yamada, without turning to look at Kenjaku, replied simply, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Kenjaku, not convinced by Yamada's terse response, pressed further. "You're lying. My maternal instincts tell me so," he said, a slight teasing edge to his voice.

Yamada, clearly annoyed by the comment, turned sharply towards Kenjaku. "I'm adopted, and it's not funny for you to act like a mother in a man's body. Cut it out."

The tension between them was palpable, a complex mix of resentment, respect, and the unspoken struggles of their shared past. Kenjaku, unphased by Yamada's outburst, simply stood there, gazing out at the sea, sharing the moment of contemplation.

Kenjaku's voice turned serious as he spoke of their impending plan in Shibuya. "Soon, we will carry out our plan," he said, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

Yamada remained silent, his eyes not leaving the ground. The weight of Kenjaku's words seemed to hang heavily in the air.

Sensing Yamada's hesitation, Kenjaku turned to him and asked pointedly, "Are you having doubts?"

Yamada, his voice tinged with uncertainty, confessed, "Lately, I've been questioning if this is really what I want. Sometimes, my body just moves on its own, without thinking first, like when I killed my sister."

Kenjaku responded with a cold logic. "Killing your sister was necessary, Yamada. It was meant to sever your ties to the past and focus you on what you are meant to be, what destiny has marked for you. You are the Child of Prophecy, aren't you? You are meant to bring change to this world, and her death was a necessary step."

Yamada remained silent, his head buried in his knees, the conflict within him palpable.

Kenjaku looked at him with a hint of disdain. "Or do you still have more ties to the past? Hiro Takashi, right? Remember, your main role will be to kill him in Shibuya."

Yamada lifted his head, his gaze returning to the sea. His eyes held a sadness, a reflection of the inner turmoil and the heavy burden of his destiny. The peaceful setting of the beach stood in stark contrast to the darkness of the conversation and the troubled path that lay ahead for Yamada.

Yamada, his gaze still fixed on the sea, began to open up, his voice carrying a mixture of nostalgia and pain. "Hiro was always my best friend, even from our days in the orphanage. We've been through a lot together."

Kenjaku, intrigued by this rare display of openness, prompted him to continue. "Tell me more about him."

Yamada sighed, a distant look in his eyes. "Hiro was always getting into fights, but it wasn't because he was looking for trouble. He had a strong sense of justice, always standing up for the other kids who couldn't defend themselves."

He paused, lost in memories. "I admired him a lot for that. His courage, his refusal to back down when he believed in something... It was inspiring."

Kenjaku listened, his expression unreadable. "And now, you're destined to face him."

Yamada nodded slowly. "Yes, but it's not that simple. He's more than just an opponent to me. He's a part of who I am, a reminder of a time when things were less complicated."

Kenjaku observed Yamada closely. "But your path now is different from his."

Yamada looked down, a conflicted expression on his face. "I know. But that doesn't change the past. Hiro was the closest thing to a family I had. Facing him in Shibuya... it's going to be the hardest thing I've ever done."

The conversation revealed the depth of Yamada's internal struggle, caught between his past connections and the dark path he found himself on. His bond with Hiro was not just a friendship; it was a tie to a more innocent time, now overshadowed by the grim reality of his current destiny.

Yamada's tone grew more accusatory as he turned his gaze towards Kenjaku. "Ever since you adopted us, everything changed," he said, his voice tinged with bitterness. "You separated me and my sister from Hiro for a whole year. And it's because of you that these dark thoughts and impulses plague me, things that I know aren't really a part of who I am."

Kenjaku, unfazed by the accusation, listened intently. "Those impulses, those thoughts, they are a part of your growth, Yamada. They are necessary for you to fulfill your destiny."

Yamada shook his head, frustration evident in his voice. "But at what cost? You've manipulated everything. My sister's death, my path... You've turned me into something I'm not sure I recognize anymore."

Kenjaku's response was calm and calculated. "Greatness often requires sacrifice, Yamada. Your feelings, your past, they are just obstacles on your path to achieving your true potential."

Yamada clenched his fists, the internal conflict clear on his face. "But I didn't ask for this 'greatness.' You took away my choice, my chance to have a normal life."

Kenjaku looked out over the sea, his expression stoic. "Normalcy is overrated. You were meant for much more than that."

The conversation highlighted the deep-rooted manipulation and control Kenjaku exerted over Yamada's life. Yamada's struggle wasn't just about his actions or destiny; it was about reclaiming his sense of self from the shadow of Kenjaku's influence. Despite the serene setting, the turmoil within Yamada continued to rage, a storm as turbulent as the sea before him.

Kenjaku, assessing Yamada's conflicted state, made a cold suggestion. "If you have doubts, perhaps it would be best to eliminate you now."

Yamada, still staring at the sea, responded with a calm yet defiant tone. "I could easily take on all of you, take your head, and bring it to Gojo Satoru. Somehow, he would protect me." There was a moment of heavy silence following his words.

He continued, "But it's too late for that. What's done is done. Besides, this darkness is a part of me now."

Kenjaku, unfazed by the threat, advised, "If you're smart, Yamada, you'll kill Hiro Takashi in Shibuya."

Yamada then shared a revelation with a bitter laugh. "You know what's funny? When you adopted me, I could sense Hiro's cursed technique awakening. Knowing him and his sense of justice, I knew we'd face each other someday. So, I placed a seal to prevent his technique from awakening."

He paused, his laughter fading. "But I never thought he'd not only break it but also become so strong."

Kenjaku, changing the subject, reached into his Kimono and pulled out a small jar of hair gel, handing it to Yamada. The gesture seemed oddly mundane following their intense conversation.

Yamada, taken aback, looked at the jar in his hands. "What's this?" he asked, his tone a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Kenjaku replied, "Tomorrow is your birthday, so consider this a gift."

Yamada, still holding the jar, gave Kenjaku a skeptical look. "Hair gel? That's my birthday present?"

Kenjaku, with a nonchalant shrug, said, "Why not? It's practical. And I've noticed you've been paying more attention to your appearance lately."

Yamada, unsure whether to be amused or annoyed, let out a small chuckle. "I guess a gift is a gift," he said, still eyeing the jar.

Kenjaku nodded. "Exactly. Happy birthday, Yamada."


In a classroom at their school, Yamada was meticulously grooming his slicked-back hair when Hiro burst into the room, his expression a mix of panic and urgency.

"Hiro, what's wrong?" Yamada asked, surprised by his friend's sudden appearance.

Hiro, closing the door behind him and glancing around nervously, replied, "Yamada, you need to hide me! Mitsuki and I broke up, and she's on a rampage to cut my hair as revenge!"

Yamada raised an eyebrow, half-amused and half-concerned. "Your hair? Why would she want to cut your hair?"

Hiro ran a hand through his own hair, looking distressed. "She always said if we ever broke up, she'd come after my hair. I thought she was joking, but she's really serious!"

Yamada couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, that's one unique way to get revenge. But why hide here?"

"I don't know where else to go," Hiro confessed. "She knows all my usual hangouts, and I figured she wouldn't look for me in here."

Yamada, now fully amused by his friend's dilemma, joked, "So, your legendary hair is at stake. This is serious business, Hiro."

Hiro, not finding the situation as humorous, pleaded, "Can you help me out? Maybe we can come up with a disguise or something."

Yamada, thinking for a moment, said, "I have an idea, but you're not going to like it."

Hiro, desperate, responded, "I'll do anything at this point."

"Alright," Yamada said with a mischievous grin. "How do you feel about a bald cap?"

Hiro's eyes widened in horror. "Bald cap? Are you kidding me?"

Yamada laughed, enjoying the moment. "It's either that or face Mitsuki's wrath. Your choice, Hiro."

Hiro sighed, resigning himself to his friend's plan. "Fine, let's do the bald cap. But if anyone asks, we never had this conversation."

Yamada, still chuckling, began rummaging through a cabinet for the necessary materials. "Your secret's safe with me. Let's turn Hiro Takashi into a bald sensation."

Hiro, now donning a bald cap under Yamada's guidance, looked at himself in the mirror with a mix of disbelief and resignation. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered.

Just then, Mitsuki burst into the classroom, her eyes immediately locking onto Hiro. Despite the bald cap, it was clear she recognized him instantly. "You're such an idiot, Hiro. That bald cap isn't fooling anyone," she declared, a hint of amusement mixed with her frustration.

Yamada, unable to contain himself, burst into laughter at the sight of Hiro's desperate disguise. Hiro, realizing the bald cap had failed miserably, looked at Yamada with a 'this is all your fault' expression.

Without another word, Hiro and Yamada bolted from the classroom, with Mitsuki hot on their heels. The chase led them through the hallways of the school, attracting the attention of students and teachers alike.

They burst into a first-year classroom, where Yina was in the middle of a lesson. The class turned in surprise as Hiro and Yamada rushed in, both yelling for help.

"Yina, save us!" Hiro shouted, slightly out of breath.

Yamada, still laughing, added, "We need a hideout, quick!"

The class, including Yina, looked on in confusion and amusement at the unexpected interruption. Yina, recognizing Hiro and Yamada, couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of the situation.

Mitsuki, catching up to them, stood at the classroom door, hands on her hips. "You can run, Hiro, but you can't hide. I'm going to get that hair!"

The entire classroom erupted in laughter, enjoying the unexpected drama. Hiro, realizing there was no escape, took off the bald cap and faced Mitsuki with a sheepish grin.

"Okay, okay, you got me," he conceded. "Truce?"

Mitsuki, her mission accomplished, nodded with a satisfied smile. "Truce."

The chase ended as quickly as it had begun, leaving behind a trail of laughter and a memorable story for the first-year students. For Hiro and Yamada, it was another adventurous tale to add to their long history of friendship and camaraderie.

Hiro suddenly awoke in the darkness of his room, his heart still racing from the vividness of the dream. He lay there for a moment, trying to orient himself in the quiet of the early morning. The dream had been so real, a memory from four years ago replaying in his mind with remarkable clarity.

He remembered that day with a mix of fondness and amusement. The chase through the school, the bald cap disguise, Mitsuki's determined pursuit, and the bewildered first-year students – it was one of the many memories he shared with Yamada and others, filled with the carefree spirit of their youth.

As Hiro lay in bed, he realized how much things had changed since then. The paths they had all taken, the choices made, and the distances that had grown between them. It was a bittersweet reflection, a reminder of simpler times before their lives had become entangled in the complex world of Jujutsu sorcery.

He glanced at the clock and saw that it was still early. The stillness of the night provided a stark contrast to the chaos of his dream. Hiro closed his eyes, trying to capture a few more moments of rest before the start of another day.

But sleep eluded him now, his mind filled with the echoes of laughter and the adrenaline of the chase from his dream. These memories, both joyful and painful, were a reminder of the deep connections he had once shared, connections that still shaped who he was today.

With a deep sigh, Hiro resigned himself to the wakefulness of the night, allowing his thoughts to drift through the memories of the past, each one a thread in the tapestry of his journey.

Feeling Hiro's restlessness beside her, Maki stirred from her sleep. She turned towards him, sensing his wakefulness in the quiet of the night. With a gentle movement, she closed the space between them, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting embrace.

"What's wrong? Can't sleep again?" Maki whispered softly, her voice filled with concern.

Hiro, feeling the warmth of her embrace, let out a sigh. "Just some old memories," he murmured, not wanting to worry her with the details of his dream.

Maki tightened her hold, offering silent support. "Whatever it is, it's okay. You're not alone in this," she reassured him.

Hiro relaxed into her embrace, the tension in his body slowly ebbing away. Maki's presence had a calming effect on him, a reminder that despite the complexities of their lives, they had each other to lean on.

"Thanks, Maki," Hiro said quietly, feeling a sense of gratitude for her understanding and support.

Maki simply nodded, resting her head against his chest. They lay in silence, the quiet of the night enveloping them. In these moments, the challenges and uncertainties of the world outside seemed distant, and what mattered most was the comfort and connection they found in each other.

Gradually, Hiro's thoughts drifted away from the past, and he found himself focusing on the present – the steady rhythm of Maki's breathing, the warmth of her body next to his. Slowly, sleep began to reclaim him, Maki's reassuring presence a soothing balm to his restless mind.

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, Hiro slowly opened his eyes to a new day. The room was bathed in a soft, warm glow, the kind that only comes on a peaceful morning. He stretched lazily, still wrapped in the comfort of the sheets and the memories of a restful night.

Maki, already awake beside him, turned to Hiro with a bright smile. She leaned in to give him a gentle, affectionate kiss. "Happy birthday," she whispered, her eyes sparkling.

Hiro, a bit surprised, replied, "Oh, I'd completely forgotten it was my birthday today." The events and memories of the past days had overshadowed the date.

Maki's smile widened. "Well, I haven't. I've got the whole day planned out since we couldn't celebrate last year."

Curious, Hiro asked, "What's first on the agenda?"

Maki's smile turned playful and teasing. "First, your birthday gift," she said, her voice lowering suggestively as she slid under the sheets.

As Hiro felt Maki's warm presence move closer, a wave of sensations washed over him. He arched his neck slightly, a sigh of contentment escaping his lips. The morning transformed into an intimate celebration, a personal and loving start to Hiro's birthday.

As the moments passed, Hiro experienced an intensifying sensation, a culmination of warmth and closeness that brought him to a euphoric climax. He exhaled deeply, his breath slightly uneven as he savored the lingering feelings of bliss.

Maki emerged from under the sheets, her eyes meeting his. She asked playfully, "So, how was it?"

Hiro, still catching his breath, looked at Maki with a contented smile. "No matter what happens, this always feels incredible," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of satisfaction and affection.

Maki smiled back, her eyes reflecting a shared intimacy and understanding. "I'm glad to hear that," she said, leaning in for a soft kiss.

Hiro, with a hint of awkwardness in his tone, said, "Hey, not to upset you, but maybe you should clean your mouth before kissing."

Maki raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of surprise and amusement. "But what I had in my mouth is a part of you, idiot," she retorted playfully.

Hiro, realizing his comment might have come off as insensitive, quickly tried to clarify. "Yeah, I know, but still…"

Maki, now feigning annoyance, responded, "Oh, really? Then I suppose you don't want a repeat of that."

Hiro, sensing her growing irritation, hurriedly backtracked. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. Should we get ready for the day?"

Maki, her mood lightening, gave Hiro a knowing smile. "Sure, let's get ready. But you owe me one now."

As they both got out of bed and started preparing for the day, the room was filled with a comfortable, familiar banter. Despite the small misstep, their bond was strong enough to navigate through such moments with ease and understanding.


Hiro's birthday unfolded as a day filled with adventure and exploration across Tokyo, a city vibrant with life and culture. The morning began with a leisurely breakfast at a quaint café known for its artisanal pastries and rich coffee, where Maki and Hiro enjoyed a relaxed start to the day.

After breakfast, they strolled through the bustling streets of Tokyo, absorbing the energy of the city. Their first stop was Ueno Park, where they admired the natural beauty and serenity. They wandered through the pathways lined with lush greenery, occasionally stopping to watch street performers who added a lively ambiance to the park.

As the day progressed, Hiro and Maki visited some of Tokyo's iconic landmarks. They explored the historic Asakusa district, marveling at the majestic Senso-ji Temple and browsing through the colorful Nakamise shopping street, picking up small souvenirs and traditional snacks along the way.

For lunch, they indulged in a sushi feast at a renowned sushi bar in Tsukiji, where they enjoyed some of the freshest seafood Tokyo had to offer. The meal was a delightful experience, filled with lively conversation and laughter.

In the afternoon, Hiro and Maki visited the trendy Shibuya district, immersing themselves in the latest fashion trends and pop culture. They spent time in a popular arcade, challenging each other in various games and reveling in the nostalgic atmosphere.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, they took a leisurely walk through the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. The tranquility of the garden provided a beautiful contrast to the bustling city, offering a moment of peace and reflection.

The day concluded with a walk back home, their hands intertwined, basking in the afterglow of a day well spent. The streets of Tokyo were illuminated with neon lights, creating a magical backdrop for their journey home.

As they walked through the vibrant streets of Tokyo, Hiro suddenly stopped and turned to Maki. "Hey, can you go ahead? I need to take care of something quickly," he said, a hint of urgency in his voice.

Maki, slightly taken aback, arched an eyebrow and asked, "Are you going to meet someone?"

Hiro, noticing the change in her expression, quickly responded, "Sort of, but it's not what you're thinking."

A vein popped out on Maki's forehead, a clear sign of her rising suspicion. "Not another girl, I hope."

Hiro, realizing the misunderstanding, quickly clarified. "No, no, it's not a girl. It's just something I need to handle alone."

Maki's expression softened, and she nodded. "Alright, then. I'll see you back at the school."

With a small wave, Hiro watched as Maki continued on her way. Once she was out of sight, he turned and headed in a different direction, his mind focused on the task he needed to complete. It was something personal, a matter he felt needed to be handled alone, away from the celebratory mood of the day.

As Maki walked back to the school, she couldn't help but wonder about Hiro's mysterious errand. Despite her initial suspicion, she trusted Hiro and knew that whatever he was up to, it was important to him. The day had been filled with joy and togetherness, and she was content to give Hiro the space he needed, confident in the bond they shared.

Upon reaching the familiar park, Hiro's pace slowed as a wave of nostalgia washed over him. This was where he, Yamada, and Yina had spent countless hours in their younger days. The park, with its simple playground and rows of trees, held a special place in his heart, a reminder of a time when life was less complicated.

He walked towards the swings, a set of three, and sat down on the middle one. This had always been his spot, with Yamada and Yina on either side. Hiro glanced at Yamada's usual swing and noticed a small package resting there. Curious, he reached over to pick it up and found a note attached, simply addressed to "Hiro."

Opening the note, he discovered a small green ring inside. Hiro couldn't help but smile, a mix of amusement and warmth in his voice as he spoke to the empty air, "Stupid Yamada, did you choose green to remind me of your eyes?"

He let out a soft laugh, the sound echoing slightly in the quiet of the park. Standing up, Hiro reached into his pocket and placed a small box on his own swing. It was a gift he had brought for Yamada, a coincidence that they had both thought of each other on this day.

As Hiro started to walk away, he looked back at the swings and said softly, "Happy birthday, Yamada."

The moment was bittersweet, a connection maintained through memories and small gestures, despite the paths that had led them in different directions. For Hiro, it was a way to honor a friendship that, while changed, still held a significant place in his life. The park, once filled with their laughter and conversations, now stood as a silent witness to the enduring bonds of friendship, a testament to the memories and moments that continued to shape Hiro's journey.


Hiro arrived back at the school, his mind still lingering on the memories at the park. As he checked his phone, he saw a message from Maki instructing him to head to the gymnasium. Curious, he made his way there, wondering what she could have planned.

As he pushed open the doors of the gym, he was greeted by a chorus of "Surprise!" and a room filled with decorations, balloons, and a large banner that read "Happy Birthday Hiro!" His friends - Itadori, Megumi, Kugisaki, Yazu, Gojo, Nanami, Maki, Panda, and Inumaki - all stood there, beaming at him.

Hiro was taken aback, a look of genuine surprise on his face. "You guys did all this for me?" he asked, his voice filled with gratitude and a hint of emotion.

Maki stepped forward with a smile. "Of course, we did. You didn't think we'd let your birthday pass without a celebration, did you?"

Itadori, bouncing with excitement, added, "We've been planning this for days! We even baked a cake!"

Megumi, more reserved but equally pleased, said, "Happy birthday, Hiro. You've done a lot for us. It's our turn to return the favor."

Kugisaki chimed in, "And wait till you see the gifts we got for you!"

Yazu, who was standing beside the food table, grinned. "Yeah, and don't forget to try the food. We all pitched in."

Gojo, with his usual flair, announced, "This is going to be the best birthday party ever! After all, I supervised the planning."

Nanami, standing next to a stack of presents, nodded towards them. "It's not just about celebration, Hiro. It's about appreciation."

Panda, in his usual cheerful demeanor, said, "Let's have some fun, Hiro!"

Inumaki, in his unique way, added simply, "Tuna."

The gymnasium echoed with laughter and warm conversations as the party began. Hiro was surrounded by his friends, each sharing in the joy of the celebration. It was a moment that brought a sense of unity and camaraderie, a reminder of the strong bonds they all shared. For Hiro, it was more than just a birthday celebration; it was a testament to the relationships he had nurtured and the family he had found in them.

Gojo, always the one to add a bit of humor to any situation, quipped with a sly grin, "Wait a minute, you're 18, Hiro, and Maki's 16. What's going on there?"

Hiro, used to Gojo's teasing, let out a sigh and clarified, "Idiot, when Maki and I first met, I was 16 and she was 15. She's turning 17 soon."

Gojo's smile broadened, and he chuckled. "I know, I'm just messing with you."

Maki, rolling her eyes at Gojo's jest, playfully punched his arm. "You're such a pain, Gojo-sensei."

The group laughed, enjoying the light-hearted banter. Itadori, always eager to join in, added, "Yeah, Gojo-sensei always likes to stir things up!"

Nanami, shaking his head with a small smile, remarked, "It's never a dull moment with you around, Gojo."

Panda, joining in the fun, added, "Gojo-sensei's jokes are as unpredictable as his teaching methods!"

Kugisaki, with a smirk, said, "At least his jokes are better than his fashion sense."

The room filled with laughter and friendly teasing, the atmosphere light and joyful. Gojo's playful comment had sparked a series of jokes and laughter, a reminder of the camaraderie and comfort they all found in each other's company.

As Hiro looked around at the smiling faces of his friends, a wave of reflection washed over him. He stood there amidst the laughter and joy, his mind drifting into an internal dialogue, a poignant moment of introspection amidst the celebration.

"I had almost forgotten this warmth in my heart," Hiro thought to himself. "The time I spent training at the temple, facing death over and over, it changed me. I started to see life through a dimmer lens, my existence narrowed down to a singular purpose - to stop Yamada."

He watched his friends enjoying the party, their faces alight with happiness. "But this, this is what life is truly about. It's not just about fighting and survival. It's about these moments of joy, connection, and belonging."

Hiro's eyes moved from one friend to another, each one an integral part of his life. "They've all fought their own battles, faced their own demons, yet here they are, celebrating life, celebrating our bonds. They haven't let the darkness overshadow the light in their lives."

A smile slowly formed on Hiro's face as he continued his silent reflection. "In my quest to become stronger, to protect everyone from Yamada, I had lost sight of what I was fighting for. But now, I remember. It's not just about defeating an enemy; it's about protecting these moments, these connections."

Hiro felt a renewed sense of purpose, a clarity that extended beyond the confines of battle and duty. "Life is about balance, about finding light even in the darkest of times. And these people, my friends, they are my light."

As Hiro mingled with his friends, the laughter and chatter around him momentarily faded into the background when he heard the familiar, eerie laughter of Buda echoing in his mind. The sound was distinct, almost as if Buda was speaking directly to him from another realm.

"Ah, you've finally understood the true essence of enlightenment," Buda's voice resonated in Hiro's head, carrying a tone of satisfaction and wisdom. "True enlightenment isn't about detaching from everything and letting things flow. It's about finding the light, no matter the circumstances. You lost it for a while, consumed by your mission and the darkness it brought. But look at you now, you've found it again."

Hiro paused, the voice in his head bringing a new perspective to his thoughts. "That's right," Hiro silently agreed. "I was so focused on what I thought I had to do, so caught up in the fight, that I forgot about the light in my life."

Buda's laughter faded, but his words lingered. "This realization, Hiro, is your final test. The path to true strength lies not just in physical power or skill, but in maintaining the light within you, even in the darkest of times."

Hiro felt a sense of clarity wash over him, a feeling of enlightenment that was different from what he had known. It wasn't cold or detached; it was warm and connected to the world around him, to the people he cared about.

As he rejoined the laughter and celebration, Hiro felt more grounded and at peace than he had in a long time. He understood now that his strength came not just from his ability to fight but from his capacity to cherish and protect the moments of joy and connection. Buda's final test was not a battle of physical prowess but a challenge of the heart, a lesson that Hiro would carry with him as he continued his journey.

Hiro, feeling a newfound sense of lightness and confidence, playfully approached Maki amidst the party. With a mock look of despair, he said, "Oh heavens, Maki, why did you let them cut my beautiful hair? Now you won't have the most handsome boyfriend around. Well, I guess I'm still quite charismatic."

Maki's eyes widened in surprise at Hiro's words. It had been a long time since she had heard him talk so lightheartedly about himself. For so long, he had been stoic and somewhat distant, his demeanor shaped by the trials and tribulations he had faced.

As she looked at Hiro, she noticed the change in him. There was a confident smile on his face, one that radiated warmth and light. It was the Hiro she had first met, the one before his time at the temple of Buda. The old Hiro, the one who was full of life and charm, had returned.

Maki couldn't help but smile back, her heart filling with joy at this transformation. "I think you look great, Hiro. And you're right, you're still quite charismatic."

Hiro's smile grew wider at her response. "I'm glad to hear that. I've missed this... us being like this."

The couple shared a moment, surrounded by the noise and festivities of the party, yet in their own little world. It was a moment of reconnection, not just for Hiro with his friends and with Maki, but also with himself.

As they rejoined the party, Maki could sense the shift in Hiro. He was more engaged, more present. He laughed more, joked around, and there was a genuine happiness in his eyes. Hiro's journey through darkness had brought him back to the light, and it was a change that everyone around him could feel. The celebration of Hiro's birthday was more than just a party; it was a celebration of his return to the person he used to be, a rediscovery of his true self.

As the party continued in full swing, Principal Yaga and Shoko Ieiri joined in, adding to the cheerful atmosphere. The students greeted them warmly, happy to see their teachers being a part of the celebration.

Hiro, buoyed by his newfound sense of lightness, was walking back from the refreshment table with a soda in hand when he accidentally tripped over a misplaced chair. The soda flew out of his hand, splashing all over Principal Yaga.

The room went silent for a moment as everyone turned to see the unexpected incident. Hiro, realizing what he had just done, was momentarily stunned. Then, in a spontaneous reaction, he scooped up Megumi and Itadori, one in each arm, and started running towards the exit of the gym.

With a mix of humor and feigned drama, Hiro called out, "With my children, no, Yaga!!" turning the mishap into a playful escape.

The room erupted in laughter, the tension broken by Hiro's theatrical antics. Principal Yaga, although a bit surprised and drenched in soda, couldn't help but laugh at the spectacle. Shoko, standing beside him, shook her head with a smile, used to the lively and unpredictable nature of Jujutsu High students.

Itadori and Megumi, caught in Hiro's impromptu rescue operation, laughed along, enjoying the light-hearted moment. The incident became yet another memorable part of Hiro's birthday celebration, a testament to the camaraderie and joy that filled their lives despite the challenges they faced.


In stark contrast to the lively celebration at Jujutsu High, Yamada sat alone in his dimly lit room, the only light coming from the moon shining through the window. He gazed out at the endless expanse of the sea, lost in thought. While Hiro was surrounded by friends and joy on his birthday, Yamada experienced his in solitude.

He picked up the small box that Hiro had left for him at the park earlier that day. "What did you leave for me, Hiro?" Yamada mused aloud, his voice soft in the quiet room.

Carefully, he opened the box and found a blue ring inside. A smile, rare and tinged with a mix of fondness and sadness, crossed his face. "You chose blue to remind me of your eyes, didn't you? Arrogant idiot," he said softly, yet with a hint of affection.

Yamada slipped the ring onto his finger, feeling a connection to Hiro despite their current paths. It was a reminder of their shared past, of a friendship that had once been his anchor. As he looked at the ring, he was reminded of the complexity of his feelings – a mixture of regret, nostalgia, and the remnants of a bond that, despite everything, still lingered in his heart.

Sitting there, with the ring on his finger and the moonlight as his companion, Yamada allowed himself a moment to reflect on what could have been. The ring was a symbol of a time when life was simpler, when he and Hiro were just two friends facing the world together.

The quiet of the night enveloped him, a stark reminder of the path he had chosen. Yet, in that moment of solitude, Yamada found a small measure of peace, holding onto a piece of a past that, in spite of everything, still meant something to him.