The end of our eternal blue summer

Maki and Hiro strolled along the shoreline, their feet sinking slightly into the warm, golden sand. It was one of the last days of summer, the season lingering in the air like a sweet, fading melody. The sun hung low in the sky, painting the world in hues of gold and orange, a celestial artist at work. The vast expanse of the ocean stretched out before them, a mirror reflecting the endless blue sky above.

Hiro, dressed in a casual white linen shirt that fluttered slightly in the gentle sea breeze, and khaki shorts, walked beside Maki with a relaxed yet confident gait. His hair, tousled by the wind, glinted in the sunlight, a golden crown atop his head.

Maki, radiant in a flowing sundress that danced around her legs with each step, exuded a sense of grace and strength. Her hair was pulled back in a simple, elegant style, allowing her natural beauty to shine under the sun's gentle caress.

As they walked, Hiro turned to Maki with a contented smile. "You know, moments like this make me think that we could just keep walking and never look back. Just you, me, and this endless blue summer."

Maki glanced at him, a playful glint in her eye. "As tempting as that sounds, we do have responsibilities, Hiro. We can't just walk away from our lives."

Hiro nodded, his eyes still on the horizon. "I know, but it's nice to dream, isn't it? A world where there are no curses, no battles, just endless days like this."

Maki reached for his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. "We may not have endless days, but we have moments. Moments like this are our own little escapes."

They stopped, standing at the water's edge, watching the waves gently lap at their feet. Hiro looked at Maki, his expression filled with affection. "Then let's make the most of every moment we have."

Maki leaned her head against his shoulder. "That's the plan."

Just as Maki and Hiro were basking in the tranquility of the moment, Itadori burst onto the scene, his usual energetic self disrupting the peaceful atmosphere.

"Guys! You've got to come quick; Inumaki is going on about communism again!" Itadori exclaimed, slightly out of breath from his run across the beach.

Hiro, taken aback by the sudden interruption, let out a sigh and gave Maki an apologetic look. "Duty calls, I guess," he said, his tone a mix of amusement and resignation.

Maki chuckled, shaking her head at the absurdity of the situation. "Never a dull moment with them around, huh?"

Together, they followed Itadori back to where their friends were gathered. As they approached, they could hear Inumaki's muffled voice through his scarf, his words a jumble of food-related codes and occasional mentions of communist ideologies.

Hiro, trying to maintain a serious demeanor, approached Inumaki. "Inumaki, you know we've talked about this. Communism as an ideology is complex, and not really a 'fantasy' as you call it, but we're here to enjoy the beach, not start a political debate."

Inumaki, looking slightly chastised, simply replied, "Salmon."

The group erupted into laughter, the tension dissolving into the sea breeze. It was moments like these, filled with laughter and the unpredictable nature of their friendships, that Hiro and Maki cherished. Despite the occasional absurdity, it was these experiences that added color and joy to their lives, a reminder of the lighter side of being Jujutsu sorcerers.

As Hiro, Maki, and Itadori were trying to navigate the amusing yet baffling discussion with Inumaki, Yazu, Kugisaki, Megumi, and Gojo joined the group, adding to the lively atmosphere on the beach.

Yazu, overhearing the tail end of the conversation, asked with a grin, "Are we talking about communism now? What did I miss?"

Kugisaki, with her usual flair, chimed in, "Oh, just Inumaki trying to educate us on his unique worldview. It's always an adventure with him."

Megumi, more reserved but clearly amused, added, "It's not every day you have a conversation about communism on the beach."

Gojo, ever the instigator, laughed. "Well, why not? A little intellectual debate never hurt anyone. Right, Inumaki?"

Inumaki, now the center of attention, simply responded, "Tuna," which only caused the group to burst into more laughter.

Amidst the laughter and playful banter, Hiro turned his attention to Inumaki, who was still wearing his signature scarf even on the beach. With a light-hearted but teasing tone, Hiro addressed him.

"Inumaki, man, we're at the beach. Even your scarf must be feeling the heat. Why don't you give it a break today?" Hiro said, a smile playing on his lips.

Inumaki glanced down at his scarf, then back at Hiro, and replied simply, "Salmon."

The group chuckled at Inumaki's response. It was well known among them that Inumaki rarely parted with his scarf, a part of his unique character.

Kugisaki joined in the teasing. "Yeah, Inumaki. Are you planning to go swimming with that scarf too?"

Yazu, trying to offer a supportive comment, said, "Maybe it's his style statement. You know, beach scarf fashion!"

Gojo, always looking for an opportunity to add humor, suggested, "Perhaps he's starting a new trend. Next thing we know, we'll all be wearing scarves to the beach."

The group continued to joke and laugh, enjoying the light-hearted moment. Inumaki, despite the teasing, seemed unfazed, his presence adding to the unique dynamic of their group.

As the sun continued to set, the group settled down to enjoy the rest of the evening together. The laughter and playful teasing were a testament to their strong bonds and the sense of family they had created amongst themselves. In moments like these, they could forget the pressures of their roles as Jujutsu sorcerers and simply enjoy being young and together.

As the day gradually transitioned into evening, the sky became a canvas painted with strokes of crimson and gold, the sun dipping below the horizon like a glowing ember sinking into the ocean's depths. The fading light cast a serene, golden hue over the beach, turning the scene into something out of a dream.

Amidst this enchanting backdrop, Itadori, with a hint of wistfulness in his voice, turned to Hiro. "Do you think summers will always be this beautiful? I really enjoy these moments together. I don't want anything to change or end."

Hiro looked out at the sea, where the last rays of the sun danced upon the gentle waves. He thought for a moment before replying, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and hope. "Every summer has its own story, Itadori. Like chapters in a book, some are filled with adventure, some with peace. But what makes them truly beautiful are moments like these - when we're together, sharing our experiences and creating memories."

He continued, "Things might change, as they often do. But the beauty of these moments, the connections we share, they leave a lasting impression on our hearts. That's what makes each summer, each moment, unique and precious."

Itadori listened, absorbing Hiro's words. The fading light around them seemed to echo the sentiment, a reminder of the transient yet beautiful nature of their time together.

The group gathered closer as the evening air grew cooler, their laughter and voices blending with the gentle sound of the waves. In that moment, they all shared a sense of contentment and belonging, a recognition that while the future was uncertain, the memories they created would remain a cherished part of their journey.

As twilight enveloped the beach, the sky transformed into a tapestry of deepening azure, dotted with the first twinkling stars. The lingering light of the sun, now just a soft glow on the horizon, seemed to gently whisper goodnight to the world below. The sea, a vast expanse of shimmering mystery, mirrored the heavens, creating a harmonious symphony of celestial beauty.

In this enchanting atmosphere, Gojo, his eyes reflecting the twilight's magic, turned towards his students with a sense of pride and warmth. "It's truly heartening to see the strong bonds you all share," he remarked, his voice carrying the gentle cadence of the evening breeze.

"The ties that bind you are not just forged in the heat of battle, but also in moments like these," Gojo continued, gesturing towards the sea and the sky. "In the tranquility of twilight, in the laughter shared under a starlit sky, your connections grow deeper, more resilient."

His words floated over the group like the soft sea breeze, weaving through their hearts. "These bonds," he said, "are your strength, as vital as any Jujutsu technique. They are the unseen threads that weave the fabric of your unity, as enduring as the constellations above."

The students listened, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the fading day. Around them, the world seemed to pause, basking in the serene beauty of the moment.

Gojo's eyes twinkled with a knowing light as he looked at each of his students. "Remember, the strength of your bond is your greatest power. Cherish it, nurture it, and let it guide you through the challenges ahead."

As the evening deepened, a sense of peace and togetherness enveloped the group. They sat together, not just as students and teacher, but as a family bound by shared experiences and a deep, unspoken understanding of each other. In the quiet beauty of the night, under the watchful gaze of the stars, their bond was reaffirmed, a beacon of light guiding them through the journey of life.


On a distant shore, far removed from the laughter and warmth of Hiro and his friends, Yamada sat alone on the cool sand. The same moon that cast its gentle glow over the joyful gathering of Jujutsu sorcerers shone down on him, but here it painted a scene of solitude and introspection.

Yamada's figure was silhouetted against the vast, dark canvas of the night, the moonlight reflecting off the sea, turning the waves into a dance of shimmering silver. He sat with his knees drawn up, his eyes fixed on the celestial orb above, lost in thought.

The serene beauty of the moon seemed to both illuminate and deepen the solitude that surrounded him. It was a stark contrast to the lively scene of friendship just miles away. Here, the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore was not a backdrop to laughter and conversation but a solitary symphony, a reminder of the path he had chosen, one that led him away from the warmth of companionship.

As the moon continued its silent vigil in the sky, Yamada reflected on the choices he had made, the roads he had traveled. The soft glow of the moonlight seemed to highlight the weight of his thoughts, casting long shadows on the sand around him.

In this moment, Yamada was a lone figure against the vastness of the world, a solitary soul contemplating the complexities of his journey. The contrast between his solitude and the connectedness of Hiro and the others was a poignant reminder of the divergent paths life can take, and of the choices that lead one to walk alone under the same moonlit sky.

Choso approached Yamada, his presence a slight disruption to the somber mood. "How about a game of bingo to lighten the mood?" he suggested, trying to inject some levity into the situation.

Yamada looked up, his expression one of mild annoyance. "I'm tired of those stupid games," he replied curtly, his patience wearing thin.

Choso, undeterred by Yamada's mood, asked, "Why are you more down than usual?" He observed Yamada closely, noting his demeanor.

Yamada shot back, "And you're one to talk about being down, with those bags under your eyes."

Choso's face took on a somber expression. "My brothers are dead. It's normal for me to look this way."

Yamada retorted, "You've always had them, that's no excuse."

The conversation took a more serious turn as Choso stated, "All I know is that I will kill Yuji Itadori."

Yamada raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Itadori?" he questioned.

Choso nodded. "Yes, the vessel of Sukuna."

Yamada paused for a moment, lost in thought. "Itadori... That's the same last name I have. Well, the one Kenjaku gave me when he adopted me. He used to be called Kaori Itadori before he transformed."

Choso, slightly taken aback by the implications, remarked with a hint of disgust, "Are you suggesting that Geto has kids scattered around? That's revolting."

Yamada, with a sardonic edge to his voice, responded, "Well, he makes for a terrible mother, that's for sure."

The conversation, darkly humorous in its nature, reflected their complex and intertwined histories with Kenjaku. As they both grappled with the bizarre and often disturbing reality of their lives, Choso suddenly stood up, breaking the contemplative mood.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" Choso inquired, his tone serious.

Yamada looked up at him, curious. "Depends. What do you need?"

Choso, now visibly annoyed, bluntly said, "Flush the damn toilet after you use it."

The request, mundane and starkly normal compared to their earlier conversation, brought a brief moment of levity to the otherwise heavy atmosphere. Yamada couldn't help but let out a short laugh, a rare break from his usual brooding demeanor.

As Choso walked away, Yamada remained seated, the moon still casting its light over him. Even in the midst of their complex and supernatural lives, moments of mundane normalcy still found their way in, serving as reminders of the simple, everyday aspects of life they often overlooked.


Autumn had arrived at the Jujutsu High School in Tokyo, bringing with it a crisp, cool air and a cascade of vibrant leaves that painted the campus in shades of red, orange, and yellow. Hiro, always one to keep up with the latest trends, was dressed fashionably for the changing season.

He wore a sleek, dark jacket that fit him perfectly, accentuating his athletic build. Underneath, he had on a stylish, high-collared shirt, adding an air of sophistication to his look. His pants were tailored and dark, complementing the jacket, and he wore a pair of designer boots that made a subtle statement with every step he took. His hair was styled impeccably, as always, giving him a polished and refined appearance.

As he walked through the school courtyard, he couldn't help but grumble about the cooler weather. "I hate the cold," he complained, pulling his jacket tighter around him. "It's too crisp, too biting. I miss the warmth of summer."

Maki walked beside him, dressed in her own stylish autumn attire – a fitted leather jacket over a cozy sweater, paired with jeans and boots. She looked at Hiro with a slightly amused expression. "You and your complaints about the weather. It's not that bad, Hiro. Plus, you get to wear all these nice jackets."

Hiro shot her a look, half-annoyed, half-playful. "Sure, the fashion part is great, but I still prefer the summer sun. This chill just gets into your bones."

Maki laughed lightly, bumping her shoulder against his. "You'll survive, Hiro. Besides, the autumn colors are beautiful, aren't they?"

Hiro glanced around, taking in the colorful leaves and the soft, golden light that filtered through the trees. "Yeah, I suppose they are," he admitted, a small smile forming on his lips.

As they strolled through the campus, Hiro, with a hint of mischief in his eyes, turned to Maki and asked, "Do you know what else is beautiful?"

Maki, playing along with a smile, responded, "Me?"

Hiro shook his head, his smile widening. "No, I am."

Maki let out a laugh, a mix of exasperation and amusement at his response. "Of course, how could I forget? The great and beautiful Hiro," she teased.

Hiro nodded, striking a dramatic pose. "Exactly! It's important to recognize true beauty when you see it."

Maki rolled her eyes playfully. "Your humility is truly astounding, you know."

Hiro chuckled, dropping the act. "Okay, okay, I'll admit, you're pretty beautiful too. But I'm still the reigning champion here."

Maki nudged him gently. "In your dreams, Hiro. But I'll let you have your title... for now."

Hiro, still grumbling about the chill in the air, wrapped his jacket tighter around himself. "This cold is unbearable. How do people enjoy this?"

Maki, with a hint of a challenge in her voice, replied, "If you're so cold, why don't we do something to warm you up?"

Hiro's eyes lit up with a competitive spark. "A race, you mean? First one to our room?"

Without waiting for her confirmation, Hiro took off running, his long strides carrying him quickly across the courtyard. His fashionable attire did little to impede his speed, and he darted forward with the agility of a seasoned athlete.

Maki, caught off guard by his sudden sprint, quickly followed suit. "Hey, no fair! You got a head start!" she called out, laughing as she raced after him.

The two of them, darting through the autumn-colored campus, created a lively scene. Students turned to watch them, amused by the impromptu race.

Hiro, glancing back to see Maki catching up, pushed himself to go faster, the cold forgotten in the heat of the moment. His breath came out in visible puffs in the cool air, but his focus was solely on reaching their room first.

As they neared the building, Maki was just a few steps behind Hiro. With a final burst of speed, Hiro reached the door, panting and laughing. "I win!"

Maki arrived moments later, equally out of breath but smiling. "You and your silly races," she said, playfully punching his arm.

As they stood catching their breath, Maki looked at Hiro with a slightly teasing glint in her eye. "So, are we going to do it or not?"

Hiro, feigning innocence and with a playful tone, responded, "Do what, exactly?"

Maki raised an eyebrow, her smile growing wider. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Are we going to have our practice fight or not? You can't possibly be backing out now."

Hiro's face lit up with understanding and excitement. "Ah, the sparring session! Of course, I wouldn't dream of backing out. I thought you were talking about something else."

Maki laughed, shaking her head. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Hiro. I'm talking about training. Although, I'm not surprised where your thoughts went."

Hiro chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sorry, sorry. My mistake. Let's head to the training area then. I'm ready to show you my improved skills."

The two made their way to the training area, ready for a friendly yet competitive sparring session. The playful banter continued, a part of their routine that brought them closer together. In these moments of laughter and light-heartedness, they found a balance between the seriousness of their training and the joy of each other's company.


In the common room of the Jujutsu High School, Itadori, Kugisaki, Fushiguro, and Yazu lounged around, half-watching the television with a sense of boredom. The programs flicked by one after the other, none capturing their interest, until a vibrant Halloween commercial came on.

The screen was filled with vivid images of costumes, decorations, and an array of colorful candies being promoted for the upcoming holiday. Itadori's eyes lit up instantly, his previous boredom replaced by excitement.

"Guys, we should totally do something for Halloween!" he exclaimed, turning to his friends with an enthusiastic grin.

Kugisaki, who had been listlessly flipping through a magazine, looked up with interest. "You mean like a party? That could be fun. I already have a few costume ideas in mind."

Fushiguro, usually more reserved, nodded in agreement. "It's a good idea. It could be a nice break from our usual routine."

Yazu, leaning back on the couch, added, "And we can't forget the most important part – the candy. A Halloween party without candy is like a spell without a curse."

Itadori, pleased with their reactions, began to plan out loud. "We could decorate the common room, have a costume contest, maybe even some spooky games!"

Kugisaki, ever the realist, pointed out a crucial detail. "All this sounds great, but it's going to cost a lot of money."

Itadori, ever enthusiastic, had a quick solution. "Why not have Hiro senpai sponsor the party? He won't mind!"

Fushiguro, more thoughtful, responded, "We can't always rely on Hiro's generosity. It's not right to take advantage of him."

Kugisaki, with a mischievous glint in her eye, said, "What's the harm? The guy is loaded with money. Plus, I heard several brands renewed their contracts with him for modeling."

Yazu chimed in, adding fuel to the idea, "Yeah, and he's super popular. It makes sense for him to sponsor our Halloween party."

Fushiguro, however, was hesitant. "I'm not sure he'd be up for it, especially after what happened recently. Remember when his new car got crashed because someone drove it without permission?"

Yazu, unable to resist, said, "That was Kugisaki's fault, if I recall correctly."

Kugisaki, unfazed, shrugged. "What does that matter? We're his proteges, right? He should spoil us a bit. Besides, I can always ask Maki-san to convince him."

Just as the discussion was reaching its peak, Hiro walked into the room, catching the tail end of their conversation. With a curious expression, he asked, "Convince me of what?"

The group turned to look at him, a mix of excitement and slight apprehension on their faces. Itadori, always the first to speak up, jumped in. "Oh, Hiro senpai! We were just talking about Halloween. We want to throw a party and were wondering if... you know, you could help us out with it."

Hiro raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A Halloween party, huh? Sounds like fun. But what exactly do you need from me?"

Kugisaki, taking the lead, said, "Well, we were thinking that since you're, um, financially well-off and all, maybe you could sponsor our party? You know, for decorations, food, costumes..."

Hiro looked around at each of their hopeful faces. "I see. So, I'm the designated party sponsor now?"

Fushiguro added, "We understand if it's too much to ask. We don't want to impose."

Hiro chuckled, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Impose? You guys are my friends. Sure, I'll sponsor your Halloween party. But, on one condition."

The group leaned in, curious about Hiro's condition. "You have to let me be part of the planning team. I have some ideas that might just make this the best Halloween party Jujutsu High has ever seen."

Itadori's face lit up with excitement. "Really? That's awesome! Thank you, Hiro senpai!"

Kugisaki playfully nudged Hiro. "Look at you, being all generous and party planner extraordinaire."

Hiro laughed, joining in the excitement. "It's settled then. Let's make this a Halloween to remember!"

The room buzzed with renewed energy as they all started discussing ideas for the party. Hiro's willingness to help not only lifted their spirits but also brought them all together in anticipation of the fun and festivities ahead. With Hiro's support and their collective creativity, the Halloween party was shaping up to be an event filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories.


Halloween evening had arrived at Jujutsu High School, and the common room was buzzing with excitement and activity. The setting sun cast an orange glow through the windows, adding to the spooky ambiance. Kugisaki, Fushiguro, Itadori, and Yazu were busy putting the finishing touches on the decorations, each dressed in their carefully chosen Halloween costumes.

Kugisaki was dressed as a witch, complete with a pointed hat, a flowing black robe, and a broomstick. She was adding some fake cobwebs in the corners of the room, occasionally stepping back to admire her handiwork. "These cobwebs look so real, they're even creeping me out," she said with a satisfied grin.

Fushiguro, in stark contrast to his usual reserved nature, had chosen to dress as a classic vampire. His costume featured a long black cape, fangs, and some impressively done makeup to make him look pale and undead. He was adjusting his cape in front of a mirror and remarked, "I can't believe I let you guys talk me into wearing this."

Itadori, full of energy as always, was dressed as a zombie, complete with torn clothes and elaborate makeup that made him look like he had just crawled out of a grave. He was hanging up some spooky lanterns and said, "This is going to be the best Halloween party ever! Just wait until Hiro senpai sees this."

Yazu, embracing the Halloween spirit, was dressed as a werewolf, with furry ears, fake claws, and face paint. He was arranging some pumpkins around the room and added, "I bet Hiro's costume is going to be over the top. He's been so secretive about it."

Their excitement was palpable as they put the final touches on the decorations, their costumes adding to the festive atmosphere. The common room had been transformed into a Halloween haven, with jack-o'-lanterns, spooky lights, and eerie decorations setting the perfect scene for their celebration. As they worked together, their laughter and chatter filled the room, a testament to their friendship and the joy of the holiday.

As Kugisaki, Fushiguro, Itadori, and Yazu were admiring their handiwork in the festively decorated common room, the doors burst open, and Hiro, Panda, Inumaki, and Maki made their grand entrance, each dressed in their unique Halloween costumes.

Hiro had chosen a classic pirate costume, complete with a tricorn hat, an eye patch, and a fake parrot perched on his shoulder. His costume was detailed, with a ruffled shirt, a faux leather vest, and a decorative sword at his side. He swaggered into the room, fully embodying the pirate character. "Ahoy, mates! Captain Hiro is here to claim his treasure!" he announced with a grin.

Panda, always one for creativity, had dressed up as a mummy, wrapped in bandages from head to toe with only his eyes peeking out. He lumbered in, arms outstretched, and groaned playfully, "Panda want brains!"

Inumaki, sticking to his signature style, was dressed as a ninja, complete with a black suit, a hood, and some faux throwing stars. He remained silent but gave a thumbs-up to everyone, his actions speaking louder than words.

Maki, looking stunning, had chosen a samurai costume, wearing a kimono with armor pieces and carrying a wooden katana. She struck a warrior pose and said, "Ready to defend the honor of this party."

The group burst into laughter and compliments as they took in each other's costumes. Itadori was the first to comment, "Wow, Hiro senpai, that pirate costume suits you way too well!"

Kugisaki, with her usual sass, added, "And Maki, you look like you could actually lead us into battle."

Fushiguro, slightly amused, remarked, "Panda, that's the most convincing mummy act I've seen."

Yazu, looking at Inumaki, said, "That ninja costume is perfect for you, Inumaki. Silent but deadly, right?"

The room was filled with a festive and joyous atmosphere as they all shared in the excitement of the Halloween celebration. The creativity and effort put into each costume added to the magic of the evening, creating a memorable experience for everyone involved. With the party in full swing, they were all ready to enjoy an evening of fun, laughter, and spooktacular festivities.

The atmosphere, filled with laughter and anticipation for the Halloween festivities, shifted abruptly as Gojo entered the room. His expression was serious, lacking his usual playful demeanor.

Itadori, noticing his teacher's lack of costume, called out, "Sensei, why aren't you in your costume? The party is about to start!"

Gojo, with a sense of urgency, replied, "I'm sorry, everyone, but you'll need to take off your costumes. There's trouble brewing, and all Jujutsu sorcerers in Tokyo are being called for support."

Kugisaki, sensing the gravity of the situation, quickly asked, "What's happening? What's going on?"

Gojo responded, "I don't have all the details yet, but we're needed in Shibuya."

The room fell silent as the seriousness of Gojo's words sank in. The excitement for the Halloween party was instantly replaced by a sense of duty and concern. Each of them knew that when Gojo spoke in such a tone, the situation was dire.

Hiro, taking the lead, nodded and said, "Let's get ready then. We can't waste any time."

Outside the Jujutsu High School, Hiro stood solemnly, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the sun was setting. The sky was ablaze with vibrant hues of orange and purple, the clouds tinged with the fiery colors of the fading day. It was a beautiful yet poignant scene, mirroring the gravity of the moment that lay ahead.

Hiro was dressed in a modern martial arts outfit, designed for both form and function. The suit was sleek, fitting his body like a second skin, allowing for maximum mobility. It featured reinforced sections for protection, yet it was lightweight, not hindering his movements. The color was a deep navy blue, accented with subtle hints of gold that caught the light of the setting sun, giving him an almost ethereal appearance.

As he stood there, lost in thought, Hiro's mind replayed Yamada's words: "I'll see you in Shibuya, Hiro." He knew that the time had come for their fateful confrontation.

Joining Hiro, the rest of the team assembled, each wearing expressions of concern mixed with determination. Kugisaki approached Hiro first, her voice tinged with worry. "Is everything going to be okay? This sounds really serious."

Hiro turned to face her, a reassuring confidence in his eyes. "Everything will be fine. I promise to protect each one of you. I won't let anything happen to you."

Itadori and Yazu came up beside Hiro, placing their hands on his shoulders and sharing a supportive smile. The gesture was one of camaraderie and trust.

Hiro continued, his voice steady, "If any of you run into trouble, just hold on. Resist as much as you can until I can get to you. Then, I'll handle the rest."

Maki, standing a few steps away, watched him with a mix of concern and admiration. "You sound very confident in yourself, blond idiot," she commented.

Hiro, his determination unwavering, replied, "It's time. Let's save Shibuya!"

At his words, a unified cry of "Let's go!" erupted from the group.

The team, united in their resolve, stepped forward together, leaving the school behind. The setting sun cast long, dramatic shadows that stretched out before them, as if paving the way for their journey. It was a moment of solemn resolve, a prelude to the challenges they were about to face. The beautiful yet fleeting sunset served as a reminder of the transience of peace, and the onset of an impending struggle that would test their strength and resolve. As they moved forward, they did so with the knowledge that they were heading into a battle that could change the course of their lives forever.