2. Who the heck are you ?

Unique came down the car and almost immediately a crowd of reporters flashed their camera at her.

Unique squint her eyes as the flashes of camera were blinding.

"Mrs Salvador!!"

"It Mrs Salvador, you have finally shown your self to the public"

"Will you finally be taking over the company"

"Is your arrival at this event meant you'll be taking charge of the public"

They bombarded her with questions, The bodyguards who followed her were quick to push them back and she made her way to the red carpet where she waited to take a few pictures before making her way in the venue.

Unique sigh in relief as she finally got some space to breathe.

She had made sure to take her drug tonight, she couldn't afford any mishaps.

As soon as she step forward, she saw a crowd of people chatting.

She could recognize some successful business man and some philanthropist.

Her cousin Aliyah had arrive at the event before her, she couldn't wait for Unique as she didn't want her stealing the spot light.

"You must be Unique Salvador?"

Unique turn in her sleeveless body hug black gown, her neck was embroidered in expensive jewelry and her hair pack in a simple bun with tendrils framing her delicate face.

She came in face with a young man who was dressed expensively for the night.

"And you are....?"

"Matthew Jacqueline, it a pleasure to finally met you Miss Unique, it true what the rumors say you are indeed a beauty"

Unique let out a smile the man was sure charming.

"It nice meeting you Mr Matthew"

"You seem not to have a date for the night, if I may would you let me be your accompany" Matthew gesture his hand forward.

"Sure no harm in it,"

Unique accepted his offer, she. look around the big hall and notice some few people were stealing glance at her.

Matthew led Unique in a helped her pulled out a seat as they all listened to the Host speak.


Garrett stepped down his luxurious Benz adjusting his hair he brush his finger into them making a wave.

He was sure to always make an entrance.

The closed door of the event hall shrug open and the Host stopped his speech looking up.

Garrett walk in rendering the hall silent like he had a hold on them.

Unique turn to see a familiar face she had wished to see again, an excited smile spread on her as she watch Garrett walk pass her seat with outmost confidence.

He seemed unbothered by what he had just done.

The host clear is throat and continue his speech which cause everyone to turn away from him.

Malta smiled at Garrett as he settled in beside her.

He grab a drink from the table and sip while making his eyes wonder off to his target.

The man at the other end shift uncomfortably in his seat after he had saw the man whom they called the sin reaper of the supernatural realm.

He knew what his outcome will be tonight, he wished he had never came to the event, he wished he had just stayed home.

Garrett let out a taunting smirk at the man and look at the host who had just announce the party officially started.

Everyone stood up their seat as they seem to want to mingle with other wealthy class.

Unique was quick to stand up her seat.

"Excuse me" she said to Matthew rushing forward to meet the man she saw walked in earlier."

She could sight him talking to a lady, but in the next second of her stepping forward he was gone.

The man Garrett was there for mingle among the crowd refusing to leave, he knew that as soon as he step out the hall he was a goner.

The reaper was not one to be joked with, he usually get his job done perfectly.

From the corner of his eyes he could see Garrett, the man was not looking at him but he was sure he had him in sight, he was watching his every move.

"Am glad you came, it means you Care about me" Malta said to Garrett she was busying herself with him and he hasn't said a word since he arrived.

Humans weren't always he's thing, he preferred staying in the shades than a place filled with weak beings.

The music began playing and everyone took their partner for a dance, Malta was quick to ask for one.

"Dance with me Garrett"

Garrett finally turned to her but not to look at her but ahead of her at the man who was finally taking his leave from the hall.

He scoff and throw his head back finishing the content of the glass before handing Malta the cup.

He followed the man heels steadily like a predator he was making sure the guy could feel the shivers of fear ran up his spine.

Their step quicken as they were rounding up to quiet corner.

'Such fool' Garrett mutter.

As he was getting close to catching his prey, someone stumbled forward blocking his path from leaving, as he tried Walking around her she blocked him more.

Garrett look behind her to see his prey escaping, he narrowed his eyes in anger and grab hold of her neck.

"Who the heck are you"

Unique had saw him later on walking out the building, she had been wishing to have a chat with him all day.

As the dance begin Matthew said to her.

"Shall we?"

Without looking at him she replied.

"Maybe next time" she walked away in a rush not after telling her bodyguards not to come along.

She could see Garrett walking ahead and although she wasn't as tall as he was she was sure to catch up with him.

She finally step in front of him with a smile planning to thank him for the other day, but what happened next shocked her and she flinch as she was slammed to the hard walls.

Unique wince in pain at the impact she looked up at him as he said.

"Who the heck are you"

He seemed to have a angry scowl on and he looked utterly pissed. His hand on her delicate neck tighten, Unique was sure it was going to leave a scar later on, but that was if she survive his hold on her right at that moment.

She was losing her breathe but strangely she wasn't scared of the man, he was standing so close to her on the wall and she could feel the angry breathe of his on her face as he questioned her.

Seems she was the only one who remembered their last encounter.