3. I will make you mine

Garrett cold eyes glare down at her, could feel her breathing becoming Shallow, he had no joy preying on the weak.

He let go of her neck and Unique let out a cough, she gasp turning away to catch her breathe.

"Is that how you behave, I was just trying to have a friendly chat" Unique said in-between catching her breathe.

"Don't try to get close to me I don't like weaklings" Garrett said to her.

"I am no weakling" Unique said back at him like an offended cat, she glare at him.

"Oh you ain't, so tell me then who are you?" Garrett said looking down at her.

Unique look up at his deep brown eyes that was staring down her soul.

"I am unique a woman who's about to change your life forever"

Garrett raise his brow at that, she was so confident which surprised him, she was like a cat who was small but also vicious.

A smirk played on his lips and he bent his back to her eyes level, before saying.

"And how would you do that, you could barely stand on your own, I could break you with my finger" he taunt.

Unique raise her head in arrogance and replied.

"Am not that easy to break."

Garrett smiled tauntingly while standing straight back.

"We shall see about that kiddo" Garrett said taunting her.

"Am not a kid?"

Unique said offended by his words, Garrett nodded he turned away from her and made his way back to the building, he didn't bother to spare her a last look.

As unique watch him go she mutter to her self in process.

"I will change your cold heart that I promise."

Unique was quick to make her way back to the party and the night continue but this time with Garrett gone.


"How could you have missed the target".

The head of the officials in the court Cassius said to Garrett who was busy staring at the painting on the wall.

"Wasn't my fault he got away, a cat got in the way, he said Turning to the man who looked young enough to be Garrett older brother but old enough to be his ancestors.

Vampires don't age after turning, but those who are pure blood are a different story, they could age at will.

Cassius made a waving motion to make the mater die down.

"No more, now I have to give reports to higher-ups about your failure" Cassius said.

"That not considered failure am just not interested in that prey anymore" Garrett said to him, which made Cassius sigh.

The purebred male was always full of himself.

Garrett took his seat in Cassius office, the man was busy going through some files on his desk, he didn't bother acknowledging Garrett who was making himself at home in his office.

Cassius dropped a file in front of Garrett before saying.

"She has been breaking the accords the human government has been complaining of random attack on their people".

Garrett look down at a old picture of a female and her profile, she was a made vampire and she seemed to be a rogue.

"Another rogue attack, thought I was going to enjoy my weekend this time around" Garrett said to the older vampire.

"You can voice your concerns in the court the next meeting" Cassius replied him.

Garrett grab the file off the table and walk out the man office.


"God last night was perfect you should have the those male, they were so handsome." Aliyah rant to Unique the next day.

Unique paid no attention to her, her mind was wondering off to last night.

'I need to meet him again I need to find him, he pops up unexpectedly. I will find you Garrett you can't hide from me' Unique thought to herself.

"Unique!!" Aliyah called, her cousin was not listening to her again.


"What the hell are you thinking, I was busy talking to you but it seems am not worth listening to" Aliyah complained her voice raising, she was always impulsive.

"Don't speak so rashly Aliyah" Unique tried calming her down.

"Am speaking rashly now, is it because my family are handling your business is that why you are looking down at me now, I can't believe you Unique. I knew it you never considered me your cousin, am just a daughter of a worker in your company".

Aliyah fumed trying to get under Unique skin, but Unique said to her calmly.

"Don't be like that Aliyah you are my sister and everything I have belongs to you too, you don't have to be like this"

"You don't even spare me anything Unique you keep it all to yourself, even last night every one kept staring at you and no one was paying attention to me, what about me am also important.

I put in so much effort for my looks every day but am still not half loved by the public like you are.

Even when you hide from them they still send letters and so much love to you it unfair Unique it unfair."

Aliyah complained.

Unique felt so bad for making her cousin feel that way unknowingly.

"Am sorry if that what you held in all this time, here you can have my card keep it, it limitless buy whatever you want take care of yourself."

Aliyah was quick to snatch the card scratching Unique hand in process, Unique retracted wincing in pain but Aliyah didn't care.

"Don't think this will appease me but I will forgive you for now"

Aliyah stood up and walk out the room.

Sophie walk in quickly scowling in process, Unique seeing this asked.

"What is it?" Unique asked.

"You shouldn't have given her your card Miss Unique,"

"But I have Many more like that Sophie, you shouldn't worry about small matters"

"But Miss Unique, she's doing it intentionally, she is leeching off you"

"Enough Sophie she's still my cousin any way"


"Enough could you get me my drugs please"

"Sure Miss"

Sophie walk away and Unique sigh.


Unique walk through the the bookstore down town, it was always empty of people during the weekend as everyone was busy with something else.

She walk out the store with a few books in her hands, she could see her car parked at a distance, but instead of going back home she decided to explore as it was her first time outside the house.

Unique walk through the lone street admiring the structure, the homes were empty because they were a display for tourists.

It was an old town which remain untouched of the modern world.

Unique turn sharply at the sound of struggle in one of the houses.

She made her way down and peek in through the window.

The house was dark so she decided to make her way in.

"Hello, hello??"

Unique called climbing up the stairs of the building, shade of lights was peeking in through the open door.

Unique held another rumble.

"Is anyone there?"

Unique called again.

Something ran pass Unique and she turned sharply seeing nothing.

As she proceeded to climb up the stairs, Unique felt the hair on her neck stand, she could feel someone breathe down her throat"

Before she could turn, her head got pull back and her neck brought to the side revealing her flawless skin.

A pair of red eye were visible in the shade as pairs of fangs shoot out.