4. Sin reaper

Unique Yelp at her burning scalp her eyes water at the pain not because she felt like crying but because it hurts.

From her her squinting sight she saw someone at the top of the stairs standing in the shades, he seems to pocket his hands and lean on the staircase watching the two nonchalantly.

"What going on, let me go it hurts" Unique complained to the one behind her.

"Shut up" came a growl from behind her.

"You seem to always get your self in an impossible situation, what are you doing here? or is there a party going on am unaware about"

Came a familiar voice.

"You!! what going on?" Unique asked.

Her movements and uncaring of the situation, made the sinner pissed off.

The sinner brought her head down ready to clamp it on Unique shoulder, before she could do so she got pushed back by Garrett who was down in a no seconds.

Unique fell roughly on the cold marble ground, she wince at the pain it caused.

Hearing hisses that sounds like an annoyed snake, she turn to see a woman with red eyes glaring at Garrett who brought out a dagger sword out of thin air and swipe it at the lady.

The sinner head rolled off her body and towards Unique who was still on the floor, blood splatter on the ground.

Unique eyes widen in utter shock as she stare at the wide open malicious eyes that was now staring at her dead.

Garrett looked over at her and noticed her ghost pale face that was now drained of all colors.

"You killed her" Unique said her voice almost close to a mutter.

"Yeah I guess, she was a ferocious one and very spiteful"

"Why, what has she done to deserve this?" Unique said looking up at Garrett who was now standing before her.

"The question you should be asking is what is she, aren't you curious?"

"Wh..... what are you?"

Garrett smirk dropping on one kneels to be at eye level with Unique who quiver.

"Not human a predator" Garrett said.

"You look human" unique said back to him.

"That just what I want you to see. why, scared already?" Garrett move his face forward and Unique didn't bulge neither did she moved an inch.

Garrett let out a smile and move backwards before standing up his feet.

He grab the door knob saying.

"You should be scared of the unknown and avoid getting yourself entangled in it"

Garrett finally exit the door.

Unique looked down at the dead body once again her head spinning.


Unique sat on the dining with her nanny Sophie, they were busy feasting on a a snacks Sophie had prepared a while ago.

"Your aunt dropped by earlier when you were out", Sophie said.

Unique turned to her sighing for the fifth time.

"What did she say?"

"Miss unique your family is just full oof vipers, they are planning to arrange a marriage for you, i can't believe her at all. She will be bringing the male over next week to finalize the wedding dates."

Sophie rant looking more pissed than unique who was being pushed off into a marriage.

"Language Sophie"

"Am sorry ma'am" Sophie bowed her head.

"My opinion is needed for a marriage, am sure aunty knows well, there won't be a wedding" Unique said to Sophie who nodded rapidly.

Unique sigh again she stood up the chair and made her way up with the help of Sophie.



Garrett was seated listening to the rants of other lords as they were discussing.

He quietly tap his finger on the table with his left hand on his temple his eyes close.

"But why am I being query, why do you all pick at my mistakes, even Garrett has violated the law one or twice no one putted him to trial"

Lord Amok said to the rest, the higher ups were never present for meeting, they only shows up at a state of emergency.

"He doesn't drink directly from the human like you, that is enough to remove you from this court, you are a court official you should respect your position and be an example for the citizens".

Cassius said to Amok who was fuming for being embarrassed in front of the rest.

"But they didn't die they infact wished for more" Amok defended.

"They are high of morphine and doesn't know what the are doing at the moment, they could die if your venom becomes too much for them to handle, don't you understand"

Official D'arcy said, another older made vampire, he was Same in position with Cassius in the court.

"Looks like you are ready to become a victim of my blade, it tastes for a blood of a purebred, it hasn't has one of in a while" Garrett finally said he was still in the same position, the only difference was that he's eyes were opened and staring at Amok.

The room quieten down all watching Garrett speak.

"I wouldn't advice you to stop, do continue enjoy your last days because you won't be getting a chance to enjoy later wards in the underworld."

"You see that this rude thing speaks to me in such manner, how dare he unh? Who does he think his. Am lord Amok the one and only"

"You should face me while saying that, I don't like snitch talking, better done in front of me. Soon it will be reduced to none and nothing " Garrett taunt.

Amok breathe smoke, his ego was hurting and knowing Garrett threats wasn't ordinary he kept his words to himself.

Cassius cleared his throat and continue his speech.


"How many times must I tell you to not serve me blood brought directly from the blood farm" Malta growled at Fernandez annoyed.

"You didn't dilute it, it not properly done yet, do I look like an animal to you, how dare you?" she snapped at him.

Fernandez keep his head low in a bow, he was just but a butler in his lord house and annoying the lady was like waiting to get his neck snapped.

He had spent most of his life with Garrett while the man was growing up and he cherish his lord despite his lord cold and narcissist behavior.

"Am sorry milady" Fernandez said.

"Sorry for your self, take it back and bring me the one freshly dilute from the fridge" she snapped at him again.

Fernandez turned and left with the two maids.

Soon enough Garrett walk in the living room taking off his coat and a maid at the door received it.

"Garrett you are back," Malta said sweetly to him.

"Seems you have made here your second home," Garrett said to her which made her smile flatter.

"And you are scolding my butler, making yourself a mistress of my home. already?"

He said taking a seat on his couch, Malta looked at him unsure if he had heard all her rants. which was not something someone of her status does.