6. Door way to death

Garrett look behind Unique at the hallway of the restaurant, he had noticed the siren in the building and some how Unique had stumbled her way.

As unique made her way away he could see the siren peek out looking back at Unique retreating figure, some how the scrawny cat was a magnet of trouble.

Garrett pulled out his sword which appeared out of nowhere, the siren turn and screech her jagged teeth snapping at Garrett.

She tried battling with him back but she was no match, as soon as the siren was within close range Garrett swipe his sword at her, a loud annoying screech escape the siren lips and she melted away turning into water.

Due to the sound Unique was jolted awake, she sat up her bed turning on her bedside lamp in process.

She look over at her balcony glass door which was left open and nothing else, her room was as cold as the night, the night air blew the curtain.

Unique decided to leave them open and go back to sleep.

Garrett sat on her roof outside her room, he listen to the sound of her heart beat which was being lure back to sleep.

He knew the siren was going to follow her home, they don't leave their prey once they spotted one.

~Garret Mansion ~

Fernandez made his way through the mansion passage way the next morning, he was making sure nowhere was visible with dirt and everything was sparkling clean.

"I will meek sure my lord comes home to have hes meal very well prepared, those meid can not seem to get ani thing right, I told them sparkling cleen, why's there a streak of dirt here" Fernandez mumble to his self as he was recleaning the window panel, as he continues with his side hobby he heard Malta call his name in a loud voice.


Fernandez close his eyes and grit his teeth.

"She's at eet again, she can't seem to get through a day quietly always just everywhere ", he mumbled again turning to answer the screaming lady, as he went by, the maids at the corridor bow at him and continued their work.

As soon as he entered the living room, he immediately dodge the incoming knife that was flying his way.

"Why is this knife sharp, look what you have done, I have left a cut on my precious finger", the rest of the maids were on their kneels with heavy tears, they knew what happens to likes of them, after all Malta was a daughter of the higher class.

"Miss Malta please calm down, eet not deep I believe, we will get it treated with a first aid my lady" Fernandez said trying to calm the fuming Malta.

It was only a little pinch on her finger and she was already making a scene, no one asked her to cut the beef with a knife, it was already cut into little piece on her plate, but she decided to be a gentle lady by cutting it into smaller pieces.

"How dare you Fernandez, you call this not deep I am bleeding and you say not deep" she glower at him.

"Miss Malta....."

"I will have you all beheaded for hurting the daughter of a higher class you low class vermin" she rant.

"What the noise so early Malta," Garrett said walking in, he drop his coat on the hands of his butler who was quick to receive it.

"Garrett,Malta pouted looking like a scared puppy immediately. See what your maids did to me, am hurt", she said turning from a tigress to a puppy.

Fernandez raise his brow at her new found tone, even the crying maids didn't get pass her sweet act in front of their lord.

Garrett look at her finger which had a tiny blood that barely flow out.

"Get the lady a first aid we wouldn't want her father preying on my workers, and am sure she needs her finger to do other things". Garrett said taking his seat to have his meal.

Malta felt embarrassed and took her seat quietly, Fernandez sent the maids away as they were done serving their lord his meal.

"Your mom called me today, she told me our family are already making preparations for our wedding, soon I will be Mrs Smith."

Garrett said nothing he was busy enjoying his meal, he took the last bite and dab his lips.

"I don't remember having a older brother?"

"A brother,What brother?" Malta replied.

The marriage? surely you ain't discussing a marriage with my kid brother he's too you to be married yet, he's barely a teenager".

Malta laugh awkwardly, before saying.

"You seem to forget things this days it our marriage remember, am your bethrone since birth, our family had planned it even before we were born" Malta said she didn't understand what Garrett was pulling at.

"I see, Garrett said before adding. Have fun with the preparations then" he stood up and made his way to his study where he plan on studying some files.


Unique laid on the floor passed out, her skin pale she was going through one of her episodes again, she had been stepping out too much this days and it had taken a toll on her health.

Sophie walk into her room getting ready to clear out unique's Clothes for laundry when she saw her lady on the floor with pale lips.

"Miss Unique!!!" Sophie rushed forward and knelt beside her miss.

"Help someone get the car ready", the guards rushed into the room to see their boss on the floor, they were quick to gather her in their arms and rushed her to the family hospital.

After the doctor was done with his check up, he adjusted the drip and made his way out.

Unique was deeply asleep but someone she was awake at the same time.

She could no longer feel her body but she was watching her self sleep, she look around the hospital room, the machine connected to her was beeping indicating she was still alive.

Unique made her way out her ward and into the hallway, she saw Sophie on the bench with tears in her eyes. She felt sorry for the poor lady, Sophie had lived most of her life for her and even with her poor condition, she never once got tired of being good to her.

Unique look back at a portal that was starting to open up, she was sure it was death calling, she lived long enough, but she was selfish and didn't wish to let go yet, it wasn't time yet.

'please please please, don't come yet it not time yet please ', she chanted in-between her breathes, she got pulled by the raging gravity.

As she was thrown backwards, she close her eyes ready to get consumed by the darkness, suddenly she felt something warm wrap around her wrist that pulled her up.

Slowly she opened her eyes to see a set of black eyes staring down at her.

"Told you I don't know how to comfort a crying lady",he said to unique. His finger was still wrap around her, it was like he was the center of her gravity as he was keeping her in place.

They dark pull of the portal starts to close behind her.

"Garrett?" She called and he smirk in return.

"Giving up already, but I was just getting started with the fun kitten, don't you want to know what it feels like to be apart of my world" Garrett said.

He was in his night wear made with delicate material,

Unique was sure she could outline his body behind the clothes as it clung to his skin with every move he made.

"Would you take me with you this time", Unique said to him, the curve in his lips hook up more.

"Are you sure you are ready, it very dark in my world?"

"Do you turn off every light that comes your way?" Unique asked, he stare directly into her eyes and tilt his head towards her.

"What kind of light are you?, I wish to know," Garrett said.

"Am not summer though " Unique said, he hummed before replying.

"I like surprises," he move forward so fast he was almost like the wind and bit down on her neck, Unique gasps in pain her eyes widen and the next minute she was lured to sleep..