7. My possession

Unique opened her blurry eyes, she couldn't outline the figures in the room, but she felt her sore scratchy throat.

She blink continuously till she was able to make out where she was, it was the hospital ward, she was sick again, but strangely this time she didn't feel the sick feeling she always felt in her stomach.

The door slide open and Sophie walk in.

"Sophie" Unique called in a whisper her voice barely audible.

Sophie look over at Unique and rushed towards her as soon as she saw her miss eyes open.

"Miss Unique!!! Oh my thank God you are awake I was scared you were not going to open your eyes this time, the doctor said your condition was becoming severe" Sophie rant as she held Unique hands.

Unique wince at the pain on her lower back as she tried sitting up the bed.

"Don't move too much, I will adjust the bed" Sophie said and did so"

She passed a glass of water to Unique who cleared her throat with it.

"What happened?" Unique asked confused, she wasn't aware of what had happened.

"You passed out again miss Unique, I told you the weather outside isn't comforting for your health and it could easily affect you, but you wouldn't listen, are you planning to give me a heart attack" Sophie said sadly to her, she don't wish death on her Miss but her miss was going to be the death of her one day, if she goes on like this.

"Am fine Sophie don't act dramatic, I will be careful next time" Unique said to Sophie who said nothing knowing her a miss was only comforting her with her worlds.

The door slide open again and Unique uncle Arnold walked in with his wife Merrily, both holding a basket of flowers, they move closer with quick steps as soon as they saw Unique awake.

"You are awake my dear" her uncle got closer to the bed and handed the flower to Sophie who bowed receiving it, after she had dress them properly in the room she walked out to give them space to talk while she get a doctor in process.

"Uncle" Unique smiled at her uncle who pat her head saying.

"Are you feeling better now, you got me scared for a moment there."

She smiled feeling guilty her uncle was the kindest soul she ever met, despite his wife behavior he didn't let her influence him in anyway, he treated Unique as is daughter.

"It good to see you are alive and well," Mrs Merrily said.

"How are you feeling now?"

Mr Arnold asked.

"Much better I believe" she smiled.

"That very good, after this whole drama am definitely getting you married off," Mrs Merrily said to Unique whose smile became a frown immediately.

"What nonsense are you spewing now Merrily, didn't I warn you never to bring up this matter again " Mr Arnold said to his wife annoyed at her lackadaisical behavior towards his neice.

"What I said nothing wrong, she cannot continue living like this, she needs to get married and be taken care of by her husband, if this goes on God forbid something happens to her, who would be blamed for not caring about her" Mrs Merrily said to her husband in a angry tone, she was not having it today.

"I thought we discussed about this aunty, I don't want to get married. Am capable of taking care of myself, and not burden you with my condition " Unique said to her.

"Of course you are, like how you were found passed out in your room,very capable" Mrs Merrily replied her back. Unique sigh she didn't have the strength to argue with her.

"You are getting married in a week and that's Final" Mrs Emily said pointing at Unique and saying in a finality tone.

"You are not doing this Merrily," Mr Arnold said.

"Oh watch me, i care for her that why am doing this for her sake, you are not stopping me Arnold, don't even think about it, because it won't end well" she replied her husband, she grab her bag from the couch and walk out the room.

Unique sigh Mr Arnold turn to look at Unique worriedly, she smiled up at him and said.

"Am fine I promise"

"I will try to change her mind, for now take your rest," Unique nodded and watch her uncle walk out the room.


Fernandez opened the gate leading to the underground cell at Garrett mansion, it was a place his lord place his prisoners to torture when he handles a case.

Opening the creeking gate, he walk in with a touch in his hand and a plate of meat on another.

He walk up to a cell and opened the tiny space constructed at the bar, he place the plate of meat in.

As soon as the plate was in, a loud growl sounded in the dark and a ravaging sound was heard, an animal was feeding it red eyes on the plate of food eating like tomorrow was going to be late.

"There there boy, you have been busy these dais, Our lord can be workaholics at times, am sure you are use to hees schedule" Fernandez said to the animal who didn't mind him.

Another foot step was heard walking into the dungeon.

Fernandez turn to see his Lord he bowed seeing him in his black coat that match his dark aura.

"Caspian" Garrett called the wild dog behind the bar, It growl in response.

"Good boy, he then turn to Fernandez. Make sure to have him cleaned I will be out tonight"

"Si my lord, Fernandez look up at his lord pale face and look back down before adding. Shall i prepare you a special blood before ye step out tonight".

"Has the supplies come in?" Garrett asked

"Si my lord the fae has sent in the supplies"

"Good, fill my cup I will be in my room, I do not want to be disturb" Garrett said and turn taking his leave.

"Si my lord " Fernandez bowed again.


A night to the said wedding.

After leaving the hospital, unique hasn't had a proper rest, her aunt had been allover the place, planning a ceremony after another, it was like she was deliberately rushing the whole process not giving Unique a chance to refuse this time.

Unique stood in front of the mirror as a designer was busy taking measurements of her wedding gown and places to adjust before she wears it tomorrow.

It was surprising how she was still holding up, even with all the stress, she do take her daily drugs and no doubt she still gets tired from occasion but it seems it was a little better than normal.

"Okay your gown will be good to go the next morning," the designer said, Unique only nodded.

The designer made her way out the room and Sophie walk in after her, she had a worried look plastered on her face.

Unique took her seat on her bed, she was at an hotel she owns, it was one of the business her uncle was handling in her name.

"Miss Unique, what will happen to you now, you are getting married tomorrow we can't allow that to happen" Sophie said to her.

"It not going to take place" Unique said to Sophie.

"You can't say that with certainty, or do you plan on escaping overnight, tell me so I can come along, don't do anything without me please miss Unique" Sophie said.

"Am not fit to run around miles, it will only implicate us If we do so" Unique said.

"Are you marrying sir Andrews then, that man doesn't seem to care about your health, he didn't even pay a visit to you when you were hospitalized, he only sent a bouquet and not a pay a visit"

"I will stop the wedding somehow, I refuse to get married to him " Unique said, her hands were folded in a tight fist as she bit her lips anxious of tomorrow.

Sophie looked at her miss worriedly some more.


The venue was finely made with the best decor, it was lavishly adorned with beautiful linings and flowers, the elegant looking alter stood proudly at the end of the aisle which was floored with red carpet.

The dinner table was made to surround the alter and each table was place a vase of flowers. An edited picture of the suppose bride and groom was place at the entrance of the hall with Unique wed Andrew boldly written on it.

Mrs Merrily could be seen making arrangements, making sure the event was a success.

Meanwhile Unique was being dressed up in her room by makeup artists and designers, she had requested for a light makeover, she couldn't bear the smell of too much exotic perfumes and chemicals on her skin.

Aliyah sat on Unique's bed in her room busy going through her phone, she was grinning from ear to ear like she was the one getting married.

"You promised to give me your house key later after the wedding, am sure you won't be needing some of your belongings as you are getting married into a rich family, so just pass them all to me cos" Aliyah said.

Sophie who was busy at the corner of the room grit her teeth in annoyance, she felt slapping sense into Aliyah's head.

"Don't worry Aliyah am sure I would no longer be a burden from today onwards am sure you can have peace of mind finally." Unique said which made Aliyah smiled.

"Oh dear cousin am so happy for you am sure you will be happy in your new found bliss" Aliyah said grinning.


The music start to play as the wedding began, important people were seated round in the hall, dressed in a expensive outfit one way or the other.

They were waiting for the bride to show up as the groom was already at the alter waiting his family sat amongst the crowd's of people who chatted freely, even reporter who were called for the event couldn't stop taking photos as they were planning on using the wedding as a hot topic for the month.

The massive door to the hall shrug open and lights fall on the incoming bride who was dressed simplely but elegantly.

Unique began walking down the aisle in her long dress her uncle leading her down, she couldn't look around at the crowd's of people who watched her walk down the aisle.

Finally getting to Andrew on the alter, she stopped and they both faced the priest who began reciting the marriage vows commencing the wedding ceremony.


"To any one who oppose this marriage speak now or say no more?" The priest question the crowd, seeing as no one spoke, he decided to commence but before he could do so, the door to the hall shrug open, and the light from outside the hall shone in.

Everyone turn to see a figure of a man who was making his way in.

He had his hands in the pocket of his coat, the side of his hair was gelled back leaving some to frame his face.

"I oppose this marriage" A masculine voice resounded in the hall causing murmurs to erupt from the crowds.

Mrs Merrily got anxious and stood up immediately.

"What nonsense is this young man?" Mrs Merrily said to him.

Unique stood with her hands down the bouquet on her hands lose at her side as she stare at the man she hasn't expect to show up at her wedding.

"Nonsense doesn't exist in my words, you are marrying my possession to another" he said the crowds gasps murmuring loudly this time.

Unique stare at Garrett confused.

'His possession?'

"She's mine, my possession and I don't intend on sharing her with another" Garrett said which made Merrily fumed.