14. I said don't do that

Garrett scope her into his arms she was barely breathing, he didn't have much time her current condition was bad enough any further trip from here could make things worst.

He brought out a dagger from within his coat and made a cut on his palm, he place it on her lips feeding her his blood.

She made no movement or sign he became frustrated cutting his palm continuously each time it healed.

"Stop ... You are..... hurting yourself" Unique murmured awake, her eyes were partly opened staring up at him where she lay on.

She was slipping in and out of consciousness, she let out a tired smile which Garrett eyes darken at.

"You found me..... I knew you would" Unique said.

Garrett didn't say much he only replied her with.

"Save your strength".

He took her away from the forest.

Back at Garrett Mansion... .

Fernandez walk into the kitchen to meet Sophie preparing soup, she was busy zoning out while stirring the soup which was already drying up.

'If you are done you may leave the poor soup alone am sure it needs to breathe after all zee stirring you raf put it through" Fernandez said Sophie turn to glare at him.

"Save your speech Mr Fernandez am not in need of it today " said Sophie who was very worried about her Miss.

Fernandez tried being understanding he didn't want to push her too hard.

"Lord Garrett would be home soon you can dish the soup and take it to his room" Fernandez said to her.

Sophie nodded and started dishing them.

Fernandez heard the front door open, he turn to check on who it might be, nice n getting there he saw his lord carrying in a blooded Unique, Fernandez being the poker face butler said nothing more but only parted for his lord to walk pass him.

Garrett made his way to his room he went directly to the bathroom where he place Unique in the bathtub.

Unique was back to being unconscious,he took off her gown leaving her in her underwear,he made sure the water was warm so she could be comfortable.

"You sure bring a lot of trouble kitten I don't know what to do with you, should I keep you in my pocket whenever I go out just to keep a knee eyes on you" Garrett said to the sleeping Unique.

After he was done washing her clean, he took her back to the room wrapped in a robe before laying her down on the bed.

Was human this troublesome he wondered, this was going to be the past time he leaves her unwatched.


Unique opened her eyes the next morning she yawned out loudly raising her hands to stretch them, but her right hand got pulled back down. Her brow knitted together in a frown, she look at her hand and noticed an handcuffs on her with the other on Garrett, what the heck she taught"

Her eyes were wide open now she wonder why she was on cuffs. She tried pulling at it but it was locked, she frown further forgetting the itching Pain on her head.

She pulled on them again wanting to get away from it but Garrett voice almost made her soul leave her skin.

"Stay still you are interrupting my sleep" Garrett voice was sharp and cold, she could feel the shivers at the back of her neck.

"Um I...I..... the cuffs it itchy and uncomfortable, why am I wearing one and..."

"It to keep you in place Unique you are getting out of control and way too curious for your good" Garrett said.she could feel the anger oozing out of him and she noticed he called her by her name and not the usual way he calls her.

Garrett got up from the bed unique had no other choice but to follow suit, he first pulled open the curtain before proceeding to finish a cup of water from the stand.

Unique said nothing but followed him around, she knew he was mad about what she had done but she didn't mean to cause trouble.

Garrett turn and made his way to the washroom and Unique followed but before they could both walk in she snapped back to reality realizing what she says as about to do.

Garrett turn to raise a brow at her questioning.

"What ?? you don't plan on making me watch you do your business in there?" Unique asked.

"Why, shy?? don't tell me you haven't sneak a peek at a man before" Garrett said with a small smile, Unique eyes widen in shock such accusation made her angry and she glare up at him.

"Am no pervert Mr Smith watch your tone with me, and I don't plan on taking my bath in front of you" Unique said to him in her most annoyed tone as possible, just because she was trying to change his personality and win his heart doesn't mean she makes her self his entertainment purpose.

Garrett let out a chuckle before bringing his self down to her face level.

"Remember you are in my world now it isn't going to be all shiny and pretty, it either you cope with it or let go of it, your choice " Garrett said.

Unique glare at him and said in growling tone.

"You will regret this" she unrobe and let it fall to her hand, Garrett eye roam up her down her delicate body a smile tugging on his lips. Unique felt shy and embarrassed but she refused to squirm under his gaze.

Garrett unlocked the cuffs and let her took the robe off completely not after warning her not to try anything funny like running away.

He pulled her with him into the bathroom and turned on the running shower. He began undressing, Unique tried avoid looking at him but her eyes couldn't wonder off far as she was back to staring again.

She took in his perfectly shaped structure and his well tone skin, his hair was already damp from the running water which was raining shower. Unique couldn't look down further as she was shy to do so.

Garrett raise his head to look at her she was quick to look the other way, Garrett knew she was staring all along.

He took the soap and handed it over to her, Unique didn't know what to do she couldn't possibly be bathing in front of him, as if it wasn't embarrassing enough to be naked in front of him.

"We don't have much time wash up already, it best you start getting use to it because this will be our norms from now on" Garret said, he turned away from her so she could bathe properly.


Garrett walk down the hallway of the court building, he was headed to his office and closely behind him was an embarrassed Unique who tried staying close to Garrett so others wouldn't notice the cuffs between them.

"Walk slowly am barely catching up with your strides" Unique complained she was literally run_walking behind him.

"Exercise more you need it" came Garrett short reply.

Finally getting close to His office Garrett sighted Julian who was about to place a knock on his door.

"Julian" Garrett call the young vampire who turned swiftly upon his call.

"Official Garrett? You....." He trailed off seeing the lady they were all searching for last night well and standing behind Garrett Julian looked at Garrett questioning.

Garrett felt no need to explain so Julian proceeded anywhere.

Another case of a Woman found dead with a missing heart again but this time there was ..... He looked at Unique unsure if he wanted to continue trying to avoid traumatizing the lady.

Garrett stare at him intensively which made Julian continue.

"There was two more of them which made them three, the court has called a meeting to discuss the random show ups. All the officials are heading toward the hall room now." Julian said.

Garrett brought up his hand to check the time, he turn to look at Unique who was behind him.

"Com here kitten" Garrett called, Julian moved away hearing that.

Garrett opened the door to his off and unlock the cuffs on Unique, he then said.

"I need you to stay in here, okay kitten I will lock the door from outside. If you are hungry there's some food in the fridge

"But but.... "Unique mutter looking up at Garrett who was staring down at her.

I know you have the hobby of getting into trouble but don't do that, let me come back and meet you in there.

Unique nodded and went in Garrett office, as soon as she was in Garrett closed it from outside before going to attend the meeting.

Unique look around Garrett office, it was a dark but very comfy not entirely cozy but warm enough.

She made her way to his desk which was a combo set.

They were series of files waiting to be attended this on his desk and books on his shelf, Unique made her way back to seat on the couch, she smiled bouncing on it.


Ambrosia dropped some money on the counter while grabbing the coffee she paid for, it was a lovely morning and she just intended on walking around before she go back to the human realm.

As she walk further on the street she sighted Nolan speaking to one of the officials he seemed serious discussing.

As the official left Nolan also turn to leave he sighted Ambrosia looking over at him. Not wanting to ignore the lady he greeted her in his most polite voice.

"Hello Lady Ambrosia"

Hello Lord Nolan a surprise to see you in Hartlepool today, do you have things to do over here" Ambrosia asked.

"Oh ah, am visiting the court today and also I was visiting a relative in town" Nolan answered.

"Oh I see, am sure you are attending a very important meeting I don't want to delay you lord I will be on my way now" Ambrosia smiled at him before turning to leave, Nolan also walk away .


The door to Garrett office open and Garrett walked in closing it behind him, he made his way to his desk looking around for Unique who he saw sleeping on the couch, he noticed she was shivering and curled up on the couch.

She wasn't completely healed from yesterday incident his blood might have healed most of her wound but not all.He approached the couch and took off his coat, he opened his first two button on his shirt, he dive in the couch scooping her into his arms so she could warm up. Unique breathing was coming in pants and she was sweating up.

The couch was small for two people so Garrett laid on his side ignoring the discomfort he was feeling.

After an hour Unique stopped Shivering, slowly she adapt to the warmness she was feeling, she rubbed her head on the hard but warm pillow she had her head on. She felt too comfortable that she brought her finger into the pillow clothing touching a much harder board.

She breathe in the fresh smell of forest filled with crimson, she had never been more comfortable in her life like she was at that moment it felt strange but good all the same.

Slowly she opened her eyes to notice she was in Garrett arms and his face was so close to her she could smell his minty breathe but that wasn't what bothered her, the fact that he was staring right through her soul while her hand was beneath his clothe. Her eyes widen his eyes were crimson red and it didn't blink nor look away from her, she was sure she could see the reflection of her self from it.

She began moving her hand from his clothe but his next word shocked her.


Unique looked at him tension building up inside her her stomach knotting because of too much butterflies, she had never touched a man so intimately before.

"You are being so naughty kitten touching a man so incautiously, what do you want me to do to you?" Garrett asked his voice ticking as he was close to Unique ear he was almost speaking in it.

Unique dread her situation, she didn't mean to do that she was innocently asleep.


"Hmmm what was that kitten?" Garrett asked teasing her loving the flush look on her face, she was becoming a tomatoes, her cheek turning red she was biting her lips so dearly that it was surely calling for help, Garrett close his eyes gritting his teeth.

Garrett pinched her jaw pulling it down so she could release her poor lips.

"You are provoking me Unique, don't do that"

"Garrett I...." Unique took her lips in again biting on them, Garrett let out a growl this time his eyes turning from crimson to brown and back to crimson.

"I said don't do that, don't bite your lips you are about to release a deprived Lion, you won't be able to handle it if released" Garrett said to the ever innocent Unique who stare at him intensely not understanding what she did wrong.