15. What happened kitten

Garrett pulled her up and made her seat he pulled at her wrist but stare at her nape instead, with the tip of his finger he brushed her hair back getting a clear view of it, he rubbed back and front on her nape with his finger tip feeling the gentle flow of her blood, Unique heart skip series of beats as a wave of passion flow through her, she was anticipating the bite that was going to come next.

Garrett watch her face flicker with excitement and anticipation, he knew what she was waiting for with her eyes closed.

The ups of his venom in her system was to make her healthier while she holds out for few days, but the downs was he could never cure her condition and getting too much in system could kill her blissfully.

Turning her into a vampire was a bad option she is too weak for the transformation her immune system isn't build for something that big.

A knock came on the door which made Unique opened her eyes sharply, Garrett still had his eyes on her but Unique was looking at the door which was knocked a second time.

She turn to Garrett who made no move to answer it. "Someone's at the door won't you answer it?"

Garrett finally turn away from her rising to his feet while two of his button was still unlock showing his long fair neck.

At the third knock Garrett shrug the door open to reveal Cassius whose hand was hanging in the air.

Cassius had a brief glance at Unique before his eyes landed on Garrett who was waiting for him to speak.

"We need to discuss in my office now" the head official said walking away.

Garrett turn to give Unique a brief smile before making his way out while locking the door behind him.

Finally in Cassius office the head official was looking right at Garrett who was leaning against the wall his arms crossed.

"A human in the court, have you no fear now Garrett?" Said Cassius to Garrett.

"I don't remember it being against the law, surely you were also once human, give a little space to your former lineage" came Garrett sarcastic response.

Cassius scowl at his reply the male was testing his patience, Cassius look away from him and picked a file from the table before saying.

"We have a little piece of evidence from the last murder it not of much help but I believe you can bring something out of it" Cassius said dropping a piece of torn clothe wrapped in a small nylon bag in front of Garrett.

Garrett pick the bag while staring at it. Seems like a high quality piece of clothing now I wonder who this killer is.

"The higher ups are yet to reply to our reports but if things get out of hand they might intervene themselves and we wouldn't want that".


Garrett came down the car he had driven with Unique, they were at the clothing store in the supernatural realm.

"Do you wish to buy some clothes?" Unique asked Garrett who gave her a grin.

"Men need to look good to get a better wife" he replied.

Unique frowned wasn't she considered a wife he interrupted her wedding and took her to his mansion while they sleep on the same bed what were they?

Garrett raise his brow in question seeing the look she gave him, she shook her head and proceed to move in first.

Garrett pulled her back immediately knowing what an amazing creatures she was.

He place a cuff on both their hands with an evil smile which was directed at what he was doing.

"You ain't playing that on me again kitten" Garrett said getting the handcuffs in place , he began pulling them in, Unique was render speechless again.

Both finally walk up to the receptionist who gave them a smile upon arrival, Unique had no strength to return it as the receptionist wasn't really smiling at her but at Garrett who paid no attention to her.

"Welcome to our shop sire what would you like to buy?"

"Can I see your newest design of men clothing?" Garrett asked.

"Sure sire" The receptionist called over a sales personnel who was quick to answer.

"Take them to the men section and show them our newest collection" the sales girl nodded and lead them away.

"Garrett was offered a seat with a glass of chilled blood which was well preserved, unique almost regurgitate at what was in front of her, she looked away pressing her hand against Garrett making sure to avoid the workers to seeing the cuffs to prevent a scene.

The sales personnel began bringing out clothes after clothes showing them to Garrett who had a serious looks on.

He made sure to inspect each clothes properly, Unique wondered if that was how he bought every of his clothes.

After what look like two hours Unique found her self in the women clothing checking out dresses with Garrett who was so busy checking the fabric.

"Anyway am not sure but I need the finest dress for my wife here", Garrett said pointing to Unique who gave him the hardest look but he paid less attention to her.

"Sure sire check this out", they brought out another clothes that was of high quality.

Garrett shook his head, he brought out his phone and showed them a piece of clothing snapped on his phone, Unique also peeped in like the rest, she was trying to understand what Garrett was up to, he was rejecting all the clothes offered while continuously complaining and saying no wasting everyone's time.

"Am sorry sir I don't recognize that fabric we have never sold that in our shop" Garrett nodded in false understanding.

" I guess I will have to displease my poor wife this time, am sorry darling but you have to wear your old clothing to the party tomorrow" Garrett said facing Unique with an almost believable sad face but knowing him he was putting up an act again.

'What are you up to Garrett?' Unique though to herself .

"Ah ...... Um sire I do know where such clothing's come from" one of the sales person spoke up, she got hit by her coworker who told her to be quiet and mind her business.

" Really miss, I will be happy if you shared this information with me I promise not to tell anyone about it" Garrett told her and she gave him a small smile.

Thay walk out the store with just a tiny bag of underwear which Garrett bought for himself, Unique had enough she was totally in a bad mood and he knew the reason for it.

"Don't fume kitten, you are a rich woman yourself one shouldn't be Stingy and buy things for themselves You are already freeloading in my house". Garrett told her shamelessly.

"You are the stingy one" Unique told him pointing to his face while he shrug and pulled her towards the car.

He took off the cuffs and let Unique get in as he also got in the driver seat.

"Where to now, am tired I can't go on anymore " Unique complained.

"You should start copping with it, you are now living on my schedule, it was your fault" Garrett told her and her scowl deepen.

"Keep scowling like that and you might grow old much faster.

Unique look away from him, Garrett drove out the lot into the road and away to their next destination.

Finally getting to their next stop, Garrett packed the car close to the small looking building it was built around a corner, he bend his neck just to get a view of it from his car, he wondered if that was truly a tailor store or just another lonely being home.

Garrett turned off the engine and look over at the sleeping Unique, she had her neck in an uncomfortable position.

He adjusted her seat back so she could sleep comfortably not wanting to disturb her, he took off his coat and covered her with it before getting off the car.

Garrett made his way to the front porch of the house, he placed a knock on the door waiting for a reply but for some minutes there was no response, he decided to go around the house hoping to meet someone.

He got to the back of the dried up garden of the house not seeing anyone Garrett decided to make a turn back to the front door.

Garrett decided to retreat to his car and come back another time.

He got to his car and opened the driver door but he was shocked to find Unique not in. He knew leaving her was a mistake she was a magnet of trouble he wasn't gone up to ten minutes and she was missing again, how was he so sure she didn't end up with the wrong family after birth.

"D@mn it, where did she wonder off to this time?"

Garrett began walking down the street in search of

unique, she couldn't have gotten far she was probably somewhere stuck or sulking, and just like he thought she was out sulking.

Garrett stop to the sight of Unique crying her eyes out at the side of the road, she was on her knees crying.

"What wrong kitten?" Garrett asked Unique who look up at him and he noticed her red swollen eyes.