19. Nalla

Unique woke up the next day to not meeting Garrett next to her on the bed, she wonder if he was out for woke again.

After freshening up she made her way downstairs to have her breakfast, she was met with a surprise at the last flied of stairs.

Garrett was in the living room reading a book which was the size of double his hands, he flip through the page continuously while carrying the book effortlessly like it weighs nothing.

Unique approach him, her light footsteps pick up by his enhanced earring. Unique stretch her hands to scare him only to be pulled down the couch by Garrett who look away from the book to her.

"What are you doing?" He asked seeing her wide eyes still staring up at him while he held her in a awkward position.

"Um nothing, just saying a Good morning you are home today that a relief" Unique said her cheek red in embarrassment.

"Are you happy am staying home all day today?" Garrett asked Unique who gave him a docile smile.

"Of course am happy I get to see your handsome face all day like this" Unique reply lifting her brow up and down playfully.

"Breakfast ez serve my lord" Fernandez announce.

Garrett let go and Unique stood up balancing her self before trailing behind him to the dine room, the both took their seat and the maids proceeded to serve them.

As they proceed to eat he notice Unique wasn't eating she was simply staring at the plate of meatball and Rice.

Knowing she couldn't consume the meatballs, Garrett casual took the plate away and poured it into his, he handed her another plate and filled it with vegetables.

Unique smiled at his observant behavior, he was caring even if he didn't like to be seen that way.

"Don't you have any work in court, you don't have to stay back if you don't want to, I know you are very busy and you have a lot to take care of I can manage...."

"Eat Unique finish your meal" he said interrupting her understanding speech.

Unique pouted he didn't have to cut her off so suddenly.

They spent the rest of their time in the dining quietly finishing their food.

After Garrett had gone to his study, Unique turn to the Garden angrily.

"He is quite the whole day and he won't even talk to me, why stay home he should just find his way back to court, he loves his work more than I, oh I forgot he doesn't even love me at all" Unique grumble plucking the unwanted plant in the garden, the cat stroll behind her making the garden it red carpet while also looking up at the sky to bask in the glory of the sun, it meowed.

Unique squat on her knees and pet the cat who let her have her way unbothered.

"At least you are talking to me unlike some people who ain't" Unique said to her.

"Meoww" it replied.

"What shall we do today Mindy?" Unique questioned the cat who looked at her bored before meowing again.

"Even I am bored" Unique told the cat, she look behind her and started running the other direction of the garden.

"Mindy where are you off to wait" she chased after the cat who had dashed off, she went down the stairs running after Mindy who had gone into another part of the building. Unique stopped not seeing the cat anymore it was like the cat had morph into the darkness of the passageway.

"Mindy??" Unique called going down the part of the dark passage, he room was very pitch dark one could barely see anything in it.

As Unique stroll further, she squint her eyes to see the path ahead of her while constantly touching the wall for support.

Somehow Unique touch the wall and the blocks began to rearrange themselves. Unique was suddenly standing on a concrete ground where the room was lite by several lamps and in the middle of it was a red painted coffin.

Unique looked around scared, she step forward gently hoping the ground won't sink, she move towards the coffin wondering what might be in it. Knowing she might not like the result her curiosity still got the best of her and she place her palm on the wodden coffin.

Unique tried lifting the lid of the coffin but it was too heavy for her tiny hands. She sigh tiredly she slid her hands away so she could create space between her and the coffin, but her hands got piece by the shape embroidered design on the


Unique yelp taking her hands away while taking her finger to her lips sucking on them, unknowingly to her a droplets of her blood had sip in the box.

"I should tell Garrett what I found" Unique said turning away but what happened next shocked her.

The coffin was banged open, Unique flinch backwards in fear her legs shaky as a red painted bony fingers shot up holding the edge of the coffin, the second hand shot out and slowly but steadily Unique saw the rise of a blonde female stepping out of the coffin, infused in her chest was a wooden dagger which was use to incriminate her.

She pulled out the dagger throwing it to the ground, her Stony face began to regain it flesh and her bony finger becoming a Fine fair tone hands, her lips was painted a deep nude which added to her fierce looks. She was dressed in a black satin gown.

Unique was sure she was Garrett but as a lady instead except for her blond hair, she was terrifyingly gorgeous and her presence was that of dominance, she dominanted the entire place.

She let out a evil smirk and approach Unique while saying.

"And who do we have here, a mice in the lion's den, seems you were the one who woke the sleeping lioness" she said stopping in front of Unique who was obviously trembling but keeping up her brave facade.

"What your name child??" She asked but Unique voice was gone long since the coffin opened on it own.

"Your blood call on to me, are you my descendants or a distant relative? which are you, because you don't seem like one of my own to me".

"No... am human ma'am..." Unique stammer out.

The lady tilt her head and look at Unique her eyes suddenly exploding in anger.

"Human" she said detest obvious in her voice her dark red eyes burning in anger. How dare you feed me your disgusting blood "

She came at Unique with full force clamping her finger around her neck while squeezing tightly.

Unique gasp for breathe trying to free herself from the lady.

A loud sound that shook the ground was heard and Unique fell to her feet holding her neck gasping desperately for air.

Garrett face came in view, he was on his knees Infront of Unique checking on her. His anger boil at her now red imprinted neck.

At the other side of the room, she stood to her feet with a satisfied smile and said.

" Hello Garrett."

"Hello great grand cousin or Nalla is it he called the blond Lady who was already back on her feet.

"Surprised to see me awake ain't you, I bet you thought I will be confine in that box forever little cousin and what do you have there a human!!"

Nalla said to Garrett.