Just about time

Garrett helped Unique up her feet pulling her aside behind him, Nalla let out a thunderous laugh.

"Oh Garrett, Garrett my little cousin, you were just a child the last time I saw you, but now you are all grown up wonderful isn't it?" She let out a toothy smile.

"You still haven't changed great grand cousin, I guess your time spent sleeping has made you more sarcastic and uncaring it been two hundred years now you shouldn't be aggressive, things has changed since you have been asleep, you should adapt to the changes" Garrett said.

Nalla walked forward approaching Garrett who had a half smile on his face, Unique almost melt into Garrett she couldn't handle Nalla's intense look.

"I see you got your self a little darlings, I bet your parents disagree you ain't planing to taint the family bloodline with a weak human are you now?" Nalla said.

"My business shouldn't be interfere with, I only hope you don't mess with my belongings and you stay right away from her, because family or not I would tear apart who ever mess with me" Garrett told her.

Nalla lick her pointed teeth staring at Unique who was now one with Garrett she was standing right behind him.

"This would be fun" Nalla said before walking out the underground. As soon she was gone Unique faces an angry Garrett.

"It hasn't been up to an hour I took my eyes off of you Unique and you already woke up a sleeping vampiress who was put to sleep, I won't ask you how you found the passage because your actions are starting to make me wonder how you survive each time, seems the handcuffs isn't enough to keep you at a spot it left for me to tie you with a rope" Garrett said in one breathe he look rather pissed.

Unique almost cried he had never spoken to her that harshly before, all she wanted was his attention and now she got it but not in such way.

"I didn't mean to I was looking Mindy, she stray off and I couldn't find her" came Unique small voice, she sounded like she was stepped on by a giant.

That cat of yours I told you not to take it home, seems it taking some of your silly habits causing trouble" , Garrett told her .


The main door to the living room shrug open and a pair of a mid age couple walked in , their aura harsh it made Fernandez come rushing out the kitchen.

"Hello ma'am lord smith etz a pleasure to see you pay a visit today" Fernandez said.

"I wouldn't be here if your master hasn't caused trouble" Mr Smith snapped angry at his son.

"What has Garrett done this time Fernandez,?" Mrs Smith said news had reach them up in the north about what was happening.

"What could Garrett do Mia" Nalla said walking down the stairs she had a smile on her face as always, she tilt her head on seeing her grand cousin Mr Smith.

" Williams all grown, I didn't expect to see you in such state" Sita called.

"Nalla??" Mr and Mrs Smith called surprised, wasn't she placed in a coffin underground, it was hard to get her in there back then and now she was out.

"Don't be too surprised"

Garrett walked into the living room with Unique, Unique peep out his back to see Garrett parents in the room.

"What going on father you are here?" Garrett said to his parents.

"What have you done son, what have you done??" Mr Smith said furiously, Nalla couldn't help but smile at their current situation.

"You shouldn't stress yourself Williams, your son has done nothing it was about time I woke up anyway, don't tell me you plan on keeping me in there for long" Nalla said.

"Your grandparents won't be so happy if they hear about this dear"Mrs Smith said to her son" she walk up to him with a frown noticing the human girl who was behind him.

"Is she the one whom you have broken your engagement to Malta for, well I hope you aren't planning to bring her into our family son" his mother said.

Garrett took Unique hand and brought her forward for introduction.

"Gracie must have told you already, meet Unique Salvador isn't she lovely " he introduced, Unique look at the mother and at the father then back at the mother.

"It nice to meet you....." Mr Smith raise his hand to silent her he had enough for one day, he turn to Nalla who was enjoying the family drama.

"I hope you won't be causing trouble now that you are awake this time Nalla" Mr Smith said to her.

"Trouble and why would I do that??" Nalla blink her lashes at him innocently but obviously she sucked at it.

"Don't worry father, she wouldn't go that far now would she" Garrett said smiling toothingly at Nalla who said nothing.


Martel walk into the living room where his master was busy collecting series of drip of blood it was connected on his body, he had his eyes closed and his head thrown back on the couch.He bowed to him.

"My Lord"

He opened his eyes and look over at Martel his deep red eyes in a haze, the drips of blood connected on him doing their job. It wasn't just human blood, all kinds of supernatural creatures their blood was overflowing in him.

"What do you have for me Martel, I hope it good news" he told Martel.

"Yes my lord, lady Nalla has awoken as planned" Martel said.

He laughed his deep red eyes looking up at the ceiling, he couldn't help himself.

"How long has it been, he breathe in deeply. Hmmm it about time I meet my beloved" the lord said. He heard screams of women in his head, he shook them off.

Back at court.

Garrett walk into the court with his hands pocketed, he didn't reply the greeting of those who bowed to him, finally getting to Cassius office he shrug the door open and met him in a talk with a man he had never seen before.

Cassius look up to Garrett who had just made his way in.

"How many times must I tell you to knock before making your way in my office" Cassius said pissed at Garrett mannerless behavior.

"My bad I thought my footsteps were loud enough and you heard them" Garrett told him.

"Hmmm" Cassius hummed looking back at the man seated in the room.

"You must be the infamous man Garrett smith" the man said smiling up at Garrett who tilt his head not recognizing him.

"And you are ???"

"Tony Rivers am newly admitted in court yesterday" Tony said giving him a smile.

"Tony huh, alright then good you heard about me already I seem to be quiet popular", Garrett said like the narcissist he was.

"What brought you here?" Cassius said to Garrett whose face was back in a serious frown.

Noticing Garrett wasn't talking Cassius turn to Tony dismissing him.

"Alright I will be on my way, see you around Lord Garrett" he said then took his leave, Tony step out the door shutting it close he let out a smirk before making his way away.

"What have made you rile up and in a bad mood Garrett " Cassius asked.

"Nalla has woken from her sleep " he blurted out, Cassius stopped what he was doing for a brief seconds looking back at Garrett who seems seriously about what he said.

"Hmm I see it about time isn't now " came Cassius reply.