Ten minutes more

Unique look out the window feeling restless and hopeful at the same time she hope it will all go well.

"Are we there yet," Unique said turning to look at Antonio who sat beside her in the car, they had been driving for about an hour now and she was starting to get impatient.

"Almost there....." Antonio told her rubbing his temple trying to ease out his frustration.

"Are you sure there will be a solution to Garrett problem?" Unique went on again. I think ..."

Antonio raised his hand and Unique stop falling unconscious all of a sudden her head hit the glass window.

Antonio sigh finally getting the peace he wish for, the driver look at the rear mirror and took a turn not turning once to look at his master.


Unique opened her eyes in a very dark room, the place was barely lite up, her nose pick up stench of rotten flesh which made her nose scrunch in disgust. Unique tried moving in her position she got up her feet with great difficulty as she had become a jelly for staying in the same position for too long.

As soon as she stepped forward Unique step on something which seemed to melt under her foot it made a squishing sound as soon as she stepped back.

Unique frown she wasn't sure where she was but she feels terrible about the place, wasn't she supposed to be with Tony was she captured was Tony okay, she doesn't understand anything at all.

"Hello... Anybody Hello" Unique called out and her voice echoed around the eerily silent room.

"Tony!!!!" Unique cough she could bear to inhale anymore of the stench.

The door shrug open and the light came on along with it, two men came in carrying in a lady who was already lifeless her guts out her heart missing they threw her in with the rest of d**d people Unique didn't know she was standing among.

She stepped away in fright as she look around the terrible place anyone could ever end up in, it was a nightmare, the place was filled with rotten and fresh bodies some decaying to an extent Unique couldn't look anymore.

She fell back on her butt crawling back as fear grip her, she had her arms wrapped together looking for a way out.

As soon as the men turn to leave Unique went after them and the door closed immediately she was about walking out.

Unique began to bang on the door loudly her heart in her throat her eyes red her mouth firmly shut together.

"Let me out, who are you people let me out ahhhh, Let me gooooooo" Unique yelled loudly.

The door opened again and this time a familiar face walked in.

"You...." Unique said looking confused.

" Surprised? don't be" Antonio's told her.

"But.... but ..... Who are you?" Unique asked her anger brewing at the thought of her being deceived by a despicable man.

Out of the goodness of her heart she had trusted him blindly only to find out he was a high Criminal, how could he had the gut to do such.

"Me?" Antonio laughed his voice echoing around the room.

"Am not important at least for now, but I have a important business I need to get done" Antonio's said.

"I have no business with you let me go" Unique snapped trying to get past him, her leg become rooted to the ground as she struggles to take another step.

"Not so fast, not until you hear me out" Antonio told her.

"Garrett will get you for this, you would pay for holding me captive like this ". Unique threatened.

"Ohhh am so scared, you mean the dying Vampire hmm ahhhhhhhhhhhh... I can't believe you put your trust in him to save you tsk tsk tsk, you poor thing " Antonio said to Unique.

"Your Garrett I dare him to try, he would be buried along with you " Antonio told her.

"How could you be heartless look what you are doing to your fellow vampires, what are you doing?" Unique asked disgusted.

"How should I put it to make you understand, living a vampire life is considered noble but to Bad I wasn't born one"

Unique frown as she tried accessing him trying to understand how true that was.

"But a deity granted my wish by making me one, and inorder to keep the blessing for much longer I need you " Antonio said to Unique.

Unique frown looking away from the psychopath.

"What do I have to do with your problem " Unique asked.

"Because you my dear is the only thing who can make Garrett bat an eyelid." Antonio told her.


Garrett had his hand folded around his chest as he stare at Cassius, no one knew what was wrong but he had dropped a letter of warranty for approval.

Cassius scanned the letter, he look up at Garrett whose face was too calm, everything was wrong wasn't he supposed to be in a frenzy.

Cassius raise his stamp and stamp the letter, he handed it back to Garrett who took it and left without uttering a word.

Garrett walk passed the hallway Julian who was coming from the other direction tried stopping Garrett but the male didn't stop, soon after Cassius walk out his office.


"Yes head official" Julian was quick answer rushing up to Cassius.

"Gather the guards and keep them on watch for my call"

Julian frown but answered anyway.


The door shrug open Unique look up tiredly and two men came in, they took Unique by the arm and drag her out, Unique had no strength to protest so she let them be.

She was dragged into another room where all sort of weird material are laid out.

Tony was no where in sight except a ugly looking man who seems to be dieing from an unknown disease.

He was all dried up to the toes and seemingly he still had life in him as he was still moving around organizing the men where to place some unusual objects.

Martel look back at Unique and order the men to place her on the table where she was chained to it, Unique swallowed back her panic she can't be seen panicking.

'There's a full moon tonight, lord Antonio has ordered us all to go home,'

' seems the lady will be a sacred sacrifice '

' I know right, well that none of our business we should pack up and go before the fall of dark' the men mutter amongst themselves. Unique wonder what the full moon night has to do with her situation.


Nalla dropped the cutlery she was holding as soon as she was informed that Unique has been taken into custody of Antonio.

"That bastard," She said memories flashing through her Head and she shook it off.

"Lady Unique has been captured by the criminal who has been killing innocent ladies around" Fernandez said as he had also heard the news of the incident.

"Oh no no Lord Garrett what will happen now , she can't die".

Nalla scratch her claws on the table overthrowing the utensils angrily.

Nalla turned and left the house, there was no way he was going to make a victim of another of her family.

"Antonio you bastard you have gone too far this time, I will punish you for your wicked deeds." Nalla said moving rapidly in search of Antonio.


"Ten more minutes, the moon is about to be out, ain't you excited." Antonio said playing with the dagger he had in his palm.

"You sick bastard you won't succeed" Unique told him, Antonio laughed turning to look at her.

"We will know if he was worth all this, don't you know he has only twenty four hours left to live, time is closer to Garrett than you expect.

At least I am considerate, keeping his essence alive in me would be the best decision anyone ever make. He wouldn't have to die for a useless reason.

Antonio approach Unique with the dagger, he pulled her chin to stare up at him.

"He has taste I see not bad, funny how he's faithful to one it does make him weak after all mingling with human will make you think like them. You know in his case after death he wouldn't be reborn because he has connected himself to a poor weak human which his against the law of nature."Antonio told her.

"Ahhh almost time, Antonio moved away from Unique and stood close to the diagram on the floor.


A loud voice echoed around the hall, and Nalla came into view.

Antonio sigh.

"I don't have time to have fun with you be gone " Antonio told Nalla.

"How about we both go together,Nalla said dashing towards him with speed.