I will always love you

Antonio moved back avoiding Nalla claws that swipe pass his face, Nalla fought him head on.

Nalla raise her self off her feet and kick Antonio sending him back, he hit the wall hard.

Nalla turn and approach Unique who still struggle to somehow get rid of the chain. Seeing Nalla come close Unique said nothing but stay still, Nalla struggle with the chain and got ride of the one connected to Unique hands.

A reddish light came howling straight at Nalla in which she avoided in time, Unique eyes widen as the light made it way to her after Nalla had avoid it.

She shriek back and the light hit the metal table where the chain was connected. The chain melted instantly.

Unique stare at it in fear as she got off the table looking at her now free leg which still had chain on them but was free from being bound to the table.

Unique move away from the scene of Nalla and Antonio having a serious fight which consist of them tearing the place apart.

Claw deep in his chest Nalla let out a wild smile, watching as Antonio groan but soon he was smiling back as he hit Nalla hard on the chest sending her back, she went flying out breaking the window in process.

Nalla groan in pain trying to catch her breathe, her eyes glitch from red to deep black and she blink rapidly.

Antonio smirk watching Nalla struggle unable to get up, he suddenly look back to find Unique gone.

"Shit" he muttered and turn to the exist.

The moon shone bright in the sky it was hellish white, Unique made her way through the woods with the moon as her foresight as she trade ahead.

The chain jingle along with each step she took, Unique knew how damn she was but delaying in whatever ritual Antonio was going to perform permits her more hours to live. She don't understand a thing but she was scared, it is the last day in thirty one days and Garrett has few more hours to go before he dies.

Unique steps were slower than usual and each step she took was being weighed down by the damned chain connecting to her ankle.

"Boooo!!!" Antonio said stepping Infront of Unique, Unique shriek away falling on her butt.


"What do you mean Unique has been held captive?" Nolan said looking at the messenger who had just informed him of the current situation.

There was a knock on his front door and the maid got up to receive it, Ambrosia showed up in no seconds.

"Nolan it Garrett Fernandez just informed me he has less than twenty four hours to live and Unique has been taken captive by Antonio!!"

"I was just informed by the court that Antonio had been in court ever since disguised as someone else" Nolan told her.

"Oh no don't tell me it what am thinking, Ambrosia said her voice almost a whisper.

Another knock was heard and the maid was quick to receive it again, Julian made is way in and rush up to Nolan.

"It Garrett he has just gotten his warrant approved and he's on his way to capture Antonio" Julian said.

"Antonio has always been Tony the bastard has been spying on the court all along."

"Garrett went to capture Antonio on his own?"

Nolan asked his brow furring.

"Yes??? He's capable after all he's the sin reaper" Julian said trying to understand the panic that was written all over Ambrosia face.

"We have to do something if Antonio had capture Unique then there's only one thing he has in mind, he's trying to get to Garrett, he's luring him into his trap", Ambrosia said.


The full mood was at it peek and Unique was back to being tied down again, she struggled to free her self of the rope she was tied to this time.

"Don't bother you can't Untie that I have charmed it and the knot won't easily loose so give up."

"Give up you bastard, you aren't going to succeed" Unique voice was sharp like the edge of a knife she continued.

"You are nothing but a rotten mixed races that has no direction, come to think of it you are partly human, partly witch to top it all you added vampire to your origin, you belong nowhere because all three race has rejected you you are nothing but a vermin a being not worth mentioning" Unique snapped looking up at the disgrace in front of her.

Antonio jaw ticked his blood boiled, his fang peek out his lips as he tried reining in his anger.

He raise his hand to finish the miserable human once and for all when all of a sudden a sord came dashing towards him, he avoided the sharp edge by an inch as it left a red line on his face and collided with the wood going in so deep.

Unique look past Antonio to see Garrett standing in the shadow, the moon couldn't give light to how dark Garrett aura was emanating all over the place.


Garrett voice thunder through the night, the next seconds he He was battling fiercely with Antonio whose grunt filled the place, they went on for minutes colliding with the trees and causing the earth to rise and dust to fill the entire place.

Unique could barely keep up with them, the next seconds Antonio send a large scan of red light towards her to distract Garrett, Garrett saw this his eyes following the light along with his step as he stepped in front of Unique and took the hit instead.

He was blasted back to the tree closer to him, and he groan blood dripping out his lips.

"Garrett!!!!" Unique panic voice came next, she scoot over to him after the rope had successfully come off.

"Garrett!!" She screamed fear gripping her, her body shaking and she tried moving him to rest against the tree. Garrett eyes lure back and front trying to focus his attention on Unique whose image was starting to get blurry he fought back his conscious.

"Hey kitten, don't cry I.... I.....L.....Blood came out his lips again. Tears stream down Unique face as she bite her lips crying uncontrollably.

"Don't die please ..... Don't die Garrett don't leave me please...ahhhh ahhh Garrett don't close your eyes look at me".

"Kitten...." Garrett face had gone pale he was struggling to breathe his veins were all visible and he was slowly drying out.

"No no no please Garrett..."

"Sorry I...." Garrett was saying.

"Don't talk anymore save your breathe.

Antonio stroll forward ready to finish what he started he raised his raise his sword to devour the both lover before Garrett essence dissipate with him.

Before the sword could drop down, Nalla had stopped it will Garrett sword she had picked up. She threw him back far from the two lover.

"Help" Unique call out to Nalla who look at the now lifeless Garrett and back at Unique, she brought out a peacock feather from her coat and dropped it on Unique bloody palm.

"You know what to do, don't hesitate before it too late" Nalla told Unique before going head on with Antonio again. Nalla eyes had gone all completely black and her veins were black peeking out her face and her nails were all dark.

Unique look back at Garrett in tears she cried for a good thirty seconds she stare down at the shiny little feather and close her eyes. Unique mutter underneath her breath.

"Bring him back take me instead I am the one you want".

A shiny string was made visible it was connecting Unique to Garrett slowly the string began to vanish.

she took out the dagger in Garrett's coat, she held it with unsteady hands unsheathing the dagger. Unique look back at Garrett who had stopped breathing for a while now.

"I love you Garrett, I love you too much I can't watch you die, I can't live without you, let meet again in our next life".

Unique muttered out and raise the dagger to her heart before bringing it down her tears flow dropping down her cheeks.

"I will always love you " was Unique last words before her eyes went shut.