At the beach

"Won't you go for a swim with Marvie? She's waiting for you in the sitting room", Said Xtin, Ellie's father. "when is she back???" asked Ellie surprised. "This morning about six fifteen", replied Xtin somehow delighted at her reaction. It's not easy for them these past few days to get her react to anything and seeing her react right now is something.

Ellie run downstairs to see her one and only best friend Marvella Beston after a week without a see. "Marvie!!! Why didn't you call me? Miss you, miss you. The boredom nearly kill me, I thought I'll probably be dead if you're a little late", said Ellie in one breath as she engage in a bear hug with Marvie. "Awww, my big baby what's wrong?", Marvie asked as she heard Ellie who only speaks this much when she's really worried. "Just the same thing but it has intensified. By the way how is your aunt? Hope she is fully recovered." Ellie can't help but ask putting her problems aside. "She was. I'm good too just in case you want to rain me with questions about my health", Marvie answered knowing too well her follow up questions. Ellie can't help sulking at how well her friend knows her but anyway it's a good thing. "And I was thinking of surprising you that's why I didn't call you, now let's get moving before the sun set".

The girls soon found themselves at the beach, it was weekend so there's plenty of people around engaged in different activities to release the many stress they went throughout the last five days of the week. It was a good sight to see mothers running after their kids with a happy smile on their faces and the children laughing at their parents thinking they outrun them whiles the case is otherwise. And young couples chasing each other near the sea. Whiles some people run away from the sea anytime it approach them and some squealing with excitement when their feet touch the chilling cold sea under the hot sun. Almost like the sea telling the sun it has no effect on her. Some men playing soccer in the sand, getting themselves soaked in sweat and sand, getting to swim and retrieve the ball anytime it falls in the water but that never kill the excitement. Children shouting as their parents throws them into the water with both fear and excitement laced in their voices. It was such a good sight that Ellie forget all about her self acclaimed big problems.

Soon enough the girls engage in a swimming competition, swimming for the umpteenth time with Marvie leading Ellie decided to stop because she knows that she can never outswim her without a trick. Next they play some basketball before deciding to rest at their favorite spot which is under a big short coconut tree near the soccer field.


"When will you give me a grandchild, no, l want grandchildren. So when are you giving me one?" Lestina said as she stomp her third leg on the ground slowly adjusting her glasses. It's not like she's that much old but it's because of her weak body. "Look at your siblings, don't you feel anything when you see them with their family? Are you saying in this big world you didn't see anyone? Answer me. Stop looking at me like that. Oh so now you're ignoring me?" Lest started shedding her fake tears. "but mom__" "shut up. Who asked you to talk. So now you know you're man enough to talk when I'm talking right? But still refused to get married", Lestina shut her son up not giving him a chance to retaliate. Ethan looked at his mother too dumbfounded to talk. He don't know if it's old age or sickness but one thing he knows is that he must run before it's too late. "mum please just give me some time okay, I will sort it out" "You're asking for time again? Okay how much do you want, two? Five? Ten? Or twenty? Maybe you want me to die without getting to meet them" she said as she continues with her acting. "no mum, okay I've heard you. Give me three hours, I'm coming. Love you mum, bye", Ethan said as he run away from his mother. His friends are waiting for him to start playing.


He actually said three hours, well that's what it takes for him to fall in love!!!

Ethan rides past the vehicle up front just to hear cheerful laughing from its owners. Even though he don't know what they were talking about, he knows that it probably involves the beach since they too are driving there. Looking inside his rear mirror, he saw a fair skinned girl in her early twenties with a short dark hair laughing happily with another girl which is a little dark in color compared to the other with long brown hair. They both look beautiful, Ethan can't help but notice.