
Upon arriving Ethan parked his bike and walked straight to his friends on the football field.

"Oh man, look at you. More handsome and matured. Abroad is really good for you. Wait, where's your girlfriend? Don't tell me you don't have one", Robert said ashe seized up his friend. It true what he said. Maybe UK was not a bad place after all. "stop it man, everyone knows you are the most handsome here", Ethan said as he give his friend a slight push. The others can't help but laugh at them. Of course none of them is lying,it's just that looking at them bicker about who is handsome is funny. "Come on guys we don't have enough time. Let's leave all the chitchat for later. Come on, come on let's divide into two groups; one here, one there", said someone, probably the captain as he clap his hands to get everyone's attention.

And soon enough the game started as the young men's engaged themselves. You can here their shouts. See them running in and out of the sea to retrieve their ball with no difficulty whatsoever. Some dusting themselves as they fall in the sand. But all these just keep the excitement going.

"That was tough man but we won against you", Robert said to Ethan after their first half. "The game is not over yet, will be scoring you three goals later", Ethan replied unfazed by Robert's teasing. They usually like to play against each other, competing in anything.

From the side Ethan saw the two girls from earlier coming out of the sea while giggling about something. They then walk to the basketball court. They sure know how to play, dodging when needed and jumping when needed. Ethan can't help staring till he was called since their break is over.

They engage in another tough one before ending it with a draw of two two. After dispersing, Ethan unconsciously started looking around for the two girls, he nearly panicked when there's no sign of them. Hearing a laughter, he turn around to notice them sitting under the coconut tree near the field. Pointing at them, he asked his friend if he knows them. Feeling a cold gaze from behind, he turn around to see one of the girl glaring at him.


Ellie notice someone pointing at them and she was not pleased with it. Marvie is on a call with her fiance, so disturbing her right now is out of the question. Glaring at the person is the only thing she can do for now. Taking a proper look at the person, she realized that he was was a handsome man in his early twenties, maybe a year or two older than her. The person smiled at her instead of glaring back and that just piss her more. She noticed it was actually a warm smile that has effect on her heart and it kinda look familiar. Like that cheeky smile from years ago. And for a moment she's lost.