At her house

"Ellie wait, please listen to me" Arbill said as he made to hold her hand. "don't you dare touch me with your stinking hands" she scowl with disgust.

Arbill who happens to be her first boyfriend after many years of disturbing her broke her heart just in their sixth month of courtship by getting another woman pregnant but that's not all. He went ahead to marry the pregnant woman. And now he's asking Ellie to be his second wife. Telling Ellie he has to do what he's done because she won't give him a chance.

"you know it's all your fault to begin with so let's act like nothing happened and get back together" he continued. If Ellie was to know this nonsense is what he wants to blurt out, she would have slammed the door on his face long ago. "you know what? If not that my hands will be stinking if I slap you. You would have known what a real slap means by now" Ellie said as she slam the door to his face.

He was still handsome as ever but not as the sitting on her veranda. He was wearing a blue casual top that match perfectly with the blue jeans he's wearing under, five feet tall and a little bulky than usual. That's one thing she liked about him but thinking of him blaming her for his mistake is something she's not ready to forgive let alone give him a second chance. It only shows he didn't even realize where he went wrong to talk if fixing it.

Rolling her eyes at the one sitting on the veranda, Ellie walks inside to finish what she's doing. If he like he can seat there all day long for all she cares.


Arbill didn't expect Ellie to behave that way towards him, he took his time to dress up to impress her. He even gain a few abs from working out frequently to impress her.

"who the hell did she think she is? If she's to know how many women are chasing me, she won't have behave like that. Her pretty face my foot. It's because I'm in dire need of money for my sick son that's why" Arbill said as he kick the door not knowing his hand is on the intercom.

"The idiot shouting over there, start leaving before I call you the police. And heh, don't ever come here again" he heard Ellie's dad's voice booming from the intercom, jumping up he realize he just said what is supposed to be a secret to the public ear.

He scurried away like a dog with his tail between his legs, messing with Xtin is something he'll never dare in his life, not this life nor another. The man is known for his viciousness, him staying here without guards and security patrolling his house is not something every rich man can achieve without been robbed naked already. But there's not a case of robbery ever heard, to talk of attempted ones.


Ethan pretend not to hear anything, not to see Ellie rolling her eyes at him. He's thinking about something more important than that, something that's making his stomach growl, something that's making him miss home. But his mission here is not yet done. He is here to atone for his mistake. And this is the only way he can.


Hearing the doorbell again, Ellie makes sure to see who it is and seeing that it's her best friend, she hurried out to open the door. Marvie is still in her office dress. Working as an accountant is not easy as she can see the tiredness in her eyes. Her gray blouse and coat makes her look more mature than her age. It perfectly hides her figures that she likes flaunting at home. Work is work and home is home, she'll say. People who don't know her will think she's a twin whenever they see her outside because her style and aura changes completely at one-eighty degrees.

Helping her friend with her bag and coat, she walks past Ethan who now falls asleep like he's invisible. But Marvie noticed him.

Signaling Ellie, she asked her what happened. Ellie told her friend what happened from when he made a big scratch on her car, breaking the glass, the race, her wish for him to come last, him coming with a new glass for the car, Arbill's insult and the rest.

Entering the living room, Marvie noticed the change of order of the furnitures as the sweet aroma of freshly baked chips and cake filled her nose. The Kingsize couch that used to greet her first is now at the farthest corner of the spacious room. The two medium size ones and one small one keep it company. There's also a long table beside them that she's not seen before. It must be newly bought. There's no change about the right side that they use for their small family dining area. The big dining room itself was only used for big occasions. The rest of the space also have nothing changed about it.

Since the dining table was already set, Marvie walks into the kitchen to wash her hands and assist in doing the rest chores. Even though Ellie's family is rich, they don't have maids waiting on them. They tried to make their life look as ordinary as possible. Once in awhile cleaners will come clean and rearrange the house. And two days ago they came and clean the house.

Marvie courtesied when she saw Jessica, Ellie's mother earning a laugh from her. "What are you doing, you silly girl" Jessica said as she continues to laugh. "Greeting my beautiful queen" Marvie said as she kiss her hand. "So you forgot about the king, huh?" Marvie heard from behind, turning around she repeated she earlier actions. "that's it, that's it" Xtin said after laughing hard. "you look funny while doing that with your big blouse" Ellie commented after catching her breath. Marvie always have new tricks up her sleeve any time she visits. It's because of her good vibes that they let her into their home.

They gathered at the dining table to eat before they remembered someone was sitting outside. "Go and call him in" her dad ordered looking out the window. "he's sleeping" Ellie answered not ready to call him in. "I'm awake, I'm not sleeping" they heard from outside and soon enough there's a knock on the door.