Meeting Xtin

Ethan wait at the door as there was a total silence in the room. His heart thump at every passing second. It's like the world has stopped. He don't know why he did that, maybe the temptation was too much for him to handle. He felt like removing his top but something stopped him as he sweat profusely from the anxiety of waiting. He's already in trouble, his heart and mind tells him so, even his friends tells him not to mess with this family. It's not like he's messing around but this feels more and more like trouble with each passing second. After about five minutes of waiting he heard a commanding voice boom, "who is that?"

"it's me, Ethan" he answered after a moment of consideration. If not for his future, he will have run away after hearing the question. But he didn't. He need to be man enough to stay if he wants to date Ellie, since that is his plan.


Everyone looked at Xtin. If not for the fact that he signaled them not to talk, they'll probably be laughing right now.

'Ethan sure have the nerve' Ellie thought to herself.

Xtin smiled as he wait for the young man outside to make a move. After waiting for some time he decided to ask him a question. Making his voice as commanding as he can, he asked "who are you?" . "it's me, Ethan" the person replied after some time. He might have contemplated before answering. "What are you looking for?" Xtin asked again. His answer is what will determine his stand.

"I came to give Ellie a glass and I fell asleep. I was awaken when you asked them to call me" Xtin heard instantly as he asked his question almost like the other person was waiting for him to say that. That's a surprise. In most cases they'll delay like ten minutes before answering while their voice quiver, sometimes it will come out as a whisper. This young man sure is interesting, he'll like to know him more.

After thinking for sometime, Xtin cleared his voice and then asked with an evil smile "what shows that it was you I'm talking about?"


Ethan realized that he never called his name. So what shows he is the one. "nothing, but I'm the only one outside". Xtin must have been dumbfounded because there was no response or questioning from him again.

After what looks like forever the door opened to reveal a man in his late fifties. He was wearing a black top with a white shorts. Even though he was casually dressed, his over ruling aura is not hidden. One look and you will realize he is not one to joke with, one wrong move and you're dead.

Ethan gulp on his saliva, while facing this type of people you need to show them your value; show them you're brave, you are wise, that you are someone that can be rely on… It's only that way you can gain their approval. And don't forget to flatter them.