Call me brother

"Good day, I'm Ethan. Wow, are you Ellie's younger brother? You look so young. How old are you? Don't tell me you are older than you look. Give me a handshake" Ethan said smiling with his left hand stretched forward for a handshake. Seeing the other party eyeing his hand, he changed it to his right one "sorry, I'm left-handed." Which was a white lie.


Xtin looked at at Ethan's stretched hand. He was slightly bending forward while the other one was on his back. He was dressed in a bikers outfit. He really want to hold it and shake it till he felt dizzy to congratulate him on his bravery. 'Not yet', he reminded himself. "Xtin Ellie's dad" he said instead without shaking his hand.

Ethan straighten up while rubbing his stomach, almost like urging him to do fast. "Really? Whoa, I thought you're her brother. I'm sorry once again" He said faking an apology. He knew really well who he is.

Xtin really felt flattered, "really? Then call me brother"

Ethan was not expecting this, this is not how he was supposed to react. He's not supposed to say that. "I_ I can't, how can I? It'll be like I'm being rude. I can't, brother" Ethan said while shaking his head making sure to end the sentence with brother. His reaction to it, will tell if he can call him that or not.

Xtin laughed and make way for him to enter, "sure, come in brother"


Ellie, Marvie and Jessica exchanged looks. They were baffled by Ethan's way of dealing with Xtin. But what surprised them more was Xtin's reaction. This is so not like him. There is no more command in his voice, it was that normal one he used in addressing people he found interesting. Which means Ethan has gained his interest.

Hearing their chatter makes them laugh. Their response to each other gets wittier. It took them a lot not to laugh out loud. They subdued their laughter when they heard Xtin telling Ethan to enter.


"Sit, not there. Here, yes I want you to be close to me" Xtin said as he led Ethan to the dining table,while telling him to sit at his right besides his wife. Ellie was spotted at his left, followed by Marvie.

"Greetings everyone, whoa!!! Is this Ellie's mom? Don't tell me so", Ethan exclaimed as he saw the beautiful older woman at the table. She was fair in complexion, more than Ellie. Her hair was braided simply into a loop around her head. Maybe Ellie was not as fair as her mom because her father is dark in complexion. "Yes" Jessica replied curtly as she smiled showing her dimples. "Wow! Why is everyone young here? I feel like an old man, brother", Ethan said with so much exaggeration while covering his mouth to show his amazement.

Everyone burst out laughing as this one is too much for them to contain. Ethan sure can do this pass Marvie.

"Uh uh" Xtin cleared his voice after catching up his breath to get everyone's attention, "Let's share the grace".