Where is Ethan?

Everyone silently closed their eyes as Xtin prayed and thanked God for the food.

"Amen" everyone chorused as Xtin finished praying.

Ethan waits for everyone to start eating before touching his food. At first he thought it was only snacks that will be served since that was the dominating smell. He was surprised to see four different dishes being served with the snacks; lasagna with meat ragu, fried vegetable rice, koliko (fried yam) and sauted sliced potatoes.

Taking his time to taste the food, he was surprised by how different it tastes from any he's ever had. The sauted potatoes were spicy, probably deeped into ginger, garlic and pepper before being sauted.

The lasagna was different in a good way from the ones he tasted outside since his mother is not a fan of it. He swallowed hard to keep himself from rushing everything inside. He need to maintain himself from going gaga over the food.

Every bite makes him fall in love with this family, if possible he'll like to stay here for ever. Just then he remembered his mother, he left home today without leaving any message behind, she might be worried sick without knowing where he is. He even left his phone on charge at home.

Excusing himself with much explanation, Ethan hurried to his bike before realizing he forgot his helmet.

He press the bell twice, pressing his ears to the gate he listened carefully for footsteps but there was none. He raise his head up for awhile then putting it back just for it to land on something soft, then he heard a heartbeat. 'Wait, something is wrong' Ethan said while raising his head to see flustered Ellie flaring with rage before he can say his apology he heard a bam, followed by pain. His helmet was trusted into his hand with another package, the sweet smell tells him it was the snack he didn't get to eat.

His mouth was still open agape from the shock, the slammed gate brought him back to his mind. Maybe it took long because it was his head that was hit. He slowly went back to his bike and drive home. Right now home was the only thing on his mind.

Preoccupied with his thoughts on how worried his mother will be Ethan didn't pay attention to the coming vehicle that was driving at a full speed and before he knows…


Lestina was worried sick when there was no news from Ethan, she called Robert and his siblings to ask of him but there was no news, tried his phone many times but no response. She later find the phone on charge in his room. It was agonizing, she thought of many worse case scenarios in her head while banishing them any time they appear. She prayed and prayed for nothing to happen to him. The neighbors said they saw him riding his bike earlier in the morning heading north, but everyone north said they didn't see him pass by…

Someone even said he heard of some bike men getting into an accident in the afternoon. She called the hospital but they said he's not there. So where is he?