The call

Ellie was in rage, she slammed the gate hard. She didn't mean to hit Ethan with the helmet, it's just that her hands react before her brain. It was an impulse. She can tell that it's not his fault, he was actually not seeing her. She was offended anyway, he was always offending her. Ever since she knows him, he always doing something to annoy her.

After inhaling and exhaling for the umpteenth time, Ellie walk inside. Her dad asked if Ethan was already gone to which she answered yes.

They ate in silence, occasionally asking each other about their daily life. Apart from Ellie and her mom, Marvie and Xtin just have work to talk about.

Marvie continued rant on and on about the hassle she have to go through with the paperwork, they just keep piling and piling every day. She have to read, count and calculate till her eyes turn red from always turning them around. "It was tiring" she concluded. Everyone nodded then there was silence as they munch on their last piece of snacks.

Ellie felt the weariness in her voice as she go on and on about work. She (Ellie) asked her many times to change her work but she refused saying she like it and besides it's a high paying job. But Ellie knows her too well to belive that. 'Maybe she don't want to be a burden' she thought.

Their silence was interrupted by Marvie's ringing phone, looking at the caller id reading "M A bro" worry flashed across her face. The person calling was not someone that usually call her with his work number. Unless it's for something very important. No they had a good relationship, just that he don't usually call when he's at work, and Marvie understands. Running your own business is not something easy especially at its early stage with many competitors at your tail. So she usually tries not to add problems to the one her brother is already facing.

"Hello" the person at the other side said as soon as Marvie place the phone near her ear. She sensed the tiredness in his voice, in fact he was more tired than she is.


"Did you see Ethan? I heard he went to Ellie's place this afternoon"

"He already left, about thirty minutes now. Said he's going home"

"MMm, his mother said he didn't come home. And there was an accident at Crufier road. Bike and car. They've been rushed to the hospital, can you go check please?"

"Yes, ok"

"OK, take care. Love you"

"Love you too"

Then beep. The call went dead. Everyone looked at Marvie expectantly.

"Ethan's Mother was looking for him, said he didn't reach home. There was an accident on Crufier road. He said I should go check the hospital if he's there", Marvie said to them.

"I will call the hospital. Which hospital was it?" Jessica said as she man to call the hospital.

"I don't know, I forgot to ask." Marvie said as she texted her brother asking for the hospital