At the hospital

Marvie and Ellie rushed to the hospital mentioned, they check the ER but there is no sign of him. His name was not on the list and the most shocking one is that some Ethan was rushed to the mortuary some time ago and luckily when they checked it's not him but an old man.

Tired from looking around for him, they decided to leave. Upon reaching the entrance Ellie noticed someone walking out of the males toilet with blood soaked clothes, she noticed the bikers outfit from earlier being tied around his waist. His hands were holding onto something, something red…

"Marvie look, it's Ethan. He's hurt!" Ellie said as she rush to Ethan side. Holding his hands she noticed the red thing in his hand is a bloodstained tissue.

"Are you okay? I hope you are alright. Did you see a doctor already? What happened? Let me see, give me your hands" She scurried around him, checking him for head to toe, front and back. Checking him for the hundredth time and seeing he's okay, not even a scratch was found on him, she breathe in relief.

"I see you are okay. What actually happened?" Marvie asked after seeing Ellie relax a bit.

"Nothing, just accompanied the patient here. That's why I'm soaked in blood", Ethan replied briefly looking at Ellie who is oblivious to the fact that she is still holding on to his hands.

"Your mom is worried, that's why we came", Marvie said feeling the need to explain their presence.

"Thanks, I'm heading home by the way" Ethan said slowly raising up his hand to signal Ellie to let go. Ellie woke up from her trance quickly letting go. For some reason she was so worried.

"Your can't go home looking like that", Marvie said pointing at his blood soaked shirt as they walk out of the hospital.

"Don't worry I got this" He said putting on his bikers outfit.

"Can we give you a lift home?" Ellie asked "I don't want to worry too much". She added absentmindedly.

"Sure but we need to pass Crufier road, I need to get my bike" Ethan said as he happily jump into the car the moment he was asked. What sweets him more is Ellie's sentence of being worried. Which means that she cares about him. And most importantly, it means that he has a chance.


"Thanks for the ride, safe journey home and thank your parents for me. And Marvie, don't forget your brother" Ethan happily said as he alight from the car.

Marvie explain her brothers call to him inside the car.

"Sure we will", Marvie answered while nudging Ellie to drive. Through out the whole drive, she seems lost in thought.

Coincidentally when Marvie turn on the radio, it was playing a music that just fit the atmosphere ;

"Never thought today I'll be worried

Because of you

Never thought I'll fall for you

But here I am

It hurts to see you hurt

Feeling the pain like it's me

Stopping the tears from falling

Don't want you to see me cry

It's kinda funny

The things I'm doing now"

Ellie smile sadly turning to glance at her friend who was grinning at her, she silently nod to the song agreeing with what it said. There is no need for her to hide what she's feeling, this time round she's sure she's making the right choice to let things go the way it want. She's come a long way to fall in love.

"Never thought today I'll be worried

Because of you

Never thought I'll fall for you

But here I am

It hurts to see you hurt

Feeling the pain like it's me

Stopping the tears from falling

Don't want you to see me cry

It's kinda funny

The things I'm doing now

I know you'll laugh when you get to know

Then you'll say; hey baby I gotcha.

Love was never intentional

Now I understand

your crazy actions when I'm around

It's just so crazy that I find it funny

Now that I think of it… "