Mummy I want to become a lawyer,a lawyer? that's a good idea,and I want you to work towards it,God will help you son,Amen, thanks Mom, you nearly pace ways for your friend, Apeke.

Cameras are sounding joyously has people snapping Olamide on his graduation day,he is graduating from primary school,her mum endowed herself with a great attire blinking a like a glimmering light, everyone was happy,his friend Apeke snapped with him,she's currently in primary two,while Olamide was graduating,they both took pictures together and sing with joyous tune.

Months laters, Mr.Yomi's uncle Uncle Shola who is based at the main city came to greet Mrs.Yomi just to check on her well being.

As he arrive,Mum Ola,it quite an age,yes sir, it's been work,you can come in sir, how's family,I hope you're coping,where Olamide?,he's inside,Ola come over,your uncle wants to see you,Ola quickly ran to see the person,as he sees his uncle,he recumbent beneath the flow,oh! boy,how are you, it's been a while,yes sir, how's school?,I just graduated last month sir, just waiting for our results so that I can move on to Junior secondary school one.

That's a great news I am hearing,so when is your result coming out, maybe next month sir, alright that's good,be a good boy okay, Yes sir, Olamide leave both his mother and uncle Shola at the sitting room talking, uncle Shola and Mrs.Yomi continue there discussion, there's something I even wants to tell you, what's that sir? say it,I want your child to follow me to my place,I want him to be living with me,Mrs.Yomi breathe down and said,you know he is the only one I have for now,and anytime I see him,I become happy since his father is late.

No qualms,I will think about it sir,and feed you back soon,okay no problem,I will be expecting your respond,okay sir,what will you like to eat, don't worry,I am fine, uncle Shola place his two legs on the table and keep pressing his phone, alright sir,are you spending the night with us?,yes,I will be going next tomorrow and by then I want you to think about what I told you earlier,oh! Okay sir,she then gait to the kitchen, it's night already,they both prayed and went to bed.

The next morning,he recumbent for his uncle,good morning sir, morning Ola,how your night rest?, It was splendid, splendid? he smiled and ask,did you know the meaning of splendid you just said?,yes sir,I knew it,I checked it from my dictionary,so you have a dictionary,yes sir,so can you tell me the meaning of splendid, splendid means when something is good,great,and excellent,wow you really tried, uncle Shola clapped his two hands together,who thought you all this,my dictionary sir,wow you must be a brilliant boy,yes sir,I am trying my best,so what would you like to become in future,I want to become a lawyer, a lawyer, you're good boy,keep it up,Mrs.Yomi walks towards Uncle Shola to greet him, morning sir, morning Mummy Ola,your son is a brilliant boy,he teach me just now,he took after his father Yomi,wow that's great,may my brother soul rest in perfect peace,he is also a Guru man on his own,yes sir, Olamide goes in and his mother move nearer to uncle Shola,how about what I told you as you can see,he is brilliant,I will sponsor his education through secondary and university,trust me,he has a bright future and I will be going back to the city tomorrow,think about it and feed me back today,Okay sir,I will,hours later,Mrs.Yomi called his son,and he ask him,are you willing to go to the city,that his uncle wants to sponsor his education.

He firstly felt bad because he's just ten years old and he didn't wants to leave her mother,mum I don't want to leave you,Ola you have to go, don't you want to become a lawyer again,I want to,so you have to go, that's where you can become lawyer,not here,you have to go to the city and be well educated,okay mom,have heard you,I will follow uncle to the city.

he cried and felt sad, mummy I will miss you,his mother felt bad and she hugged him, you're going tomorrow, kindly go and pack your luggage, mummy so fast?he cried again,yes your uncle is going tomorrow, mummy I will miss you and my friends, it's night again,it was around 2am in the midnight,Mrs.Yomi goes on her kneel to pray for his son, father, please see my son through,let his dream of becoming a lawyer come true,she says the prayers with tears,next morning, it's 9 am already,Olamide has already taken his bath and he is ready to follow uncle Shola to the city, Uncle Shola was busy with his phone,as he called Mrs.Yomi, mummy Ola,sir,good morning,how about what I told you yesterday,I will be on my way around 12,have you concluded,yes sir,she says it with a dull voice, it's fine I understand your pain,you just have to let him go so that he can become someone great in life.

He can't be sitting here with you for life,okay I understand your points,Few hours later,uncle Shola came out of the guest room,and said, Olamide,are you ready,yes sir,has your mother told you,yes she has told me we're going to the city today Oh!What a smart boy, Olamide smiled and say,thank you sir,okay let's go, Olamide hugged his mum,and tell his mother,I love you Mom,I love you too my darling,be careful, uncle Shola, please take care of my child very well,he must not suffer,he's the only one i have,they both went out,and Mrs.Yomi came back inside crying excessively like a baby.

Few hours later,a call nailed Mrs.Yomi phone,we just arrived to the city,oh! Uncle Shola thanks to God, Please give the phone to Olamide,mum, we're in the city, that's good my son,it is well with you,he answered and said Amen,then he give the phone back to his uncle,bye for now Mummy Ola,I will call you soon.

Months laters towards their resumption, Mr.Shola went to enroll Olamide at a public Junior secondary school, Olamide started his journey as the class monitor in Junior secondary one,all his classmates loves him because of his intelligency,all the girls in the class become his friend due to his knowledge,as they promote to Junior secondary school two,Ola took first person among his colleagues,when he got home,he meet his uncle and his wife in the living room with their children,so he greeted them with smiles,good day sir,this is my result,I took first position at our promotion examination sir.

Wow Ola you really impressed me, uncle Shola's wife was not happy because of the news,so she decided to walk in as if,she is not part of them,Yetunde was uncle Shola's wife she is the mother of Austine and Clement,those are children of uncle Shola.

As the next term began in Junior secondary school two, Olamide decided to go to school,but Yetunde insist that there's nothing they are doing at school,that he should stay and help her with house chores (cloth washing) Olamide decided to stay in other to wash the cloth, Olamide was brutalize from his junior secondary one to senior secondary school three, Olamide managed to graduate,on his graduation day, uncle Shola didn't even bother to come because he told him,he was busy at his office,so he has no time to come,but when Clement was graduating in his junior secondary school they all went together to celebrate him, after a month when Olamide graduated from secondary school,he ponder in thought,he decided to sneak out of the house because of how they are were maltreating him,he saved some money with his friend at school,so he collected the money and used it to travel back to his mother residence,when he got home, Olamide what happened? why are you here?Olamide shows the disposition of a tall dark and handsome guy,he's sixteen years old,who took you here?mummy can you just stop asking me all this question. you can't imagine I sneak out of the house.