Her mother screamed with awe, Olamide,why? Uncle Shola's wife maltreated me,she even beat me sometimes,are you for real? Olamide cried with tears in his eyes,I have tried to reach up to you, anytime I called your uncle,he won't allow me to talk to you,he just said,that you're fine.

Oh! My God what have I done?don't worry, you're not going there anymore, alright mum,she cleanse up his tears with her hands, it was night already, Uncle Shola calling, hello mummy Ola ,good evening,yes sir,,we can't find Olamide,oh!So you're just looking for son,my son is here,what do you mean mummy Ola,and you can't call us since morning,if not because you're my inlaw,I could have talk to you badly, Mrs.Yomi hanged up the call.

The next morning, uncle Shola rushed down to Mrs.Yomi's place,as he entered, oh Uncle so you can do this to my son,your own brother's son, it's not that way, it's my wife,she keep frustrating him,and I have tell her several times to stop it,but she didn't,I am sorry mummy Shola,well my son is not going with you again, sorry mummy Ola,it won't happen again, let him go with me,I said no, uncle Shola walks out shamefully,minutes after,Ola walks out and said,mum thanks for all you do, anything for you my adunfe, just stop crying, alright mum,I will.

The next day,Mrs.Yomi and Olamide we're sitting outside discussing, my son,you have to further your education, what's your dreamed university, Obafemi Awolowo university,wow that's a great dream,your dream can come through,if you have the zeal to pursue it, but you have to be hard working,I will advise you to do a sale's boy job for some months and gather the money for your school,and the little money I have,I will include it for you,wow thanks mummy,I am happy for the opportunity you're giving to me again,so you still believe in my dream mummy,I am happy,they both joyed with smile and went inside

A week later, Olamide resume to the sale's boy job, it was one of her mum's friend that introduced the shop to him, and the shop was stock with wine and some beverages. everything has been going smoothly even his boss love how he approach the customers with his vocabularies,he knows how to embrace the customer welly.

While he is working as sale's boy,he is patiently processing his admission,the first year he applied, he was not admitted,it was the third year he was admitted making three years he has been applying for his dreamed university,so he was given an admission to study English Language instead of law, though he was not happy but due to the challenges of staying and working at home,he accepted the offer,so he told his mum, mummy guess what?,tell me Ola, mummy I have been given admission to study English Language,but I was not given a law course.

Ola you just have to be grateful,you know this is your third time of applying for the university, you know?yes mum but I want a law course,my dreamed course, you just have to be grateful Ola, mummy I heard you,trust me mum,so when are you evicting your job? mummy in the next three months, because we are to resume by January,oh! No qualms I am happy for you,they both hugged each other with smile.

Two months later,Ola decided to tell his boss about his progress,as he got near the shop,his boss has arrived before him,and a bus was parked outside their shop,as he walked further,he gazed from afar,he noticed the bus was full of wines and beverages and more,so he decided to move more closer,as he got there,his boss and the driver were packing the goods inside the shop, good morning sir,Ola how are you?,I am fine sir,sir;you came before me,yes I have to stock these goods today.

He decided to help his boss,so he quickly carried the small sealed wine,as he is about to carry the second wine,the wine fell and broke,all the bus were filled with pool of wine,and his boss screamed Jesus! With an offensive face, Ola did you know you just broke a wine worth hundred thousand naira?sir,;I am sorry, it was not intentional,not intentional to carry the wine and break it? you must be joking Ola,you must pay me my money,his boss said this with an abusive words,sir please help me I have no money on me, please sir,his boss insisted that he must pay the money.

When he got home,he explained everything to his mum,and his mum breathe down,Ola but your boss should at least consider that you've worked for him,you're not a stranger, mummy all this doesn't matter, let's pay the money i don't want any problem,calm down oh! little boy, "cutting off an head doesn't relieved an headache",so let's try to beg him,I think he will accept our apology.

The next morning around 10am Mrs.Yomi and her son went to beg his boss,good morning sir, morning woman,so you bring your mum here Ola,either you like it or not you will pay for the drink you broke, please sir,I am begging you in the name of God,we have no money,we just came to beg you,her mother says with a pitiful voice, Mummy Ola,you must pay my money and that's the final,his boss walked out with a gigantic anger.

When Mrs.Yomi and her son got home,they decided to took out of the savings Ola got from the sale's boy Job to pay his boss,three weeks to resumption, Olamide has been preparing for school with sadness so,Mrs.Yomi decided to borrow money from one of her friend,good afternoon my friend,it quite an age,yes it has been work,I even came to see you, please I want to borrow money from you,I will pay you back,but I have no money,my friend please borrow me this money I will surely pay you back trust me,her friend stared at her with a pitiful look,are you sure?so how much do you want me to borrow you?,five hundred thousand naira is okay for now,her friend screamed,but that is much,I can only afford hundred thousand naira,you can bring it I will mange it,her friend borrowed her the money.

A night before Olamide will resume to school, Mrs.Yomi called his him, Ola!Know the son of who you are,you know you have no one,how old are you now Ola? mum I am nineteen years old, nineteen years old,you can see now, you're no more a kid, you're a full grown man,posses the quality of a man and not a boy, remember where you're coming from,and remember where you're heading to,you know you're my one and only son, yes mum,I know and I will keep your words, Ola there is something I want to tell you, mum what's that?,tell me I am eager to hear.