Unbreakble city

Few day later....

In the academy....

Raizel and aizis in entering in the room....

Marco and maria already in classroom....

Marco:you guys are late.

Raizel:aizis's fault.

Aizis:i refuse to accept it.

Raizel:anyway,how are you guys doing?

Maria:not bad.

Aizis:so what are you planning to do now raizel?

Raizel:i have a lot to do but first i have to wait till my reincarnation fully complete also in these time,i will learn about current world more.

Aizis:i see.

Teacher enter in the classroom....

Teacher:good morning students,i hope you all enjoyed your vacation well.

Teacher:our today's task is practical experiment.we will visit the unbreakable city azrian.The city known for it.s deadly durability.The city created by an ancient god.we will test your destuctive capability there.

Raizel:when did i became a god?

Marco:are you the one who build this city?

Raizel:yeah,i made this for no reason.

Maria:why is it that durable?

Raizel:it.s abyss has a layer full of bubble of supreme ruler's realm so it's simply impossible for an ordinary being to destroy it.. it.s a long time since i create it.

Marco:how old were you when you died?

Raizel:my lifetime to long to measure.

Marco:then shall i call you 'old man'?

Raizel:huh.You may say that.

Teacher:we are going to teleport.

The teacher drew a magic circle and they vanished....

They appear in a city....

Everything is brown and looks like a burned place....

Teacher:it's the city of unbreakable.

Raizel:it's been a while.


Teacher:i call everyone's name one by one and you will come forth.

Aizis:first with mihra.

Mihra cast fire magic but the ground was unscratchable....


Raizel:you can't break this with a mere fire magic....

Several student's round passed....

All of them failed to do anything...

Raizel:bunch of failures.

One of them looked at raizel with an eye of anger....

stranger:talking like you can do it?

Raizel:maybe i can.

stranger:are you challanging me?

Raizel:you may say that.

stranger:we will see.

Teacher:next raizel.

Raizel go forward and drew a magic circle and cast a blue flame magic....

Large amount of flame touch the ground and make a hole there....

Everyone:what the hell!

stranger:i can't believe that,damn it.

Raizel went back to his position....

Aizis:that boy done for.

Raizel:shall i add some?

Aizis:don't go rubbing any salt in his wound.


Marco,aizis and maria's round also finished....

They back to the academy....

Raizel:when one can create something then he can destroy that too and i'm not exception.

Marco:were you the strongest in your time?

Raizel:there was tons of gods who are far stronger than me and i was only strongest among the supreme rulers.

Aizis:i can't say that for sure but behind our death a god sure helped or the one who killed us is a god.

Raizel:maybe,my current goal is to find out about that incident.

Marco:we never heard of any gods existence.

Raizel:because they don't come into light and always hide themself.


Raizel:no idea.

Aizis:i heard a rumor that they think that coming out to their creation is an insult for them so they stay in the higher realm which exist higher than realms of supreme rulers.This realm of god's exist lower than the absolute god's realm but higher than supreme rulers realms.

Raizel:arrogant boys.

Aizis:what are you planning to do now?

Raizel:as i was saying,i will spend some time here.

Aizis:how about going on a visit in the realm of absolute god?

Raizel:i don't much of my powers right now so it will be too risky.

Aizis:hmm point.

Aizis:why did you leave the position of the supreme ruler to muzan?You haven't told me that you will leave the position.

Raizel:many reason,you will learn everything soon.

Aizis:you create the story for all the bubbles and now you are a part of the story.

Raizel:i did for my own happiness and if i need then i will change the story and put myself to the place of supreme ruler.

Aizis:it's really hard to understand you.


Marco:we understand that you guys are talking about your oldself but can't you do it some other time?
