Forest God


In the gate of the academy.

Marco:ain't going anywhere than home.

Maria:Hmm,i'm thinking the same.

Aizis:Then go.

Raizel:bunch of lazy kids.Well i'm going home too.

They drew a magic circle and vanished.

Next day morning.

Raizel,aizis walking toward their academy.

Raizel:god of forest most likely going to be there in our academy.He most likely after me.What a pain.


Raizel:as you know,gods and supreme rulers always hated each others.due to being weaker than gods,supreme rulers always had to hold back themself.

Aizis:if the gods want,they can wipe out all the supreme rulers.

Raizel:yeah but they don.t do it simply because they want to ignore the destruction because the absolute god already create a order to prevent the destruction of all these realms,worlds.i know that only the king of gods and the supreme rulers has the resistance to the order.

Aizis:what are you planning to do?

Raizel:who knows?

They get in to the academy.

Few minute later.

in the classroom.

Teacher:our today's class about creation magic.For that,we have Mr.Jarid here.He will take the class today.

Raizel(in mind):you can.t hide from me just by changing name and face,Mr. god of forest.

Aizis:is it him?

Raizel:i.m not sure,maybe yeah.

Teacher:so mr.Jarid,please start your lecture.

Jarid:my job is teaching you guys so i will do to.

Jarid:creation magic isn't hard to obtain if you try enough.

Raizel(in mind):i think you are better as a teacher not as a god.(smiling)

Jarid:we need an open place to do it.

Teacher:we can do it in the field.

Jarid:ok,let's go.

They walking toward the field.

Jarid looking at raizel.

Jarid(in mind):find you!

Raizel(in mind):let's see what will you do now.

They arrived in the field.

Jarid:i placed the creation magic material to all of yours body.You can use it now.

A student:you are amazing mr.Jarid.

Jarid:shut up and don't talk when i'm talking.

Raizel:don't show your anger to your students.

Jarid:i don't need permission from you to do anything.Know your place.

Raizel:unfortunately,i don't care about my place.You are here to teach them not to shut them.

Jarid:what will you do if i shut them?

Raizel:what do expect from me?


Raizel:then continue your lecture.

Jarid:creation magic basically used to establish a city,country or some other things.Try to use it on your own.

Teacher:divided in some team and continue your practise.


Aizis:i and raizel will teach you two to use creation magic.

Marco:ok but how we will start?

Raizel:Magic spells are imaginary based.In order to use a spell,you have to know the circle drewing system and then drew one.Since i placed the magic circle system to your brain,you just have to drew it.

Marco drew a magic circle and create a small castle.


Few minute passed.

Their class ended.

These four walking in the academy's corridor.

Raizel:creation isn't that much useful nowadays.

Aizis:these academy teaching lowly magic to the students.

Some suddenly appear in front of them and it's jarid.

Raizel:the teacher i mean the god of forest himself?

Jarid:indeed,i'm the god of forest is here to bury you and put an ending the threat of the supreme ruler raizel.

Raizel:threat?What is reason of my being a threat?

Jirad:haha you don't know?You are the only supreme ruler who has the potential to reach the level of absolute god.

Raizel:you gods already killed the absolute god and want to end the potential absolute god too?


Raizel teleported jirad,aizis and himself to the hidden universe.

Jirad:nice trick.

Raizel:sure it is.

Aizis:what are you planning to do?

Raizel:fight him.

Jirad drew a magic circle and summon large amount of plants.

Raizel:seal box open.

A large box opened and it sealed jirad.

Jirad:what the hell is this?

Raizel:since i can't beat you now so i take you here sealed you.You can't get out of here till i unseal it,no matter how strong you are.Your magic will be absorbed by me every single second.It will take one day to fully absorb it so wait till the time come then i will realese you.

Jarid:i will kill you once i get realesed.

Raizel:unfortunately when a god lost his powers,they die so you will too.

They teleport back to the academy.

Raizel:we are back.

Marco:i thought you guys are done for.

Raizel:hahaha we ain't going down so easily.

Marco:what happen to him?

Aizis:raizel sealed him.