Next road

Marco:good enough.

Raizel:hm but still overally you can't beat the lord of hell so...

Maria:that's not even close,no matter how strong we are but still jerks to the higher beings.

Raizel:exactly,your level depend on the writer who brought you in the story.However,it's not like that you are just will sit and wait for salvation.If you do then it will be dumbshit work.

Helestia:writer will do whatever he want but still we have to go ahead on our own way.

Raizel:whatever,i always wish to meet him atleast for once.

Maria:is it even possible?

Raizel:Nothing impossible in the world if the right person want it.

Maria:yeah and it's only possible if the writer want to meet you.

Raizel:exactly.i'm yet worth to meet him in person.

Marco:immortality,order and limitless battle,is that life of a god?

Raizel:i don't feel bad of that type of life honestly.

Maria:cause you are a fool.

Marco:hey,what was the name of the lord of hell again?

Raizel:lord of hell is Rasaki Madara.

Marco:maybe i heard of that name once somewhere.

Raizel:what?When did you?Where?

Marco:i forget but somewhere in zeldia,someone told his name is rasaki madara.

Raizel:find out if there anyone still in zeldia as rasaki madara.

Marco:leave it to me.

Raizel:well then,everyone leave.

All of them leave the castle via teleportation magic....

Raizel:hmm,it's seems like even bigger trouble is incoming toward us.

On the other hand maria reach to hell thanks to teleportation magic....

Whole environment is on fire so maria froze a large part of hell.

Maria:hm.Hell far bigger than even all of my creations combine so it's hard to froze whole hell,whatever i don't have to do that so that's not a matter for me now.Anyways where the castle of lord of hell is?Maybe i have to use my eyes of perception.

Maria activate her eyes of perception in an instant....

Maria:hmm,seems like it's existance isn't visible so it can't be seen by me via eyes of perception.I have to find it in person,damn.

Maria left the place in order to find the palace....

On the other hand,marco in zeldia's tower trying to find rasaki madara via his eyes of perception but fails after several attemps....

Marco:damn,as i was thoughts,it was him without a glance of doubts.So what was the reason of him coming here?Strange.Seems like have to inform raizel.

Marco drew a magic circle and teleported to the castle of zeldia and in raizel's throne room....

Raizel:he isn't there anymore right?

Marco:yeah as i guessed it was true.So there no doubt left that rasaki is the one who sealed your real body or related to the incident.

Raizel:there is a huge chance that he is the one manipulated arfanez to betray me.Should i ask maria to back?

Marco:i think you should left her in hell for a bit cause if she find something more then it will be a plus point for us.

Raizel:the hell too dangerous for her but her defence pretty good so i think she can easily take care of that.

Marco:but still if she fall in danger than it will be very hard for us rescue her since the hell lord stronger than you.Whatever.

Raizel:yeah leave her alone then.(in mind)I'm feeling bad of sending my friends there,dammit.

Aizis appear there via teleportation....

Aizis:emergency raizel,a large amount of dragon appear in the forest of zeldia,fire magic doesn't work on them so we have defeat them physically.The problem is they separated all round.

Raizel:hm,i handle this.

Raizel teleport away....

Aizis:what you will do?

Marco:maybe kill myself for fun.

Aizis:do that fool.


Aizis:anyways,i'm leaving.

Raizel appear in the sky of the forest.The forest completely destroyed because of those dragons.Raizel drew a magic circle and create a barrier between the forest and the country.Huge amount of inhabitants was in the last part of country.

Someone:what was that?

Another one:wait someone is flying there.

Someone:is that?It's king raizel sama.

Raizel flying in the sky....

Raizel:hmm,there is a huge amount of them huh.

Raizel create a huge amount of magic portal and use spell 'rain of sword'.Large amount magic sword come out from the portal and completely demolished whole dragon army in a matter of second....

Raizel:resistant to fire magic huh?So what,does it matter?You are nothing but a shit in front of me.

Raizel deactivate the barrier....

He teleport back to his castle where aizis was....

Raizel:that was doable bruh.

Aizis:true but what was the source of those dragon?

Raizel:yeah,someone summon them but he already buried along with those dragons.Maybe a homeless man lost his mind or something.

Aizis:maybe whatever.

Raizel:i won't let anyone tolerate malice in this realm.

Aizis:ya obviously you will slammed them badly.

Raizel:not a matter now.(via thoughts)Maria!

Maria(via thoughts):middle of road so shut up.

Raizel(via thoughts):stop disrespecting your master.

Maria(via thoughts):you are a shitty master.

Raizel(via thoughts)actually i am,anyways what happen?any news?

Maria(via thoughts)not yet but i guess their castle is invisible or maybe under some barrier so i have to find it in person.

Raizel(via thoughts):good,if you find it then inform me without a second thought.

Maria(via thoughts):got it.i'm going.

Raizel:where did marco go?

Aizis:he says he is going to kill his ownself.

Raizel:maybe some kind of delusion virus affect him.

Aizis:he is virus itself.he go vanish anytime and come back anytime,it.s not first time of him doing this.

Raizel:maybe he is doing his job as destruction ruler somewhere.

Aizis:haha,maybe he is.


Aizis:everyone says maria and marco equal in battle but what do you think?

Raizel:maria has her defensive advantage and marco has his powerful attacking advantage so maybe maria would end up win if they fought thanks to her defence.Her best defence is barrier of creation which is as durable as thousand of creation's.Her defence extremely closer to me.

Aizis:as creation god she create the barrier with thousand of creation fragments.It's not impossible for her.

Raizel:yeah,where's elesia and helestia go?

Aizis:maybe they are in a date.

Raizel(surprising):heh?they are dating,What the hell.

Aizis:yeah,they get closer in a few days,it seems like elesia find her partner finally.

Raizel:damn,i don't even know that haha.But why the hell they are going on a date in a time like that?

Aizis:i don't dislike it since we already fought many battle in a short period of time so they need some rest.

Raizel:hm logical though.But we are still virgin haha.

Aizis:i don't see anyone who can be match with you since you are extremely higher being.

Raizel:that's why i hate being too much stronger since it make others too much inferior to me.What about you?

Aizis:i don't need to marry,i'm permanent virgin haha.

Raizel:bruh!Enough small talk so you can go now man.

Aizis:ok boss ok.

In hell.Maria flying to find the place where the lord of hell camping.

Marco:damn,damn,damn.Stop camping you lowly insect shit.Why the hell they are so silent?

Someone suddenly appear infront of maria though he didn't saw maria neither find her presence.

It was the right hand man of the lord of hell,Rajis rasaki.

Maria(in mind):finally,it seems like i'm not seen to him.

Rajis:boring,i wanna cook that fooling protector of outer creations.I wonder when he will come here.

Maria(in mind):protector of creation,is he refering to raizel?Hm he says protector of outer creations that easily means raizel,you wanna cook him huh?Let's see what he says.

Rajis:lord rasaki says he already went to his hometown in order to kill the protector of outer creation but i wanna bury him by myself.

Maria(in mind):hm as we guessed,it was him.Maybe they already find out it.

Rajis start flying to north side.

Maria(in mind):have to follow him.

Maria start to follow him as well.

Maria(in thought):he isn't speaking some bullshit,with my eyes i can clearly say that he stronger than raizel.His hostile energy make me run away as far as i'm capable of running.If i consider of energy level then i would be around 20,raizel would be 120 and this guy around 150 so it's clear that who's the top one but why is raizel too weak compare to them when he has similar class level as hell and heaven lord,maybe because the size of hell and heaven is bigger so they superior too or not?

Rajis stop in middle of their.

A huge castle appear in front of them.

Maria(in mind):hmm so there is.It's crazy large.In term of size it's far higher than several thousand creations.What a castle damn.A creation has multiple world's structure and fragmential worlds which make it crazy bigger but the hell not even comparable to them.It's far bigger than all of my creations.

Rajis enter in the castle and maria following him as well....

A large hall in the begaining of the castle.Many room in both side was spotted.Rajis enter in a room where is throne but no one was there,rajis sit in the throne.

Maria(in mind):bruh,i have to find the lord of hell's throne room or.....Should i just go back?Since i figure out lord of hell's killing intense toward raizel so i should leave as i knew it.No,i have inform raizel first.

Maria(via thoughts):raizel!I have got find something.You have know it.