
Raizel(via thoughts):hm,tell me.

Maria tells raizel everything she saw in the hell.

Raizel(via thoughts):i see,we get what we need so head back to us.

Maria(via thoughts):got it.

Raizel(in mind):hell's structure isn't really same so there are many explaination with their existance and power system.We have no match in term of power,it's like hell is completely different existance.principles,mathmatical laws are created by the lord of hell himself just like how we create the law of our creations.Law can be manipulated by the writer himself,there are several level of writer and i'm in 3nd step of writers.like our creation for god like me doesn't considered as a god to regular inhabitants,in hell and heaven,no one care about their God or writer.maria,marco,aizis and elesia are supreme entity and only gods to normal inhabitants even though they are not visibly god to them but in hell,there are only two god exist as there only destruction and ending exist.hey known as the place of destruction and the true place for those who don't praise,respect and don.t obey god's order.god doesn.t mean me there,god means the one who wrote all the stories.we are just doing a job under the writer as an employee.An emplyee without any price,we are nothing but a heartless machine which don't even have his own freedom.What is the true meaning of freedom was hidden under the writer's order.An order to became the strongest,it might seems to be good but it cause countless war,bloodlust and limitless tragedies.No one want to go to hell so it's necessary for them to try to be the strongest,the attack of dragons was a simple example of that.Not even omnipotent god like hell lord rasaki and heaven lord can't resist the order of the true writer,for hell lord,it's like sinking in his own hole.However,it's the question that how does i manage to learn that much?How does i have emotions?Yeah the answar isn't too hard to understand,it must be a question that how does i get that far when others doesn't have the surity of staying in regular creations and not being sinked into the abyss of hell.unlike others who must obey the order of the writer otherwise they will be sinked into the abyss of hell.Why does everyone has the great intense of obeying the rules of god?The answar is simply because it's a law however there is no law exist and will never exist i must obey since i'm the chaos itself and the one destroy everything.It happen simply because the writer give the power of resisting laws in any story including the story made by him.I never blame my opponent for having too much intense in becaming better and higher.One might confused why aizis,marco,maria,elesia and helestia doesn't have to intense of becaming as higher as me.Why would they,the simple fact is i never consider them as my subordinate from my soul so they no need to climb higher simply because our path is completely different.On their own path,they already climb the highest level.Is there anything above being ruler of different type of facts and existance.In the story of the true writer,i'm special entity but somehow i'm no longer a tool of the true writer's amusement.Even if every gods transcent the concept of space,time and every other concepts,for example maria created so much creation that beyond our concept yet she can't resist it but i did transcent space,time and every type of concept but also can resist it so i'm special without a doubt.

Raizel:complicated huh?

Maria was there already.

Aizis:complicate what?


Aizis:hmm.What should we do now?

Raizel:i need some time to realize something so i wanna be narcissistic for a bit.



Maria:give me a rest now.

Aizis:i think you should go on a date with someone just like elesia and helestia did.

Maria:it's not first time for them.Whatever,i have no interesting in anyone.

Aizis:hm i know who do you interested to.

Maria:who am i interested to though?

Aizis:you are interested to...,just kidding,nevermind.

Raizel:give it a rest.


Maria:gotta leave now.

Maria and aizis left the palace via teleportation....

Raizel:i don't see any meaning of going on a date lol.They all are wasting a lot of time for no reason in vain.Love is meaningless after all.fact that people refuse to accept.

Raizel drew a magic circle and vanished from throne.Raizel appear in his own room.Raizel jump onto the bed.

Raizel:haah.I'm really overdoing nowadays.It's not matter now for me.I wanna kill those damn lords.They have no right to reach that high level.

Several days had passed.Raizel and others doing their job in zeldia.What was the reason for them to not attack the hell?Why would they when there is no reason to attack them but it's only raizel's thought.Is there several reason for the hell lord to attack them but it's mystory that the hell lord and his army yet to attack zeldia.Is there a trick behind it?Definetly there is but it's not easy to figure out their planning that easily.However,raizel trying to find out if they are planning to sneak attack what he shouldn't let happen.There is a law for hell lord is that he can't leave from hell,not for a second so he might send rajis in order to finish raizel permanently.It was an hypothetical thinking of raizel and there huge possibility to happen this in person so raizel and others gather in the zeldia king's castle....

Aizis:so is this final decision?

Raizel:i don't see any other way to save the creation.

Maria:isn't it too risky for you handle them alone?

Raizel:it's not like I can defeat them in zeldia for sure.there is lesser chance of my winning over them.since the afterline lord killed by the heaven Lord long ago so I can camp there if I want.even if a fight break and cause huge destruction,it will not be a matter in afterline since the afterline infinite time bigger than even hell.afterline has the highest level in term of size between hell,heaven and the creation.it doesn't have the same mathematical structure as regular worlds from the creation.words from afterline can be as large as creation so it's not even comparable.I will get better winning condition since I don't have to hold back there.Going to afterline might be make me alone but i have no regret to sacrifice anything for the sake of my own worlds and creation.And the time is too slow that it reversed in afterline so i can advantages by speed up the reversing law.The speed reversed so unlike regular time when night come after morning in a day,in afterline morning come after night simply because it reversed and the reversing speed around 10 time higher than regular time.I'm not only break laws but can manipulate them as well.If the hell king can't then his subordinates also can't break the laws of writer.My existance isn't in zeldia but in beyond absolute god's realm so as a story writer of the story of lower layers like supreme ruler's realm and others,i'm simply higher than them as it's fiction from outside and reality only exist beyond the absolute god's that makes reality higher than fiction,it's not like similar but it's like everyone from lower layers are nothing but a fiction to me.Fiction can never be better than reality.

Maria:is afterline just a realm like hell?

Raizel:no,afterline is an area that encompasses countless realm or worlds.There is a layer system there just like the world of endless Darkness.The level of law became stronger in every layer which keep into the deep of abyss.Not only time reverse there,unlike our creation where higher level existance keep getting upper layer,in afterline it getting deeper not upper and unlike our creation where level of demons like muzan can reach absolute god's realm,not even god's like baren can get that deeper of afterline.I can get into last and final layer of afterline but i'm sure medium type inhabitants can't reach that deeper of the afterline simply because the law too much for them and they can't resist the law.There is a selected magical Level inhabitants can get that deeper so...

Maria:hmm but would you be ok in that deeper layer?

Raizel:i'm pretty sure about that so don't worry.

Elesia:so you are planning to take everything alone.We won't disturb you in order for your own benefit.

Raizel:damn right.

Marco:you meant there is no fragmetial world and only layer type world?

Raizel:didn't you get it yet?Pity.The fragmential system is layer in our word.in our creation,when we teleport in absolute god's realm then we get outside of fragments but in afterline,you have to get inside of fragments in order to get higher level.In every layer,there Is a castle of fragments where countless fragments placed except the highest layer but the fragment amount get lowered in every layer if you keep getting lower but still the deepest layer has infinite amount of fragments.It's sefarating in every layer and getting their own fragments even if it in the same place.Afterline has no inhabitants but the afterline lord create story for every single layer.I don't know why the hell he did this lol.

Maria:he was in a delusion maybe.

Marco:just like the hell lord who want to kill raizel without revealing the reason.What a pityful fool.

Raizel:better than you.