
Raizel(By thoughts):Yes.Tell me,what's going on.

Maria tells Raizel everything she saw in the hell.

Raizel(By thoughts):I see,we get what we need so head back to us.

Maria(By thoughts):got it.

Raizel(in mind):hell's structure isn't really same as us so there are has to be huge amount of information about their existence and power system.We have no match in term of power,it's like hell is completely different existence that isn't even related to the creation.principles,mathmatical laws are created by the lord of hell himself just like how we create the laws for our own creation.Law can be manipulated by the writer himself as well as us,There are several layer of writers and i'm currently one of the highest tier writer al around.like our creation where ruler like me doesn't considered as a ruler to regular inhabitants,in hell and heaven,no one care about their God or writer.Maria,Marco,Aizis and Elesia are supreme entity and only gods to normal inhabitants even though they are not visibly god to them but in hell,there are only a single god exist,it's the lord of hell himself.he known as the place of destruction and the true place for those who don't praise,respect and don.t obey god's order.God should be meant to be the true one who controls everything all around but people believes god as those who control the natural and further others attributes.In reality,god means the one who wrote all the stories.we are just doing a job under the writer as an employee.An employee without any price,we are nothing but a heartless machine which don't even have his own freedom.We only desire a single thing and it's to be the best.An order to became the strongest.It might seems to be good but it cause countless war,bloodlust and limitless tragedies.No one want to go to hell so it's necessary for them to try to be the strongest,the attack of dragons was a simple example of that.Not even omnipotent god like hell lord Rasaki and heaven lord should be able to resist the order of the true writer,for hell lord,it should be like sinking in his own world.However,it's the question that how in the world they manage to resist it?How does they have emotions?Yeah the answar isn't too hard to understand,it must be a question that how does they get that far when others doesn't have the surity of staying in regular creations and not being sinked into the abyss of hell.unlike others who must obey the order of the writer otherwise they will be sinked into the abyss of hell,why does they are capable of surviving the great calamity that is destroying whole creation?The answar is simply because the great calamity is something that puts a heavy effect on mortal and sacred beings which ultimately force them to show a great intention.However,the reason of their able to resist it because they are the special beings who got the power to resist the foolish intension to ascend higher.It happened because the writer simply gave them the power of resisting laws in any story including the story create by him.I can never blame my opponent for having too much intension of becaming better and ascending into the higher worlds.One might confused why Aizis,Marco,Maria,Elesia and Helestia doesn't come have to intense of becaming as higher as me.Why would they,the simple fact is that i never consider them as my subordinate from my soul so they don't have any reason to climb higher simply because our path is completely different.On their own path,they already reached the highest level.Is there anything above being ruler of your own path?In the story of the true writer,we're special entity but somehow i'm no longer a tool of the true writer's amusement.Even if every gods transcent the concept of space and time and every single concepts,they yet to resist the ultimate spell of intension.For example maria created so much creations that is beyond our concept yet she can't resist it but we did transcend the concept of space and time and every type of concept but also can resist it so we're special without a doubt.

Raizel[in mind]:That's quite a show that i'm withnessing for a long time.But what certainly make me feels like i can stop them?

Maria teleported back to here right that time

Aizis:What should we do now?

Raizel:i need some time.Can you guys leave me alone for a bit time?

Aizis:Do as you wish.

Maria:Let's go for now,Aizis.

Maria and Aizis left the palace by teleportation.

Raizel:How am i suppose to stop them?How????I can never get any higher than this.I can never reach my goal.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Raizel screams loudly.Tears comes out from his eyes.

Raizel:I'm worthless,i'm always worthless.I can never be good enough to achieve anything ever,ever and ever.

An strange voice appeared to be heard.

Stranger voice:You are giving up already?Ridiculous.Come to think,the ruler of very sacred creation is giving up so easily,what a shame.I knew it,you are foolish worthless tool.You can never be a true and perfect existence.You foolish,selfish and worthless and will always be.That being says,mortals like you will always suffer to the very end.You did never win and will never.You'll suffer,you'll cry,you'll scream but at the end,nothing going to change.The world will never change,you'll be described as a failure,you are nothing but a failure.You are tool of the writer,you are a tool.You are nothing but a tool.

Raizel:[loudly]Stop!I will never stop,i will achieve what i want to.I will do it at any cost.No one can stop me,I will never give up.You'll see it soon enough.

Stranger voice:Then show me,what the very ruler of the creation can actually do.I will wait till the very end,and i wish you to be successful in your mission,Heartless warrior.

Raizel:That's right.I will do it,i will do it at any cost.[smiles]

Several days had passed.Raizel and others doing their job own in zeldia.What was the reason for them to not attack the hell?The very reason is simply because Raizel simply wanted to wait further longer.But it's still mystery that the hell lord and his army yet to attack zeldia.Is there a trick behind it?Definetly there is but it's not easy to figure out their planning that easily.Regardless their capability,the hell lord bounded by writer's certain spell.The spell that was completely preventing the ruler of hell from leaving the hell and charging over other rulers.However,his army wasn't bounded at all,so he simply send Rajis to finish off Raizel and the creation and that was completely hypothetical prediction of Raizel so he and others gather in zeldia king's castle in an emergency urge.

Aizis:so is this your final decision?

Raizel:i don't see any other way than this one/

Maria:isn't it too risky for you to take care of them alone?

Raizel:it's not like I can defeat them in zeldia for sure.There is even lesser chance of my winning over them.since the afterline lord killed was by the heaven Lord long ago so I can stop by there if I want.even if a fight break and cause huge destruction,i believe it's not going to be truly a matter.The creation will always be safe after all.I'll keep it safe at any cost.

Aizis:I wish you'll be ok at all.So be careful in your way.And also,don't worry about the creation,we'll protect it at any cost.

Maria:I know you'll be the winner at the end,so be careful and go ahead.Don't be too much reckless.

Raizel:i'm pretty sure about that so don't worry.

Aizis[in mind]:No matter how much we ask you,you'll never take it.As always,you are reckless and keep leading your life in the way of danger.

Elesia:so you are planning to take everything alone.We can't and will never disturb you.Everything will be following the path you want to choose.

Raizel:Yeah,i'm well aware of that.

Marco:I heard rumors that the afterline got completely different structure than the creation.You have any idea about that?

Raizel:Yeah i know.Unlike us where we can descend to lower worlds or ascending to higher worlds by teleporting to the very fragment world,they does have infinite amount of floors.Every floor having infinite amount of library that is holding infinite amount of books and stories inside it with a number of non individual infinite.The stories and libraries scattered all around to all the away of lower worlds.For example,if we are talking about the most shallow layer tjhen,a story from a book goes down all the way to lower worlds and got infinite amount of floors on it.Same goes for every story that exist in the afterline regardless floor level.And every story that exist in afterline simply created by the afterline lord himself.The unexpected matter is that,even though it's known as afterline,it does have zero inhabitant on it.The afterline simply created for the rulers of hell,heaven or the creations.But since not a single one of them died as of now,the afterline is currently completely empty.

Maria:Quite interesting indeed.But why did he even created all these stories?I'm really curious.

Marco:You know anything about that,Raizel?

Raizel:I've heard a rumor even though i'm not really interested about that.