The Mutant Beauty Family

"However, with so many mutants, there shouldn't be much danger, right?" Alex couldn't help but interject, "With so many mutants?! Aren't you all very powerful? Zombies don't attack you proactively, and with your strong combat abilities, you should be able to live well in this apocalyptic world."

"That's not the case!" Lansiruo quickly corrected, "Although we mutants have significant advantages over ordinary people and aren't attacked by regular zombies, mutant zombies become extremely frenzied when they see us! So, we are actually not safer than ordinary people."

"I was nearly killed by a group of long-clawed mutant zombies. It was them who saved me!" Lansiruo added.

"And they also taught me how to fight!"

"I've been really happy spending time with them..."

"This is how it happened..." Cat-eared girl Lansiruo began to recount her story to Alex: