The Desperate Mutant Beauties

"Let it be, don't trouble these kids anymore. They didn't choose to become like this. Besides, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have such a good shelter," someone finally stood up to speak for them in the crowd.

It was Kangkang's mother, a kind and gentle middle-aged woman.

"These beasts should go find food for us, shouldn't they?" the tattooed man spoke again, "From now on, you must go out every day to find food for us! Otherwise, we will kill you beasts and cook your meat!"

After saying this, the tattooed man pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Kangkang, making a "biu~~" gesture.

Even Kangkang, who always had a good temper, couldn't stand this humiliation. He suddenly stood up, his hands revealing tiger claws!

"Try moving again!" At this moment, a young man sitting behind Kangkang's mother smirked with a knife against her, "I heard you're very filial. Today, I want to see if this old tiger spirit of yours is really filial!"