No More Parliament Starting Today!

An hour later, the playground outside the command center was already packed with people. Under Alex's command, everyone in the shelter put down their work and gathered on the playground. A podium had been set up on the playground according to Alex's instructions, complete with a microphone and sound equipment.

Several enthusiastic senators actively maintained order in the crowd, while Guangbei Jia, assuming the role of a host, stood on the podium, delivering what she thought were stirring and inspiring clichés.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Fellow citizens! In this exciting moment, I, on behalf of the parliament, bow deeply to pay tribute to the comrades who sacrificed themselves to defend our shelter!"

"At the same time, I want to thank the wise leadership and command of the various leaders in the parliament! It is only because of the wise command of the leaders in the parliament that we could not so easily defeat the zombie tide!"