Disobedience? Death!

Abolishing the council, what does that mean?

It means a complete overhaul of all the systems in the Base Shelter!

It means Alex will have absolute power alone!

This is no different from being a tyrant, it's like a sovereign ruler with no constraints or balance!

Alex controls both decision-making and military power with no limitations or checks!

This is essentially becoming a tyrant!

More importantly, Alex ensures that senators and ordinary civilians enjoy equal treatment!

What does that mean?!

How can these clever people who like to exploit loopholes not understand the deeper meaning!?

To enjoy equal treatment means that these senators will no longer have any special status, no special treatment.

No different from ordinary civilians!

No special food supply!

No special living conditions!

No power or authority whatsoever!

In other words, from now on, they are just ordinary civilians!