Women Without Rights

When Alex's figure reappeared, he was already inside the Magic Capital Aquarium Shelter.

Because the precision of teleportation wasn't very high, the first location Alex teleported to turned out to be an open space.

Immediately, Alex performed another teleportation.

This time, he appeared in a small room.

Perhaps the Eushen skill played a role; this location was quite favorable.

Alex cautiously checked the surroundings. It seemed to be a utility room with only a few items left.

Walking to the window, he looked outside.

Facing the entrance was a large square, where two armored vehicles and three tanks were parked. Several fully armed city defense team soldiers leaned against the tanks, chatting.

Their equipment was identical to that of Ke Wenhua and his group. The tank numbers were also similar to those owned by Ke Wenhua and others.

It seemed that they were indeed part of the same city defense team as Ke Wenhua.