The Enigmatic White Whale Pavilion

At this moment, one of the middle-aged men swimming in the water emerged, holding a bikini-clad beauty with swaying snow-white bosoms. He frowned, glanced disapprovingly at the middle-aged man with the large belly, and said, "Captain Lu, such excellent sashimi, isn't it a waste to feed it to the dogs?"

The middle-aged man with the large belly disdainfully looked at the returning swimmer and retorted, "What do you understand? Without these women, would our days still be so enjoyable? Hiding in this damn place every day, do you really think without women, everyone can live peacefully?"

The just-landed middle-aged man was left speechless by the question. He shook his head helplessly, picked up an oyster from the table, and took a bite.

"Damn it, I've been eating seafood for so long that I've had diarrhea for two days."