
"So you're from the Special Ability Squad!" The group realized, their eyes lighting up. "We've also encountered the Demon Insect Tribe. If we join forces, we can definitely take them down."

"In that case, please lead the way," Alex and Addison agreed with nods.


The group collectively agreed and then hurried toward the northeast.

After about half an hour, Alex and the others finally arrived at their destination, a dense forest with trees that blocked out the sky. The foliage was so thick that it was impossible to discern any clear direction.

"This is our base?" Alex looked around in astonishment. The place seemed desolate and uninhabitable.

"That's right."

Aiken nodded and said, "We didn't send many members this time, only about three hundred. These Demon Insects are very strong, so we need to be cautious."

"What do we need to do?" Alex asked.