West District School

"Ding! Detected that the host is under attack by the Demon Insect Tribe. System upgrade complete. Reward: 10,000 Apocalypse Coins."

"Ding! For each Demon Insect killed by the host, 1,000 Apocalypse Coins will be rewarded, and the Sin City can be upgraded."

"The system upgrade is complete? This upgrade couldn't have come at a better time!" Alex was overjoyed, feeling an immense sense of relief.



The dozen or so Demon Insects hissed and roared at Alex and Addison, their scarlet tongues flicking menacingly. Their bloodthirsty eyes gleamed with a violent coldness, exuding an extreme killing intent.

"These creatures are all at the peak of innate cultivation, and there are so many of them. A frontal assault will surely end in defeat. We have to use strategy," Alex thought, quickly making a decision.