Chapter 194 – Isabella’s Anguish



"Near Sinsa Station, an S-class monster appears. Assistance requested!"

A grotesque, 3-meter-tall beast, its white, bloated body resembling a drowned corpse, emerges from the gravitational waves, prowling the streets of Seoul. Yet rather than fleeing in fear, people were busy capturing footage of the creature. Despite the monster's power to easily kill dozens of people, the crowd seemed unconcerned.

"Wow, that must be a monster."

"It's so ugly."

"What's its rank? B-tier?"

There's one reason for this lack of concern: this is happening in the heart of Seoul. If a monster appears, hunters who would jump out of bed at the mere mention of "monster attack!" are lined up, ready to swoop in. Even though this particular monster has grown considerably powerful, enough to break through gravitational waves, more people are wary of B-tier villains.

Some believe that the name "monster" evokes a sense of ignorance, leading experts to suggest changing the term to better reflect the creatures' true nature.

Citizens tend to be more frightened of 'villains' because they insidiously infiltrate society and cause direct harm.

This is similar to why, in modern society, people are more afraid of madmen or murderers than tigers or lions. The commonality between magical beasts and tigers is that they are rarely seen by ordinary people with their naked eyes.

"A response from Ethol Academy's 'White Devil'! It will arrive in 30 seconds."

"Bind it with restraint equipment!"

Instead of a Taser gun, the police subdue the magical beast using a special firearm that launches a net, called a net gun. It's a protocol for dealing with magical creatures. Most of these creatures are rendered immobile with just this level of force.

However, S-class magical beasts are different. With a mere flick of its elongated arm, it tore through the net, which had become as hard as steel as it stretched.

"Wow~ The magical beast is powerful."

"Did you capture it?"

"It came out really well, right?"

As citizens chat leisurely outside the police line,

A white figure with cascading silver hair descends upon the head of the S-class magical beast.


All that remained was a deep pit and traces of the monster's lifeless body.


Policewoman Shin Kyung-ah blankly stared at the scene before her and then radioed in.

"S-class monster, neutralized."

It had taken 4 seconds.

Even if the White Devil hadn't arrived, the hunters would have likely taken care of it.

Unlike villains, the bounty on monsters was valuable. When a gold ingot appeared in the heart of Seoul, the one who picked it up would be considered the owner, and people would rush in like mad to claim it.

However, hunters generally didn't cooperate with the police and would 'haphazardly' dispose of the corpses, causing residents' protests to continue unabated.

As such, it was standard procedure for a hero to step forward and work together with the police to resolve the situation.

"It's the White Devil."

"Wow. She really is a high school girl."

"She's beautiful but also fierce."

"It's my first time seeing her in person."

Even if a hero caused some damage to the cityscape, people would still be pleased, exclaiming, "This is where the White Devil landed."

Such a positive image was exemplified by many heroes, and today, Isabella, the student council president of Ethol Academy, was representative of that ideal.

As the mask of the full-body integrated masterpiece, the Devil Suit, was removed, Isabella's bare face was revealed.

Policewoman Shin Kyung-ah marveled at the sight.

'A girl younger than me... truly defeated such a massive monster... in just one strike...'


The performance could be summarized in that single word.

"What's the extent of the damage?"

"Two witnesses, both women, are critically injured. According to the doctor, their chances of survival are slim."


Even as everyone exclaimed, "Wow!" and praised the White Devil,

The appearance of the demonic beast implied that someone had perished.

When enemies are scarce, ten people die daily; on the worst days, up to a hundred people meet their demise. Yet, despite the constant loss of life, those gathered here remain indifferent.

It's just an ever-present occurrence.

And they simply believe it has nothing to do with them, the ones who took to the streets today.

"Understood. I'll proceed to the next area."

"Ah, and the demonic essence... Shall we retrieve it all as per usual?"

The demonic essence dropped by the beasts emerging from the gravitational wave is of exceptionally high quality.

Individuals cannot fully absorb it in its entirety, but even a portion can substantially enhance the masterpiece. It's a rare opportunity.

"Yes, indeed."

However, Isabella has always declined such opportunities. Even though Shin Kyung-ah knows this, she persists in asking. Everyone, not just Shin Kyung-ah, is puzzled by Isabella's refusal.

And then…


Isabella turned her back.

"This time, please take care of it."

"Ah. Really?! Yes!!"

Shin Kyung-ah's expression brightened considerably. She now has a story to share with her seniors upon her return.

'I thought she was a unique hero... but she's just like me.'

Isabella, lost in thought, gazed at the fallen Masu River.

'…My sister, whom I reunited with after five years, was so strong.'

To that extent.

She could never have imagined the gap would be this vast.


Did she lack a sense of urgency because people hailed her as the ultimate hero? Perhaps. There are an innumerable number of villains concealed within Korea.

Isabella believed she couldn't capture them all, but she was confident she could triumph even if she had to battle every one of them. Her father had always told her that she possessed a divine talent, and she firmly believed in his words. Of course, she had made an effort to hone her skills.

Yet, she never felt desperate.

Had her sister ever felt such desperation? What thoughts crossed her mind as she reduced fifty thousand people to ashes? The more her curiosity intensified, the more Isabella yearned to meet her sister and discuss these matters.

'I must become stronger...'

Isabella believed she already possessed ample power. When she first became a hero, she had taken control of the Magic River. Her actions led some to say, "That hero monopolizes the Magic River, taking on other people's tasks while hoarding the power for herself." Such criticisms were incessant, but she remained unshaken by them.

Before Isabella gained her current renown, she had faced immense envy and jealousy from her peers—especially from the beautiful and accomplished girls at her school. This animosity had even manifested as acts of terror against her.

And so she refused to yield.

At that time, the fierce Isabella seemed to be yelling out to the world. "Had enough? Shut up!" Using only the magical power she had acquired within the academy, Isabella had enhanced her masterpiece. She had fought villains.

She had never lost.

Was it due to the audacious yet overwhelming star quality of the rookie hero? Isabella had swiftly become the most famous hero in Seoul.

'But then…'

She had been defeated.

Xenovia was strong.

An S-class villain hidden in the shadows could be even more powerful. The thought sent shivers down her spine. After realizing how futilely she had been protecting something that could be so easily destroyed, Isabella grew greedy.

More, more.

Faster than anyone else, she would swiftly eliminate whatever it was before it could inflict even one more wound. As the "ruthless punisher."

"What should we do with the Magic River, Hero?" asked a voice.

"Bring it to me."

… Never again.

'I won't let you hurt me again.'

Isabella's determination blazed like a fire. Today, the magical power within her seemed to be in an uproar.

The Academy had granted permission for first- and second-year students to support gravitational wave amplification devices for several weeks, consequently increasing the frequency of gravitational waves in the streets.

This was all thanks to the exceptional performances of Isabella and Kim Sang-hyuk. In response, a significant number of police personnel and heroes were deployed.

'During this period, if any problems arise, people will talk. They'll say the residents are being put at risk because of the academy students.'

However, when the Academy students achieved such noteworthy accomplishments, these restrictions were somewhat eased. As a result, students now have the chance to encounter an incredible dungeon filled with opportunities. For some, meeting a demonic merchant could change the course of their lives.


Isabella resumed her movement. It was at that moment.



The monstrous beast, thought to have been defeated, resurrected and rose once more! Isabella swiftly struck with her fist, blasting the creature away without leaving a trace. But its horrifying form did not crumble like flowing water, and it managed to seize Isabella.

"We will have our revenge. We…"


The voice was chilling and grotesque.

A direct warning from the Villain Alliance?

Isabella, with a hint of irritation, struck the creature once more with her arm, scattering it to pieces.

"Hero! Are you alright?"

The police arrived late to investigate, but the beast, which had already turned into a puddle on the ground, didn't move an inch.

"I'm fine."

"What was that? A warning from the Villain Alliance?"

"They're likely panicking after losing their leader. There's no need to worry."

"Of course! I saw it with my own eyes; you were full of life and vigor. No villain could survive against you."


Indeed, she had no choice but to be resilient.

Isabella had been defeated once. She engraved that fact in her memory time and time again.

For the next time, it must be a villain who lies defeated on the ground.


Isabella noticed a peculiar fact while traveling through various regions.

'…Is there a hero who deals with beasts and villains at a speed similar to mine?'

Oddly enough, traces of such a hero were discovered near the forbidden zone.

Could they be walking a tightrope without realizing how dangerous the area is?

Feeling a touch of resentment and curious about who could match her pace, Isabella began tracking the enigmatic hero.

'Who could it be?'

Having discovered the second clue, Isabella poured her energy into the pursuit.

She felt she would find them soon.

After all, it wasn't as if this person were skilled at erasing their tracks while moving.

'I must stop this hero if they're challenging the forbidden zone.'

This speed was anything but ordinary.

It was as if they were carefully yet decisively peeling away the outer shell of the forbidden zone, destroying it, and advancing further.

This appeared to have been going on not just for a single day but for several.

'I've found them.'

Isabella's analysis proved correct.

The unidentified hero was exploring the forbidden zone alone. Not a villain, but their actions were still unlawful.

A small, slender girl with a deeply pulled-down gray hood was walking somewhere.

Isabella blocked her path.


"Why are you exploring the forbidden zone?"

"Student Council President."

Although surprised, the girl didn't let it show.

The thought had already crossed her mind that the other person might be a student.


Quintia, daughter of the sword master.

With features resembling her mother, the red-haired beauty, medium-length hair, delicate frame, and a doll-like appearance...

It was baffling to think that she, who should have emerged victorious in the exchange match and earned more praise than anyone else at the academy, was now wandering the forbidden territory like a ghost.

"I heard she was definitely going abroad."

"It's not the chairman's business. Please step aside."

"I can't."

Since they had encountered an academy student here, they had to put a stop to exploring the restricted area—be it curiosity or something else.

"Do you not know what happens to those who are curious about the forbidden realms?"

"You should be aware that most villains or gravitational waves aren't a problem for me."


'What is she searching for so desperately?'


There wasn't much that came to mind. Isabella was indeed curious about Quintia, the brightest talent in their freshman year, but

They didn't know each other.

"It's a problem that you're here, capturing a villain and unraveling the gravitational wave mystery."

"I'm not doing this for mere amusement or curiosity. This matter holds great significance for me."

"…Important matter?"

"I cannot disclose it to you. This is my burden to bear. So, please... step aside."

Quintia unsheathed her sword.

Isabella felt a considerable amount of tension. Quintia's skills had already surpassed those of an academy student.

What could possibly be driving her to wander these parts? Even for Quintia, investigating the forbidden realm would entail enormous risks.

At that moment, an urgent call came through on Isabella's Hero app.


"Please pretend you never saw me. I implore you."

"Once a day. Report your survival to the student council room. If you fail to do so, I will come searching for you immediately."


It was an unyielding gaze.

'In Korea, where everyone lives relatively peacefully, is she truly risking her life to explore the forbidden realm?'

It's not an endeavor worthy of commendation. The fact that she managed to survive without succumbing to a tragic fate speaks volumes about the magnitude of Quintia's abilities.

It seemed like someone should intervene, but...


She appeared to be on a course that no one could halt.

"Don't feel wronged. After all, it was you heroes who initiated this."

As Quintia departed, Zenobia's words echoed in their minds.

'…Was it truly us who started this first?'
