Chapter 195 – Yuuna’s Broken Heart

Who will venture into the highest-ranked dungeon?

Based on everyone's reaction, it became clear who was qualified.

"I'd prefer the Onahole Squad. Sir."

"Kim Sang-hyuk is indeed acknowledged."

"D Sang-hyuk!"

They all seem to know something.

'Onahole' has already become a concept akin to "Kim Sang-hyuk's delightful contraption" in our second year.

Of course, it was the male students who were active, while the female students gathered among themselves, giggling.

"I'm embarrassed…"

Yuuna lowers her head, her cheeks flushed red.

"Are you ashamed of the Onahole?"

"I'm embarrassed."

Henna simply couldn't stand the spotlight and hid behind my back, shivering.

"Will you be alright, Sang-hyuk?"

"Yes, we'll handle it."

Deherit was looking at me, frowning disapprovingly.

Well, whatever. You've got 210,000 to your name.

For your information, my market valuation coin is $590,000. I'm the most expensive man in the D-class.

"A D-class leader, huh? That's unusual."

"Don't you know D. Sang-hyuk?"

"They say he's purposely staying in Class D."

Such an unusual situation doesn't exist!!

Regardless, with the support of the entire second year, we managed to enter the most enticing dungeon.


Yuuna happily hums to herself.

"You like it that much?"

"Of course. Let's make a fortune!"

Together, we enter through the gravitational waves.

Inside the gravitational waves was a cave.

'It feels familiar.'

I immediately took out the Glock and surveyed the surroundings with a Surefire. It was a stalactite cave, where warm humidity was maintained.

Starting at the deepest part of the cave... how peculiar.

"Sang-hyuk, I'll light it up for you."

A blue flame rose from Henna's hand.

It was the witch's flame I witnessed during the exchange battle.

Did she create it using her own skills?

The cave brightened up.


My beautiful girlfriend, with black hair and green eyes, smiled even more radiantly.

I couldn't resist and immediately clung to Henna's body, sucking at the back of her head.

"Everyone is alright with diving, right?"

"In good condition."

"Haaah… I'm okay…"

"What are you two doing?"

While I fondled my girlfriend's breast.

"Yes… Sang-hyuk…"

*Rubbing, rubbing.*

Henna didn't resist, pressing her buttocks against my erect cock.

As soon as we entered the dungeon, it was time to get intimate with my girlfriend!


"Yuuna, come here."

"As soon as we entered the dungeon, I became a pervert. Our boyfriend…"

"You said you liked having a perverted boyfriend."

"I did, but, huh!? Hmm, we need to fight properly, right?"

I tightly embraced the petite Yuuna and kissed her, our tongues intertwining.

At the academy, we indulge in whatever we desire.

I caressed Yuuna's soft buttocks and unabashedly rubbed my erect cock against her.

"…Churup… Chuup…"

Yuuna clung to my neck, her head tilted back, as if I were taking advantage of her mouth.

Not hiding my desires, I pressed my lips against pretty Yuuna's, our tongues continuously entwining, sucking each other's mouths.

"Mmm… Chup… Ah… Huh… I feel strange... Please stop…"

"Henna, you should go braless in the dungeon."


Henna nodded.

Her sweat-drenched full-cup bra was confiscated.

And just like that, I began to massage Henna's ample bosom.


While sucking gently on Henna's lips, I kneaded her breasts. The Academy Dungeon life, starting with tender caresses and playful suckling, wasn't too bad. As if devouring the ever-enticing and shy Henna by my side, I passionately intertwined our tongues while massaging her bountiful breasts. My arousal surged, and I knew I had to do something about it. We'd definitely have to make love once this was over.

"Shall we get going?"

"Yes. If you want, you can touch me anytime."

It was as if a system message rang out in the air.

(Kim Sang-hyuk has acquired healing, with sizable breasts in his grasp!)

"But where are we? Sang-hyuk, did you take a look around with your own eyes?"

"There seem to be many enemies, but I couldn't pinpoint their location."

"Even with your eyes, you couldn't determine their exact positions? That must mean there are quite a few of them."

It must be a B-rank dungeon, after all. Yuuna was the first to draw her weapon, Yukihime, and lead the way.

"Let's go."

The witch's lantern, illuminating the inside of the cave, followed us. I, too, used the Surefire attached to my Glock to illuminate the cave's depths, allowing Yuuna to see far into the distance.

"There's a swamp up ahead."

Yuuna halted abruptly.

"A swamp?"

Within the cave, a swamp stretched before her. Although its depth was impossible to gauge, the Sure Fire's light revealed that the swamp continued for 30 meters ahead. Jumping across was out of the question.

"The ceiling!"

Yuuna spotted the foe first. With a swift swipe of her sword, she severed the white monster that had cautiously poked its head out. I immediately aimed my Glock at the next white creature that lunged forward and pulled the trigger.

*Bang bang bang bang!*

A caterpillar, as thick as a human torso, fell to the ground, its body riddled with holes. Its legs, resembling spines, twitched violently.


Yuuna, startled, stared at the now-dead creature.


It wasn't over yet. More insects were descending!

"Henna, can you shine the light above?"


Henna adjusted the position of the witch's lantern, and I began firing at all the caterpillars clinging to the ceiling.

[Tactical Shooting]

I discarded two or three magazines, each containing 15 rounds, and continued to shoot. Their numbers were overwhelming.

The creature elongated its body like an earthworm and lunged its mouth toward us. Was it attempting to grab our arms or heads and drag us into the swamp?

"We're surrounded!"

"Ah! No! No, no, no, no!"

Yuuna was in a panic.

In that moment, she remembered she couldn't stand repulsive creatures.

Overcome with fear, she hid behind Henna.

"Yuuna! What will you do if you hide?"

"It's okay. I'll protect you!"

Henna bravely deflected the caterpillar-like creature's attacks with her intangible magical shield, buying us time. In the meantime, I shot and killed all the creatures with my reinforced Glock.

Your level has increased.

Did we succeed?

The onslaught of the creatures had ceased, but upon seeing the writhing remnants of the caterpillar-like monsters on the ground, Yuuna clung to me.


"Yuuna. Calm down."

"I hate them. Hate them. Hate them. I really can't stand those things. I really can't! I want to leave. I want to use the teleportation charm. I…!"

"First, take a deep breath. Deep breath."

Yuuna clung to me tightly, as if pleading not to let her go, seeking solace in my embrace.

Our embrace brought back memories of the first time we met.

"Don't worry. I've caught them all."

I patted her reassuringly.

"Really? You caught all of them?"

"Yes, I did."

"*Sob*… I really hate bugs."

"If any more appear, I'll catch them for you."

I noticed that a knife had fallen to the floor as well.

Yuuna continued to sob, rubbing her cheeks against my chest.

Even a frightened Yuuna was adorable.

"Should I pick up the knife? Hmm?"

"Just a little longer..."

She had become incredibly clingy.

While Henna surveyed the swamp, I comforted Yuuna.

She clung to me, as if begging for a kiss.

"Sang-hyuk… *smooch*… Sang-hyuk… *smooch*… *gulp*…"

"I killed all those scary bugs."

"Thank you so much..."

"How on earth do you touch the onahole I've been making with jelly recently?"

Yuuna asked through her tears.

"That's because of your talent, Sang-hyuk. Even if I don't like it, I endure."

She tried not to show her dislike.

I gently embraced Yuuna.

"Would you like to use a cheer if it gets tough?"


Yuuna barely managed to free herself from my embrace and pick up the fallen knife from the ground.

"I'll give it my all!"

The downed caterpillar squirmed.


"Don't push yourself too hard."

"I don't want to be the reason you can't do something."

"Can't you do it? Henna and I can stay behind and wake up together."

Upon hearing my words, Yuuna stabbed the caterpillar with her knife.

"…Let's go."

"Sang-hyuk, the insects are transforming."


"What, what, what, transforming, what's happening?"

The bugs that had fallen onto the swamp began metamorphosing, as if drawing energy from the muck.

Not 'perverted' as Enn usually liked to say. A genuine biological transformation.

The caterpillar evolves into a spider!!

"I can't keep up. Can I use the ring?"

Yuuna's spirit faltered!

"Wait here."

I quickly swung the Benelli from behind and held it forward. I loaded the empty chamber with special bullets called Dragon's Breath.

Burning the bugs to death is the best way!

"Step back!"

I fired the shotgun at the approaching spiders.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As the incendiary powder erupted in a fiery explosion, all the colossal spiders were engulfed in flames. Continuing to pump without pause, the Moonlight Breath, responsible for the third round of ammunition, boasted its power as it swept across an area two to three times its usual range.


Yuuna gazed in awe at the insect-scorching blaze.

"Great job! Kill them all, Sang-hyuk! Hehehe, ahahaha!"

"We should leave before Yuuna gets even stranger."

"Sang-hyuk, I've set up the platforms!"

Henna laid ethereal platforms over the swamp. That's right—they could simply cross using the platforms!

"Let's go, Yuuna!"

"What if bugs crawl out from beneath our feet as we climb up?!"

I hoisted Yuuna up, carrying her on one shoulder like a sack, and leaped onto the platform.

"Aaahhh! Sang-hyuk, Sang-hyuk! I'm not prepared! My heart isn't ready!"

"I'll carry you. Henna! Keep creating more!"

"Got it!"

"Sang-hyuk, like this, we won't be able to react if bugs appear!"

We stepped on the platforms and advanced forward.

"You're no help if a bug appears anyway."

"Please no! Don't let go!"

"If you keep struggling, I might just drop you, you know?"


Yuuna's body tenses up.

I know I shouldn't be joking around, but it's amusing.

"If you drop me... Sang-hyuk… I'm trusting you.

"Alright. Just stay still."

Inside the dungeon, Henna is fearless.

She boldly advances, even walking ahead of me.

"Henna, you've improved a lot in handling footholds."

"Yes, I practiced constantly at home! So I can be of help to you, Sang-hyuk."


As Yuuna whimpers, I carry her on my back like a literal burden.

"I'm sorry… I've practiced my dual-wielding special moves too. I wanted to show you...

"It's okay. Everyone has something they dislike."

"Did I really mess up?"


I pat Yuuna's bottom with the palm of my hand and say,

"I really want to fuck you."

"You shouldn't say such naughty things. You should say you really want to... make love instead."

"I desperately want to do it. With Yuuna!"

I yelled, my voice echoing throughout the cavernous space. As if in response, the walls started to vibrate, as if something was stirring at the far end. Could this be the boss's entrance?

"Aaahhh! Giant insects are emerging!"

Clutching the writhing Yuuna on my shoulder, I grasped the Benelli with my right arm.

"Henna! Let's do this together!"


Eager to confront the boss, we hurriedly scampered across the makeshift platforms. Only after using 50 of these platforms to traverse the swamp did we realize that the floor beneath us was not a swamp at all, but rather a pit.

"Shine the light down there, Henna!"

"It's teeming with a horde of insects below."

"Aaahhh! Don't shine the light! Don't! My eyes lock with countless repulsive creatures!"

"If we fall from here, we'll be instant insect food, right?"

The vibrations grew nearer and nearer.

"It's coming!"

This cave itself was a passage created by the creature.

[Giant Worm]

[A-Rank Monstrosity]

[A burrowing insectoid monster that tunnels through the ground]

Its appearance was truly grotesque. The fine hairs covering its entire body were eerily lifelike.

Moreover, these creatures don't even feed on personal waste. How bothersome!

"It's a slug round."

I loaded a slug round into the empty chamber and immediately fired.

Having grown accustomed to shooting instantly upon disengaging the safety, the time it took was nearly 0.1 seconds. I fired the moment we encountered each other.

This might be due, in part, to my improved agility. With precise, mistake-free, and efficient movements, I targeted and shot the enemy.



The giant worm, now with a gaping hole in its body, began to writhe and squirm in sheer rage.

"Don't look, Yuuna!"

"Why? Why?! What's happening right in front of us?!"

The giant worm charged toward us, baring its serrated teeth.

"It's better not to know!"


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