Chapter 215 – Begging for Milk II

Acting childish actually worked!

I never expected it, but the silver-haired, well-endowed student council president pretended to give in and offered her breasts to me. Isabella brushed her flowing hair back and leaned forward, presenting her breasts.


My cock became fully erect without resistance.

The scent emanating from Isabella's body, heated by her workout and near her breasts, drove me wild. To put it bluntly, Isabella's body odor made me explosively aroused.

It was as if a faint, fresh scent of milk came from her breasts.

Her breasts were so amazing that it wouldn't be surprising to feel a hint of milk flavor. Perhaps feeling a bit self-conscious about doing this in an empty, open dojo, Isabella glanced around before gently pressing her breasts to my mouth.

"Do you want this?"


"I never thought my boyfriend would beg for my breasts... Sigh…"

Pressing Together ♡♡

Isabella shifts her weight onto me and presses down with her ample bosom.

So soft! I'm ecstatic to the point of death!!

Gently enveloped by the warmth of Isabella's breasts, I couldn't utter a word as my cock stood erect.


Isabella gently caresses her ample backside.

On top of my cock…♡♡

"Do you like it?"

"…Ah… huh… The president did it too, didn't he? You cooed adorably with a short tongue."


Isabella's cheeks flushed red.

"Forget about that! I wasn't seeking advice from the student council."

"There's a saying about normal regression, right?"

"Is it normal for a grown man to beg for breasts?"


I rub my face against Isabella's protruding, bountiful nipples poking through her disheveled GI.

Seeing me like this, Isabella heaved a resigned sigh.

"Huh? Kim Sang-hyuk."


"Don't say 'Baby' in a husky voice."

Under Isabella's bountiful breasts, anyone can become a baby.

Today, I am Baby Hyuk.

I reached out to grasp her breast, but Isabella gently thwarted my attempt.


"You can't even defeat a single woman, and you think you can touch that as you please?"


Isabella grips my wrist and applies immense pressure.


Given my significant advantage in size, I thought it would be no big deal to overpower Isabella if I chose to.

I'm out of breath and unable to move.

Is the difference in strength this vast?

"Concentrate your power on the core if you want to touch my chest!"


I put strength in my waist, attempting to wriggle free, but Isabella does not allow my resistance.

Astonishing, overpowering ability!

She truly is Korea's strongest hero!

No matter how unruly a criminal is, if they face Isabella, they won't be able to make a move.

"Are you surrendering already?"

Her breasts are jiggling so much that I can't look away!

"I can't escape, can you?"

I bit her breast with my mouth, going 'ang.'

Isabella, as if she had anticipated this, lifts her body and avoids me.


Good heavens!

Evading with those large breasts swinging around!?

"You've used that trick before. Use your brain a bit more! Kim Sang-hyuk."

The challenge was to merely touch Isabella's ample breasts, but he couldn't quite reach them.

"Isabella. I like you."


Startled, Isabella loosened her grip.

"Let me touch them. Your breasts."

I effortlessly managed to cup Isabella's breasts in my hands.

*Squish squish.*

The student council president shuddered as I held her breasts.

"That's so underhanded."

"What's underhanded? I just asked my girlfriend."


Blushing from ear to ear, Isabella obediently allowed me access to her breasts.

She no longer attempted to resist.

I held the S-class hero's breasts in both hands and eagerly massaged them.

Their incredible size overflowed my grasp. What man had ever had the chance to enjoy these breasts so freely?

"Just because you've gained a powerful ability, don't become complacent... Work hard…"


"Mmm… Ahh… Don't just give me a half-hearted response. Right? Kim Sang-hyuk… If you're my man,


"This rascal… huff…"

I removed the entangled nipple patch and finally took Isabella's nipple into my mouth.


Isabella arched her back and pushed her breasts forward.

Gathering her voluptuous breasts together, I took her thick nipple into my mouth and licked it.

*Lap lap lap lap*.

*Slurp. Slurp. Slurp.*

The once formidable student council president couldn't resist and let me suckle her breast.

I couldn't help but be aroused by this fact.

Her nipples were as large as her breast size, making them thick and enticing to suck on.

I vulgarly sucked the student council president's breasts.



Isabella's moans escaping her lips were just too enticing.

Her beautiful face, sweet voice, and delightful scent...

My girl, who had it all,.

My seventh girlfriend...

*Slurp… Slurp… Slurp…*

"Even if you suck so passionately... Nothing comes out, right?"

"I'll make you come."


Isabella's cheeks flushed red.

"You audacious fellow... At the academy, hmm, you're the first academy student to suckle the student council president's breasts."

"It's not exactly the first time."

"Back then, it was your unilateral action."

"Ah, now the student council president is willingly offering her chest. So, I'm the first?"

"I... that makes me an accomplice, too."

I firmly gripped Isabella's hips with my hands.

Isabella's body shudders.

"It's not a crime for couples to do this. We just need to avoid doing it where others can see."

"This is a place where anyone could see."

"Everyone is busy studying. Isabella…"

I resume sucking her breast, drawing out her milk.

"Mmm… ah…!!"

Isabella, are you sensitive to your breasts?

I brought the student council president to her peak!!

"We just finished training diligently. Let's go on a date now, okay?"

"I have to go and work as a hero."

"Chuuuuuu. Just postpone your work for a bit."

"Haah, haah…"

Isabella gazes down at me with her slightly damp eyes.

My cock is unbearably aroused. It was already enticed by Isabella's buttocks and her delightful weight, dripping with Cooper's juices. The silver-haired, big-breasted student council president's voluptuous bosom is sucked and pleasured to my heart's content, only driving me further into a frenzy.

"During such hard times, engaging in this sort of act..."

"We're making the most of it, Student Council President."

"This can't be done on school grounds."


I fervently squeezed Isabella's breasts as I sucked on her nipples.

The Student Council President's huge breasts are maddening.

On her snow-white, pristine breasts, I engrave my kiss marks.

These breasts are mine!

No one else can have them.

I continue to suck and slurp, leaving more and more kiss marks. I nibble on her nipples ever so gently.

"Stop… It's on my chest. marking me with your mouth..."

"Whether you're working for the student council or as a hero, the student council president's chest will be filled with the marks I've left."

"Ah… ugh… Do you think that, since I've become your woman, everyone has given their permission?"



I grasped Isabella's breasts, enclosing a pair of nipples in my mouth, and eagerly sucked them.

*Suck, suck, suck, suck, suck!!*

As my tongue flicked against her sensitive nipples, Isabella gasped, discreetly climaxing from the breast stimulation and catching her breath.


Isabella… You're really feeling it.

As if taking on a challenge to leave a mark on Isabella's pristine milk-filled mounds, I left a trail of kiss marks.


Sucking her tender flesh as if drawing through a straw and then releasing it, Isabella's breasts swayed enticingly.

Wow. Such a lascivious chest...

I placed my hand on Isabella's thigh. Then Isabella gently shifted her hips back and forth, rubbing herself against my erection.


"Is this what lovers do?"

"Everyone does this as a basic act from behind."


With her body heated from having her breasts thoroughly stimulated, Isabella spoke earnestly.

"If there's something more you want, tell me... I'll do as you say.

"Please show me more of the side of the student council president that you can't reveal to others."


After pondering for a moment, she asked me while breastfeeding.

"Were you sincere when you said I was the prettiest?"


"Forget the question! Don't answer! Just don't answer."

The proud student council president.

She wanted to confirm my feelings. I was astonished to realize that she had been cherishing those words, secretly delighted by them.

The girlish aspect of the student council president made my cock twitch uncontrollably.

I quickly lifted her up, tightly embracing Isabella, and buried my face in her abundant breasts.

"Eh. Ah…"

Isabella is so strong.

She couldn't resist being in my arms.

I also sucked on Isabella's upper breasts, leaving a mark.

After quite some time, I locked eyes with Isabella, feeling her heartbeat, and said,

"You are the prettiest."

I'm sorry, Yuuna. Henna.

I know a harem master shouldn't carelessly use words like "the prettiest," but...

I couldn't resist the silver-haired, large-breasted student council president.

Back when I was still a D-grade, interested student, I even thought about having sex with her.

Because it's utterly irresistible.

"Student council president, do you like me?"

"If I didn't like you, would I allow something like this to happen?"

I yearn to see more of Love, Love, Max Isabella.

What would it feel like to have Isabella cling to me out of love?

"You've genuinely fallen for a D-tier student, haven't you? As the student council president?"

"To say that it doesn't matter... would be a lie."


In this academy society, one's ranking can never be overlooked.

To put it bluntly, it would be mortifying to admit knowing someone who's a D-tier student.

"That's why… I'll lift you up. I won't let you remain like this."

"But I could still end up staying in the D-tier, right?"

Isabella gazed directly at me.

"I've already resolved to give you my all... There's no middle ground."

"Then let's have sex."


I tightly embraced the tender Isabella and whispered into her ear.

"If you truly don't mind me being a D-tier student, then let's have sex."

"Ah… um… Wait a moment. That's a different matter."

Like an impetuous lover clinging to his innocent girlfriend, attempting to ignite their passion,

He brushes his cock against her as he leaves a trail of fervent kisses on her nape.

"Ah… Oh… That area… It's visible even when I'm clothed."

Smmooch. Smoooooch.

"I'm marking you as mine. What's the issue?"

"…Hah… Don't be hasty, Mm."

"Let's make love."

He caresses Isabella's breasts.

"In the dojo... How brazen! Ah!"

Rising to his feet, he leads Isabella into the changing room.

Isabella, who has been brought along, hurriedly covers her breasts, adorned with the marks he left, while adjusting her clothing.

The sight of her was unbearably arousing.

He embraces her and kisses her without delay.

As their lips meet and he tenderly sucks at hers, Isabella softly melts in his arms.

He grasps her buttocks as well.

They quickly become lost in a passionate, deep kiss.

"Isabella… Mwah…"

"Mmm… What do you want from me? Ah… Smooch…"

"Let's make love, Isabella."

He reveals his erect cock.

Thanks to Isabella's tantalizing touch with her derriere, his manhood is throbbing with desire.


The silver-haired, voluptuous Student Council President was taken aback upon seeing my cock.

"A D-class cock, tell me it's okay to put it in the Student Council President's pussy."

Do you know how much I regretted the failed sex that day?

I rubbed it all over her ass, but we never ended up having sex.

I can't take it anymore!

"Don't crawl up."

What brought me back to my senses,

It was Isabella's cold voice.


Did I push too hard?

Did I cross the line by bringing up sex?

But withstanding the temptation, facing the silver-haired, voluptuous Student Council President, whose entire body exudes "sex,"

It was my limit. though that's no excuse.


Isabella pushes me away with her hand and glares at me.

"…I'll leave."

The atmosphere has soured.

Just as I was about to leave, I thought of a plan.


Isabella grabbed my arm.

"Who said I wouldn't let you..."
