Chapter 216 - Will Not Yield I

Is, Isabella? What do you mean by that?

I couldn't quite grasp her words immediately.

"What's so surprising... I'm saying there's no way a student council president like me would let an inferior D-class cock inside."


Ah, so that's what she meant when she told me not to advance further?

"If someone were to dismiss you as a D-class and belittle you... I'd be furious as if they had cursed me. and I wouldn't let it go."


"But you, of all people, want to put yourself inside me while calling yourself a D-class? Do you think I'll allow that?"

She didn't like that I had referred to myself as D-class.

Even though I had proven that I possess abilities beyond those of a D-class individual,

I see…

"Understood. I won't do that."

"I've prepared a condom."

With a swift motion, Isabella retrieved a condom from her inventory.

Such readiness…

Is this the thoroughness of an exceptional student at the academy?


Isabella awkwardly tears open the condom wrapper and alternates between looking at my cock and the condom.

"You can start by covering the glans."

As expected.

Since it was a regular-sized condom, my dick felt like a grown adult forcibly wearing children's clothes.

"Why, even though condoms can stretch so much?"

"That's true when you fill them with water. Uh-uh, if you pull it to one side like that, it will tear."

With a snap.

The condom ripped apart.

Isabella looks extremely bewildered.

"… Did you buy something like that knowing your boyfriend's cock size?"

"Uh… I didn't even know there were different sizes."



Oh, so adorable, so adorable...

Seeing Isabella so defeated is driving me insane.

My 7th girlfriend is out of her mind!!


I tilt my head back and exhale.

I suppress the urge to bite Isabella.

"Should I go buy one?"

"I have one."

"Oh, is that so? That's a relief."

My exclusive item. I hand the ultra-thin condom Shigarami to Isabella.

Isabella naturally and meticulously unrolled the condom onto my cock without complaint, as if it were her womanly duty.

"Hmm… It's on properly! But… Can it really not tear, even though it's this thin?"

"It's stronger than it appears."

I placed my hand on Isabella's waist.

Isabella flinched.

Did she sense the anticipation of sex? She looked back and forth between my ready dick and my face.


"Isabella, about what you said earlier, being D-class..."

"Shouldn't that conversation be over? You're not some D-class."

"It's like role-playing. To lift the mood...


Isabella's eyes sparkled as if she had suddenly realized something.

"So, at that moment, I should have said something like, 'Can I put it in the student council president's pussy?'"

"You catch on quickly."

"Starting with that kind of play from our first time having sex..."

"Well, Isabella is the head of the correctional headquarters, the student council president, and even a hero... Wow…"

Already so much to experience?

I laughed mischievously, and Isabella's cheeks flushed red as she looked at me.

"D-class fantasies have a certain allure, don't they? Even the student council president can appreciate that."

"It just seems perverted."

"Hmm, well, role-playing scenarios are quite common."

"Sorry for making you explain it."

Sorry? For what?

I held Isabella's hand tightly and tenderly pressed my lips to hers.

"One by one, I'll show you everything."


"Let me be the one to share all of Isabella's first experiences."

"…Ah… Yes… I'll give them all to you. If you won't be disappointed by my inexperience,

"Not at all. To me, you're always the most amazing hero."



In this confined space, the atmosphere is quite enticing, isn't it?

I never expected such a perfect opportunity for intimacy.

No one will come here since we're in the middle of class.

For the next two hours, at least?

Even if we make noise, no one will know. right?

Since the student council president made that calculation, wouldn't it be okay?

An intimate moment? Really? Can I actually have sex with Isabella?

I had prepared the condom, and my mind was ready. Isabella pursed her lips and waited for me.

"Student council president roleplay."

"…Ugh. How crude…"

"Please, make my cock hard."


"The others can't do it; only Isabella can."

Being the current student council president at the prestigious academy,

It holds great significance because Isabella is the one doing it.

I stared intently at Isabella, my cock standing proud and erect.


The stage was set for sex!!

Isabella removed her uniform. Instantly, my gaze was drawn to her large breasts, which I had just been biting and sucking on.

her slim waist and her generous hips that my hands had been resting on moments before.


I had anticipated it when I looked over her white pants.

What an incredible body!

Her thighs were amazing as well.

Despite being naked, the student council president's body, with her abundant breasts offering much to behold, was

an absolute sight to see simply by standing with her back straight.

She stood with her thighs pressed together, waiting for me.

"Is there something wrong with my body?"

"It's beautiful—the most beautiful."


As if gaining confidence, the Student Council President, Isabella, extended her magnificent shaft even further.

"It's a body I'm proud of. I didn't neglect my training either."

"Show me how flexible you are."


I encouraged Isabella's "Onahole performance."

I pushed her against the wall, had her lift one leg, and then pressed myself against her.

With my erect cock positioned at her pussy's entrance, I firmly massaged her breasts.

*Squelching sounds.*


Isabella draped her leg over my shoulder.

Her ass, which I had been rubbing vigorously,

Through the gap, I could see her plump, filled pussy.

There was no need to mention the enticing folds of her labia. I rubbed the cockhead directly against her entrance.

Isabella glared at me and said,

"Do you think you can have sex with me with your inferior D-class dick?"

"Madam President?"

The acting of the current Student Council President (silver hair, huge breasts, cool beauty) was astounding!

I never thought she'd give me a look of contempt like when we first met.

Was she able to turn it on or off at will?

To go to such lengths just to tantalize her boyfriend!

"A hundred years is too soon. Do you really think my pussy will take pleasure in a D-class cock like yours?"

"You're inserting an inferior dick, but do you still expect me to grant you permission for copulation?"

"There's no way I'd allow it."

Isabella said, spreading her legs even wider, revealing her inviting pussy.

"Put it in the female hole. If you can't even manage such a simple task, you're just a lowly worm, aren't you?"

The disdain for his D-class status seemed to flow naturally from her, with no need for a script.

"No matter how hard you try, my exquisite pussy will never grant you access."

Koo Woo-wook.

He placed the tip of his cock at Isabella's virgin pussy.

He hadn't penetrated her yet. If he applied force now, it would slip out.

Her pussy was tighter than he expected. Isabella was a skilled actress, but she was clearly tense due to her inexperienced pussy.

"Are you about to take me?"


Isabella shuddered at his choice of words.

"There's no way I'd let my pussy be taken by someone who can't even properly study, which is a student's primary duty!"

"Is the student council president good at studying?"

Pressing, pressing.

Ah, the vaginal opening is widening.

See? I told you that I feel fulfilled and delighted. The student council president, too, is slightly immersed in this crude performance, and I can sense that she is feeling it.

"That's how it is. My everyday routine is to get perfect scores. I possess an outstanding and capable vagina. It's not a vagina meant for the likes of you to sow your seed."

Ah, I got her. Now's the time!

"What will you do if I take the student council president's virginity?"

Oh, my ♡


Into Isabella's virgin vagina, I thrust my erect cock all the way in!

[I have taken Isabella's first time]

[You are Isabella's first man.]

That star.

En-chan, you're watching.

As soon as I penetrate her, I press my hips tightly against her and fondle her breasts while maintaining close contact with Isabella.

Isabella's face was completely overwhelmed by my cock, her eyes rolling back gently.

"Hah… ha… no way… this, this much… ah…"

"To this extent? What?"

"Ah… Ugh… Ki, Kim Sang-hyuk..."

"Can you not handle it just being inserted into your pussy?"

Oh, this is so arousing.

Isabella, who had been making bold remarks until now, seems to have lost her composure.

I want to torment her more.

I gently shake my cock, even before it's fully clung to her pussy.

Squeak, squeak, squeak…

"Mmm… Ahh… Ahh…"

"How does an inferior D-class cock feel?"

"Ah… Ahh… Quite… It's thick, big... Ah, it feels like it's reaching deep inside."