Smuggled into the City

Exiting the bar, Clarke Higilton followed the Larrson siblings through the dimly lit streets of Credence, their path leading to an abandoned factory looming ominously in the distance.

"This is the territory of our Martial Arts Gang," Jack declared, a hint of pride in his voice. "It may seem remote, but our gang wields considerable influence. Membership isn't for the faint-hearted; you need a cyber martial arts certificate and the ability to take on multiple opponents."

He continued, his eyes gleaming in the faint light. "Our leader, Boss Bruce, is a force to be reckoned with. He once stormed the stronghold of the Wild Dog Gang, leaving over thirty of their members dead, including their boss."

Clarke's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Martial Arts Gang? An interesting name. I hope Boss Bruce will see the merit in our deal."

Lack nodded, adding, "My sister isn't officially part of us, but Boss Bruce values her greatly and has repeatedly invited her to join."

Claire interjected, "I'm only here to support my brother. Since we've accepted your task, shall we proceed with the advance payment?"

"Of course," Clarke replied, eyeing her wrist. "My light brain chip is damaged. May I borrow yours?"

Without hesitation, Claire unstrapped her light brain chip, unlocked it, and handed it to Clarke. After a series of verifications, Clarke successfully bound the chip to his identity and transferred 500,000 crypto dollars to Claire account.

"There's the first half," Clarke stated. "The rest follows upon completion of the mission."

As he made to return the chip, Claire refused. "Keep it for now. I have other means of connecting to the net," she said, gesturing to her eyes. A shadow of doubt crossed her face, reflecting the gravity of their decision.

She then instructed her brother, "Ah Jack, inform Boss Bruce about our agreement. I'm certain he won't refuse."

Claire, buoyed by the sizable deposit, hurried into the factory. Moments later, a group emerged, about fifteen in number. Their leader, a towering figure with golden hair and cybernetic arms resembling a gorilla's limbs, stepped forward. He towered over Claire, his presence imposing.

"You're hiring our Martial Arts Gang directly?" the man inquired, his voice deep and serious. "Typically, we require a reputable intermediary for such contracts. Without their vetting, we'd normally refuse."

Clarke stepped closer, meeting the leader's gaze. "I could have used a middleman, but why let them take a cut of your payment? Fifty percent, sixty percent? It's not necessary."

The leader chuckled, extending his hand. "White Shark."

Clarke grasped his hand firmly, their handshake exchanging digital information seamlessly. "Clarke Higilton," he introduced himself. 

The atmosphere around the factory, with its rusted machinery and graffiti-covered walls, echoed the undercurrents of risk and opportunity that defined their newfound alliance. In the heart of Skyrim's outer city, Clarke Higilton had found unlikely allies, their fates now entwined in a dangerous game of power and secrecy.

Clarke Higilton was well aware of the risks involved in revealing his identity, but he knew bypassing the gang leader wasn't an option. Without establishing his credibility, no one, regardless of their level of cybernetic enhancement or audacity, would dare accept such a perilous task.

After Clarke's identity was confirmed, the gang leader, White Shark, laughed heartily, slinging a large electromagnetic gun over his shoulder with ease. "The 500,000 crypto dollars is received. These fifteen brothers are all citizens and can freely enter the city. We have eight more inside, making a total of twenty-three. Will that suffice?"

"That should be adequate," Clarke nodded after a moment's consideration. "I haven't disclosed my identity to anyone else. The fewer who know, the better."

"You have my word," White Shark assured, thumping his chest confidently. "Only Jack and I are aware of your identity."

Clarke then broached the critical issue of entering the city without triggering the immigration checkpoints' identity detection devices. Detection by these devices could easily alert the Akio family, potentially derailing his plans.

"We can use the 'emergency channel'," White Shark suggested thoughtfully. "It's a route established by the Black Hawks gang . They've got connections with the checkpoint administrators and can bypass the identity scans for a fee of 10,000 dollar per person."

Without hesitation, Clarke agreed to the proposal, entrusting White Shark with the arrangements.

Jack, eager to contribute, quickly mobilized and returned with a floating car. "Boss, get in!" he called out to Clarke, then instructed the others, "Head back to the city immediately and await the boss's orders."

As the group dispersed, Clarke remarked, "It seems you hold some sway in the Martial Arts Gang."

"Absolutely," Jack beamed with pride, seizing the chance to regale Clarke with tales of his exploits within the gang.

In addition to White Shark, Jack, and Clarke, there was an unknown individual in the car, likely a member of the Black Hawk Gang.

The Black Hawk Gang member spoke up, "All thermal weapons must be left behind. If anyone's carrying, better dispose of it now. You won't pass the security check otherwise."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, the group complied. As they approached the checkpoint, the vehicle was immediately surrounded by android soldiers, the automated cannons at the gate targeting them menacingly.

However, just as the checkpoint was about to commence the identity scan, the Black Hawk Gang member stepped out, speaking covertly to a staff member. Moments later, the staff member gestured towards the car.

"Follow me through the staff passage," he instructed. "We'll meet you on the other side of the checkpoint."

The atmosphere was thick with tension as Clarke and his companions prepared to navigate this clandestine route into the city. In the heart of Credence, amidst the towering buildings and neon lights, a high-stakes game of deception and intrigue was unfolding.

Clarke Higilton received the pack of high-grade cigarettes from Jack with a subtle nod, acknowledging the gesture but maintaining his focus on the task at hand. He bypassed the android soldiers with a composed demeanor, closely following the staff member who led them towards a discreet exit.

The staff member, a silent guide in their covert operation, cast occasional glances at Clarke, assessing for any irregularities. Satisfied that nothing was amiss, he continued towards a nondescript door adjacent to the main entrance.

Inside was the bustling computer room of the entry and exit point, alive with the movement of uniformed staff. Clarke was handed a set of work clothes to blend in, slipping them on as they navigated through the busy corridor. After a ten-minute trek, they reached an iron gate discreetly marked as an exit.

"This is your way out," the staff member finally spoke. "You're lucky; the identity detection system here is under maintenance. Otherwise, the bionic soldiers would've flagged your presence immediately."

With a knowing smile, Clarke slipped the pack of cigarettes into the staff member's pocket as a token of gratitude and stealthily exited through the door.

The crisp morning air greeted him as the door creaked open, revealing the cityscape of Credence. A small road lined the edge of a ring park, where White Shark and Jack waited by a car, waving him over.

"That was smoother than expected, huh?" Jack remarked with a chuckle. He started to mention the Higilton family, but a sharp glance from Clarke cut him off mid-sentence.

White Shark, intervening, patted Jack on the head. "The Black Hawk Gang contact has left. We're clear. What's the next move?"

Clarke's gaze hardened as he scanned the early morning sky. "Now, we eliminate our targets. We're heading to the affluent district in the city center."

Jack and White Shark exchanged uneasy glances at the mention of their high-profile targets. "You mean to attack people in the wealthy neighborhoods?" Jack's voice wavered, betraying his apprehension.

"Exactly. A few influential family members," Clarke confirmed, his tone unwavering. "Are you afraid?"

"It's not fear," Jack started, his confidence dwindling. "But can we really breach the security of those estates?"

White Shark added, his expression grave, "This is serious. The rich district is heavily guarded. If those VIPs are threatened, urban response teams, even anti-terrorism squads will swarm in. We'd be signing our death warrants..."

Clarke reassured them with a quiet confidence. "I'm here. Who would dare to strike at you? Besides, I have a top-tier hacker group at my disposal. They can infiltrate the estate's security systems in seconds. Focus on the mission; I'll handle the rest."

The early morning light cast long shadows on the streets of Skyrim City, reflecting the gravity of their undertaking. With the city slowly waking up around them, Clarke and his newly formed alliance prepared to embark on a mission that would shake the foundations of the city's elite.