Invades Akio's House

Clarke Higilton sat comfortably in the floating car, absentmindedly twirling a golden pistol in his hand. The weapon, a gift from White Shark, was an antique gunpowder firearm, boasting a history spanning over two centuries. As the cityscape of Credence whizzed by, the early morning sunlight painted the urban environment in a kaleidoscope of golden hues, rendering it a dazzling, almost otherworldly spectacle.

"If you ignore the core issues of this world, the beauty of such a civilization can indeed be mesmerizing," Clarke mused, his eyes reflecting the city's brilliance.

White Shark, seated beside him, glanced over, his eyes lingering on Clarke's face, half-illuminated by the sun's rays. "And what would you say about that?"

Clarke's smile hinted at a deeper understanding, a mix of awareness and intentional ignorance. "Please, enlighten me."

White Shark, his demeanor serious, lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. "I'm not an educated man, nor do I know grand philosophies. But even a first-timer like me in dealing with someone of your stature can see, this world isn't right."

"Perhaps the world is ailing," Clarke replied, the golden pistol spinning in his hand. "Like people, it needs healing. If you believe the world shouldn't be this way, then maybe you can be the one to cure it."

"The powers at the top have cornered the role of the world's doctors," White Shark remarked, a trace of bitterness in his tone. "They'll never let anyone heal this world. They thrive on its sickness."

Clarke leaned back thoughtfully. "Then let me offer you a thought. The chaebol families... Perhaps there's another way?"

White Shark looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"If you believe the world is sick, why not become its healer?" Clarke's eyes, deep and knowing, gleamed from the shadows. "Don't wait for others to bring the cure."

Pausing, Clarke added, "I recently saw a movie about a rock singer who owned a nuclear explosion company."

"I know that one!" Jack, who had been quietly listening, eagerly chimed in. "It's been quite popular. The protagonist blows up the rich with a nuclear bomb..."

His words trailed off under White Shark's stern gaze.

Clarke nodded. "Exactly. But consider what he truly gained or changed after that explosion. It seems he didn't change much at all."

The car continued to glide through city, the city now fully awake in the light of day. The conversation within the car, filled with contemplations of change, healing, and the nature of power, contrasted sharply with the bustling life outside. In this moment, Clarke Higilton, White Shark, and Jack blended themself in the city.

In the floating car gliding above the cityscape, Clarke Higilton, White Shark, and Jack were engrossed in a conversation that transcended the usual banter of gang alliances. The golden morning light filtered through the windows, casting a serene glow on the interiors, contrasting sharply with the gravity of their discussion.

"There's more than one rich family in the world," White Shark stated gravely. "Unless he overthrows all the chaebols, true change is impossible."

Clarke shook his head gently. "It's not about overthrowing the rich. It's the lack of a viable alternative. Mere resistance without a replacement is nothing but an act of terrorism."

"A replacement?" White Shark furrowed his brow.

"A way to alter the living conditions for those at the bottom, to truly heal the world," Clarke clarified, his gaze fixed on the city passing by.

White Shark fell silent, contemplating the profound implications of Clarke's words. The car continued its journey, the city sprawling beneath them like a massive, living organism.

Clarke, reflecting on his own position, realized the irony of his circumstances. Had he not found himself among the upper echelons of this society, his life might have been strikingly similar to that of a street gang member. In this skewed world, the means to ascend socially were tightly controlled by the elite, and joining their ranks was the only ticket to transcend class barriers, a feat unattainable for most.

As they approached the city center, Clarke closed his eyes, tuning into the imaginary space within his mind. He quickly located the light point representing Jessica Akio.

"Turn three hundred meters to the right," he instructed, his voice calm and authoritative. The car obeyed, veering to the right, but an alarm soon blared: "Warning, warning, this is private territory. Advance without owner's consent is prohibited."

Both White Shark and Jack peered down to see the grandiose manor below, the largest in the center of Wujiang City. Its gates were adorned with ancient characters, unmistakably the Akio family's estate.

White Shark's eyes widened in disbelief. "You mean to target the Akio family?"

Jack voice trembled. "Are you serious...?"

"What is there to fear?" Clarke asked, his expression unfazed. "Have your people arrived?"

The car hovered quietly above the city, a silent observer to the bustling life below. Inside, the three men faced a pivotal moment that would not only define their futures but could potentially alter the very fabric of city's power structure.

As the floating car hovered over the Akio family estate, the atmosphere inside was thick with tension and anticipation. Clarke Higilton, a figure of authority and power, sat calmly, his demeanor unfazed by the gravity of their undertaking. White Shark, gripping his electromagnetic gun, cast a wary glance at the sprawling mansion below.

"Our brothers are in position," White Shark confirmed, his voice betraying a hint of apprehension. "But are we certain about this? If our hacker can't breach their defenses, this could be our end..."

Clarke chuckled lightly, an air of confidence surrounding him. "White Shark, have you considered the consequences of crossing me?" His gaze then intensified as he focused his psychic energy into the consciousness projections within the manor in his mind's eye.

With a sudden surge, Clarke unleashed a maelstrom of spiritual energy, targeting the Akio estate. The effect was immediate and devastating, lights flickered out, and the manor's state-of-the-art security systems, designed to withstand military assaults, were rendered useless in seconds.

"My hacker has neutralized their defenses, communications, and android guards. Now it's your team's turn to move," Clarke stated coolly, his eyes fixed on White Shark.

White Shark's demeanor shifted, a mix of shock and realization washing over him. He understood then the full extent of Clarke's capabilities and influence. To defy the Akio family was perilous, but to cross the Higilton family, to which Clarke belonged, was tantamount to sealing one's own fate.

With a newfound resolve, White Shark's face contorted into a wild, determined expression. "Brothers, to arms! We'll carve out a new legend in Terence City today!" In a defiant act, he fired his weapon at the floating car's control center.

Black smoke billowed from the vehicle as it began a rapid descent, joined by several other cars in the vicinity. The assault on the Akio family estate had commenced.

Below, the once impregnable manor now lay vulnerable and exposed. Clarke's actions had opened a window of opportunity, and the air was electric with the energy of imminent conflict. The streets of Terence City, typically bustling with life, were now the stage for a bold and daring power play, with the outcome uncertain and the stakes impossibly high.