Power System And World Of Spirit King Kai



So people are going to have "soul energy" (SE for short). This can be weaponized and you can cast different properties onto your SE. The development and usage of your SE would be based on your personality but you still have control over your soul and it can be branched out to be used in different ways. You can project your soul into a physical form. This option consumes a lot of energy when you try to maintain but many benefits make it worth it.

There are two main ways to strengthen your soul and combat capabilities at the moment.

There will be dead souls that are roaming around everywhere and if you were to encounter one of these souls, you have two options. You could either destroy it and take its remaining soul energy to make yourself stronger or you could capture it and train it to work alongside you.

The other way is by learning techniques and abilities that require massive amounts of SE in exchange for a purpose. This is how techniques such as the Soul Force are born. By mastering these abilities, you can imbue properties into your SE that aid in combat.

There are some natural limits to how much power you can wield. These limits, however, can be expanded over time with enough practice and knowledge. The true ceiling of your capabilities comes down to your imagination and dedication.


When it comes to spirits, there are two types: spirits that you can capture and spirits that you're born with. The spirits you can capture are essentially dead souls that you have chosen to train and work alongside you. By capturing these spirits, you can harness their unique abilities and powers to complement your soul energy. The captured spirits become an extension of your soul, adding diversity and versatility to your combat capabilities.

On the other hand, the spirits you're born with are an inherent part of your soul energy. These spirits represent aspects of your personality, desires, and inner essence. They contribute to shaping your soul energy and can influence the properties and abilities you can manifest. These innate spirits are deeply connected to you and serve as a source of personal strength and potential.

Both capturing spirits and having innate spirits provide opportunities for growth and enhancement in the power system. By capturing spirits, you can expand your repertoire of abilities and adapt to different combat situations. Meanwhile, the spirits you're born with offer a unique and personal aspect to your soul energy, allowing for individuality and specialization in your powers.

It's important to note that capturing and working with spirits should be approached with caution, as it involves interacting with the essence of deceased beings. This process requires careful control of your soul energy and an understanding of the spirits' nature and capabilities.


Anti-soul energy (ASE) is a rare and dangerous phenomenon that opposes and disrupts the flow of traditional soul energy. It is an inherently destructive force that can weaken, suppress, or even sever the connection between a person's soul and their abilities. ASE is often associated with dark and malevolent intentions, as its usage typically involves harming or negating the effects of soul energy.

Properties of Anti-Soul Energy:

Soul Disruption: ASE can disrupt and destabilize the soul energy of others, making it difficult for them to access or utilize their abilities effectively.

Energy Drain: When ASE comes into contact with soul energy, it can drain the energy, leaving individuals weakened and vulnerable.

Nullification: ASE possesses the power to nullify the effects of soul energy-based techniques and abilities, rendering them ineffective or significantly reducing their potency.

Soul Bond Severance: In extreme cases, ASE can sever the bond between a person's soul and their physical form, resulting in a temporary or permanent loss of abilities and a weakened state.


A dead zone duel is a special kind of battle that takes place when the two parties fight in a space created by their soul energy called the dead zone. They will select their own soul or spirit creature to fight their opponent. Whoever wins the battle not only gets a major power boost in soul energy, but gets a choice to choose their opponent's mental ability, physical ability, spirit ability, or the spirit they fought with (unless it's a born spirit) and use it as their own. The opponent that lost can still use the taken ability, it's just not going to be as strong unless you train it. They also have the choice to replace said ability if need be. A dead zone can be forcefully opened and can drag others into it if not dodged.

While the basic structure of a deadzone remains the same, the specific environment and atmosphere reflect the inner world of the practitioner who opens it.

Each soul energy user has a unique inner landscape - a manifestation of their psyche, memories, and subconscious. When they shape a deadzone, it draws heavily from this inner realm. As a result, no two deadzones are exactly alike.

One sorcerer's deadzone may resemble a serene mountain temple, with pagodas floating amid the peaks - reflecting their calm and peaceful nature. Another might look like a scorched battlefield filled with the echoes of war - channeling their trauma and rage. An empathetic mage may open a deadzone containing a maze of doors, each leading to the mind of a different person.

The more skilled the practitioner, the more control they have over the deadzone's appearance. Powerful casters can radically change the environment at will, disorienting enemies used to different surroundings. Unique terrain can also be used strategically, shaping the deadzone to impair opponents while empowering the creator.

When deadzones collapse, residual traces of the inner landscapes sometimes imprint onto the battle site. These remnants provide insight into the souls and minds of those who dueled. So the deadzones' connections to individuals' psyches and experiences add an extra layer of customization and self-expression to the fights. Deadzone dueling is, by its nature, a dangerous practice. It can result in serious injury, or even death if a duelist loses control of their soul force. Practitioners must approach dead zone dueling with caution as the winner can gain power and techniques from the loser's soul. There is an immense risk in using such an incredibly powerful and potentially reckless form of magic.

*Note that if two Deadzones activate at the same time, they will not clash but mix. Once the mix happens the combined deadzone will have traits from each user and the space can be manipulated by both parties*

Dimensional Dome

A Dimensional Dome is just a simple version of a Deadzone in which it puts its user or users on a higher plane of existence so anyone outside of it exists on a lower plane so they can not enter the dome and only perceive the inside


Soul force is the use of telepathy and psychic abilities with your soul energy. The stronger your aura is, the stronger your soul force is. Soul force is a metaphysical concept related to the idea that one's spiritual essence, or soul, has the potential to generate incredible power to manifest desired outcomes in our physical realm. It is believed that by utilizing meditation, visualization, and affirmations to align oneself with their soul energy, a powerful form of energy can be accessed and universal energy can be channeled for a specific purpose. In this way, one can manifest one's goals, manifest abundance, and even heal physical, mental, and spiritual issues.


a spirit ability refers to a unique and extraordinary power or set of powers that individuals possess due to their connection with a spiritual entity or being known as a born spirit. individuals who have a spirit ability but don't have a born spirit derive their powers from within, either through innate qualities, personal growth, or some other intrinsic source.


Mental Ability:

A mental ability refers to the unique abilities and powers related to the mind and consciousness of the characters. These abilities are often linked to the manipulation and control of thoughts, emotions, memories, and perception. Mental abilities can include telepathy, mind control, illusion creation, empathy, and heightened mental processing. Characters with strong mental abilities can influence the minds of others, read thoughts, manipulate emotions, create powerful illusions, and possess extraordinary mental strength and focus.

Physical Ability:

A physical ability refers to the unique physical attributes and powers that characters possess. These abilities are typically related to enhanced strength, speed, endurance, durability, and the manipulation of physical elements. Physical abilities can include elemental manipulation, shape-shifting, enhanced senses, superhuman strength, speed, agility, and control over specific physical elements like electricity, fire, water, or earth. Characters with strong physical abilities can perform incredible feats of strength, move at exceptional speeds, withstand damage, and manipulate their physical forms or elements to their advantage.


Spiritual Awakening is when a character becomes powerful enough to evolve past their peak strength. These spiritual awakenings can happen multiple times and bring out new potential and power within a person. a spiritual awakening can lead to the manifestation of a new physical or spiritual form. This can happen when a character's soul energy reaches a certain level and undergoes a transformation, unlocking new abilities and powers. The new form could vary depending on the character's personality, inner desires, and the nature of their soul energy. It could be a physical transformation that alters the character's appearance or a spiritual one that enhances their abilities and amplifies their soul energy. This transformation could also come with new strengths and weaknesses, and the character may need to adjust to their new form and learn how to control and utilize their newfound power.









*Only one being can become S+ class*

In addition to the mechanics I've described, there could be other ways for characters to strengthen their soul energy and combat capabilities. Here are a few possibilities:

Training with a master: Characters could seek out experienced practitioners of soul energy and train under them to learn new techniques and hone their skills.

Fusion: Characters could merge their soul energy with that of other beings, such as other characters or spirits, to gain new abilities and increase their power.

Rituals: Characters could perform special rituals, such as meditating at sacred locations or offering sacrifices, to gain temporary boosts in power or access to new abilities.

Energy absorption: Characters could absorb energy from their environment, such as from powerful storms or certain types of crystals, to temporarily boost their soul energy and abilities.

In terms of the ranking system, it could also be beneficial to include a more detailed explanation of what each rank represents. For example:

S+ represents the most powerful and skilled practitioners of soul energy, who possess incredible abilities and mastery over their energy. They are extremely rare and often considered legends.

S represents highly skilled and powerful practitioners who are considered elite and capable of challenging S+ ranked individuals.

A represents advanced practitioners who possess a high level of mastery over their soul energy and have access to a wide range of abilities.

B represents intermediate practitioners who are still working to master their soul energy but have access to a good number of abilities.

C represents novice practitioners who have just begun to tap into their soul energy and have access to a limited number of abilities.

D represents beginners who are just starting to learn about soul energy and have not yet developed any significant abilities.

E represents those who have not yet begun to learn about soul energy and have no abilities.

It is important to note that the ranking system is not static and characters can move up or down in rank depending on their progress and growth. Also, The ranking system can act as a way to measure the strength of the soul energy practitioners and their abilities, but it should not be the only way to evaluate a character's power and capabilities. Factors such as creativity, strategy, and experience can also play a role in determining a character's overall strength.


Earth serves as the central realm where humans reside. It is a diverse and vibrant world, rich with different cultures, landscapes, and histories. Its inhabitants are aware of the existence of the spirit realm, heaven, hell, and other supernatural dimensions. Earth is both the birthplace of humanity and a battleground for the ongoing conflict between good and evil. The events that transpire here have a direct impact on the balance of the entire universe.

Spirit Realm:

The spirit realm is an ethereal plane that exists parallel to Earth. It is inhabited by spirits, ethereal beings, and supernatural creatures. The spirit realm is divided into various regions, each representing different aspects of existence, such as life, death, nature, and emotion. Olympia Spirit Academy, an esteemed institution, is located within this realm, serving as a training ground for Soul Slayers and a hub for spirit-related activities. The spirit realm is also the domain of the Spirit King, a figure who upholds the balance between light and darkness.


Heaven is a celestial realm governed by divine beings and powerful entities. It is a realm of pure harmony, where good deeds are rewarded and souls find eternal peace. Zeusko, the benevolent leader of Heaven, oversees the realm's affairs and believes in the inherent goodness of humanity. It is a realm of infinite beauty and tranquility, where souls find solace after their mortal lives.


Hell is a realm of darkness and torment, inhabited by malevolent spirits, demons, and wicked beings. It is a realm of suffering and punishment, where souls who have committed heinous acts are condemned. Barakmaa, a cunning and powerful creature, resides in the depths of hell, scheming to wreak havoc upon the universe. Hell is a place of chaos and despair, where evil thrives and where souls are forever trapped in a cycle of suffering.


Purgatory is a realm of transition, where souls await judgment before moving on to their final destinations. It is a realm of uncertainty, where souls must confront their past deeds and seek redemption for their sins. Purgatory serves as a neutral ground, neither wholly good nor evil, where souls have the opportunity to reflect on their lives and make amends.


Limbo is a mysterious and enigmatic realm that exists on the fringes of existence. It is a place of uncertainty, where souls without a clear destiny or purpose linger. Limbo is a realm of possibilities, where the boundaries between realities are blurred, and time behaves differently. It is a realm where lost souls and forgotten memories reside, and where the unexpected can occur. Limbo is the reason why deadzone duels are even possible.


Nirvana is a transcendent realm that exists beyond the boundaries of Earth, Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and Limbo meaning that it is beyond the concept of an infinite universe itself. It is a state of ultimate spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. Souls who have achieved enlightenment and have transcended the material world find their way to Nirvana.

Within Nirvana, time, space, and physical form lose their significance. It is a realm of pure consciousness and bliss, where the individual self merges with the universal consciousness. Here, souls are free from desires, attachments, and the burdens of mortal existence.

These interconnected realms create a complex and dynamic universe, that and infinite in size. where the actions of individuals in one realm can have far-reaching consequences on others. The struggles, conflicts, and alliances between characters shape the fate of these realms and determine the ultimate destiny of the universe itself.