Spirit King Kai Character Bios (End Of Series)

Karuro Ashren

Legendary King Of Hope

Karuro is a driven young man from a small town who enrolls in Olympia Spirit Academy after losing his parents in the hell invasion of 2005. Witnessing such tragedy ignites Karuro's desire to master soul energy and combat skills to protect others from evil spirits. Though initially viewed as an underdog, Karuro's relentless training and natural talent allowed him to rise to the top of his class under the tutelage of Kotashi.

Age: 15 (21 by end of story)

Birthday: January 1st, 2000

Height: 5'3"

Ethnicity: African American and Japanese

Occupation: Soul Slayer, Spirit King

Born Spirit: Copy King

Spirit Ability: Ultimate imitation. It allows Karuro to perfectly copy any technique, move, or ability. It can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. There are three ways he can use his ability. Either see another move being used, know how a technique or move is performed, or be affected by said move. As long as he remembers a move that he copies, he can always use it. He can also combine the abilities he copies.

Physically Ability: Lightning Body Boost. Give Karuro the ability to control electricity and give him additional speed and stamina.

Mental Ability: Black Rage. When Karuro is mad beyond the brink, a dark aura and black blood cover his body. He gets a deadly boost in brute strength and anti-soul energy. He can also manipulate his black blood into weapons, long-range attacks, and anti-soul energy.

Spiritual Awakening: God King Mode. God king mode allows Karuro to combine his lightning body boost and black rage into one form.

Ultimate God King Mode: The Ultimate God King Mode possesses an infinite power multiplier, allowing Karuro's abilities and techniques to grow exponentially with each passing moment. As he engages in combat or taps into his full potential, his power continuously escalates, enabling him to surpass any previous limit he had. Not only that, he gains the ability to use every ability he possesses all at once. This infinite power multiplier ensures that Karuro's strength, speed, and overall capabilities become boundless, making him an unstoppable force in battle.

Karuro has a spikey afro with a ponytail in the back. In the Rookie Saga, Karuro wore a black t-shirt with a purple crown and sharps eyes on it with all-black pants and shoes. In the Knight Saga, he wore a long-sleeve black shirt with that same crown. He also wears a purple belt now and purple rips on his pants with purple and black shoes. In the King Saga, the sleeves on the shirt are now purple, and he also has a black cape with that same crown on his shirt, which is purple on the inside. After the King Saga, he has the same outfit but all the black is now white.

Princess Lillian Hazelheart

Lillian is the strong-willed daughter of Spirit King Yukahn. As a child, she was kidnapped by the demon Cobara but was saved by Karuro, forging a bond between them. Lillian possesses expert knowledge of soul energy and provides valuable support to Karuro on his missions. Though royalty, Lillian's kind heart and courage see her join Karuro on the front lines in the war against Valkaking. Over the years, she and Karuro fall in love, marrying after Karuro completes the Hellscape Arc. Lillian rules by Karuro's side as Spirit Queen and mother to their son, Karlos.

Age: 16 (22 by the end)

Birthday: October 6, 1999

Height: 8'0"

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Spirit Queen

Born Spirit: Ivory love

Spirit Ability: Love Energy Manipulation. Lillian gains the ability to manipulate the energy of love, which she can use to heal wounds and diseases. She can also use this energy to empower her allies and weaken her enemies, making them more susceptible to her healing powers.

Physical Ability: Healing Touch. Lillian's touch has the power to heal even the most grievous wounds and illnesses. She can also channel her love energy through her touch, empowering her healing abilities and strengthening her allies.

Mental Ability: Empathy. Lillian gains the ability to sense the emotions of others and understand their feelings. She can use this ability to calm and soothe those who are distressed and to provide comfort and solace to those in need.

Spiritual Awakening: Ivory Radiance. Lillian gains the ability to emit a powerful aura of love and healing energy that can heal and empower everyone within its range. She can also use this aura to create powerful shields that protect her and her allies from harm. In Ivory Radiance form, Lillian becomes a beacon of hope and love, spreading her healing powers to all who need them.

Lillian has hazel-colored eyes and hair. In most of the Sagas, Lillian wears flare leggings with a flare long-sleeve shirt that is cream and oat. After the King saga, she just wears a regular t-shirt but still keeps her leggings


A legendary warrior and master teacher at Olympia Academy, Kotashi sees great potential in Karuro and takes him under his wing. His wise mentorship helps develop Karuro's skills and character. Kotashi is revealed to be a prince of the Blukoi kingdom, which is nearly drawn into war with Hellbull. Kotashi leaves academy life behind to help Karuro avert catastrophe and make peace between the rival kingdoms. Even after Karuro becomes Spirit King, Kotashi remains a close confidant, providing guidance when crisis looms.

Age: 25 (31 by the end)

Birthday: June 21, 1990

Height: 6'0"

Ethnicity: Japanese

Occupation: Soul Slayer, Teacher at Olympia Spirit Academy

Born Spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: ChronoFrost Manipulation. Kotashi gains the ability to control and manipulate both ice and time. He can freeze objects, people, and even time itself, creating powerful temporal stasis fields that can freeze everything within their range. He can also manipulate the flow of time, slowing it down or speeding it up at will, and even reverse it in localized areas.

Physical Ability: Ice Body. Kotashi gains the ability to transform his body into solid ice, making him nearly invulnerable to physical attacks. He can also create ice constructs and weapons from his own body, shaping the ice to his will.

Mental Ability: Time Perception. Kotashi gains the ability to perceive time on a much higher level, allowing him to predict his enemies' movements and react with lightning-fast reflexes. He can also manipulate his perception of time, slowing it down or speeding it up to his advantage.

Spiritual Awakening: Frost Time Warp. Kotashi gains the ability to create powerful temporal anomalies that can freeze entire worlds in time or accelerate them to the point of destruction. He can create temporal portals that allow him to travel through time, or summon forth powerful blizzards that can freeze everything in their path. In Frost Time Warp form, Kotashi becomes a master of both ice and time, capable of bending the very fabric of reality to his will.

Kotashi has hair that's spiky on top and smooth on the back and two bangs on the sides. He wears a dark blue Gakuran with a light blue scarf and mask covering his face.

Daigo Joanna Jogin

Daigo boasts about his skills and constantly tries to prove himself better than others, especially Karuro. This can come across as belittling and create tension within the team. hile clearly talented, Daigo's strong will and competitive nature can make him clash with his mentors and authority figures. Despite his flaws, Daigo might have the ability to learn the value of teamwork and cooperation, especially as he faces challenges alongside his team.

Age: 17 (23 by the end)

Birthday: June 20, 1998

Height: 6'2

Ethnicity: Italian-Japanese

Occupation: Soul Slayer

Born Spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: Search And Destroy. Daigo can touch any object and home them on to anyone he wants at blinding speeds.

Physical Ability: Metal Coat. Daigo can coat anything he touches in metal, including himself.

Mental Ability: Super Size/Shrink: Daigo can make any object he touches large or small

Spiritual Awakening: Hot Armor. Daigo coats his whole body in metal, then charges soul energy into the metal causing it to heat up.

Daigo wears a silver t shirt, black pants, and a leather jacket. He has a very sharp pizza-shaped pompadour.


Karuro's best friend and teammate, Nozz provides comic relief and moral support on their adventures. Nozz wields psychic abilities that complement Karuro's combat skills. Though easygoing and fun-loving, Nozz is fiercely loyal and willing to fight when needed. Even as Karuro shoulders the burden of leadership, Nozz stays by his side, keeping Karuro grounded. Nozz also develops affection for Talia, though is too shy to confess his true feelings.

Age: 15 (21 by the end)

Birthday: September 27, 2000

Height: 5'7"

Ethnicity: Caucasian - Japanese

Occupation: Soul Slayer

Born Spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: Psychokinesis. Nozz has immense psychic abilities, including telekinesis, telepathy, and the ability to create powerful psychic constructs. He can read minds, move objects with his mind, and create powerful psychic barriers to protect himself and others.

Physical Ability: Psychic Charge. Nozz can charge his physical attacks with psychic energy, making them much more powerful and allowing him to strike from a distance with ranged psychic attacks.

Mental Ability: Psycho Possession. Nozz can possess the minds of others, taking control of their bodies and using them to do his bidding. He can also read their thoughts and memories while possessing them.

Spiritual Awakening: Psychic evolution. Nozz can tap into his true psychic power, evolving into a powerful psychic being with incredible abilities. In this form, he gains the ability to manipulate reality with his mind, create psychic storms, and even bend time and space to his will.

Nozz wears a baseball cap backward. He has three bangs that stick out of his hat and wears sweatsuits and jumpsuits, usually green-blue blue and sometimes yellow.


Once a revered teacher, Soken turned to the dark arts after his wife was killed in the 2005 invasion. Obsessed with creating order through power, Soken manipulated others toward his own ends. However, teaming up with Karuro to defeat Barakmaa and seeing Karuro's mercy opened Soken's eyes, leading him to reject his former ways. The two develop an unlikely friendship, with Soken finding redemption through Karuro's guidance.

Age: 43 (49 by the end)

Birthday: May 5, 1977

Height: 6'2"

Ethnicity: Japanese

Occupation: jobless

Born spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: Gray Matter. Gray matter allows Soken to create, destroy, and rearrange matter to his will.

Physical ability: Material Form. Soken gains the ability to transform his body into any form of matter he desires. He can turn his body into steel, water, or even air, allowing him to move through spaces undetected and be invulnerable to physical attacks.

Mental ability: Mind Over Matter. Soken gains complete control over his mind and the minds of others. He can manipulate thoughts, erase memories, and create powerful illusions that can fool even the strongest minds.

Spiritual Awakening: Outerversal Creation. Soken gains the ability to create and manipulate entire universes at will. He can shape reality to his liking, create and destroy galaxies, and even control time itself. In this form, Soken becomes an omnipotent being, capable of creating and destroying entire realities with a mere thought.

Soken has long, dark hair tied back in a ponytail. He wears dark robes accented with gray runic patterns.


The fearsome second-in-command of Heaven's army, Valkaking despised humans, seeing them as a blight. After Barakmaa's defeat tipped cosmic scales out of balance, Valkaking overthrew and absorbed his leader Zeusko. Commanding Heaven's forces, Valkaking ruthlessly invaded Earth to eradicate humanity. He served as Karuro's greatest adversary, pushing Karuro to attain new power to defeat Valkaking, save humankind, and restore balance.

Age: Unknown, immortal

Height: 30ft

Ethnicity: Angel

Occupation: Former General of Heaven

Born Spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: Divine Fusion. As the Omniangel, Valkaking has the ability to fuse and defuse with any being he wishes to create an even more powerful entity.

Physical Ability: Omnipotent Strength. Valkaking possesses immense strength, able to destroy entire universes with a single strike.

Mental Ability: Omniscient Mind. Valkaking's mind has access to infinite knowledge, giving him complete understanding and control over all things.

Spiritual Awakening: Divine Grandeur. Valkaking's body becomes a golden aura with divine powers, granting him godly abilities. He can manipulate space and time, create and destroy entire realities, and even bring beings back to life. In this form, Valkaking is virtually invincible and can only be defeated by someone with equal or greater divine power.

Valkaking looks like a tall angelic knight with golden armor, helmet platinum wings, and twin swords. His eyes glow with power.

Karlos Ashren

Despite his Spirit King heritage, Karlos grows up humble and kind-hearted. Deeply empathetic, he hopes to follow in his father's footsteps as a peacemaker between humans and spirits. Though still young when introduced in the story's finale, Karlos' compassion provides hope for a brighter future, signaling humanity's redemption.

Age: 5 years old

Birthday: December 31, 2022

Height: 4'5"

Ethnicity: African-American/Caucasian

Occupation: Prince of the Spirit Realm

Born Spirit: Plasma Prince

Spirit Ability: Plasma Manipulation. Karlos has the extraordinary power to control and manipulate plasma, the fourth state of matter that exists in the form of superheated ionized gas. With this ability, he can generate and shape plasma into various forms, including powerful plasma bolts, plasma shields, and plasma waves.

Physical Ability: Plasma Charge. Karlos can infuse his physical attacks with plasma energy, enhancing their destructive potential and enabling him to strike opponents from a distance with ranged plasma attacks.

Mental Ability: Plasma Mindmeld. Karlos possesses the extraordinary capability of not only merging his consciousness with others through Plasma Mindmeld but also exerting control over objects and states of matter. With his mind-to-mind connection, he can influence and manipulate the physical world, bending objects and altering states of matter to his will. This unique power grants him the ability to rearrange elements, shape materials, and even transform the properties of matter itself. Through Plasma Manipulation, Karlos wields an awe-inspiring control over the fundamental building blocks of reality.

Spiritual Awakening: Plasma Fusion. Upon reaching his full potential, Karlos undergoes a transformation called Plasma Fusion. In this heightened state, he becomes one with plasma energy, transcending normal physical limitations. In his Plasma Fusion form, he can generate massive plasma eruptions, control plasma on a cosmic scale, and manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe through plasma manipulation.

As a young child, Karlos had a spikey afro with a ponytail. He wears a black T-shirt with a hot pink crown and sharp eyes on it with all-black shorts and shoes.


Kaya is Karuro's fiercely devoted older sister. She was unable to protect her parents during the 2005 invasion, making her very protective of Karuro. Kaya is an earth elemental with mastery over stone and minerals. When Karuro embarks on his quest for the Soul Gems, Kaya readily joins to support him with her wisdom and elemental skills. Their sibling bond grounds Karuro despite the growing pressures he faces.

Age: 25 (31 by the end)

Birthday: September 4, 1990

Height: 6'0"

Ethnicity: African American- Japanese

Occupation: Bodyguard for hire

Born Spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: Life Infusion. Kaya gains the ability to infuse rocks and minerals with her own life force, causing them to come to life and obey her commands. She can use this ability to create armies of living rock creatures, each imbued with her own vitality and strength.

Physical Ability: Geokinetic Mastery. Kaya gains complete control over the earth and rocks around her, able to manipulate their shape, composition, and movement at will. She can create earthquakes, control the flow of lava, and even create solid rock constructs to use as weapons or shields.

Mental Ability: Nature Empathy. Kaya gains a deep connection to the natural world, allowing her to sense the emotions and thoughts of plants, animals, and even rocks. She can use this ability to communicate with her living rock creations, and can even sense disturbances in the earth itself.

Spiritual Awakening: Terraform. Kaya gains the ability to reshape the very landscape around her, using her geokinetic powers and life-infused rocks to create new mountains, valleys, and even entire islands. In Terraform mode, Kaya becomes one with the earth, able to mold it to her will and bring new life to even the most barren of places.

Unlike her little brother, Kaya's afro is curly, big, and dyed brown. She wears a white button-up shirt with a brown tie. She also wears a light brown shirt with leggings underneath.


A quiet, studious girl at Olympia Academy, Talia develops camaraderie with Karuro and Nozz during training. As a shadow elemental, she can become intangible or strike enemies from darkness. Her analytical thinking balances Karuro and Nozz's brashness on missions. Over time, she begins sensing Nozz's attraction to her and contemplates how to respond to his feelings.

Age: 15 (21 by the end)

Birthday: February 2, 2000

Height: 5'7"

Ethnicity: Hispanic- Japanese

Occupation: Soul Slayer

Spiritual Ability: Shadow Cloak: Talia envelops herself or her allies in a shroud of darkness and shadows, rendering them virtually invisible to the naked eye. Talia can also use her Shadow cloak to create a localized pitch-black area, from which she launches surprise attacks on unsuspecting foes.

Physical Ability: Shadow Strike: Talia channels her soul energy into a concealed weapon, delivering a precise and devastating strike to an opponent's vital spot. Combining her Shadow Strike with her Shadow Cloak, Talia delivers a powerful, almost ghostly, strike that weakens the target's soul and leaves them vulnerable.

Mental Ability: Fog Brain: Talia creates convincing illusions within the minds of her enemies, distracting, confusing, or misdirecting them with false sensory perceptions.

Spiritual Awakening: Phantom Shift: Talia becomes intangible, passing through solid objects like walls, doors, or barriers to access restricted areas, evade pursuit, or set up ambushes. While in her intangible state, Talia briefly materializes to deliver a surprise attack, phasing through her target's defenses to incapacitate them before they can react.

Talia goes for a gothic style in her clothing. Her favorite brand is Chrome Hearts and she wears mostly dark colors with metal accessories to go along with her outfits.

Yukahn Blackheart

The wise Spirit King who oversees Karuro's training, Yukahn resembles a kind father figure. He puts Karuro through rigorous trials to groom him as a successor, recognizing Karuro's inner strength and conviction. Yukahn comes to regard Karuro as the son he never had. In the war against Valkaking, Yukahn almost sacrifices himself to protect Karuro's friends and family, entrusting the future to him.

Age: 45 (51 by the end)

Birthday: January 26, 1970

Height: 7'0"

Ethnicity: Dark Elf

Occupation: Former Spirit King

Born Spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: Twilight Manipulation. Yukahn gains the ability to manipulate and control the forces of light and darkness simultaneously. He can generate, shape, and project twilight energy that combines the properties of both light and dark.

Physical Ability: Darkelf Form. Yukahn is a dark elf who can transform his body into a semi-transparent, shadowy form infused with light and darkness. He can move through solid objects, making him almost impossible to hit, and can manipulate light and darkness to create illusions and teleport short distances.

Mental Ability: Mind of Twilight. Yukahn gains complete control over his own mind and emotions, allowing him to enter a state of perfect balance between light and darkness. He can also manipulate the minds of others, causing them to become confused or disoriented, or even influencing them to make decisions they wouldn't normally make.

Spiritual Awakening: Eclipse. Yukahn gains the ability to merge the forces of light and darkness into a single, powerful energy. He can generate an eclipse-like effect that covers an entire area, causing everything to be enveloped in a mixture of light and shadow. In this form, Yukahn becomes an all-powerful being, capable of bending reality to his will, altering space and time, and controlling the balance of light and darkness in the universe.

Yukahn is tall and is literally pitch black with eyes made of light. His cape and crown are also made of light.


The cunning lord of Hell, Barakmaa masterminded the 2005 invasion that claimed Karuro's parents. Obsessed with power, Barakmaa tries to prevent Karuro and Soken from reaching him in Hell's depths. But working together, Karuro and Soken overcome Hell's challenges and destroy Barakmaa. His defeat cements Karuro's status as the prophesied hero capable of defeating the ultimate evil.

Age: Over 1000 years old

Height: 9ft

Ethnicity: Devil

Occupation: Ruler of Hell

Born Spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: Devil's Corruption. Barakmaa has the power to corrupt and manipulate the souls of the living and the dead, turning them into his loyal minions. He can also create portals to the demon realm and summon powerful demons to do his bidding.

Physical Ability: Hellish Reality. Barakmaa can manipulate reality at will, creating illusions, warping space and time, and altering the physical properties of matter. He can also shape-shift into any form he desires, including monstrous and demonic ones.

Mental Ability: Devil's Shoulder. Barakmaa can control the minds of others, bending them to his will and making them do his bidding. He can also read their thoughts and memories, and even inflict mental pain and suffering.

Spiritual Awakening: Pure Hell. Barakmaa's power grows exponentially, turning him into a demonic god of destruction. He gains immense strength, speed, and durability, as well as the ability to manipulate hellfire and summon legions of demonic warriors to fight for him. In this form, he becomes virtually invincible, able to withstand even the most powerful attacks and unleash devastating blasts of energy that can destroy entire planets.

Barakmaa appears as a towering devil with his skull head and horns wreathed in flames. He has large bat-like wings and claws.


A deceitful smoke entity, Smokagodda manipulates the Hellbull and Blukoi kingdoms into warring through his alter ego "Gost." By secretly advising both sides, he fuels tensions until open war erupts. Smokagodda feeds on the violence and chaos. Only through Karuro's intervention do the deceived kings finally make peace, leading to Smokagodda's defeat.

Gost is a weak, clever, and evil air aberration. He used to be one of the most powerful beings in the world until he was defeated by the previous spirit king. Feeling bitter and angry after his defeat, he laid dormant for years. Only to be awakened by the bad blood between The hellbull kingdom and the blukoi kingdom. He creates a second persona named Smokagodda to manipulate and trick the two kingdoms into creating chaos, which will give Gost enough power to become even more powerful than he ever was.

Ages: 1000+ years old

Birthdays: (Gost) April 1 (Smokagodda) April 20

(Smokagodda) Height: Any he wants (Gost) Height: 5'9

Ethnicitys: A Smoke God and A Air God

Occupations: Trolls

(Smokagodda) Spirit Ability: Chaos Smoke Manipulation. Gost/Smokagodda gains the ability to control and manipulate smoke with chaotic energy. He can generate, extinguish, and control smoke with intense and unpredictable power. He can create clouds of smoke that can cause confusion, disorientation, and hallucinations in his enemies.

Physical Ability: Smoke Form. Gost/Smokagodda's body becomes a formless, ever-shifting cloud of smoke. He can move through small spaces and become invisible, making him a nearly impossible target. He can also shape his smoke form to create weapons and tendrils that can lash out at his enemies.

Mental Ability: Madness Smoke. Gost/Smokagodda gains the ability to manipulate the minds of others with smoke infused with pure chaos energy. He can cause confusion, hallucinations, and even temporary insanity in his enemies, making them turn on each other or succumb to their own inner demons.

(Gost) Spirit Ability: Air Manipulation. Gost has complete control over air, wielding it to create powerful winds, suffocate enemies, solidify it, or even form invisible blades.

Physical Ability: Illusion Casting. Gost can manipulate perceptions, creating illusions or disguises to further his schemes.

Mental Ability: White Fire. Gost mixes his air with his soul energy to create white fire, which is so hot that it can burn hotter than stars.

Spiritual Awakening: Smokapocalypse. Gost/Smokagodda gains the ability to summon forth an inferno of smoke and chaos energy, engulfing entire worlds in madness and destruction. They can control the intensity and unpredictability of the smoke, creating a chaotic maelstrom that can rip apart the very fabric of reality. In Smokapocalypse form, Gost/Smokagodda becomes a harbinger of pure chaos, capable of causing destruction and madness on a cosmic scale.

Smokagodda is just a smoke cloud while Gost has a small white cloud head with a "normal" body and wears a white suit.

Suno Kidd

Suno is a monkey spirit demigod tasked with training Karuro before the Spirit King trials. Using harsh disciplinarian methods, he pushes Karuro to his utmost limits in order to ready his body, mind, and soul. Though Karuro despises the training initially, he comes to appreciate Suno's wisdom in preparing him for the responsibilities of kingship.

Age: 1000+ years old

Birthday: August 16

Height: 5'8"

Ethnicity: Spirit Monkey

Occupation: Spirit King Trainer

Born Spirit: Monkey God

Spirit Ability: Monkey King's Might. Suno possesses incredible strength, agility, and endurance, comparable to the Monkey King Hanuman himself.

Physical Ability: Golden Fur. Suno's fur is imbued with a golden aura that gives him increased defense and immunity to most physical attacks.

Mental Ability: Monkey Mind. Suno has a sharp mind and excellent memory, allowing him to quickly learn and adapt to any situation. He can also read the thoughts of others and communicate telepathically.

Spiritual Awakening: Monkey God's Blessing. Suno gains the ability to transform into a giant golden monkey with godlike power. In this form, he can manipulate cosmic energy, create powerful shockwaves, and summon the elements of nature. He also gains immortality and a deep connection to the divine, making him virtually invincible.

Suno is an anthropomorphic monkey with golden fur and wears traditional martial arts attire.


A fierce traditionalist, Onin sees Karuro as unworthy of being Spirit King and tries killing him during the trials. However, Karuro's compassion even after defeating Onin changes his perspective. Onin goes from a rival to a staunch ally, protecting Karuro's loved ones during the war against Valkaking.

Age: 53 (59 by the end)

Birthday: November 3, 1970

Height: 6'5"

Ethnicity: Japanese

Occupation: General of the Spirit Army

Born Spirit: N/A

Spirit Ability: Ogre Fury. When Onin taps into his ogre side, he becomes a savage beast with incredible strength and durability. He can smash through walls and take on multiple opponents at once without breaking a sweat.

Physical Ability: Samurai Arts. Onin has trained in the ancient art of the samurai, allowing him to wield a katana with deadly precision. He can slice through objects with ease and deflect projectiles with his blade.

Mental Ability: Oni Mind. Onin's mind is as strong as his body. He has the ability to enter a trance-like state where he can tap into his inner rage and increase his physical abilities even further. He can also read the thoughts of others and manipulate their emotions to his advantage.

Spiritual Awakening: Ogre Samurai. In this form, Onio combines his ogre fury and samurai arts into one deadly package. He grows in size and strength, his katana turns into a massive blade that can slice through buildings, and he gains the ability to summon powerful oni demons to aid him in battle.

Onin is tall and muscular with a stern face you can't see. He wears red and crimson samurai-style armor and always carries his katana.


A brute demon who takes sadistic pleasure in dominating weaker beings, Cobara kidnaps Princess Lillian to exploit her healing powers. By defeating Cobara and rescuing Lillian, Karuro proves himself a promising young hero, setting the stage for his rise.

Age: 28

Height: 20 ft (giant snake form)

Ethnicity: Snake Demon

Occupation: Mercenary

Born Spirit: Serpentum

Spirit Ability: Serpentine Physiology. Cobara has the ability to transform into a giant snake or any species of snake. He has razor-sharp fangs and can produce deadly venom. His sense of smell and hearing are enhanced, and he can move with incredible speed and agility.

Physical Ability: Coiling Constriction. Cobara can coil around his enemies and squeeze them with incredible force, crushing bones and suffocating them. He can also use this ability to constrict objects or buildings, destroying them in the process.

Mental Ability: Mesmerizing Gaze. Cobara has the ability to hypnotize his enemies with his gaze, making them vulnerable to his attacks or even controlling their actions. He can also use this ability to charm or persuade others.

Spiritual Awakening: Orochi Form. Cobara can tap into the power of Orochi, a legendary eight-headed snake, and transform into a giant, multi-headed serpent. In this form, he gains incredible strength and durability and can breathe fire and other elemental attacks from his head.

Cobara is a tall purple snake demon with arms and yellow eyes and wears a leather jacket. He can transform into a massive cobra.


The king of the Hellbull Kingdom, Hebro rose to power through domination and believes strength and aggression are the only paths to survival. He has an expansive understanding of fire magic and partnered with the fiery buffalo spirit Elhell to further enhance his pyromantic skills.

When tensions escalate with the neighboring BluKoi Kingdom, Hebro's warmongering nature makes compromise difficult. He feels entitled to the contested ancestral valleys and refuses to back down, intent on reclaiming the Hellbulls' former territory even if it means annihilating BluKoi forces.

However, Smokagodda's hidden manipulations inflame the situation beyond Hebro's control. In a pivotal moment, Hebro works with former enemies Karuro and Isada to defeat Smokagodda, putting aside his pride for the greater good. This cooperation opens Hebro's eyes to the possibility of a united future between Hellbull and BluKoi.

Age: 22 (28 by the end)

Birthday: December 29, 1993

Height: 10'0"

Ethnicity: Hispanic- greek

Occupation: King of the Hellbull kingdom

Born Spirit: Elhell

Spirit Ability: Hellfire. Hebro gains the ability to channel his Soul Energy into flames of hellish nature, fueling his power with his primal instincts. He can generate, control, and manipulate flames with intense heat and destructive power, using them to incinerate his enemies and destroy obstacles in his path.

Physical Ability: Inferno Beast Form. Hebro's body transforms into a fearsome inferno beast, granting him enhanced physical abilities, including razor-sharp claws, teeth, and scales that can withstand even the hottest flames. He can breathe fire and summon bursts of flames from his body, causing destruction wherever he goes.

Mental Ability: Blaze Fury. Hebro's mind becomes consumed with an unquenchable fury, allowing him to enter a state of pure savagery. He can manipulate the minds of others, causing them to become fearful and disoriented, and can unleash a barrage of fire-based attacks to overwhelm his foes.

Spiritual Awakening: Hell On Earth. Hebro gains the ability to summon forth an inferno of apocalyptic proportions, engulfing entire worlds in flames of hellfire. He can control the temperature and intensity of the flames, unleashing destruction on a scale never before seen. In Hellfire Apocalypse form, Hebro becomes an unstoppable force of nature, capable of reducing entire galaxies to ashes with a single gesture.

Hebro wears Orange Viking armor and a helmet that covers his whole body.


The king of BluKoi, Isada gained the throne only because his brother Kotashi left BluKoi than combat prowess, which gave him an inferiority complex. He shares a strong bond with the ocean, wielding power over water and partnering with the serpentine dragon spirit Hydrodragon. Isada tries negotiating when Hebro issues threats over the ancestral valleys, hoping to resolve the conflict diplomatically. But Smokagodda's deceptions make peace impossible, prompting an all-out war between Hellbull and BluKoi forces. During the heat of battle, Isada's anger and pain blind him, causing him to violently turn against even his brother Kotashi. But when the smoke clears, Isada sees the errors of his ways, reconciling with his former foes for the greater good.

Age: 22 (28 by the end)

Birthday: March 22, 1993

Height: 6'0"

Ethnicity: Japanese

Occupation: King of the BluKoi kingdom

Born Spirit: Hydrodragon

Spirit Ability: Hydrospace. When Isada opens his deadzone, he controls all the concepts of space like gravity and force. Time does not exist when hydrospace is active.

Physical Ability: Aqua Dragon Form. Isada gains the ability to transform his body into an aquatic dragon-like creature, giving him enhanced strength, speed, and durability. He can breathe underwater and control water-based attacks.

Mental Ability: Hydroconsciousness. Isada gains complete control over his own mind and emotions, allowing him to enter a state of perfect focus and clarity. He can also manipulate the minds of others, causing them to become confused, disoriented, or even fall asleep.

Spiritual Awakening: Hydrocosmos. Isada gains the ability to control all aspects of water in the universe, from the tiniest droplets to the largest oceans. He can create tidal waves, whirlpools, and hurricanes, and can even manipulate water molecules to create ice or steam. In Hydrocosmos form, Isada wields godlike power over all aqueous realms and entities.

Isada simply wears a hooded black and blue royal ninja yoroi