Something Familiar

Ye Heng stood up with the pair of chopsticks in his hand. The soft and childish voice made him look up. The look on his face turned gentler when he saw a familiar face in front of him. "It's you."

Tang Chen had a polite smile on his face. "Uncle, hello."

"Hello." Ye Heng swept his gaze around the area. His brow furrowed when he noticed that the little boy was alone. "Little boy, why are you here alone? Your parents are not around?"

"My Uncle went out to answer a phone call," Tang Chen answered. He glanced in the direction where Yin Yi Bo was standing. "He should come back soon."

Ye Heng followed Tang Chen's line of gaze and saw that he was looking at a man. He felt a bit more at ease, knowing that the little boy was not eating alone.

This was the second time that Ye Heng had seen Tang Chen alone and he was a bit worried for the boy. The world is not a kind place and there would be a lot of people who would have an ill intention towards a cute boy like Tang Chen.

However, Ye Heng was now curious about Tang Chen.

The last time he saw this little boy, he was accompanied by his grandmother. And now, he was with his uncle. Ye Heng could not help but wonder about the young boy's parents.

A few seconds later, Ye Heng figured that he should not be too curious about the little boy's family just because he had never seen the little boy's parents. 

Ye Heng placed the chopsticks on the table. Then, he took a pair of new chopsticks from the container and washed it with the hot water provided. Once it was clean, Ye Heng handed it over to Tang Chen again.

"Little boy, your chopsticks are dirty. It's better for you to use a new one."

Tang Chen stared at the pair of clean chopsticks with a dazed look on his face. He did not think that Ye Heng would help him to clean a new pair of chopsticks for him. Tang Chen slowly reached for the chopsticks from Ye Heng and nodded politely, "Thank you, uncle."

His mother and grandmother always reminded him not to talk to a stranger. However, Tang Chen felt that the uncle in front of him could be someone trustworthy.

"You are welcome." The corner of Ye Heng's lips turned into a smile. The little boy in front of him was cute and polite. Ye Heng was very fond of the little boy.

"Elder Brother?"

The voice made Ye Heng turn around. "Xiao Luo." A hint of guilt appeared on his face when he saw his youngest sister behind him.

He was supposed to pay for the bills and find his younger sister outside the building. However, meeting this little boy made him forget about his Ye Qing Luo.

"I was waiting for you outside. I thought that you might lost your way." Ye Qing Luo had a playful look on her face. She then turned around when she had a feeling of being watched. Ye Qing Luo was surprised to see that a little boy was staring back at her. 

The little boy was looking at her apprehensively. 

His expression looked like an adult who was silently observing the people in front of him. 

However, Ye Qing Luo noticed that the way Tang Chen looked at Ye Heng was different. At least, his face was gentler.

"Hello." Ye Qing Luo flashed a smile. It was then that she recalled seeing her elder brother speaking to the little boy earlier.

Ye Qing Luo turned to her elder brother, wondering if he knew the cute little boy.

Tang Chen nodded but did not say anything. He shifted his gaze to Ye Heng with an inquiring look on his face. 

"This is my younger sister." Ye Heng explained. He glanced at his Ye Qing Luo and spoke, "We should go now." Het turned to Tang Chen again and smiled. "Little boy, you should eat your noodles carefully. It's a little hot. Don't burn your tongue."

After saying a few more words to Tang Chen, Ye Heng finally dragged his youngest sister to leave the restaurant.

"Elder Brother," Ye Qing Luo called once they were farther away from the restaurant. "Who is that little boy? I saw you talking to him earlier. Do you know him?" She let out a sigh. "That boy is quite adorable."

"I don't." Ye Heng shook his head. "The boy's chopsticks fell on the floor. I was just helping him to pick it up." He did not plan to tell his youngest sister about his encounter with the little boy a few days ago.

"Really?" Ye Qing Luo tapped her fingers on her chin a few times. Her brow furrowed as she recalled the little boy's face. Ye Qing Luo thought that the boy was adorable. However, there was something familiar about him.

It felt as if she had seen that boy before.

However, Ye Qing Luo knew that she had never seen that boy before.

This feeling was quite strange. Ye Qing Luo could not understand what was going on with her.

"What's wrong?" Ye Heng was quick to notice that his little sister had something in her mind.

Ye Qing Luo smiled. "I just thought that the little boy looked quite familiar. Elder Brother, don't you think that the little boy's eyes resembled Yu Yu?"

Ye Heng laughed as he was reminded of their nephew, Su Yu. "Xiao Luo, you're a little silly. Do you think that all little boys looked alike?"

Ye Qing Luo pursed her lips. She did not think that all little boys looked alike. However, that little boy in that restaurant earlier reminded her of her nephew, Su Yu a lot.

"Perhaps you just missed Yu Yu," Ye Heng pointed out.

Ye Qing Luo heaved a sigh. It has been a few days since the last time she saw the little boy and Ye Qing Luo did missed Su Yu a lot.